• Climate change is still THE most important issue
    Climate change is NOT an old drab or dull issue. Is is THE single most important issue facing humanity and our species. It will define the 21st century in the way that World War defined the 20th century. It must not be ignored by the new Prime Minister. The climate is changing rapidly. This is causing rapid destruction of biodiversity and is increasingly leading to extreme weather, shrinkage of the polar ice-caps, melting of glaciers, rising sea-levels and a catastrophic change to global weather patterns. This is leading to human conflict over space, food and resources, and is the driving force behind the migrant crisis the world is experiencing. We must not ignore this issue because it will engulf us!
    139 of 200 Signatures
    Created by Christopher Little
  • Recycling
    We as a nation are not doing enough to solve the recycling problem. Individuals on a low income cannot often afford to do what is required. If the proposals were put in place it would help everyone recycle and improve the country's carbon footprint.
    2 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Paula Priest
  • Save Fonseca’s seed fly
    Plans for a 236 hectare golf course at Coul Links near Dornoch in the Scottish Highlands could put one of Scotland’s rarest species at threat of global extinction. Fonseca’s seed fly is restricted globally to a short stretch of coast in northern Scotland. Its population is perilously small and is thought to be closely associated with Ragwort, Sow-thistle and the sand dune systems found in this area. The proposed golf course would destroy important habitat for this species and fragment the already fragile population. Stabilisation of the dunes and creation of fairways and greens will destroy the habitat for the species.
    3,672 of 4,000 Signatures
    Created by Paul Hetherington Picture
  • Restore and protect the Sankey canal
    The Sankey canal is the first canal in modern industrial England accepted as the birthplace of the industrial revolution, it has the first 2 lock flights, it's crossed by the first passenger railway over one of the first viaducts, currently most of the Sankey is in dereliction indeed In filled, it still has its locks (some requiring rebuild), a viable water supply and its original reservoir, The Sankey canal is one of the most historically important canals in Britain. https://www.facebook.com/groups/127843080962417/
    501 of 600 Signatures
    Created by Jeff Round Picture
    The application goes against numerous policies in the Arun Local Plan. The site is outside the built up area, where the only development that might be approved would be sea defences. A planning application for a shelter for one boat was rejected in 2015 and the refusal was upheld on appeal, because the small shelter, less than one metre high, was considered to harm the open character of the beach and was therefore contrary to policy GEN7 of the Local Plan. An enclosure 2.85 metres high to accommodate 60 boats, which includes a building 13.6 metres long, must also be contrary to planning policy. There are also practical problems about the site: the roads approaching it are private, and the owners have said that they will note provide the Open Dinghy Club with the right to use them. There is a section of car park between the road west of the site, South Strand, which is attached to the house south of it, and its owner, Caroline Bond, has said she will not allow the club to cross her land. So the site can only be reached on foot or from the sea, and construction of the enclosure and building seems impossible. Please let Arun District Council know your thoughts, today.
    545 of 600 Signatures
    Created by Jessica Moore
  • Save Houghton Field of Dreams
    The area in question is the land to the North of Blind Lane in Houghton and has been green, open space for over 40 years and is used by the local community for recreational purposes. Due to several new build developments locally, this is now the only area of green , open space in the locality and is vital for the local community. In 2012, Sunderland City Council carried out a Green space Audit in the area and it was found to be the largest and highest quality green space in the area. It was also identified as serving three purposes; an outdoor sports facility, an amenity green space and as forming part of a green corridor in the area.
    604 of 800 Signatures
    Created by Marcus Grundy
  • Bradfield wants a Village Hall referendum NOW!
    Trustees are required by law to act prudently at all times in the best interests of the charity and its beneficiaries and be personally accountable for the proper management of the charity and its assets. Over 70% of the village have supported the Parish Council objecting to the current plans and we believe that the Trustees should seek a clear mandate before proceeding any further.
    136 of 200 Signatures
    Created by BPAG2016 Updates Picture
  • Tetrapak Recycling in Eastleigh Borough
    Tetrapaks are generally environmentally friendly, they save food waste and provide easy transportation when full or flat-packed. There is a recycling plant in Halifax who deal with 100% recycling of the components of Tetrapak. Much of Tetrapaks can be successfully recycled into useful products and do not need to be burnt with the black bin waste.
