South street 8ft fencePeople with mobility scooters and pushchairs cannot gain access to the rec, it is an eyesore. No one recieved notice this was going to happen. It is far to big206 of 300 SignaturesCreated by Kellie Sinderson
Cutting down emissions in our local communitiesEvery morning, more and more parents have to fight for little space to park, our communities are too small to have almost every parent driving to school. If you can't find parking the kids will be late but most importantly, how much more emissions are we releasing into the atmosphere? I believe if only a few parents drive to school, and also because they have to go to work afterwards, I know it might to reduce emissions massively but that's a start. You will have a healthy society because more people are walking atleast Monday to Friday!1 of 100 SignaturesCreated by KELEBOGILE MOTLHWE
Tax meat, fish, dairy and eggsAnimal agriculture is significantly damaging to the environment, and to public health. It is hugely wasteful - and in modern society it is completely unnecessary. Rain-forest clearance is happening mostly due to the demand for land to produce arable crops which are used solely for animal feeds, and for grazing pasture. Greenhouse gas emissions from animal farming are greater than the entire global transportation sector. Around thirty per cent of the microplastics which foul our oceans have originated from discarded commercial fishing equipment. Without animal agriculture, and its harmful practices and products, there would be no zoonotic pandemics, no rivers poisoned by slurry, no rain-forest burning, no anti-biotic resistance, a reduction in heart disease and obesity, a greater abundance of natural wilderness, more bio-diversity, etc. The "sugar tax" has been successful in reducing the demand for harmful products. A meat and dairy tax could be equally successful - and is arguably far more important.8 of 100 SignaturesCreated by David Palk
Climate and Ecological Emergency BillWe are at a unique stage in our history. The future of humanity and indeed, all life on earth, now depends on us" - David Attenborough Why do we need this bill? We are facing an unprecedented climate crisis and the UK government simply isn’t doing enough. This is an emergency, the next 10 years are critical to keeping global temperatures at a safe level, and we want the government to take immediate and appropriate action. The Climate and Ecological Emergency Bill has been written by scientists, lawyers and activists; it has been proposed in parliament by Caroline Lucas MP and is gathering support from a broad range of campaign groups, businesses, charities and individuals. The key points contained in the bill are: 1. Ensure the UK reduces greenhouse gas emissions in line with its legal obligations to limit global heating to 1.5°C 2. Protect and restore woodlands, wetlands and the wider natural world 3. Set up an assembly to involve people from all parts of the UK to develop a strategy to deal with the climate emergency. We need the support of as many MPs as possible from all political parties. Please sign this petition asking Sarah Dines MP to support and vote for the Climate and Ecological Emergency Bill when it returns to the House of Commons on 12th March 2021. More info and/or join the campaign https://www.ceebill.uk/ The Climate and Ecology Bill https://publications.parliament.uk/pa/bills/cbill/58-01/0172/200172.pdf Contact our MP on this issue - https://members.parliament.uk/member/4816/contact74 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Wendy Bullar
Fishing limitsThe use of these boats not only damages the fishing stock but also cause further pressure on our fragile environment.3 of 100 SignaturesCreated by David Horsman
Manchester city council - we have a climate emergency, not an office emergency!Post Covid many companies are deciding the office is no longer a full time location for staff, yet Manchester City Council have a city-wide plan for more offices. Manchester still has illegal levels of pollution and during the pandemic it was clear, to those living in the centre, that there was no where to relax. Manchester city council declared a climate emergency. Since then they have removed the cycle paths from Great Ancoats Street, approved planning for a huge car park next to a primary school and have recommended plans to replace New Islington Green, a well-used strip of green space, with offices'. Please show us plans to tackle the climate emergency in a post COVID world. Manchester is supposed to be a city that does things differently, as people who live, work and visit Manchester we want the council's planning to reflect that.351 of 400 SignaturesCreated by Gemma Cameron
Right to repair my Apple phoneThey are causing to much e-waste and taking away peoples rights4 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Sean Sandles
Spare our diverse tree woodlandsTo mitigate the effects of climate change by retaining mature, healthy conifer and deciduous trees. To retain the unique character of mixed woodlands that have evolved over several decades. These woodlands provide an existing habitat for wildlife, environmentally enhance the area and offer a place of peace and solace for all.55 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Jayne Strutt
Serious about climate change then stop expanding airports.Every time an airport expands it increase its carbon footprint and increases the flights that come in and out of this country. We already have some of the busiest airports in Europe for the size of the country. How can Boris Johnson be serious about leading the reduction of climate changing emissions if he does not call a halt to all airport development now? All regional airports have been encouraged to submit expansion plans under the green paper Aviation towards 2050. Local authorities must be given the power under localism to object to local airport expansions and achieve a tangible route to stop further global emissions and start to reduce our devastating impact on our planet. Small steps towards zero emissions because no airline can categorically argue that airplanes will be able to transport at the scale they do now without burning more fossil fuels in the next 30 years. Their claims about electric flights are to be welcomed but let’s encourage action on that by stopping airport expansions now until electric transport is the norm not the exception. We will choke on promises which continue to deliver pollution.60 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Donna Robertson
Doggy DustbinsTo keep our street clean3 of 100 SignaturesCreated by John Atkinson
THE GREAT BIG CRISP PACKET CAMPAIGNWATCH AND SEE You Tube..THE ECO TRIPLETS The Great BIG Crisp PACKET CAMPAIGN https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3Fjo59d6RBc&t=2s The children of the UK (and North Herts) are fed up with their grown ups lying to them about the environment and pollution. It is the children who will inherit this polluted earth with plastic filled seas and land. People have been collection Crisp packets for over 2 years now yet the problem of littering, wildlife and sea life choking and landfill is worse than ever. We keep being fobbed off and told "they are working on it.".. well 2015 is too long to wait... and the KIDS want action now. You are making too many packets a day for us to wait that long. This is not responsible and not sustainable. Its not fair! Is it just about profits, what about the cost to the environment? We want to ask THE BIG CRISP MAKERS .. If we can fly to the moon why can't we make recyclable Crisp Packets? Why can't you make Crisp Packets that can be re-Cycled at Home? 2025 is too long to wait, we need these packets now. 2 farmers in Herefordshire have done it! They have plastic free packets so it proves it can be done, a great example of British Environmental Ingenuity. These plastic free packets have been around for over two years, so why are these packets not compulsory for anyone selling crisps or snacks in the UK? If the other companies ignore us then by raising awareness we can perhaps raise money to subsidise these 2 Farmers and get their Crisps available to the masses.? More questions that are being raised.... Are our Crisp Packets even being Re- cycled at Terra Cycle or is this just Green Washing? Well the kids don't want to be lied to anymore and want to ask the Big Crisp Makers what is going on. Grown ups, stop lying to children, if you really care then do something!32 of 100 SignaturesCreated by THE ECO TRIPLETS
A speed limit for HawlingHawling is a small village in the Cotswolds, based around a narrow winding country lane. Entry to the village at both ends is by a steep downhill road ending in a blind corner.This makes fast traffic hazardous for villagers, particularly families with young children, and for pets and other animal using the road. There is currently no street lighting and no speed limit. A 20mph limit from the 'Hawling' signs at each end would encourage road users - motorists and cyclists - to drive/ride safely and enjoy a picturesque village.61 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Stephen Crowne
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