• Closure of Keresforth Special Resource Centre Barnsley South Yorkshire
    These disabled people cannot speak for themselves . The parents need these places because it is not only a stimulus for the person with the disability but also gives them some time for normality The council / SWYPT should clearly explain why these persons the most vulnerable in society are being targetted and what benefits this gives these persons by doing this. It cannot be at the detriment of their welfare which if it goes ahead as planned quite clearly will be. The MP’s should be in touch with local change and therefore should be championing these vulnerable persons to ensure they receive the best care The Tory government’s lack of funding for social care especially to those who do not and therefore cannot speak for themselves are an easy target .This is both callous and thoughtless from start to finish . It is paramount these persons get the best that society can give them . The young lady I know may not be able to speak nor can she walk , feed herself ,dress herself or look after her personal hygiene . But one thing she can do is light up a room with her infectious smile because she is such a beautiful young lady who is so loved and cared for. To think that by making these changes she may be affected and lose this wonderful trait is beyond comprehension. If only she could express her feelings and let everyone know how this will affect her wellbeing As for her parents they are both retired and have health issues. Do they really need the added stress of not knowing what will happen to their child and the worry associated with what is being planned This is becoming the norm all over the UK why do we not stand up to these contemptible people and say NO MORE . The vulnerable need our voice so let’s shout it out loud and clear . Stop these insane cuts on the severely disabled and start and make them feel loved and wanted and have the best life they can have . Not forgetting the parents and families who suffer when they feel their child is being neglected and that they have no voice and are invisible to the powers that be . I have shown this as a local issue as this is occurring in my local constituency but I firmly believe it is happening right now in numerous places across the UK and will continue unless we do whatever we can to stop it. Please can you give your support to the plight of these vulnerable persons
    1,093 of 2,000 Signatures
    Created by Alan Sutcliffe
  • Reducing Prison Officer Retirement Age
    Prison Officers are the forgotten public servants. Media attention for this service only happens in a negative way when we are forced to strike, highlighting increasing pressure placed upon us to deliver a safe environment for those in our care. If the reality of daily occurrences that happen across the prisons in our country ever got out, the public would be horrified at the extent of how cuts across the service have impacted on the safety of those within prisons.  Staff deal with violent and unpredictable prisoners every day, these prisoners are deemed too unsafe to be with the public. We protect the public by ensuring these people are secured and kept in a safe, humane environment. Whilst attempting to deliver programmes and courses to reduce re-offending so hopefully upon release, they can integrate back into society and lead law abiding lives and are no longer a risk to the public. As an Officer, I have been physically dragged into a cell and attacked, I've had both my knees dislocated in one incident. I have been spat on and threatened on many occasions. However, some Officers I know have experienced far more harrowing incidents I recall: Female Officers having faeces and urine thrown on them. Scolding hot water thrown at Officers for no reason, Officers have been held hostage, one Officer was sexually assaulted, another punched so hard in the face he has had to have extensive surgery on his face and will never return to the job. These are only a few incidents of Officers that I personally know, let alone Officers around the country in other establishments.  Every day we deal with prisoners self harming, sometimes so severely that the person self harming has lost use of their limb(s) . We deal with people attempting to (and sometimes succeeding) in taking their own lives, on a regular basis, sadly this is a common occurrence and is part and parcel of ring a Prison Officer. The mental scars left on us when this happens are dismissed and the expectation is for us to carry on as normal. We talk to prisoners on a daily basis in a bid to stop them from self-harming and stop them from potentially taking their own life. You probably think 'these are rare occasions' but they are not, these are daily occurrences. The stress and mental health issues Prison Officers face on a daily basis is four times the national average. A number of Officers have been medically discharged with mental health issues that arise from dealing with incidents like these.  I am not looking for sympathy or saying all of this for any other reason other than to raise awareness of what a Prison Officer deals with on a daily basis. Prison Officers do this job because they are committed to trying to change the mindset of challenging individuals and make a difference that will benefit everybody. Times are changing, prisons have become a more violent environment to work and live in, statistics demonstrate that this is continued to rise. Officers are assaulted DAILY and the Government expectation is for Officers to work in this environment until they are 68 YEARS OLD. Whilst this job is manageable from 18-55/60 MAX, this is not the environment for a 68-year-old to be working in. Can you imagine your 60-68 year old Mother/Father, even your Gran/Grandad attempting to stop a 15 stone, 18-year-old steroid user or a violent individual from attacking another person within the prison setting?   The new Prison officers salary for doing the job is now starting at £20,000pa and eventually rising to a maximum of £26,000pa (over a 6 year period) which may sound like a good figure on paper but would you do this job for that money? The pensions have been torn apart and we don't have great pensions either. We have Officers that have been doing this job for 20+ years and planned their whole retirements on a pension that can no longer support them or their families. It is a reported fact, that the job of a Prison Officer is one of the most stressful jobs in the country. There are several articles on this but here are just a couple: https://www.thetimes.co.uk/article/prison-officers-stress-is-four-times-average-mz3pcz3tc https://www.totaljobs.com/insidejob/top-5-most-stressful-jobs/ It is a fact that most Prison Officers don't make their retirement age and if they do they don't make it much past the retirement age of 60 let alone 68.  The Fire Service, the Police and all the armed forces retire at 60 and rightfully so. I am asking people to sign the petition for Prison Officers to be able to retire at 60 along with the other services that deal with dangerous and violent individuals. Thank you for your time.
