Help and support homeless people in WindsorVery few people are intentionally homeless. Many people have mental health problems. We need to protect the most vulnerable in our society. Housing is the responsibility of the Council so they must work with other agencies so that people do not need to be homeless.3,427 of 4,000 SignaturesCreated by Bruce Adams
Stop Villifying the HomelessThe Act makes it illegal to sleep rough and/or beg. Whilst I do not wish anybody to have to sleep rough or beg, the people who are forced to do so should not be persecuted in any fashion, let alone from a legal stance. The Act was written at a time when wealth defined whether you were a criminal or not, thus segregating the poor from the rich, as a wealthy person would never find themselves in that position. The Vagrancy Act is out of date common law and needs to be vanquished so that Councillors cannot try and force Police to enforce such legislation when they are on a power trip, such as in the case of https://news.sky.com/story/outrage-as-council-leader-asks-police-to-clear-homeless-before-royal-wedding-11194599682 of 800 SignaturesCreated by Murphy James
Irish History MonthOther countries had advanced industrialists, inventors and scientists but did not have the labour to match Britain's economy. In addition, the Irish in Britain played a pivotal role in politics in order to ensure social justice and improving our level of equality! The Irish, also, had a prominent role in the British Trade Union movement and it is the very reason to educate society on the role of Migrant Workers and Refugees within Britain, today! It is, also, important to ensure that the British public has a greater understanding of Irish culture and our own neighbouring country, Ireland. Through education, we can achieve a far greater peaceful relationship at grassroots level for both the isles of Britain and Ireland.304 of 400 SignaturesCreated by Austin Harney
Open Brighton's Homeless Shelters 365 days a yearRough sleeping has almost doubled in the last year, but, the number of supported beds for homeless people has plummeted. There is also not enough affordable accommodation for people to move on to, making matters worse. As a result, despite the goal of no second night out, rough sleepers are waiting an average of 12 weeks before some form of accommodation is provided. We therefore urge BHCC to fund resources to expand the amount of support accommodation available for homeless people all year round, not just when temperatures hit 0c and ensure that the existing budget available is spent. PLEASE SIGN THIS PETITION BEFORE WEDNESDAY 31ST JAN 2018 so that we can take the signatures to the council at their next meeting. Please share this with family, friends, work colleagues, school mates, members of your clubs etc - it really does have an impact.* *My first petition to BHCC received 4,111 signatures. On the 6th April 2017 the Housing Committee passed the petition with 100% of the vote, which was then carried to the resources committee - who reserved £135,000 for night shelters. This funding has gone to finance a night shelter which the council opened on the 10th Dec 2017 in the Brighton Centre. Many thanks to all those who signed up, you made a big difference to some of the Brighton and Hove rough sleepers!5,736 of 6,000 SignaturesCreated by John Hadman
Urge all councils to provide overnight housing for homelessIt is so tough being homeless. But the worst is during the Winter. At night you are fighting for your life. So we urge all City Councils to provide appropriate accommodation. This does not need to be a struggle, but for many it currently is. By signing this, you could save a life. A basic human right is the right to life. So why wait. Please, for the good of all. Thank you7,160 of 8,000 SignaturesCreated by William Burbidge
Get dangerous malm drawers recalled in the UKI have just seen yet another post on social media of a child very badly injured after these drawers have fallen on them. Luckily the child escaped this time, however how many more children need to be injured or even to loose their life, before these dangerous drawers are recalled worldwide!180 of 200 SignaturesCreated by Vanessa Willis
Remove Donald Trump from TwitterDonald Trump shares hatred and doubt in a space where tolerance and love should exist. It is inexcusable to allow the so called leader of the free world to give a platform to a party of hate. Twitter have even admitted that the tweets were controversial and suggested they would otherwise violate its rules, but because of the newsworthiness of Mr Trump's tweets, they are allowing them to stay up. They would otherwise likely result in either the post or his whole account being removed.10,453 of 15,000 SignaturesCreated by Ed Vant
Change the way women’s refuges are fundedThe changes, giving LA’s the money for refuges, will lead to refuges being closed because local authorities that are already stretched will be unlikely to want to pay for a woman and her children who have come from out of town( for safety reasons). The LA will want to use the money elsewhere, meaning more women will be killed and injured at the hands of abusive partners. It will also lead to more emotional trauma for children living in abusive households48 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Siobhan Grimshaw
