• Removing the rules on flasks at the Amex
    With the upcoming ban on flasks, we find this unacceptable for many people. Some people bring soup to a game (something that is not sold at the stadium), some people bring tea or coffee as they cannot afford to buy Hot Drinks at the stadium. (This may be a family or someone on a reduced income). A flask at football is a right of passage and is for refreshment purposes not as a weapon. How many times has a football player been hit with a rogue flask? Is this really for safety or a way of increasing revenue from drink sales?
    146 of 200 Signatures
    Created by Richy Smith
  • Force Hospitals to stop blocking access to medicinal cannabis
    This is extremely important as children and adults continue to suffer across the UK without help from Hospitals. Children with life threating seizures are battling to stay alive. Instead of Medicinal Cannabis, they are on heavy sedative medications which are killing them and offer no quality of life to the child and quite often simply do not work. People are suffering from chronic pain in conditions such as Terminal Cancer and get little to no relief from traditional pharmaceutical drugs which sedate them and often have extremely bad side effects. People with Multiple Sclerosis find no comfort from traditional pharmaceutical medications and have found Medicinal Cannabis to change their quality of life. And many many other illnesses can be helped by the use of this medication!
    1,163 of 2,000 Signatures
    Created by Robin Emerson
  • Remove condition 16 of the licensing Act for Polzeath Pancake Shack
    This is important for us as we pay a license to trade and we have overnight free camping which sometimes our spot gets parked in and we cannot trade, we are paying a license to trade and the council license team seem to think it’s not their problem if I can’t trade! Which then means I can’t provide a service to all my customers who come to Polzeath for my pancakes!! I employ local staff, and my carbon footprint is zero, I live here, all year round. Please sign and share and let the council know why you think this is important to you and your families when you come to visit Cornwall.
    353 of 400 Signatures
    Created by Seahem Sodhi
  • The Government must provide emergency funding to foodbanks
    It is well reported that foodbank use in the UK has seen an unprecedented rise in use. They rely solely on public donations to feed people. Because it is government policy that has caused this rise, they must intervene now. Foodbanks are running out daily and face the awful task of turning people away. Health and wellbeing is at severe risk. These charities are doing the government's work free of charge. This must change.
    545 of 600 Signatures
    Created by Alexander Tiffin Picture
  • Let my fiance come home immediately
    The judge has now determined that the Home Office breached our human rights and that we satisfied all of the application requirements all along and that we need to be together, but we still face a long wait for him to come home. On 13th December 2017 we were devastated to find that the visa was refused on the basis that I as the sponsor didn't meet the financial requirement and that bills were not submitted to prove we lived together therefore our relationship wasn’t considered genuine. When in fact, all relevant documents were submitted to prove my income of £19,500 and bills were also submitted in both our names. Our solicitor asked the Home Office to reconsider their decision the day after the refusal but this has never been acknowledged. Solicitor lodged our appeal on 18th December. My local MP had also contacted the HO who had refused to review the decision outside of appeal procedures. My local MP had also made comments such as "if he leaves you after 18 months of obtaining the visa I cannot help you" she had already judged the situation without even knowing us. On the 17th December 2017 things took a turn for the worst as I was sectioned under 136 of the mental health act by police and taken to hospital after trying to jump from a bridge above a busy motorway in order to kill myself because of the stress & anxiety that the home office had caused by separating us against our own will. We will never be able to describe the emotional abuse we have suffered at the hands of the Home Office, there just isn't any words for it. This led to me losing my job on 10th January 2018 due to issues with my mental health and personal life affecting my work. Luckily I was able to find new employment almost immediately, but it left me in a position where I wasn't able to visit my fiance due to fear of losing my job again. After a frustrating few months of trying to get our lives back on track, both myself and fiancé made a complaint to the home office due to their incompetence, they refused to speak to me as I am not the applicant and refused him because he was out of country. We threatened the home office with the Parliamentary and Health Service Ombudsman as we couldn’t make a formal complaint to which they finally agreed to review the decision 27th February after saying that they could never review a decision outside of appeal procedures. They only received the appeal from the tribunal on 16th March. We was very hopeful that finally someone would realise there was a mistake made. In the meantime we had submitted 3 expedite request to the First Tier Tribunal on the basis of my mental health deterioration which were refused for the judges not taking my mental health seriously. After chasing the review agreed by the Home Office for 9 weeks, on the 3rd May 2018 review completed by the HO but they had maintained the refusal on the financial requirement but now stated they believed our relationship. How could they still get it wrong when the evidence was clear in their face?! After a complaining to the resident judge about how previous judges had treated my mental health, this lead to our case finally being expedited and on 6th June 2018, our hearing took place, to which the Home Office never showed up or submitted a bundle. The Judge allowed our appeal on the day as he found I did meet the requirements all along and that it was a breach of our human rights to keep us apart. on 23rd July 2018 received the court determination letter after chasing the court every week! The Home Office now have 28 days to appeal the allowed decision which we are confident they wont due to no error of law being made. Our human rights have been breached enough, why should we have to wait a further for him to come home, I need him home as he is the only family I have. We just want to move on with our lives.