    40,579 of 45,000 Signatures
    Created by Josh Finn
  • Help the people of Raigmore to purchase the Raigmore Bunker
    CARE have worked very hard to improve Raigmore Estate with 2 parks and a skatepark already installed, the addition of this bunker and exterior space would greatly improve what we can offer. The Civil Defence and Emergency Service Preservation Trust have transformed a bunker in Dundee and will do the same with this one. This facility will be available for tours and bookings and will be restored to its functional state. In addition CARE plan to run a community cafe, to rent workspace to locals, meeting space for groups and an outdoor area for events. All profits will go back into the community. We would greatly appreciate your support to make this happen.
    510 of 600 Signatures
    Created by Jackie Lumsden
  • Stop Scotrail Skipping Stops
    Commuters have had enough of the daily train lottery. Will the train be running and will it stop? Or will I again be left standing on the platform to wait for the next train in the hope it is actually running, perhaps even watching the train roll past without stopping because it's running 8 minutes late? And if I get on a train will it be going to my stop or will I be left stranded 3 stops before my destination? Will I get to work on time? Will I get home to collect the kids from school? Will I make that appointment? Or will I get let down by Scotrail yet again? Sound familiar.... Despite Scotrail claiming skipping stops is a last resort, on a number of routes it appears to be a daily occurrence. Commuters are paying for a service and the service they are receiving is not acceptable. Is it too much to ask that trains start where they are supposed to, stop at timetabled stops and actually reach their destination? The practice of stop skipping must be stopped.
    2,168 of 3,000 Signatures
    Created by Lynn Reid
  • Keep All Northamptonshire Libraries in Public Ownership
    Libraries are often one of the last free to use public hubs in towns and villages where services have already been drastically cut. Reducing Northamptonshire's libraries and potentially leaving only 8 would be devastating for this semi rural county. These important buildings don't just house books they provide modern meeting places for many clubs and groups as well as community events, meeting rooms, internet access and a host of other services. To lose the libraries and with them some children's centres and elderly respite provision would be a real tragedy for our thriving communities leaving us without access to vital services.
    59 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Suzanna Austin
  • Save Northamptonshire's Public Libraries
    Up to 28 of the County's 36 libraries will be closed if the council's plans go ahead. Libraries are vital to information, reading and research, children's learning, ideas and educational facilities for everyone. They are centres of communities. The public library is the place where children love to choose their own book. They learn to enjoy reading which is one of life's most rewarding pleasures.
    1,766 of 2,000 Signatures
    Created by Paula Williams
  • Save Northamptonshire libraries
    The libraries are very good for studying and a quiet place to read, but Northamptonshire council are thinking of closing up to 28 of our 36 Libraries in order to save money. Three options have been put forward: two would shut the doors of 21 libraries; the third would close 28. We think that ALL of the libraries should be saved.
