End privatisation at the Imperial War MuseumIn 2014, the Imperial War Museum privatised its visitor & security services. the company they appointed (Shields Guarding) had no experience in running museums and the results have been catastrophic impacting on workers, the services delivered to visitors and the care of collections. Workers have endured two years of mismanagement, as well as payroll and pension administration problems. The original contractor, Shield Guarding, has now gone bust and has been taken over by multinational Noonans. They also have no experience in managing museums and are focusing on cutting jobs for profit rather than improving services. Workers & the PCS Union have raised numerous Health & Safety concerns that go ignored. It is now an urgent for the Imperial War Museum to end privatisation. PCS members have raised alarming concerns about security and safety arrangements at the museum as a result of cost-cutting and the potential for a major incident to take place. The PCS culture group supports the call for a review of privatisations in the sector and for these contracts, like at the National Gallery, the British Museum or Tate, to be brought back in-house.1,230 of 2,000 SignaturesCreated by Clara Paillard
PREVENT EDINBURGH COUNCIL EXTENDING THE TRAM SYSTEMWe have one of the best bus systems in Europe. Why do we need to spend more money on a tram system that is not required. This is a vanity project and they should hold a referendum on whether or not the people want it.6 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Alice Wood
Save our adventure playgroundThe adventure playground in Kilburn Grange Park along with the playHut was part of a project (1 million) it has won an award.no one person/project took responsibility and it was left to rot. It is a really popular activity loved by all the community and visitors alike126 of 200 SignaturesCreated by Janet Rosengrove
cystic fibrosispeople who have cystic fibrosis suffer their whole (short life span ) lifetime, in and out of hospital frequently at more cost to NHS maybe with correct meds and funding their lifetime would be more bearable7 of 100 SignaturesCreated by matt gage davey
Put a green man crossing on Romsey Road at St James/Clifton TerraceThis is a main thoroughfare for pedestrians between Winchester University (via West Hill Cemetery), Winchester City Center and the Railway Station. I personally walk there frequently, have impaired vision coupled with delayed reactions, and so find it hard crossing busy roads. It can take up to five minutes to cross sometimes and it is difficult to see in both directions on the hill, and then you have Clifton Terrace traffic to consider. This is a very dangerous crossing point in our city which should have had a green man crossing years ago as there are already drop curbs in place. It isn't JUST a crossing safety issue either. It is well known that we have a SERIOUS air pollution problem in Winchester, where 40 to 50 people a year die from air pollution related illnesses. If the city could be made more accessible to people wanting to get about on foot, in a wheelchair, with pushchairs, mobility scooter or on bicycle, this would help to increase air quality. There are nowhere NEAR ENOUGH places for people to cross Romsey Road safely, with the pavement disappearing on one side for large sections, and it is one of the main air pollution traps of the city. Priority of access to Winchester needs to be turned around so that walking and other low-carbon forms of transport are catered for in the first instance, followed by public transport (buses). Also speed limits MUST be properly enforced, especially with the new homes to be built where the old Police HQ was. This will create massive increases in footfall and greater need for safe crossing points and enforcement of speed limits. I suggest flashing signs to tell drivers to stick to 20 mph. Last year Winchester City Council, in collaboration with WinACC (Winchester Action on Climate Change), launched FeetFirst, their Walking campaign led by Liz Kesler. They have been conducting Walking Audits on different routes to determine areas which need to be made easier, safer and more pleasant for pedestrians and others using low-carbon forms of transport. This includes making sure pavements are maintained, foliage is kept out of the way so it doesn't take up too much room, and adequate signage. The crossing for which I am campaigning was highlighted as a major obstacle to people getting around Winchester on foot. Work has already started to dig up the pavement to see if it is possible to put in the electrics for a crossing. This is promising, but I won't hold my breath as progress has been delayed. Also, it needs to be a crossing that beeps all the time and gives pedestrians a fair amount of time (1 minute) PLEASE SIGN MY PETITION AND HELP MAKE WALKING THE PRIMARY MEANS OF TRANSPORT FOR GETTING AROUND THIS BEAUTIFUL HISTORIC CITY!487 of 500 SignaturesCreated by Julz Hallmann
Empty our Household bins once a week.This is important especially in summer months, as myself and alot of other people are having to do tip runs as there are maggots! There are some people who cannot get to the recycling centre to dispose of their rubbish!9 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Teri Owens
