• East Cambridgeshire District Council - Declare a Climate Emergency
    We are facing an unprecedented climate and ecological catastrophe. Leading scientists from the IPCC have warned that if we carry on with business as usual and don't take emergency action on climate change, we face the gravest threats to our local and global environment. This includes worsening risks of drought, floods, extreme heat and poverty for hundreds of millions of people. Extreme weather events are already being seen, even in East Cambs which experienced severe drought last year. More recently, during a heatwave in July 2019 which saw extreme temperatures across Europe, the highest temperature ever recorded in the UK was reached in Cambridge. In the light of this urgent situation, at least 230 councils in the UK have already declared a Climate Emergency, while cities including Exeter, Bristol and Edinburgh have set themselves ambitious targets of carbon neutrality by 2030. We therefore call on the East Cambridgeshire District Council to: 1. Declare a Climate Emergency; 2. Pledge to make ECDC together with its wholly-owned companies and contractors carbon neutral by 2030, and pledge to divest Council investments including pensions from fossil fuels; 3. Call on the Government to provide the powers, resources and technical support to make the 2030 target possible; 4. Work with local stakeholders to develop a strategy in line with a target of net zero emissions by 2030, via a Council Working Group and a Citizen's Assembly. These should involve participation from as wide a range of residents, young people, businesses, and other relevant parties as possible and should report within 6 months, or at least in time for their recommendations to be funded in the next budget cycle. Please only sign if you live or work in East Cambs, and make sure to include your postcode.
    403 of 500 Signatures
    Created by Kim Ashton
  • Don't relax fracking rules
    The current regulation for seismic activity, which is a traffic light monitoring system for fracking, was agreed with the industry who wanted to be seen as safe and responsible. Now as there are increased earthquakes which cause a pause in operational activity, the industry is asking for the regulation to be relaxed. Locals are concerned that increased earthquakes are causing damage. Therefore the current traffic light system needs to be retained . Please ask the energy minister to ensure the current regulations will be upheld.
    99,817 of 100,000 Signatures
    Created by Patricia Cooper
  • Stop earthquakes in Lancashire by banning fracking in the UK
    Seismicity is increasing owing to the fracking in Lancashire; cumulatively, the effects will be greater and it must be stopped now.
    1,228 of 2,000 Signatures
    Created by Mark Mills
  • SAVE THE TREES on Ely Gardens WD6
    There used to be 6 trees, long ago. They must have been regularly removed to make space for parking. Only three left, one of which was cut last year(2018) without notice or consultation. We’ve acted quickly and managed to save the two still standing. We were told the removal was made in error. We were given an apology and promissed by the Town Mayor last year, that they wont be removed. This year we’ve learned that the council is planning to fell these anyway. Reason given to some residents, are occurance of cracks in one of the house, and the trees are suspected cause. If any of you know the subject/ or is a specialist in the field, you know there is a lot to be done to find the real cause. If they are indeed the real risk/reason for the issue there are many ways around it, including tree root barier, regular heavy tree pruning etc. We questioned it all and ask for answers, but had no information given in response. Therefore we are campaigning to stop the action and save the trees. Oak trees on Ely gardens are over 100 years old. They were here long before these houses were built. They are home to variety of wildlife, including bats, that we have seen. These trees are a positive force to the environment, cleaning our air, providing shade, nest and perching for birds. Councils should do all that it takes to keep those healthy old trees, and should have very strong evidence against them before order for tree felling! These informations should be available to all local residents to assure us that every step has been taken and options explored before making such drastic decision -to cut these amazing trees! Please help us with our petition. We’re too fighting for the principle! The way forward is for a nice habitable breathable less polluted environment, we need our trees, and more should be planted, nurtured and kept for generations to come, not destroyed to make way for more parking spaces. We believe there is a way to have both! Please help us by signing the petition in your support to save these trees. Thank you.
    568 of 600 Signatures
    Created by Local Residents Picture
  • Stop handing out plastic bags for fruit and veg
    It was a great step that you phased out free plastic bags at the tills, but thin plastic bags are still freely available in the fruit and veg isles. They contribute to our consumption and waste of plastic, so, as a matter of principle, they should no longer be used. But matters are made worse, because a considerable number of customers just grab a handful of them when they enter the shop, use as many as they actually need, and leave the remainder in the shopping trolleys, which are then parked outside. All too often the wind then gets hold of these bags, and they end up anywhere around town and country. This is bad for nature and wildlife in any location. But it becomes even worse in coastal towns, such as for instance North Berwick, where the TESCO store is only a few hundred yards away from the sea, and the majority of these bags then end up there and add to the damage of marine wildlife.