Telford & Wrekin Stop Punching Down On Our Buskers!This is important for the local buskers and for the community as a whole. with the ever expanding and growing town and ever increasing population comes art and culture. Buskers do a good job of entertaining the public and providing light entertainment generally in a professional and pleasant manner. Some of the buskers in Telford, of which maybe 10 are regular, rely on their busing monies to support them in their daily lives. Food, Water, Electric.. the essentials. It also has farther reaching benefits amongst those who struggle with mental health difficulties who use busking as a way to interact with the community where otherwise they wouldn't. This 'LAW' is designed to remove art and culture and to shut down buskers from being heard. it is supression of the arts for the benefit of big business.358 of 400 SignaturesCreated by Joshua Sole
Stop the deportation of whistleblower Kweku AdoboliKweku Adoboli moved to the UK 26 years ago, at the age of 12, and has lived here ever since. The Home Office is aggressively trying to deport him to Ghana, away from the country he calls home and his closest friends. Kweku is now facing imminent removal from the UK after his submission of a Judicial Review of the Home Office’s treatment of his case was expedited at their request. Permission to apply for the Judicial Review was denied this week. Kweku urgently needs your help. In 2011, Kweku accepted responsibility for a large trading loss at Swiss Investment Bank UBS. Whilst he was cleared of the majority of charges against him, it was clear his actions had nothing to do with trying to achieve personal financial gain. He served his sentence as a model prisoner and for the last three years has been doing outstanding work of benefit both to industry and community. Convicted of a finance offence, posing no threat to his society, Kweku faces the draconian double punishment of being deported from the UK. The consequences of his removal to Ghana are severe and will include a potential lifetime ban on travelling not just back to the UK, but to Europe, North America and many other countries. Given the frequency of organisational scandals in recent years, Kweku's story offers a powerful and relevant living case study. Through his work, Kweku is challenging senior leaders and organisations to go beyond stereotypes of 'bad apples' to consider how context and environment shape decision making. Kweku is in a unique position to do this but is being prevented from doing so by the Home Office. Genuinely thoughtful, honest and open conversations about difficult issues are crucial to public life. Unfortunately, very few people are willing or able to do this. It is important not to deport Kweku not just for the fact that he is more British than foreign, but because his work is of value to the public interest.74,982 of 75,000 SignaturesCreated by Scott Rogers
Stop this government removing the deprivation of liberty actThis urgently needs to be questioned and stopped in its tracks before this motion to take away more disabled peoples human rights through the removal of their rights to make decisions for themselves away. The person who knows most about what is best for themselves is they themselves. It seems that this government wants to remove those rights and thus take more and more control of disabled peoples rights from them and families and to place this in the hands of those who have no knowledge or care for those people. My own son was bruised and abused in a care placement he is now returned home to me on these grounds that he should have the right to decide for himself where he wants to live and be cared for. The more we allow the rights of vulnerable people to be removed from the family and chosen placements without their own rights being taken into account. We are then moving further into a controlled state without knowledge or recognition of this, as we fail to be alert to what is being passed through parliament and thus we unwittingly allow this to affect the rights the vulnerable, of families, children, the elderly and the disabled. How we treat our vulnerable and disabled is a measure of who and what we are as a society. Nobody knows what will happen to any one of us and we must remain vigilant so we too do not lose our rights to chose what happens to us as we grow older. This has to be a worldwide protest for all rights to be recognised, even though it begins in the UK parliment. It begins here and we have to make sure that ending the rights of vulnerable people ends here.152 of 200 SignaturesCreated by Catherine Love
Save the children of YemenWhen the lives of so very many children are at risk, many of them under five, it is vital that people speak out. These children are the future of their nation but above all they are vulnerable and terrified and we owe it to them to spearhead a rescue plan.109 of 200 SignaturesCreated by Shirley Newman
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