Save Hinchingbrooke HospitalThe future of Hinchingbrooke Hospital is under threat and the proposed merger with Peterborough and Stamford Foundation NHS Trust may see the closure of Accident & Emergency, Maternity and Haematology and also the downgrading of the hospital. We will fight for the retainment of Hinchingbrooke Hospital. Hinchingbrooke Hospital currently provides medical and emergency care for 160,000 residents in Huntingdon and the surrounding rural area. Further housing stock has been planned and approved for development in the near future, which will increase the need to have a District Hospital in Huntingdon. Peterborough and Addenbrookes, the two nearest alternative hospitals are 40 minutes journey time at best, along very busy roads assuming you have your own transport. Not ideal if you are very unwell. We will fight to save Hinchingbrooke. https://s.bsd.net/38degrees/main/page/-/CBY/Hands_Off_Hinchingbrooke_Logo_large.jpg3,705 of 4,000 SignaturesCreated by Daniel Laycock
Reopen the Dumfries -Stranraer RailwayIncrease public transport options, put Galloway back on the railway map, remove lorry traffic from the A75, increase tourism in Dumfries and Galloway.3,641 of 4,000 SignaturesCreated by Sandy Rogerson
#SaveBarnetDivingBarnet Copthalls deep water pool has now closed for demolition. We thank each and every one of you that has supported us for the last three years non stop. We still need petition signatures as the people power behind this great cause stands us in good stead for future funding. Please help us reach 11,000 signatures! The pool is now closed pending demolition despite the public outcry to save it. Barnet has spent 47 million pounds on two new leisure centres but could not find a solution for one diving board. Many promises were made, but we have had to walk through treacle to move forward even slightly. The Mayor of Londons Crowdfundldn team were also told by Barnet that their scheme was unaffordable, they didn't mention ours. The pool as you know is unique in the fact that there is no other like it between East London & Luton. It is large enough for Regional competitions, has a moveable floor and a five diving metre platform . The users of the pool are beyond heartbroken, particularly the children who have been out on the streets gaining signatures, raising funds through triathlons and attending council meetings. The scuba divers, public divers, dive lessons, squad divers, synchro, water polo and deep water fitness and aquatic fitness and therapy users are all also beyond consolable. Personally although the last three years have taken their toll on us all mentally and emotionally it makes us more determined to replace this prized community grass roots facility and protect the Olympic Legacy of London 2012! This is a tragic loss to the Barnet Borough. Decreasing physical activity in 2019 is beyond comprehendible. Barnet are also building 12,000 new homes and reducing water space. We want to build a game changing, fully inclusive, deep water pool for Barnet. We will have 50 aquatic activities every week and aim to have moveable steps into the pool and lifts up to the diving platforms! We ask that you stick with us on this bumpy but worthy journey. Please keep sharing the petition and follow us on all social media channels. Comments are more than welcome. Thanks for reading. #Barnet #BarnetCopthall #Copthall #Crowdfundldn #SaveBarnetDiving #NorthLondon11,106 of 15,000 SignaturesCreated by Wendy Kravetz
Save our conductorsWe play a vital role in safety, being informative, assisting anyone that might need help in boarding on & off the buses and a friendly face should someone just need a chat. I actually work on routes 24 & 390 & have for just over 3yrs. My elderly passengers on the 24 are very upset, they love having the safety of our arms to help them on & off the bus. This enables them to still have a certain amount of independence, without having to rely on a slotted time from some other form of transport, they can come & go as they please. Wheelchair users that do need assistance! Who's going to help them? Or the visually impaired passenger that feels safer taking our arm.528 of 600 SignaturesCreated by Maggie Edwards Jackson
Stop the cuts to bus services in Invergowrie and Kingoodie!The bus operator Stagecoach is proposing to reduce route 16 and eliminate route 77 connecting the villages of Invergowrie and Kingoodie to Perth, Dundee and Fife. Although Invergowrie is a small community it has two major employers: The James Hutton Institute and Scottish water. It also has a big primary school. The James Hutton Institute employs over 300 people and around 200 pupils attend the primary school. Adding to this the local businesses and around 1,700 residents, the cuts will impact directly a significant amount of people and will have wider consequences for Perth and Kinross, Fife and Dundee. Cuts to the services will: • Increase traffic around the school putting children’s safety at risk • Have a greater impact on vulnerable people such as pensioners, low income families and disabled. • Impact scientific research at the JHI • Increase the risk to cyclist and drivers who in bad weather in winter have the option to take the bus. • Have a negative impact on the environment by increasing traffic. We strongly oppose the proposed measures and reject the consultation done by Stagecoach as it was badly advertised, rushed and restrictive. We call for a new consultation in which residents’ and employees’ concerns can be properly heard and we look forward to finding an outcome that serves our communities better.627 of 800 SignaturesCreated by Jennifer Brown
