• Consult on sustainable transport in planning applications
    Air pollution affects us all. Clean Air Southampton recently found that the levels of nitrogen dioxide are 50% higher than the legal limit (there is no safe limit). New developments such as West Quay Watermark will only increase the number of vehicles attracted to the area, increasing the amount of pollution present. Air pollution leads to: around 200 early deaths each year in Southampton; Babies being born with smaller lungs (something they will never recover from); Cancer; and Respiratory illnesses. A significant way to reduce pollution in the city is by promoting sustainable transport. Improving provision for cyclists and pedestrians is a significant part of this.
    348 of 400 Signatures
    Created by Jenny Barnes
  • Campaign for Disability Access for North Reddish Train Station
    It is important so that people like Leon Evans who uses a wheelchair can gain access to public transportation and others like him
    82 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Jeanette Doyle
  • Save the 19 & 20 bus services in York!
    The 19 and 20 bus routes serve areas of the city which are not covered by other bus services, so the council's proposals will cut off a vital lifeline to the residents living along those routes, especially those who are old or have limited mobility. Reliable and frequent bus services near to where people live reduce congestion and air pollution, both of which are major problems for the whole city. Cutting these services will force even more people to drive, making these problems worse. This is part of a major consultation on bus services in York and we will be submitting this petition as part of the response to the consultation.
    190 of 200 Signatures
    Created by Jenny Cooke
  • Stop this shambolic Sussex Ambulance privatisation
    On April 1st a woefully-ill-equipped private firm, Coperforma, replaced the NHS’s South East Coast Ambulance Service in a botched privatisation of NHS services. The mobile phone app the company uses often doesn’t work, especially in areas of poor mobile reception and its own ambulance drivers have said the company is ‘out of its depth’. The result? • Cancer patients have missed oncology appointments after ambulances failed to turn up to collect them. • Patients with kidney failure have not been able to receive scheduled sessions of kidney dialysis for the same reason, with some missing two of their three treatments in a week. • So many patients have become stuck at the Royal Sussex County hospital in Brighton because their transport has not arrived that it has paid for taxis and other private vehicle suppliers to take them home. • Staff there have had to stay until midnight to ensure kidney patients arriving hours after their scheduled start time have received vital dialysis. • Coperforma vehicles have turned up to collect patients who have already died. Patients, relatives, NHS bodies, Trade Unions and local MPs have severely criticised the service’s performance but still local CCGs persist with the untenable private company. The previous public provider regularly had approval ratings of over 90%. For more information http://www.theguardian.com/society/2016/apr/12/patients-wait-hours-for-ambulances-nhs-transport-service-privatised-sussex http://www.theargus.co.uk/news/local/14432002.Patient_transport_company_out_of_its_depth__say_its_own_drivers/
    11,165 of 15,000 Signatures
    Created by Carl Walker
  • Edinburgh Schools Scandal: Open The Books on all PFI/PPP Contracts
    The first step in challenging the toxic PFI/PPP contracts in Scotland is to end the secrecy and open them up to full public transparency. With full transparency, all of the facts will be public so that we can pursue: • Re-negotiation of the expensive debt repayments for PFI/PPP contracts • The freezing of any further public-private partnerships until a full inquiry has taken place into PFI/PPP Since the collapse of a wall at Oxgangs Primary School, 17 schools in Edinburgh have been closed to save children's lives from being placed at risk. The construction of these schools under Private Finance Initiative (PFI) and Public-Private Partnership (PPP) contracts allowed private companies to declare their own buildings safe while extracting Billions from the public purse in debt repayments. Yet there is an enormous lack of transparency over the correspondence between public authorities and these companies and the contracts they signed. The cost of debt repayments on PFI/PPP contracts is still rising and public-private contracts (including the new NPD model) are still being signed up to despite fears over the quality of buildings and the extortionate cost. We call on all parties and leaders standing for the Scottish Parliament to support four keys steps to open the books on public-private contracts: 1) Secure the release of the full contracts and correspondence between all Scottish public authorities and PFI/PPP companies, even when public authorities are not legally obliged to do so, so the public can judge for themselves what went wrong. 2) Secure the release of the legal and financial advice which underpinned the decisions by public bodies to enter into PFI/PPP contracts, including whether they took this advice from public or private consultancies. 3) Pursue debt renegotiation for PFI/PPP in all cases of misconduct and where contractual obligations have not been fully met or standards have been breached. 4) Freeze all further public-private partnership contracts until the causes of the Edinburgh schools scandal have been determined in full, and until a full inquiry has taken place into the financial and quality implications of the PPP model for public service delivery.