    33 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Quinton Vidgeon
  • Save our sexual health services
    Sexual health services that are free and open to anyone who needs them have been the keystone of world-leading sexual health care in England for over a hundred years. They provide essential functions such as testing and treatment for sexually transmitted infections (STIs) and HIV, free contraception including emergency methods such as the ‘morning after pill’ and long-acting methods, as well as sexual health promotion, advice on STI/HIV prevention and outreach services across the community. These services are free to access, confidential and are there for everyone, including those who are the most vulnerable in society. However, sexual health services, which are no longer funded from the NHS, are facing unprecedented threats as a result of damaging and persistent Government cuts to local authority public health budgets, from which they are now funded. These cuts come at a time when more people are accessing sexual health services than ever before, record levels of STIs are being diagnosed, difficult to treat antibiotic-resistant strains of infection are being detected and the need for quality contraception and HIV testing is more important than ever. Therefore, it is essential that the Government ensures appropriate public health funding is made available for local authorities so we are able to address these challenges head-on and continue to provide the care that people rely on. Failure to do so represents the falsest of false economies and will jeopardise the sexual health of both individuals and society as a whole. Sexual health services are for everyone - you do not know when you, your friends, loved ones or family may need them - so join with us now to pledge your support and help ensure that services receive the backing they require. Organisations endorsing this campaign include: - British Association for Sexual Health and HIV - Beyond Positive - British HIV Association - British Medical Association - Brook - Family Planning Association - Faculty of Sexual and Reproductive Healthcare - Gay Men's Health Collective (MEN R US) - GMFA (the gay men's health charity) - The GMI Partnership - iwantPrEPnow - LGBT Foundation - LGBT Consortium - METRO Charity - NAM - National Aids Trust - National HIV Nurses Association - The NAZ Project - PositivelyUK - Prepster - Royal College of Nursing - Royal College of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists - Saving Lives - Society of the Social History of Medicine - Sophia Forum - Spectra - Terrence Higgins Trust
    8,531 of 9,000 Signatures
    Created by British Association for Sexual Health and HIV Picture
  • Stop KCC cutting funding for Socially Necessary Bus Services (SNBS)
    These bus services are a lifeline to our communities. If these essential services are scrapped, it will have a devastating affect on vulnerable people, the elderly and children amongst others. It will also be highly detrimental to community well-being, along with the local economies in a wide range of areas across Kent. Kent County Council must guarantee its residents the continuation of all of these vital transport services for the health and prosperity of the residents that currently use them, along with growing numbers that will use them in the future.
    1,649 of 2,000 Signatures
    Created by Jenny Reeves
  • Stop planned changes to funding for women's refuges
    New government funding plans threaten to dismantle our life-saving national network of refuges and put the lives of women and children trying to escape domestic abuse at risk. A Women’s Aid survey of refuge services showed that the proposed new model of funding could force over half of refuges responding to close or reduce their provision - resulting in 4000 more women and children turned away from the lifesaving services they desperately need. Already there are not enough refuge spaces to meet demand; data from Women’s Aid shows that 60% of total referrals to refuges were declined in 2016/17. When on average two women a week are killed by a partner or ex partner across England and Wales the stakes could not be higher. Under the new plans, rent money which would have in the past gone straight to domestic violence refuges would instead go to local authorities - effectively forcing refuges to compete for funding with other local services. Refuge managers have warned “if the plans get implemented it will be the end of domestic violence refuges." Visit the Women’s Aid website to find out more about this campaign: https://www.womensaid.org.uk/what-we-do/campaigning-and-influencing/campaign-with-us/sos/
    176,570 of 200,000 Signatures
    Created by Women's Aid
  • Keep the 5:38 from Selhurst to Luton running - Due to change in May 2018
    If the train is stopped, then people who travel pass Blackfiars would have to find another means of transportation due to there no longer being a service (unless you change). This would extend their already lengthy journey time. This could also lead to job losses and could also effect Elstree Studios. This will effect commuters.
    377 of 400 Signatures
    Created by Jacqueline-Anne McMillan Yarwood Picture
  • Telford & Wrekin Stop Punching Down On Our Buskers!
    This is important for the local buskers and for the community as a whole. with the ever expanding and growing town and ever increasing population comes art and culture. Buskers do a good job of entertaining the public and providing light entertainment generally in a professional and pleasant manner. Some of the buskers in Telford, of which maybe 10 are regular, rely on their busing monies to support them in their daily lives. Food, Water, Electric.. the essentials. It also has farther reaching benefits amongst those who struggle with mental health difficulties who use busking as a way to interact with the community where otherwise they wouldn't. This 'LAW' is designed to remove art and culture and to shut down buskers from being heard. it is supression of the arts for the benefit of big business.
    358 of 400 Signatures
    Created by Joshua Sole