Traffic WardenChildren can freely walk to school without adult supervision. This would provide them with exercise and fresh air and cut down on parents transporting children to school, less congestion and pollution and healthier more alert confident children.118 of 200 SignaturesCreated by Denise Thorburn
Please help protect Brunswick Square, Terrace and public gardens for the enjoyment of everyoneBrighton & Hove City Council proposes to ruin Brunswick Square and Terrace with large communal bins. This is in stark contrast to their earlier assertion that this Grade I Listed setting is a ‘jewel in the crown’ and a significant protected area, enjoyed by residents and visitors alike. The Council would be going against planning guidance; ignoring its duty to conserve and enhance the area and undermining heritage improvements paid for with public money. There are no appropriate areas to place communal bins, given the compactness of the area, blind corners and conservation status of the buildings and railings. The Council has insufficient resources to maintain the bins and as seen across all areas of the city, there would be extensive fly tipping, fly posting and graffiti. Please support our petition to stop the Council imposing communal bins, so that this unique Regency square, terrace and public garden can continue to be enjoyed by everyone.125 of 200 SignaturesCreated by Fiona Bower
Save the Horton Hospital (Banbury, Oxfordshire)The board of the Oxford university hospital NHS foundation trust maintain that their impending downgrading of the maternity unit at the Horton Hospital, Banbury is due to no suitable doctors being available, news has also been released that two trauma doctors have resigned their posts. An investigation of the advertised posts in the trust show no indication of these posts being available. Downgrading of services at this local district general hospital, without any upgrading of services in the area's ambulance trust or the 'main' hospital in Oxford will inevitably mean sick / injured people being transported in unsuitable conditions for 30+ miles through some of the most congested roads in southern England to a hospital that will be overstretched trying to deal with a workload it was never designed for. This situation was totally avoidable and is no indication of a civilised country in the 21st century, those responsible should be bought to account5,252 of 6,000 SignaturesCreated by Tony Roberts
free concessionary transport for unpaid carersUnpaid Carers (carers who do not provide care as a career) are a crucial part of society that saves the government £162 billion a year. Free/concessionary transport for carers would allow carers to live a better quality of life. Carers face many barriers to work and education such as school or college, Travel being one of them. Free travel for carers would help reduce these barriers. Often carers have to decide between the simple and essential things in life such as being able to afford food to eat or accessing vital support services they need to cope with their caring role. Travel should be an essential service rather than another barrier that makes it harder for us to deal with our many responsibilities. This would allow carers to access free transport without the cared for person having to be present in the instance that the cared for has a travel card. However Not every cared for person has the concessionary companion card. If carers are able to access transport at no cost to them this will allow them in turn to provide more/better care for their loved ones. At the end of the day public transport is a service that is a need, we are an essential part of the community so why can't we use it too! For carers to receive this free travel they would need to prove to whomever is in charge that they are in fact a carer so this system can not be abused. A way in which they could do this is by having a letter from their carers centre or health professional such as social work department or if they are in receipt of carers allowance the letter proving this. Carers need assistance in alot of areas such as an increase of money they receive for Carers Allowance due to it clearly not being enough . This issue is being looked at by government and slowly increasing so I believe now transport needs to be looked at . Not everyone can get benefits so let's help people get what they deserve , might not seem important to most but to many it will change their lives. We deserve to be treated as equals...Is free/concessionary transport for carers to much to ask for in return for those who give up their lives to care for others?121 of 200 SignaturesCreated by Amanda Macdonald
No UK public service contracts for companies who don't pay UK taxI feel that this is important because public services should not be used to generate profit for individuals or shareholders beyond what is necessary to operate the service and provide investment into improving the service.5 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Helen Cridland
Open Kington refuse tip on MondaysCurrently it is only open Friday-Sunday, adding Monday would be very helpful.5 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Andrew Lindsay
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