• Reverse privatisation of pathology services at Guy's and St Thomas and King's College Hospital's
    For the last 5 years, pathology services at Guy's and St Thomas and King's College Hospital's have been managed by Viapath, a for-profit company formed between SERCO and the two hospital Trusts. Since the takeover by Viapath, the service has been plagued by problems; chronic understaffing, inability to recruit and retain, reduced training, closure of vital services and massive financial losses. Now the remaining NHS staff in the service face being transferred out of the NHS on the 1st January 2015. We oppose the transfer of staff and believe that to guarantee a quality and safe service for patients, the staff should remain part of the NHS, and all pathology services should be brought back into the NHS. The alternative is a the running down of a vital service for patients, and the loss of highly skilled and experienced staff. SERCO is a company notorious for poor services, bad employment practices and is being investigated for defrauding the government on other outsourcing contracts. Their involvement in the NHS can only jeopardise patient safety and damage the hospital’s reputation.
    1,318 of 2,000 Signatures
    Created by Mark Boothroyd
  • recognition and pay for carers
    i have been a carer since 1993 with very little recognition or reward is time for this to change as the 6.5 million carers save the government 120 billion per year this Government will have saved 600 billion by the election by denying carers what all other workers have. its time that changed for good
    39 of 100 Signatures
    Created by carl sterland
  • ONS to start showing the correct number of people unemployed
    We need to know the correct statistics for unemployment, so that the people of the UK know the correct amount of people who truly are unemployed!
    16 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Simon Ball
  • Brixham Town Council - advertise for a new Clerk
    On the say-so of just 3 councillors and the silencing of Full Council on the issue, Brixham Town Council is seeking to fill the sudden vacancy of Town Clerk by automatic internal appointment. A town council is the tier of government closest to the residents who pay for it and who pay the salaries of its employees, and as such it should be the most transparent in the use of residents' money. A town council must be above any suspicion of favouritism or cronyism. It is obliged to appoint on merit the best person available to fill the key post of Clerk and if it does not advertise the post it cannot know who is available. It must consider all applicants and carry out a fair, open and transparent appointments procedure. Although this is currently an issue in Brixham, South Devon, the principle applies equally to all town/parish councils throughout the land. NB 9 October: I have now resigned from Brixham Town Council because of this unprincipled act and the culture of cronyism which allowed it..
    100 of 200 Signatures
    Created by Lynne Armstrong
  • Expel Atos Health Care worker from BMA
    When you become a doctor or nurse, you sign the hipocratic oath, to serve and protect the poor and vulnerable, and not to exploit them or abuse your medical 'training' (is they had any), to cause pain and distress to the vulnerable! As these Department of Work and Pensions 'doctors and nurses'. have driven hundreds of thousands, to total despair, destitution, starvation, even having to beg for food at Food Banks, and driving some (hundreds), to suicide, I demand that these medical personnel be struck off and expelled from the BMA and Medical Register for the suffering that THEY HAVE caused! These people can also be held accountable, under sections 2 & 4, of the Convention for the Prevention and Punishment of Genocide!
    17 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Che Guevera Picture
  • Scrap unfair employment tribunal fees
    In July 2013 the government introduced fees for taking an employer to an employment tribunal. Their reasoning behind this was that it would stop people making bogus claims. In reality, all introducing these fees has done is made it financially impossible for the majority of people who have been treated unfairly to take action against their employer. The current fees for taking an employer to an employment tribunal are between £390 and £1200. According to research carried out by Citizens Advice, now only 14% of valid claims are being taken forward to a tribunal and from October 2013 to March 2014 there was a 73% drop in claims on the same period the previous year. Imagine the following: -your employer sacked you because you developed a long term illness or because you were pregnant. -your boss was bullying you because of your sexual orientation, your race or your religion. -you employer stopped paying your wages or stopped you from being able to attend maternity related appointments. All of these thing would be a breach of your employment rights so why should you have to pay to stand up for them? These rights are protected by law so how can it be legal for the government to charge you a fee to take action when these rights have been broken? We need to get these fees scrapped so people can have the ability to stand up for themselves when they have been treated unfairly, otherwise it will just become even easier for employers to treat their employees however they want without any consequences.
    40 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Amy Fantom
  • government should help fund nurses and midwives NMC fees
    We are facing pay freezes and poor working conditions and the NMC keep increasing our registration fees. The purpose of the NMC is to protect the public. But no-one is protecting us from the extortionate increases the NMC apply each year.
    350 of 400 Signatures
    Created by Carolyn Gill
  • Stop the nurses annual registration icreasing from £100 to £120
    Nurse are not paid enough as it is, and their pay rises are pitifully small. Yet the annual registration fee is set for a 20% rise.
    36 of 100 Signatures
    Created by David James
  • Review of tax credits system
    People are not claiming benefits that they are entitled to for fear of finding themselves in debt, or because it can take so long to get through on the telephone. Also because once it has been deemed that tax credits have been overpaid people are powerless to appeal against the decision
    23 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Aisling Donnelly
  • End the archaic and oppressive regime of sanctions at DWP
    It's a matter of principles in belief and defense of the last remnants of the welfare state of which a slow and deliberate attempt has been made to eliminate to the benefit of nobody in society. It's also in contradiction of human rights legislation recognized on an international basis...
    127 of 200 Signatures
    Created by Damian Kershaw
  • protection of whistle blowers
    Whistle blowers are being hounded out of jobs for speaking up about wrong doings and then becoming unemployable because of this. Colleagues are too scared to back them. Confidence in public services will be restored and confidence of employees to report issues without reprisals. Current internal whistle blowing policies are ineffective and not used.
    39 of 100 Signatures
    Created by sue sutherland
  • 50+ women being crucified by the new pension rules
    This is an important issue whereby many women over the age of 55 particularly will suffer financial hardship through no fault of their own. There has been no proper planning or compensation considered for or this small minority of women which will suffer as a result. Many women over 50 find themselves living alone and had always expected to retire with a state pension at 60. The new legislation has not given woman a fair enough amount of time to prepare for such a major financial disruption to their lives.
    258 of 300 Signatures
    Created by Susanna Young