• Jeremy Hunt: Abandon Plans to Publish Cost on NHS Medicines
    Many people rely on NHS prescriptions every day in order to stay alive. Others rarely take medicine even when their doctor advises and prescribes it for them. While we agree that there is much to be done to control the waste of NHS prescribed medication we believe printing the cost on packaging will have several negative results: 1. People who are already reluctant to take vital medication will have an even better excuse to ignore their doctor's advice - "I don't want to cost the NHS money if I don't need to..." 2. People who rely on medication to survive and/or enjoy a decent quality of life are already fully aware of how much their medication costs. They have no choice - they NEED the medication to survive & being constantly reminded of the cost will put them under extreme pressure & could have a negative psychological effect by making those people feel ashamed, a burden or worse, not deserving of life. 3. Identifying the most expensive medications in this way will make it easier for anybody with the intention of stealing said drugs, either from a pharmacy or an individual to quickly take & sell the most sought after black market medications. 4. The words "Funded by the UK taxpayer" are very divisive and will only serve to highlight an already widening disparity between those who are earning and those who are unable to work because of sickness or permanent disability. There are other ways to combat the waste of medications, including: 1. Changing regulations to allow unused medications to be returned to a regulated pharmacy in order to be re-distributed to another patient. 2. Encouraging all doctors to only prescribe what is necessary. 3. Setting up a national medication waste database to identify and catalogue which drugs are most often wasted, where and why.
    497 of 500 Signatures
    Created by Juliet Marlow
  • Maternity rights and Premature Babies
    If something is not done a lot of parents will, and have spent a huge chunk of their maternity leave in hospital.
    200 of 300 Signatures
    Created by Ije McDougall
  • Save Broomhill Rehabilitation Unit
    Broomhill has been a hub in the centre of the community in Gedling, Nottingham for over twenty years. The centre works with people who have enduring and complex mental health problems, helping them to move back to independent living. It is a Nurse-led, 12 bedded inpatient unit. In addition, it supports at least 15 patients in the community who are ex-residents, some of whom have no families or support network. In 2014 the Care Quality Commissioners inspected Broomhill and reported that it is an effective well run service that provides an excellent quality of care. The NHS Trust that Broomhill is part of is planning to close the unit down by October 1st 2015. The in-patients at Broomhill have very difficult needs. They require very skilled help and good therapeutic relationships before they are able to live independently. If Broomhill is closed it is likely one of 3 things will happen to our patients with complex needs: they will be discharged from acute mental health wards into the community and receive an hour or two a week visits from a Community Mental health Team. It’s very likely that this will not be enough to prevent them from relapsing. They will have to stay on the acute hospital wards for a long time. This takes up expensive beds and prevents others from getting a bed and not getting the rehabilitation and recovery work they need The Trust will have to pay for very expensive services from another organisation, often in the private sector, and a long way from the patients’ home. We are all very used to hearing that ‘Cuts are necessary’, but Broomhill is an amazing example of a service that shows excellent quality. Relapse is not just devastating for the patient but in the long term costs dearly and adds pressure to the NHS and other stretched public services. Why break something up that works well and has helped so many patients and their carers? You can read more information about Broomhill on this blog post: https://home.38degrees.org.uk/2015/07/16/save-broomhill-rehabilitation-centre/
    2,552 of 3,000 Signatures
    Created by ben greenaway
  • Free medication for people with Parkinson's
    My drugs are my lifeline. Without them I would have no movement at all. So why should I have to pay? Prescription charges for Parkinson's: England. Charge Scotland. Free Wales. Free Ireland. Free There are numerous medical conditions whereas you qualify for free prescriptions unfortunately if you reside in England and suffer from Parkinson's then this is not considered as one of these conditions! Some medicines you can only get by prescription, usually from your GP. In England each prescribed item currently costs £8.20. Prescription charges were abolished in Wales in 2007, in Northern Ireland in 2010 and in Scotland in 2011. Why are there varying standards across the country? I believe that all people with Parkinson's and other long-term conditions should be exempt from prescription charges wherever they live in the UK. Medication is extremely important in helping people with Parkinson's manage their symptoms and continue to lead independent lives. People with Parkinson's are often required to pay multiple prescription charges, due to the number of medications prescribed for the management of a wide range of symptoms. A list of conditions that qualify for exemption from prescription charges does exist in England but has barely changed since its creation in 1968, despite significant medical and technological changes. Particularly concerned about the additional financial hardship that charges present for younger people with Parkinson's. For example, the income rules on free prescriptions can mean those on incapacity benefits still have to pay for prescription charges. If people can't afford their prescribed medication their symptoms may get worse. And this may lead to a greater cost to health and social services. This is a campaign for a Prescription Charges Coalition to ensure people with all long-term conditions – including Parkinson’s – are exempt from prescription charges, wherever they live in the UK
    877 of 1,000 Signatures
    Created by Ŵilliam Rowe
  • Electrify the Midland Mainline
    The Supreme Court recently ruled that the Government must take more action to reduce air pollution. At the moment, diesel trains pass through already polluted cities, causing more illness and premature deaths. Diesel trains also have a bigger carbon footprint than electric trains. The towns and cities along the route will not be able to meet air quality and carbon emissions targets until the Midland Mainline is electrified.