    325 of 400 Signatures
    Created by Paige Jokovic Picture
  • Scrap UK visa fees for children and in human rights cases
    People who cannot return to their home country because it would breach their human rights shouldn’t be charged fees for their visa applications to remain in the UK. Currently the government charges extortionate amounts from people with human rights applications. These include people • whose human rights to family and private life in the UK would be violated if they were removed or not allowed to enter, • who cannot return home because there would be unjustifiably harsh consequences or very significant obstacles to their integration if they were removed to their country of origin, • who cannot be removed because of their ill-health The fees the Home Office charges for visa applications are extremely high. An application on human rights grounds costs £1,033 and has to be renewed 3 times before someone can apply for indefinite leave to remain at an even higher fee of £2,389. This means a total payment of £6,521 over 10 years. Dependants are charged the same fees: a mother with two children would have to nearly £20,000 in fees over 10 years! These sums are entirely out of the reach for Myrtle and Stephanie who cannot return and were granted leave to remain on human rights grounds: Frail 94 year old South African Myrtle Cothill visited her only daughter Mary, aged 68, in the UK in 2014. Whilst in the UK, Myrtle’s health deteriorated and her family were told that if she left she would be at greater risk of death within months of her return to South Africa. After a huge public outcry Myrtle was granted leave on human rights grounds in 2016. But she is left to pay the fees to extend her visa every 2.5 years. It’s a huge financial burden as Myrtle obviously cannot work, her 68-year-old daughter Mary lives on a small pension, and Mary’s 62-year-old husband David (who suffers from Parkinson’s) battles on working part-time as a cashier in a supermarket. Both Stephanie*, a South African national & her British mother Louise* were subjected to domestic violence & cruelty at the hands of Stephanie’s father in South Africa. They fled to the UK in 2010. After a lengthy legal battle, Stephanie was finally allowed to stay on human rights grounds. A medical condition means Stephanie is unable to work and Louise supports both of them working as a care assistant. Every 2.5 years Louise has to pay huge home office fees to keep Stephanie in the UK, and it’s a real struggle on her salary. Many of those applying for further leave to remain will have paid taxes for years without having access to many public services. Charging people on top of this for wanting and needing to remain in the UK is unjust and inhumane. Sajid Javid and the Home Office should scrap the visa application fees in all human rights cases (including family reunion cases, applications by children, adult dependent relatives and partners), scrap nationality application fees for children and charge a maximum of what it costs them to process immigration applications (the ‘unit cost’) for all other applications. *Names changed due to safety concerns and legal reasons
    76,667 of 100,000 Signatures
    Created by Spelthorne Green Belt Campaign
  • Lizard Loves the Little Big Gig
    The Little Big Gig - among the other events staged by Henry’s Campsite - boosts tourism for the village. Far from being detrimental, they are a draw card for other local businesses. The Little Big Gig itself is held in late September, out of high season and provides a welcome influx of visitors before a long winter. This is an extremely rural community and events such as these are key in keeping us close knit. The village socialises together, bonds are formed and the village thrives. The council have threatened to close down the festival despite considerable effort to accommodate noise complaints. Next week they will make a decision. Will you sign this petition to let them know you want the festival to continue?
    2,528 of 3,000 Signatures
    Created by Hayley White
  • Lincolnshire welcomes refugees
    We don't want Britain to be the kind of country that turns its back as people drown in their desperation to flee from war and persecution. To date, Lincolnshire County Council has refused to respond to the Government ‘invitation’ to Local Authorities to offer their support. Please sign this petition to show your support for Lincolnshire offering its help to refugees. It’s right to care, it’s important to reach out - that’s what makes a community. Let’s play our part.