Public Finance InitiativeIt is important because the promises made under this deal was buildings would be constructed and maintain to a high standards. The report found out that many buildings were poorly built and many circumstances dangerous to the occupants. As usual no government minister,health board trust or local authorities wanted to appear on the programme to defend the PFI. As it stands the British tax payer will have to pick up the repair bills.7 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Stephan Rees
Separated Fathers for Legal AidTo readdress the balance of separated fathers that are either denied contact or seek to resolve contact issues with their children. To send a clear message to mothers that they can no longer dictate how and when fathers have contact with their children. To help separated fathers defend themselves against reprehensible false claims of DV. To help represent those fathers seeking justice within a system that considers that nurture can only be provided by a female. To help separated fathers secure a lead nurturing role in the lives of their children. To assist with representation against those ex partners that seek to strip fathers of their assets during financial settlements and continue to live a life of being financially maintained. Because by definition a father’s role to provide financially for his family whilst nurturing his children is an equal or greater contribution to society. Because fathers are not equal in the UK.6 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Separated Fathers For Legal Aid
Stop GTR/Southern withdrawing West London Line servicesSouthern's West London Line services between Clapham Junction and Milton Keynes are a vital mainline link between not only North and West / South London suburbs but also destinations further afield including Northampton, Milton Keynes and Brighton. Cancellation of these services will have an immediate effect on a large and ever increasing number of passengers utilising this very popular route especially during peak hours. The alternative travel arrangements proposed by Southern are much slower and often more expensive routes via London Overground or London Underground. This represents a considerably less attractive proposition for many people, especially for the elderly or those with reduced mobility.1,149 of 2,000 SignaturesCreated by Dave Horton
Law Society of Scotland: Allow Legal Spark Legal Practice to continue Legal Aid WorkLegal Spark was formed as a result of the crisis in legal aid. People were going without representation because they could not afford a lawyer. This is particularly the case for disabled people. No one else would do this type of work, as it was deemed too expensive, not financially viable and also too complex. Daniel Donaldson, a disabled Solicitor, set up Legal Spark with the Support of the Scottish Institute for Enterprise under their Young Innovators Challenge 2015 programme. Daniel wanted to develop creative solutions to help people access justice and to fix the exclusion that disabled people face from the legal system. Daniel spent one year talking to the Law Society about this issue, highlighting that it was important that everyone could access a lawyer. Legal Spark consulted with the Chief Executive (Lorna Jack), the Head of Professional Practice, the Registrar and the Deputy Registrar (James Ness) and the Secretary to the Civil Legal Aid Quality Assurance Committee (Hannah Sayers) amongst others. A document was prepared that explained what Legal Spark was planning to do. The Law Society accepted this document and did not object. The Law Society encouraged Legal Spark and found their approach "refreshing" and "innovative". Legal Spark was granted permission to do Legal Aid work in November 2015, and a compliance certificate was issued in December 2015. Legal Spark began helping the many disabled people that needed their help and began to have success. In April 2016, the Law Society decided that they had made an "error" and instructed Legal Spark to stop all Legal Aid work by Thursday 30 June 2016. By this stage, Legal Spark had a number of clients, with active and complex cases, some of which were about to go to Court. "A" is one such client. They had experienced awful disability discrimination from a University. They were not given adequate support to help them during a course, and had to leave. Additionally, Legal Spark uncovered evidence that the University's staff had used "unprofessional language" in their approach to "A". This case has now been lodged in Court. "B" is another client adversely affected by this decision. B is also disabled and is housebound. They had tried to find a lawyer for sometime but because of their rural location in the Highlands there were no Solicitors available to help. Legal Spark took on this case and was successful (in part) in achieving a resolution