    730 of 800 Signatures
    Created by Hannah Wakley
  • Make osteopathy available to all on the NHS
    The petition has been sent to NHS England who responded that the responsibility for these decisions is with local CCGs; so it's over to you to send this petition, or your own personal message to your local CCG which you can find here: http://www.nhs.uk/Service-Search/Clinical%20Commissioning%20Group/LocationSearch/1. According to the NHS Choices website: "Back pain is a common problem that affects most people at some point in their life." Two years ago I developed excruciating knee, lower back and shoulder pain. Despite powerful painkillers, the pain was so bad that I was unable to stand for three weeks. My GP prescribed pain killers and referred me for physiotherapy which helped - but was very slow. After being in continual pain for a year it eventually got under control. But then a few weeks ago the pain started again following exactly the same pattern. A colleague recommended her osteopath who listened carefully to the sequence of events, looked at all the affected parts together, made a diagnosis, did half an hour of massage and manipulation and the pain was greatly reduced and after three treatments was virtually gone. I was able to continue working throughout and haven’t needed any painkillers. Many friends and family members say they've had similar positive experiences of osteopathy, while the NHS was able to offer only painkillers and physiotherapy. Physiotherapy can be effective, but adding osteopathy as an alternative would provide greater choice and may suit some people better - as well as being quick and highly effective. NHS Choices says “There is good evidence that osteopathy is effective for the treatment of persistent lower back pain. The National Institute for Health and Care Excellence (NICE) recommends it as a treatment for this condition.” The total cost of my treatment was over £300. I struggled to find the money; for many people it would be impossible. So why isn’t the option of osteopathy available everywhere on the NHS? At a time when there is sharp awareness of the need for the NHS to be cost effective, osteopathy could alleviate some of its problems of overburdening and under-resourcing. And it could definitely help alleviate the pain and misery of many people with back pain. Please sign this petition if you agree that osteopathy should be available to anyone who needs it, not just those who can afford it or happen to live in an area whose Clinical Commissioning Group offer it. Useful websites: NHS Choices - Osteopathy: www.nhs.uk/conditions/osteopathy/Pages/Introduction.aspx Institute of Osteopathy - NHS matters (for osteopaths) www.osteopathy.org/for-osteopaths/clinical-development/nhs-matters/
    909 of 1,000 Signatures
    Created by Sabita Banerji
  • Save Wythenshawe Hospital's General Surgery
    The proposed move of these services will have a detrimental effect to the people of South Manchester. Consultants and medical staff have raised their concerns over the new proposal and believe that it will have a knock on effect to the care provided in A&E and also other areas of the hospital such as Maternity and paediatrics, cardiothoracics and heart transplant. My son was treated at Wythenshawe hospital for a ruptured appendix by the general surgeons had this service not been available we would have had to wait for a transfer to the MRI by ambulance which would have been life threatening to him. As someone who uses these services and lives in the surrounding area it is vital that these services are kept at wythenshawe hospital keeping the health and safety of the people of South Manchester and Trafford at the forefront. Would you like to go to an A&E department only to be told your life threatening condition could not be treated there and you would have to wait to be transferred to a different hospital? I wouldn't ! People of South Manchester we have until the 15th July to voice our concerns when the Healthier Together Programme will either reject or comission this proposal ! Please sign and share to fight for our hospital
    5,475 of 6,000 Signatures
    Created by Geraldine Hulston
    We, as a growing belief section of the community feel we are under represented marginalised and ignored with in these settings and encounter intolerance and ignorance and call for an end to this and our diversity to be celebrated and officially accepted and staff educated to know about our systems of celebration of life and death and care of our sick and our elders It is gravely important our belief systems are respected and represented with in health and care settings and our community tolerated and allowed our dignity. recently a druid priestess was in a nhs hospital in the north midlands during summer solstice, one of our holy high days of the pagan wheel of the year, and was subjected to verbal intolerance and taunting by some members of staff who encouraged patients to join in, been likened to as a Satanist and weird and also told we sacrifice animals, all of these nothing to do with the pagan and druid beliefs, the priestess was so affronted she raised it with the CQC and hospital chaplaincy and official complaints are in process
    593 of 600 Signatures
    Created by Jacky Barfoot
  • Ban Legal highs in Norhern Ireland
    These are the people who have so much potential yet they throw away their money on nothing but a bag of chemical which at times can lead to death and many other things. At the end of the day this is the society your living in, would you rather live in a dangerous society with people running about of their heads on drugs, or a place without drugs, a safer and happier environment
    7 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Megan Mckeegan
  • Save Arts Therapies in Sheffield!
    Arts Therapists provide a unique approach within mental health care. It will not only limit the therapeutic services we are able to offer to clients but also be a loss to the teams in which therapists offer perspectives in discussions, decision making and reviews. It will inevitably put more pressures on an already stretched service.
    1,140 of 2,000 Signatures
    Created by gemma dunnery
  • Fund 16+ education in hospitals
    Recently my daughter had to spend 7 weeks in hospital, just before taking her AS level exams. When she went into hospital she was in the paediatric ward and had access to their excellent full time school, 5 days a week. Due to her age she was transferred to the adult ward, in the same hospital, and she went from full time educational support to a 45 minute once a week session with a teacher, funded on a charitable basis. We had no idea that education is not funded for children aged 16 to 19 in full time education whilst they are in hospital. The government funds education for under 16 year olds in hospital, but once they turn 16 there is no funding. It is hard enough studying for A levels when you are well, even more difficult when you are ill in hospital and impossible when you are offered next to no support. The government encourage children to stay in full time education or training, but discriminate against those unfortunate enough to be hospitalised whilst in education, by not funding this essential service. Please support my petition to get the government to fund post 16 education in hospital.
    130 of 200 Signatures
    Created by Nicole Lyster
  • Glyphosate used in Children's parks in Sunderland
    It is invisible then turns yellow after 4-5 days You can sit in parks and unknowingly become ill. The World health Organisation and Breast Cancer Research now belief it is probably carcinogenic.It is believed its causing Breast cancer and 32 other diseases.
    101 of 200 Signatures
    Created by Mac Fairrington