    153 of 200 Signatures
    Created by Holly Furness
  • Somer and Areeb must stay in the UK
    Somer, 15 and his brother Areeb, 13, are terrified that they will be murdered by Islamic extremists if they are forced to leave Scotland - the country they love and call home - and deported to Pakistan. They fled the country to Glasgow with their parents, Maqsood and Parveen, in 2012 following death threats because they are Christians. The brothers, who think of themselves as Scottish and are both thriving at secondary school where they have lots of friends and play a full part in community life, have lived in limbo for more than six years. The Home Office have rejected the Bakhsh family's applications for asylum because officials do not accept their lives are at risk in Pakistan, despite the fact it is a country where Christians are persecuted and blasphemy carries the death penalty. The catalyst for the family’s move to Scotland was the murder of two of Maqsood Bakhsh's Christian friends who were gunned down outside a court, while in police custody, in the Pakistan city of Faisalabad in July 2010. Maqsood Bakhsh claims the people responsible for their deaths have targeted him, know exactly who he is and would kill him and his family if they had the chance. Four of his friends have been killed by Islamic extremists, his sister in law’s brother is serving life in jail because of Pakistan’s blasphemy law and his nephew was kidnapped last month. An uncle of Maqsood was murdered on his doorstep in Pakistan, shortly after he returned to the country after living for nearly 20 years in the USA. Once you have been marked by people who mean you harm, you are forever marked. The family feel safe in Scotland and want the chance to stay and make a full contribution to society.
    89,725 of 100,000 Signatures
    Created by Linda Pollock
  • Allow UK citizens to bring their foreign spouses.
    Back in 2012, the UK Government changed the required salary for UK residents to bring their foreign spouses into the country from £12,000 to £18,600. (An increase of more than 50%) This is utterly unfair, was deemed so by the House of Lords, and is even disproportionate to inflation rates. The House of Lords was concerned about immigration and therefore raised the issue in Parliament as to whether the impact on communities and families on modest incomes had been examined, but it received no direct response. Many hard-working, tax-paying, law-abiding citizens — who prior to 2012, hoped to be settling towards a married life with their overseas partners, so long as they could acquire a full-time contract and salary of £12,000 or more — had their dreams shattered and their families' lives torn apart by this unjust legislation. Furthermore, this legislation has done absolutely nothing to rid the UK of those unfit to live harmoniously with or adapt to the British way of life.
    133 of 200 Signatures
    Created by Callum McNulty
  • Mahsa Azad to remain in the UK
    Mahsa is seeking asylum after fleeing Iran because she was persecuted for being in a same sex relationship. She has been in Newcastle Upon Tyne for 6 months, she has made Newcastle her home and has people here she considers to be her new family. The Home office want to send her to Austria as that was her first point of entry in Europe. She is now in the UK and is part of our LGBT Community, she has been active as a volunteer for The LGBT Federation and despite all of her troubles she shows concern for others and wants to help. She has made great progress in learning English, she has made every effort to join groups and has struggled to get her spirits up after the trauma of leaving Iran, she will not survive a deportation as she is already feeling crushed by the Immigration System. She was removed from her home in Newcastle without warning and taken to Yarl’s Wood Immigration Removal Centre, this is bad for her already fragile mental health and it will set back the progress she has made. It's possible she will be leaving Yarl's Wood on the 25th June, If she is sent out of the UK it will destroy her, she has already been removed from her place of relative safety and it is inhumane to be sent out of the UK to somewhere she is not familiar with. She should not be persecuted further because of who she loves. We are asking for the Home Office to have her asylum case heard in the UK and for her to be allowed to claim asylum in the UK.
    235 of 300 Signatures
    Created by Andrea Strachan
  • Protect Free Speech Online!
    The EU Copyright Directive is a proposed new law that could destroy the internet as we know it, allowing big companies to control what we see and do online. It would mean that every website would have to introduce “upload filters” that automatically block material it thinks has been illegally copied. The filters are meant to block copyrighted music, films or text, but filters struggle to tell what legal uses really are. Online commentary, reviews, art, and internet memes could all be censored automatically. This would stifle freedom of expression and speech online - everyones content would be targeted from individuals posting on facebook or writing on their own blog, to small charities speaking out against big businesses and graphic designers creating art. It is far too high a cost for enforcing copyright. We have a chance to stop this in its track. Sign the petition and add your voice to the growing wave of UK and EU residents opposing this threat to free speech online.
    2,020 of 3,000 Signatures
    Created by Open Rights Group Picture