Stop changes to Access to WorkAccess to Work isn't a benefit and doesn't incur a cost to government - in fact it brings money into the treasury, yet Deaf and disabled people are having their support allowance capped or cuts made (meaning they can no longer afford to use qualified interpreters or the support they need). This places jobs at risk and has already resulted in job losses and demotions. People currently in work are potentially being forced out of work and onto benefits, which goes against everything the government is telling us they are trying to achieve. Deaf and disabled people bring a vast amount of skill and talent to our workforce that we can't afford to lose. We want to ensure that full support is provided, and people are enabled to gain, maintain and progress in their chosen careers. Personal choice and control needs to be handed back to the experts on Deaf and disabled access needs in the workplace - the individual Deaf and disabled people who use the scheme We want to ensure Deaf and disabled people are not subjected to a glass ceiling due to lack of support.21,194 of 25,000 SignaturesCreated by Emily Smith
Paid Bank Holidays for ALL workersIt is important to be fair to all workers, it shouldn't be down to who you happen to work for. What a boost the extra Bank Holiday would give the nation. Never has it been needed more, to lift the spirit of our workers, families and friends.11 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Helen Richards
STOP THE PAY CUT FOR G4S COVID WORKERSMobile testers work at the sharp end of the NHS Test and Trace service. Rain or shine, we expose ourselves to symptomatic members of the public, doing our best to curb the transmission of COVID-19. G4S's decision to reduce our pay is a cynical cost-cutting exercise. Please support our demands for a fair day's pay.52 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Toni Melechi
Too hot to work - maximum allowable temperatures in all businessesFirst and formost its an issue of health and safety for both staff and where aplicable customers or other members of the public, having to work in a enviroment that is too hot has deleterious effects on people, having a ready supply of cool water helps but is not enough in the height of summer. Added to the fact that people are more productive while comfortable and also excessive heat can damage stock of certain types.4 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Edward Brown
Pay our essential workers - no more bin strikes!Uncollected waste is already piling up across our borough, attracting rats, foxes and flies. We fully support the refuse collectors in their strike action, they do not deserve these cuts, but we pay council tax for this service which we are not receiving. This situation is an ever-increasing health hazard. Some local residents are already saying they will burn their waste as they have no other option, with nowhere to store it - aren't Thurrock's air pollution levels high enough? With 3 more weeks of no refuse collections, the situation is only going to get worse. The residents of Thurrock want our essential workers to be treated fairly. At this time when you are reducing their earning potential, the Trussell Trust have reported a 26% increase in demand for food banks in our borough. Please don't be the reason this figure rises further.4 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Sara FC
Make it a legal requirement for employers to backdate your salary following a promotionSpeaking with friends and family, this is not an unusual practice for employers to promote staff and not action the agreed salary until sometime after. Employees in the meantime are being underpaid for their new role. Making this a legal requirement will ensure that employers are more proactive and fair when promoting staff.1 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Georgie Hasler
Reduction of state retirement age post pandemicThis will be better for the economy with less people receiving universal credit and more tax revenue. It will allow young to have the better working life the deserve, help their mental health. It will also allow grandparents to support with child care earlier and to have a more healthy retirement20 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Gill Parnham
Front line worker tax changesTo show that they are appreciated and without them we would be in a far worse situation than we are now2 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Stephen Hindshaw
Fight for carers on carers allowanceIf it was not for carers who receive carers allowance it would fall on adult social care, social services, the government and the state... carers allowance for 35hrs plus per week is approximatly £67 per week... yes they can claim a universal credit top up of giving them about an extra £30 per week but when you add these 2 ammounts of pay together and divide that by 35hrs care they give it ammounts to approximatly £2.20 maybe slighly more per hour... per hour for a carer its over £5 less than minimum wage... and there is approximatly 1 million carers in this country trying to care for loved ones and friends which is helping state costs by billions of £££££'s... but they should be respected so much more by getting payed more carers allowance and universal and not pay for there own travel. Please, please, please help fight the government for all of the carers in great britain. Thankyou kindly.13 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Kelly Wanless
Change Jobseeker's Allowance qualifying criteriaI had to give up my job in October 2020 due to the intolerable stress and bullying. I have worked all my adult life other than when I was a stay at home mother for four years and when I cared full time for my Mother, who has dementia for almost four years. These years are credited for NI towards my pension. But they are not considered as qualifying for Jobseeker's Allowance. I have not been able to get a job yet and have no income, despite paying NI for more than 35 years. This feels like a gross injustice12 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Melanie Lewis-Clubbe
NMC scrap paymentNHS nurses who hold a NMC pin have worked so hard and risked themselves and their families health. Why should we have to pay for that!1 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Leanne Cobb
Fair pay and conditions for keyworkersIf workers are considered key during a pandemic they should be treated fairly.11 of 100 SignaturesCreated by danny bean
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