• Declare NMC action unlawful and replace with an organisation fit for purpose.
    Midwifery is a separate role from nursing. Both professions are unique in every way, from character of the role, all the way back to preregistration study. Midwives have a completely different way of working and totally different responsibilities. This has meant that an individual arrangement has always been necessary to ensure public safety, public health, support of women's choice and, of course, promoting the health of generations to come. The NMC have, in one fell swoop, and ignoring the results of their own consultation, removed supervision, removed the need for a midwifery committee and declared that independent midwives have inadequate insurance to provide intrapartum (birth) care for their clients. If an independent midwife has provided antenatal care, she may not now provide intrapartum care. If she attends the birth, the NMC have stated she will be struck off the register. This action has resulted in many women suddenly being faced with the loss of the intimate and trusting relationship they have developed with their midwife. There is unlimited research proving that this model of care is the gold standard. The long term implications for the mental and emotional health of all those affected will be enormous. Any stress during pregnancy has the potential to affect fetal neurological development and maternal attachment and bonding. Far from protecting the public, this decision is creating serious emotional and financial harm to women (including midwives) and their families. In summary, the ultimate outcome of this action will lead to the downgrading of midwifery as a profession. This will result in a much higher level of maternal and infant death. (Look at the USA where midwifery has often been outlawed). Act now to save midwifery before it is too late.
    2,270 of 3,000 Signatures
    Created by Deborah Gilmour
  • Stop the removal of free school bus passes
    This is going to place further financial strain on families and also the safety of children is paramount as the children who normally get a bus to school would have to walk along busy roads
    211 of 300 Signatures
    Created by Iona Brand
  • Save Netherwood Day Centre
    Camden Council is planning to close Netherwood which is a specialist dementia day centre - the only one of its kind - in Camden. This will be the third time Camden has tried to close it since 2011. Each time we campaigned and won. We need to win again. Situated in NW6 between West Hampstead and Kilburn, Netherwood is regularly visited by people the world over, so impressive is its design and the care received by the people who attend it. If Camden Council closes this centre and sells off the land, as is the general feeling, then it will be lost forever. The council will never be able to afford such a site again. If the closure goes ahead, those attending their beloved Netherwood will be "decanted" to another nearby centre which is not a specialist day centre and is not purpose-built. The council says it will have money to make alterations to the building to make it "dementia friendly". We argue: why spend money on partially reconfiguring another centre when you have one right there that is purpose built? We appreciate local governments are having to make huge budget cuts, but we believe losing such a jewel of a resource will be a travesty and will adversely impact generations to come. Please help us save this incredible community resource a third time! Dementia is recognised as a growing concern in today's society. Not only is it important that there is excellent care for the person with dementia, it is also crucial that family carers are given time to themselves to recharge from what can often be a hugely challenging and exhausting situation. Places like Netherwood enable families to STAY together. They also keep people from being hospitalised and we know how important that is in the current climate. If we have brilliant services in the community the ultimate saving to society, both financially and in terms of general well-being, is enormous. Cutting such lifelines will ultimately cost more in the long run with some families perhaps deciding that residential care is the only solution. The cost of this to the council would be enormous. If we are to have a truly dementia-friendly society then places like Netherwood should never be threatened with closure but should be protected in perpetuity.
    1,371 of 2,000 Signatures
    Created by Jane Clinton
  • Abandon General Teaching Council Scotland fee increase
    Most Scottish teachers saw their take home pay drop this tax year. This follows years of either no pay rise, or rises which are less than inflation. In addition pension contributions have been raised considerably, further reducing take home pay. GTCS fees were increased by 25% just 3 years ago - a further increase is unfair to teachers who are, like many in our society, under substantial financial pressures.
    8,890 of 9,000 Signatures
    Created by Colin Livingstone
  • Street lighting in Edinburgh
    There is so much danger out there dark driving seeing people wearing black. Houses in pitch black unable to see over the road. Going in and out of light that is not good even the main streets they have lights on both sides but there is still the black parts. Can't see kerbs very difficult. In my street when under the light I can't even find my key hole how bad is that.
    19 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Janice Blackley
  • Save Petersfield Post Office
    Our Post Office is a main part of the community, a post office is a place for the young and the old, a place where they can trust a postmaster to look after there needs. Every week one in four people visits their Post Office and they're a focal point in towns and villages.
    1,834 of 2,000 Signatures
    Created by Claire Kirby
  • Save the Kamelia Kids special needs unit!
    Kamelia kids Nursery is the only nursery in West Sussex that has classes especially for special needs children. My son started off at this nursery in one of their mainstream classes. He used to crawl into the cloakroom and lay on the floor to escape the busy environment he couldn't handle. My son is autistic. The nursery moved him to an autistic class within the nursery. He settled immediately. He had extra support and an environment that was specially designed to meet his needs and allow him to make unbelievable progress in his communication and development. These classes give children like my son their best possible chance and a sense of security. Wscc are suggesting that this is about inclusion rather than funding. The truth is we have schools for special needs children funded by the council. That is because they are NEEDED. So why exactly is it that nurseries offering that service aren't? Of course they are! People come from miles around so that their children can access the resources Kamelia kids currently has because they are already few and far between. The early years of a child's development are crutial to shaping their future. As lovely as it would be to believe that all children with additional needs could cope and even thrive in a mainstream environment, as some do, the reality is that there are many that don't. That is fact. For those children they are going to be abandoned to a system that fails them if this is allowed to go ahead. These units/classes are too important to lose. Our special needs children shouldn't be forced into environments they will not only struggle to cope in but where their development will suffer too. This is failing the most vulnerable children in our society. How can that possibly be justified?
    1,323 of 2,000 Signatures
    Created by Donna Wilson
    8 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Christine Williams
  • Keep Holme View Care Home Open
    Holme View is a specialist dementia care home, the staff are trained in dementia care and the home received a good grading in all areas after their latest inspection, July 2016. The residents are settled and happy and they receive a good quality of service with value for money. Change would be detrimental to their mental wellbeing. It's a very worrying time for family members, not knowing where our loved ones may end up and thinking that they will have to go through the upheaval of moving. My sister has only just settled there after months, she could not cope with another change. Understandably cuts have to be made these days but surely not with regard to people who are so vulnerable.
    2,496 of 3,000 Signatures
    Created by Sandy Higgins
  • Save Rotherham Post Office
    The Crown Post Office in Rotherham provides vital services like passport renewal and driving licence verification, which will be difficult for to people to access elsewhere. It is well used and a big loss to the town. Rotherham deserves better.
    734 of 800 Signatures
    Created by Emma Hoddinott
  • Save our East centre
    Our local youth centre which has been helping young people since 1964 risks being sold off by the council. They have decided this without any consultation, and we’re campaigning to keep it open. I as a person who attends the east think it is very disappointing. There are many memories made in the east. The east has ran for 52 years, which my parents and many other of my friends parents have made many good memories here. The east puts a service for young people, where we can talk about sexual health, mental health, as well as holding many other things for young children such as boxing club, NCC and special needs services This building holds many memories and holds a service to young people which nowhere else offers. We’re making a stand and we’re showing the council our love for Prudhoe’s East centre. Please, if you can, sign this and help us save our east centre. Thank you.
    640 of 800 Signatures
    Created by Lauren Forster
  • Save Ossett Post Office
    The people of Ossett rely upon this, especially the elderly who have difficulty travelling to the Post Office in Wakefield, which was relocated recently into W H Smith, facilities seem to be dwindling further. Please reconsider for the sake of our community.
    982 of 1,000 Signatures
    Created by Lynn Masterman