    1,843 of 2,000 Signatures
    Created by Common Weal with The People vs PFI Picture
  • Stop Spraying Our Streets With Carcinogenic Chemicals
    Many independent studies have stated the many health risks associated with weedkiller sprays: http://permaculturenews.org/2012/11/01/why-glyphosate-should-be-banned-a-review-of-its-hazards-to-health-and-the-environment/ ; http://www.drugwatch.com/2015/11/18/roundup-weed-killer-causing-cancer/ ; https://www.rt.com/usa/316995-usa-workers-sue-monsanto-roundup/ ; http://www.naturalnews.com/051450_glyphosate_cancer_risk_Monsanto.html . Street spraying provides a massive risk to all pavement users, especially dogs and young children, and is also contributing to ever decreasing bee numbers. Furthermore, it is undemocratic. Residents are not being advised of when or where spraying will take place and there is currently no option to opt out of having the area around your property sprayed with carcinogenic chemicals that have numerous health risks.
    175 of 200 Signatures
    Created by Roger Birds
  • Reverse plans to close 50 of the 73 public toilets in Gwynedd.
    After the £4.6 million pound cuts to our services there will only be 23 public toilets in Gwynedd and they are already few and far between. This will make shopping and other commutes for a range of people difficult or catch them out possibly leading to embarrassing and preventable accidents. As someone who suffers from Crohn's disease this is important for me knowing that I and many others often need Immediate access to toilets.
    2,136 of 3,000 Signatures
    Created by Robert Poultney
  • Keep our kids safe
    This is of the upmost importance as the road is very busy with traffic and my little girl and as many other need the safety of a school crossing patrol near to the school is a nursery which provides an after school facility in the area for children attending Calderwood. They now have to.provide a bus as the road crossing is dangerous. This removal will also cause more congestion with cars at the local school and parking is very limited as it is just now
    258 of 300 Signatures
    Created by Michelle henry
  • Light up Queen's Park, Glasgow
    Queens Park is a community friendly park located in Glasgow's southside. It is used and loved by families, dog walkers, nature enthusiasts and children on a daily basis. Surrounded by schools and several diverse neighbourhoods this park is the heart of these communities. The most recent attack on a young woman is hugely upsetting and potentially, avoidable. In June 2016, I met with Glasgow City Council officials as a result of this campaign at that time. Their answer was 'no' to lighting for the park. This latest incident is one of a series of attacks over the years. Yet in Glasgow Green - 2 miles or so away- there is night time lighting that helps more people using the park feel safer. As anyone in Scotland will attest the days can be short and daylight scarce. Avoiding a community park after dark is not always an option. These incidences and attacks could be reduced or eliminated by proper lighting on footpaths and major thoroughfares crossing the park. I have created this petition to ask Glasgow City Council to install PROPER and sufficient lighting on these routes to fully light these paths and effectively increase the safety of everyone using Queen's Park.
    5,749 of 7,000 Signatures
    Created by Chris Pech
  • Save Paignton, Torbay, Hospital.
    Many local people rely on this hospital for various reasons. Many elderly and disabled people rely on this being a local hospital, easier to access than the larger Torbay Hospital, based in Torquay.
    133 of 200 Signatures
    Created by Sheila Amies-Byron
  • Edinburgh Schools Closure
    It is the human right of all children to be educated: they are the future of humanity. On a less pompous, more personal level, I'm glad that my own children are now grown up. Three of them attended one of the 17 schools, Firrhill High, luckily before it was rebuilt, otherwise I'd be sick with worry, not just for their physical safety, but because at least one of them would have been studying for Highers and might not have sailed confidently into the adult world as a fully-qualified professional, as all indeed have done. Thank you Firrhill. http://www.theguardian.com/education/2016/apr/11/serious-defects-two-more-edinburgh-schools-built-using-pfi http://www.edinburghnews.scotsman.com/news/edinburgh-school-crisis-consortium-facing-million-pound-penalty-1-4096273
    40 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Julie Watt
  • Stoke Gifford Park Run should stay FREE for all
    Shame on them for trying to cash in on the success of Park Runs. How can they compare jogging in a park run on a public footpath to providing a serviced football pitches for a Sunday league teams. Their community is doing something to keep fit & all they can see is ££££ signs. This is the equivalent of asking people having a kick about on a Sunday afternoon (jumpers for goalposts) to pay for the privilege. Park runs are great for all communities. both for health and community spirit.
    75 of 100 Signatures
    Created by andrew acha