    136 of 200 Signatures
    Created by Eastleigh Green Party Picture
  • Access for the 88 dwellings not to be through Sandringham Gardens
    Will seriously increase the traffic and road use of Sandringham Gardens and I believe this will have huge implications on Health and Safety for the residents of Sandringham Gardens. I believe Pearce Homes have a duty of care to reconsider moving the access from Sandringham Gardens, and moving the access. This is due to the amount of children that use the Park, which is located on the main through road. This will cause massive health and safety issues for any users of the park. The road that would go through from Sandringham Gardens is too narrow to cope with potentially 176+ extra cars that would use this access (considering most households have 2 cars). Information regarding the proposed planning Planning Application Number: 60871 Site Address: LAND EAST OF OLD TORRINGTON ROAD STICKLEPATH DEVON Description: ERECTION OF 88 DWELLINGS, PARKING AREAS & ASSOCIATED ENGINEERING WORKS http://planning.northdevon.gov.uk/detail.asp?AltRef=60871
    121 of 200 Signatures
    Created by James O'Sullivan
  • Save our Greenbelt Stop Europark
    We oppose ANY building on this greenbelt land. We are trying to save our GREENBELT from an extensive plan to build 3000 LUXURY houses, shopping centre, cinema, office units and commercial units. The area in question is an area of immense beauty and has been untouched for generations - wildlife and countless plants, animals and insects live here, as well as providing peace and serenity for hundreds of local people. 3000 New luxury Home will decimate this land, cause extreme traffic problems and pollute the environment.The air around this area is already above the accepted level of pollution We would ask our representatives to contact the developer and urge them to focus on investing in developing the brown field sites and land designated for building in Airdrie This Proposed development will affect everyone, especially if you live in Carnbroe, Sikeside, Cairnhill, Brownsburn, Gartlea, Calderbank ,Chapelhall and Holytown Please visit or join our group on Facebook stop the europark development
    3,166 of 4,000 Signatures
    Created by Save Woodhall and Faskine Group
  • Ratify the UK's COP21 climate pledge
    The health of the environment is crucial to our ability to survive. Climate change is one of the biggest environmental issues facing us. In order to ensure future generations life on a healthy planet, the UK needs to make itself liable to act on the pledges made at the COP21 summit to cut carbon emissions. We cannot allow Brexit to cloud the importance of addressing the international impacts of climate change.
    3,833 of 4,000 Signatures
    Created by Anna McArdle
  • Abbey Meadow Outdoor Pool: Listen to Abingdon!
    Democracy and the future of the outdoor pool! Future of the pool! The pool is outdated and needs investment. The lining is cutting children's feet and may fail at any time, resulting in a hefty bill or the closure of the pool. Democracy! We voted for the pool to be refurbished and it is not being refurbished. The decision has been made by a councillor from Wantage, so we can't even vote her out! Three explanations have been given by the Vale. 1) It is too expensive: but the Vale have not got any estimates from pool contractors, or assessed what could be done with the 307,500 which would be half of the available capital budget. 2) Non-voters have to be considered: the Vale have also said that although 81% of people who voted chose Option A, this was only 3206 people in Abingdon (about 10%), and so the vote can be ignored. This is not democratic... and very concerning. Only the views of those that participate in democracy can contribute to democratic process. In fact, this had the highest participation of any consultation ever held in Abingdon, reflecting the importance of this issue. If everyone in Abingdon had voted, perhaps the majority would have been even higher! We just left the EU on a 4% difference with 28% non-participation, but apparently democracy only applies to the 'big' decisions 3) That we 'misunderstood' the consultation and that refurbishment meant 'repair' and not capital investment: I made a formal complaint to the Vale on this matter, the response to the complaint concluded that we did not in fact misunderstand anything and that 'the current planned works are not consistent with the description of scenario A in the consultation... anyone 'voting' for scenario A and contributing to the 81% overwhelming preference for scenario A would be disappointed with the council's planned works'
    777 of 800 Signatures
    Created by Naomi Richardson