for B. However, because B had been adversely affected by a decision of Highland Council, and had lost out financially, the case may need to go to Court. B is unable to find anyone else to help them. These are only two examples of where Legal Spark is making a difference, there are others too. Since establishing Legal Spark, Daniel Donaldson has not drawn a salary and has used some of his own money to sustain the Legal Practice while it develops and is able to stand on its own feet. Legal Spark has also grown to enable it to employ staff and provide much need paid employment to some disabled people and unemployed law graduates. The Legal Aid certificate meant that Legal Spark could help people who could not access help elsewhere. Now "A", "B" and other will have to go without representation because of the Law Society of Scotland's failures. The Law Society's Chief Executive (Lorna Jack)says that they have to act in the public interest. The Director of Regulation (Philip Yelland) shares this view. 1. Where is the public interest in denying disabled people representation? 2. Also, where is the public interest is giving permission to do Legal Aid work only to revoke that permission 6 months later? The Law Society say that there are other Solicitors who can help, however this is not true. Legal Spark contacted 134 Civil Legal Aid lawyers with advertised specialism in discrimination law. Even the biggest Legal Aid firm in Scotland could not help. The Law Society has said that this will cause Legal Spark’s disabled client’s “inconvenience”. This is an offensive comment; they have never met any client, they have ignored client’s opinions, and also refused to acknowledge that they will suffer substantial prejudice in their cases because of the Law Society’s decision. This petition is addressed to the Law Society and the Scottish Legal Aid Board. It is important that you fulfil your roles correctly. Overturn your decision to stop Legal Spark doing legal aid work, remedy the mistake you have made and apologise. This is the only way you can restore public trust and continue to say you act in the public interest. Allow Legal Spark, and their clients the opportunity to continue to work together for the public interest and tackle the horrors faced by disabled people on a daily basis.257 of 300 SignaturesCreated by Daniel Donaldson
#SaveOurPostOfficeThis is important to safeguard the future of the Post Office network into the future. Safeguard the futures of the workers and their pensions but also the Post Office being a vital part of both communities and the UK high street349 of 400 SignaturesCreated by Cwu South West Wales
Abbey Meadow Outdoor Pool: Listen to Abingdon!Democracy and the future of the outdoor pool! Future of the pool! The pool is outdated and needs investment. The lining is cutting children's feet and may fail at any time, resulting in a hefty bill or the closure of the pool. Democracy! We voted for the pool to be refurbished and it is not being refurbished. The decision has been made by a councillor from Wantage, so we can't even vote her out! Three explanations have been given by the Vale. 1) It is too expensive: but the Vale have not got any estimates from pool contractors, or assessed what could be done with the 307,500 which would be half of the available capital budget. 2) Non-voters have to be considered: the Vale have also said that although 81% of people who voted chose Option A, this was only 3206 people in Abingdon (about 10%), and so the vote can be ignored. This is not democratic... and very concerning. Only the views of those that participate in democracy can contribute to democratic process. In fact, this had the highest participation of any consultation ever held in Abingdon, reflecting the importance of this issue. If everyone in Abingdon had voted, perhaps the majority would have been even higher! We just left the EU on a 4% difference with 28% non-participation, but apparently democracy only applies to the 'big' decisions 3) That we 'misunderstood' the consultation and that refurbishment meant 'repair' and not capital investment: I made a formal complaint to the Vale on this matter, the response to the complaint concluded that we did not in fact misunderstand anything and that 'the current planned works are not consistent with the description of scenario A in the consultation... anyone 'voting' for scenario A and contributing to the 81% overwhelming preference for scenario A would be disappointed with the council's planned works'777 of 800 SignaturesCreated by Naomi Richardson
Taking back control of essential services & industriesIn the post brexit world it will be essential for our country to be in full control of all the means necessary to survive. On our own we would have a diminished ability to negotiate favourable terms with the rest of the world and In such circumstances we cannot risk putting ourselves into a position where we can be held to ransom by any foreign government or multinational corporation. The only way this can be guaranteed is to own and control all the things required to be self sufficient in what will become a hostile trading climate.2 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Mick Miles
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