Save Bicester's Health and Wellbeing CentreAn open letter from an 87-year-old lady who uses the centre: Dear people of Bicester, I've lived in Bicester for 50 years. My husband passed away 15 yrs ago. I have no family left and my mobility is not what it used to be. I attend the Bicester Health and wellbeing centre located near the garth park two days a week. This place is my only lifeline. I get to see friends and I get looked after so well that I really don't know where I would be without the place. Oxfordshire County Council are proposing to close this centre and others throughout Oxfordshire! What will I do? I will be stuck looking at four walls every day with no human contact. Who will prepare me a cooked meal, help me with my medications and just check my general health. I'm so upset that this is happening. I won't see my friends again. I will be all alone all day every day. Me and my husband have worked hard all our lives, paid our taxes and this is how vulnerable people are being treated. You are all younger and we need you to fight for us as no one will otherwise. Please think of your elderly relatives and think what would they do if they didn't have you? I don't like being alone and it scares me to think this is now my future, being alone and vulnerable. Please help us in this fight to save the Bicester Wellbeing Health and Wellbeing centre. You or your relatives might need them one day!1,465 of 2,000 SignaturesCreated by Sarah Haydon
Save community services at The LodgeThe outdoor is an unbeatable playground and classroom with its abundant potential for sensory stimulation and ever-changing play and learning props from fallen leaves, fir cones and fossils to seeds and slugs and snails. Moreover, in addition to the fascinating and hugely educational environment that the natural world provides, the scope to move freely when outdoors also brings about neurological advantages. The outdoor brings risks of course, which is a large part of the reason why so much of modern childhood takes place within artificially landscaped playgrounds, but as research psychologist Penelope Leach argues in House 2011: “There is much that can be said about the importance of allowing children to play freely even though that involves risks; and about how important it is to let them actually take risks as they play, because they have to learn to understand which situations are risky, and manage themselves in them.” The permitted use of The Lodge is as a children centre for social, community and educational purposes including community gardens and facilities for meeting of the Streatham Society and other groups. The community groups currently resident at The Lodge have a longstanding relationship with the building including but not limited to petitioning for the building, its ongoing maintenance, applying for grants to enhance and improve services from the facility and delivering valued Forest School services, since 2013. Recent events have meant these groups now feel that without warning or consultation the rights they have enjoyed for several years will be revoked and their access to The Lodge removed. We, the signatories of this petition, would like to call the governors and management of the Crown Lane Primary school to start open talks with the community and representatives from Lambeth Council about the future of The Lodge and its access by members of the community.605 of 800 SignaturesCreated by Doreen Barton
Wage increase for NHS workersThis is important because it is becoming increasingly difficult to recruit people into the NHS. Patients suffer due to staff shortages. Money is wasted on agency staff. Give Nurses and Doctors and carers what they deserve. We have not had a decent pay rise for years. Do you call 1% fair? Junior nurses and carers are living on the bread line. We need change now. Do not waste tax payers money on Buckingham Palace. Pay your front line services first.195 of 200 SignaturesCreated by Julie Nevin
STOP THE STP'S IN BIRMINGHAM & SOLIHULL!We have been campaigning for over three years now to save our local Hospital services, an issue we care about passionately. This is our third petition with 38 Degrees. The STP's for our area, Birmingham & Solihull , were published only recently and without any public consultation. They are ill thought out and dangerous. Lives will be put at risk. The plans will affect EVERYONE; young/ elderly/ expectant Mothers/ Carers/ those with disabilities/ Mental Health problems and also local Pharmacies. Also, the STP document doesn't seem to mention or explain that already more patients are being made to travel across our huge city to other Hospitals at a distance for even ROUTINE treatment and surgery (nor any of the practical, mental, emotional, financial implications of that); or whether that will continue with the inevitable consequences for patients and staff at local Hospitals. The impression being given, is that if these plans were in place, they would stimulate more cohesion between the NHS & Social/ Community Care, with more patients being treated at home/ in the community instead of their local Hospital. However, in reality, the Council haven't got the funding and don't know where they will get it from to actually implement such a scheme! They have of course at this time, been starved of funding, but past mismanagement of funds (ie wastage of public money) has been happening for years, whoever has been in power in that time to cause it. Despite that, they still want to force these plans onto the public, with all of their very serious implications, including paving the way for PRIVATISATION of essential local services. And what happens if people won't be able to pay for those services? A return to the `Hard Times'' of the Victorian era. Although some of those responsible for these plans are claiming they are `the only game in town', we do NOT believe that is true, as other Councils in England have publicly and strongly opposed their STP's, refusing to sign them off, thus showing they really care about their constituents. We would therefore like to ask the Birmingham & Solihull Health Scrutiny Committee, to show that they also care about their constituents/ patients and do the same, by telling Birmingham City Council (who are leading these plans, working with NHS England) , that they will NOT BE APPROVING the STP's. The committee is made up of Councillors from ALL Main Parties & from a variety of local areas and so the responsibility falls on all of them; that is, it is not just on one Main Party.48 of 100 SignaturesCreated by good hope hospital save good hope's local services
