• Glasgow North stands up to hateful comments in politics
    The Brexit Party’s candidate for Glasgow North, Dionne Cocozza, is reported to have shared Islamophobic comments on her social media account. She has shared a number of posts claiming there is a planned Muslim “takeover”. What our politicians say matters. When powerful people say hateful things, it can have a real impact, spreading fear and division - and turning people off of politics. The kind of comments shared by Dionne Cocozza have no place in our politics - and we need to show her that people in Glasgow North think these comments are wrong. Will you sign the petition and demand a proper apology from Dionne Cocozza? It’s time to stand up against hatred in politics.
    184 of 200 Signatures
  • Homelessness and Domestic Abuse On Party Manifestos
    Getting the homeless off all degrees and families couch surfers, people in sub-standard living space i.e. hostel accomodation, overcrowded flats and not least domestic abuse along with all other situations of abuse in our society. We must explore every avenue of publicity at our disposal i.e. the INTERNET, SOCIAL MEDIA, FACEBOOK, TWITTER, YOUTUBE, INSTAGRAM i.e. the magic of the internet via the family, friends, work colleagues, fellow club members, sports etc.I would appreciate if after signing you could share it on any social media accounts you have. All trade unions, across all sections of our society, and to pass it up the chain to party headquarters. It is in each party's interest and the of the nation's. We don't know when the manifestos will be published in the next two weeks so this is urgent. You may be ware the parties write their manifestos and is their commitment to pass into law. I am involved because at 10 months old I lost my mother from domestic violence and this still affects me emotionally even today. 80 years on it is still happening in increasing numbers and should not be happening in the 21st Century.
    401 of 500 Signatures
    Created by John Hadman
  • Expand safe and legal routes for refugees
    A lack of safe and legal routes into the UK for refugees seeking safety is forcing people to travel to the UK using life-threatening methods, including squeezing into the back of refrigerated lorries or riding in vulnerable dinghies across wild seas. People fleeing the threat of torture, rape or death cannot claim asylum in the UK without physically reaching Britain. This means that people are risking their lives to escape danger and try to secure asylum in the UK. Right now the UK offers a few limited programmes that provide safe and legal routes into the UK, but these programmes have been drastically reduced. Instead of reducing these programmes, the government should expand them to make sure anyone fleeing danger can travel safely and legally to the UK if they need to.
    1,573 of 2,000 Signatures
  • End Physical Violence Against Children
    Physically harming children in any way has no place in 21st century Britain. The Scottish Government are banning violence against children in any forms, but in England it’s still legal to harm a child so long as you don’t leave a trace. Experts have made crystal clear how dangerous and damaging any kind of violent, abusive treatment of children is to their mental health and development. There’s never an excuse, and it’s time the law made that clear. If you think children in England deserve the same protections as children in Scotland, will you add your name to the petition today?
    662 of 800 Signatures
    Created by Gordon Maloney
  • Don’t let Brexit keep child refugees from their families
    The government might close a route for separated child refugees to reach their families after a no-deal Brexit. Sayeed shares his story, and why you should sign the petition: "I am worried for child refugees in Europe who may no longer be able to reunite with family safely as I did. The Government could close this route to safety for child refugees, putting thousands of child refugees at risk. As a result children like me may be forced to jump on the back of lorries or overcrowded dinghies to be with family. I need your help to make sure the Government changes its mind. I need you to sign my petition. When I was 15 I was forced to flee Afghanistan because of civil war that made my life really dangerous. Leaving my Mum and Dad behind, I travelled for months on my own before I reached Calais - I walked, travelled by car, in lorries and on boats all by paying smugglers. Luckily when I reached Calais I found out that there was a legal route for me to be with my sister in the UK, until then most nights I was trying to jump on the back of lorries. But I never made it, I was stopped by police and beaten with a truncheon. It was so painful. Thanks to a route to family reunion I was able to come to the UK on the Eurostar to restart my life. I’ve now got leave to remain and am studying to be an electrician while taking my Maths and English GCSEs. I would feel awful if Brexit stopped other children like me from being with their family. Leaving them to make their own way from France, Greece or Italy is not a solution. Without this route they’ll be encouraged by traffickers to take even more dangerous journeys. Please sign the petition today."
    9,152 of 10,000 Signatures
    Created by Andrew Hyams Picture
  • Sanctions on India
    Indian army has been oppressing Kashmiri people since last 70 years. In the light of recent events, where India has started to extend its illegal occupation of Kashmir, human rights of people there are at stake. Kashmiri people are under siege with no freedom. India’s extremist regime is similar to Nazi regime, and minorities are facing serious risks to lives in India. There are mobs of Neo Nazi extremists, lynching innocent people on streets. Sanctions on India will force India to step back and solve the issue of Kashmir as per the will of Kashmiri people. it is our collective responsibility to protect rights of Kashmiri people and minorities in India.