    103 of 200 Signatures
    Created by Christiane Maher
  • Climate impact food labelling
    Is British milk, sustainably farmed, worse for the climate than soya milk from beans grown on cleared tropical forests and transported half-way round the world? Labelling would help us to make suitable food choices to reduce our climate impact.
    173 of 200 Signatures
    Created by Daphne Wassermann
  • No fish farms in the Sound of Canna
    Multi-million pound corporation MOWI wants to build the largest fish farm in the UK off the coast of Canna, an island in the Hebrides. The Sound of Canna is one of the most environmentally protected areas in the UK. If the fish farm is built, Scottish National Heritage says it will have significant impacts on the environment, polluting the sea, and threatening birds and marine animals like puffins, porpoises, and seals. Scotland’s wild salmon populations are the lowest they’ve ever been, and building a new fish farm could put more wild salmon at risk of contracting deadly diseases from farmed salmon. Please sign the petition now, and tell the Highland Council to protect the Sound of Canna, and reject MOWI’s proposal to build the UK’s biggest fish farm.
    14,811 of 15,000 Signatures
    Created by Matt Mellen
  • Stop Ipswich Northern Bypass
    Suffolk County Council have declared a Climate Emergency and an intention to make Suffolk the 'Greenest County'. Yet they have joined Ipswich Borough Council in a plan to build a dual carriageway through some of Suffolk's most beautiful countryside, including the lovely Fynn Valley, where critically endangered Turtle Doves can still be heard. They plan to pay for this road by building 20,000 new homes, concreting over yet more countryside. There is not work for anything like that many people in the area. This will result in tens of thousands more car journeys as people commute long distances to work and result in an environmental catastrophe for the county and the country as a whole. Please stop this madness.
    263 of 300 Signatures
    Created by Susan Herbert
  • Make Hay Lane Safe
    The Hay Lane crossing is used by school children, including young children attending Tregoze Primary School which is around the corner from the crossing. Residents regularly hear cars screeching down the road and there have been multiple near misses. Ultimately the road is a death trap and action needs to be taken now not after another collision takes place. Over two years ago my son was hit by a car while he was crossing Hay Lane and suffered severe injuries. Since then I have been promised on multiple occasions that the council would make the road safer but nothing has happened.
    713 of 800 Signatures
    Created by Clarisse Grother
  • Take fossil fuel extraction out of the Welsh National Marine Plan
    This clause contradicts the commitments made by the Assembly in their declaration of a "climate emergency". It was used by the oil and gas giant, Eni, to justify their application for a license in Cardigan Bay this May. It will be set in stone for twenty years, according to Environment Minister Lesley Griffiths, this month, when the WNMP is approved.
    943 of 1,000 Signatures
    Created by susanna Kenyon
  • DEAD nice beach
    The entire north coast of the Wirral is a site of special scientific interest ! The Dee estuary has been steadily silting up since the last ice age ! This process is now continuing around the corner on to Hoylake beach ! Vegetation is taking hold and a salt marsh will form . The council have sprayed the beach with glyphosate weed killer directly onto the beach !! It goes without saying that chemicals and the ocean don’t belong together!
    374 of 400 Signatures
    Created by Chris Cureton
  • Stop the Nuclear Laundry Being Trucked Out of Sellafield
    Allerdale Borough Council is considering giving retrospective planning to a private nuclear laundry washing up to 7.75 tonnes of Sellafield's dirty washing a day. The Ltd. company has no planning permission but was rewarded a radioactive substances permit from the Environment Agency (following a one month consultation which no one knew about) for every radioactive isotope you can think of and then some. Sellafield has its own dedicated supply of top quality fresh water but it is now using the public water supply to wash nuclear laundry. The nuclear laundry (Energy Coast Laundry) is 16 miles away from the Sellafield site at Lillyhall Business Park, near a college, play facilities for young children and food outlets. Companies House list the laundry as "Washing and (dry)cleaning of textile and fur products." The Company themselves have a crib sheet for prospective employees which states: "“Energy Coast Laundry Ltd is the Nuclear Professional arm and sister company to the Shortridge Group, owned and governed by the same directors but with a particular focus on Nuclear Industry Workwear and the cleaning and presentation of these products to and for our customer Mitie. We deal with six types of article or garment. These are towels, socks, pants, vests, shirts and trousers. We pick up two vehicle loads from Sellafield daily and turnaround the loads within twenty-four hours. Our core working hours are from 0500 to 1700 daily this does flex depending on the business needs. We produce over 6 tonnes a day on normal operation our production record is 7.75 tonnes in a day with equated to 775 10kg bags of clean processed laundry.” This is outrageous.
    521 of 600 Signatures
    Created by Marianne Birkby