Save Sheffield Central LibraryLibraries have been under threat across the country. Sheffield has already seen Walkley library sold to commercial interests. Now our council has opened up a review into commercial uses for the Central Library, with the possibility it will become a five-star hotel. The Central Library is a meeting space for groups and individuals, hosts talks by local and national authors and helps people use the internet. It is also a beautiful building, purpose built as a public space, which the general public can currently enjoy. The story of our beautiful art deco Central Library began in 1929, to a design by W. G. Davies and was conceived as part of a plan to create a civic (public) square. Today, the library houses Sheffield's largest general lending and reference collection. The Graves Art Gallery sits on the third floor with a gift shop and cafe and the Library Theatre, a space for local and student theatre companies, lives in the basement. It also houses a children's library. From the start, this building was imagined as a public space from top to bottom and should remain as such.10,965 of 15,000 SignaturesCreated by Rebecca Gransbury
NHS Free and OpenThe NHS was created on the basis of free at the point of access. Doctors, nurses and other health-care workers are not immigration officials deciding who the should or should not treat. This is against the principles of the NHS and the idea that sick people would be denied treatment just because they failed to have the correct paperwork when seeking help is shocking. This is just another attack on peoples rights by the current government and another burden they will place on our NHS. Can you imagine being turned away from a doctors surgery or a hospital just because they can not tick a box on a form confirming your identity. This will affect a wide range of people including both British citizens and migrants as well as asylum seekers. Are receptionist in wards and surgeries going to be asked to refuse people access to medical services? Are we going to have Immigration Officers in every medical facility to check peoples' documents? What will the government do if someone is refused access and later dies as a result? The government has to stop this and come up with a better idea. Placing the burden of deciding who to treat or not is not something our NHS should be doing. They have enough with treating people who are seriously sick and ill.7 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Steven Redpath
NO DANGEROUS CUTS TO AVON FIRE & RESCUE SERVICEIn an emergency, every second counts. The cuts being proposed by Avon Fire & Rescue Service would compromise our ability to get to an emergency quickly and would limit our use of vital, specialist equipment to fight fires and rescue people. The cuts would mean the loss of 49 firefighter jobs, removal of full time cover at night from Yate Fire Station and downgrading vital aerial appliances and a heavy rescue tender which covers the motorway network. We know times are tight, but these cuts would compromise the safety of the public and of firefighters. Demand that public safety is put ahead of budget cuts. Please sign our petition and say NO to dangerous cuts. Thank you, Avon FBU.1,609 of 2,000 SignaturesCreated by South West Region Fire Brigades Union
Save Hurlfield ViewThis is the only facility in Sheffield that has day services and respite care for severely challenging individuals with dementia, the most complex cases in Sheffield.5,908 of 6,000 SignaturesCreated by Julie Marsland
Free Parking for Carers to the elderly and disabledCarers have very little time to make their visits, they earn very little and often have to pay parking fines (as well as petrol costs) for a long journey to half hour job. And not least, their clients suffer if the care is rushed. This lack of parking facility causes a lot of stress to both carer and client.113 of 200 SignaturesCreated by Hulya Salahi
Save Derby Central Library From ClosingThe people of Derby can't always afford a computer, nor they do not all like to read books online. Also it is a great location where the library is placed anyway, and always good friendly staff at the library. The Derby Telegraph says: "The Derby Central Library could close in a shake-up of plans for the city's libraries... Derby City Council is hoping to save £648,000 by changing the way libraries are run. It has drawn up a series of options on how to go about it and one, which it is understood is the preferred option, is to close the Central Library and replace it with Riverside Library."3,379 of 4,000 SignaturesCreated by Rob Fisher
Please save our taxis in RossendaleImposing these changes will cause a lot of the local drivers who make a honest living will be forced out of work, many of the residents of Rossendale depend on these local taxis, and these new proposals will wipe out the taxi trade in Rossendale. Follow link to story online http://www.rossendalefreepress.co.uk/news/valley-taxis-call-indefinite-strike-121530141,098 of 2,000 SignaturesCreated by Paul Shepherd
Save Tower Hamlets Nursery SchoolsNursery Schools in Tower Hamlets and across the country are under threat of closure due to government plans for the future funding of childcare. State nursery schools have very good outcomes with regard to closing the achievement gap and supporting children with special needs. State nursery schools are legally required to employ highly-qualified teaching staff, who are proven to give young children the best opportunities for academic achievement and enabling social mobility.1,203 of 2,000 SignaturesCreated by Rachel Ellis
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