    110 of 200 Signatures
    Created by MUHAMMAD KHALIL Picture
  • Give youth services the funding they need
    Youth violence and child criminal exploitation in the UK are at an all time high, and the government aren’t doing enough to prevent it. In the past 5 years, knife crime has increased by 71%, and the number of young people who lost their lives to violence rose by 45% from 2017-2018. And because of massive cuts to funding for youth programs and services, the criminal exploitation of children has sky-rocketed. If the government wants to protect young people in the UK from violence and exploitation, they need to fund youth services that can intervene early in young people’s lives, making sure they have safe places to go to and trusted adults to help them and protect them from harm. I started this petition because I have children myself, and I want the government to do more to give them opportunities, and keep them safe. Please sign and share.
    81,511 of 100,000 Signatures
    Created by Kimberley Butterley
  • The U.K. Government must publicly condemn the use of child detention centres in the USA
    America is currently separating young children from their parents at borders, and placing them alone in detention centres, without access to clean water, beds, contact with family members, or proper care. Migrants have been kept in cells at freezing temperatures, and many of them have died due to lack of proper medical care. The US government have used children as bait to arrest and deport family members who come forward to care for them. Human Rights Watch spoke to an 11 year old in one of the detention centres, caring for his toddler brother, in a cell crowded with other children. When they spoke to the brothers, the little one had matted hair, and a awful cough, with eyes half closed with fatigue. They had been in there for three weeks, with no contact with their relatives or the outside world. US border control are holding many children, as young as two years old, in jail-like border control facilities for weeks or months at a time without access to showers or clean clothes, with many children becoming sick. All migrants have the right to be treated with dignity, humanity, and compassion, and children are entitled to additional safeguards under both US and international law. It is time the U.K. government as the USA's closest allies take action and publicly condemn these human rights abuses.
    278 of 300 Signatures
    Created by Matilda Jackson
  • Stand up for Human Rights in Hong Kong
    Human rights and fundamental freedoms are under attack in Hong Kong. In recent years, booksellers have been abducted, pro-democracy candidates disqualified and barred from standing for election, protestors imprisoned, and the free press undermined. A government proposal that will allow Hong Kong people to be extradited to face unjust trials in mainland China was the last straw. This June, millions took to the streets to say that enough is enough. In 1984, the United Kingdom signed a treaty with China that promised after the handover, Hong Kong people's rights and freedoms will remain unchanged until 2047. But China has broken this promise repeatedly with escalating attacks on Hongkongers' human rights. Recent events are a wake-up call. The British government has a responsibility under international law to protect human rights in Hong Kong. They must show this commitment post-Brexit, by insisting that a human rights clause is included in a future free trade agreement. This will be the first time the UK has ever negotiated a free trade agreement with Hong Kong: it must take a stand to protect human rights, fundamental freedoms and our shared values.
    68,624 of 75,000 Signatures
    Created by Democracy For Hong Kong Picture
  • Help Steffan Stay In Scotland!
    I am starting this petition in regards to the decision made to refuse UK residency to a very dear friend of mine. Having experienced racial attacks and prejudice in his native USA, Steffan Chadwick Harris moved to Scotland and has been a member of our community for years, having received a spousal visa through his wife. However, as I’m sure you appreciate, marriages do not always last forever, and Steffan and his wife are currently in the process of divorcing. I lived in the same building as Steffan for many years. Since separating from his wife, Steffan has moved out of Edinburgh and has managed to secure a job working in Kirkcaldy. He has become a much more confident and happy person and is contributing positively to society. We pride ourselves on being an inclusive country who welcome people from all walks of life and I believe that after 8 years in Scotland, Steffan belongs here. I would be very grateful if somehow we could convince the Home Office to reconsider the decision to deny him his future in our country.
    396 of 400 Signatures
    Created by Heather Brown
  • Beechholme Childrens Home
    For peace of mind & closure
    453 of 500 Signatures
    Created by Alan Merritt
  • Festival of Making: Drop BAE Sponsorship
    BAE Systems is a sponsor of the 2019 Festival of Making, ‘a family celebration of making and manufacturing’. But BAE Systems is not a family-friendly manufacturer. BAE is the world's fourth largest arms producer, selling fighter aircraft, warships, tanks, armoured vehicles, artillery, missiles and small arms to over 100 countries including repressive regimes. BAE has sold billions of pounds worth of weapons to Saudi Arabia, and is currently finalising a deal to supply fighter jets despite Saudi-led airstrikes in Yemen, a conflict that is taking a particular toll on children. Thousands of children and civilians have died in the conflict, while millions more face famine and disease with the destruction of infrastructure. Save the Children say 12.3 million children in Yemen are in need of humanitarian assistance. A recent parlimentary report says that British arms sales to Saudi Arabia are causing ‘significant civilian casualties’ in Yemen and are probably illegal. Yet BAE Systems continues to sell weapons to the regime. Last year we forced BAE Systems to withdraw as a sponsor of the Great Exhibition of the North. We need to show that BAE Systems is not welcome at any family festivals until it stops arming repressive regimes. The 2019 Festival of Making must #dropBAE
    324 of 400 Signatures
    Created by Art Not Arms Picture