• SAMIM BIGZAD - Urgent leave to appeal deportation to Afghanistan
    This photo is of Samim and Ted the cat. Samim is 22 and comes from Afghanistan. He was placed with me by KRAN (Kent Refugee Action Network) & Refugees at Home and has been staying with me for over four months. Sam left Afghanistan two years ago; his life was in danger from the Taliban because of family and work issues. He came to England via the camps at Calais. I never asked too many details as he became visibly upset when talking about it, but from what I can gather it was a distressing journey. Sam's father is a UK citizen and has lived here for ten years. He suffers from Post Traumatic Stress Syndrome and Sam is his father's main carer, visiting him every day at his B&B, taking food and accompanying him to mosque for prayers. Sam is a loyal and dutiful son, and his father depends on his love and support. When I first met Sam for a coffee, I asked if he liked cats, because he would have to like my cat Ted if he came to stay with me. He assured me he did. Sam arrived for trial period of a week and we got on so well, he has ended up staying with me ever since. He and Ted became the best of friends. Ted sleeps on his bed every night and sits by his bedroom door when he is out. At home we talk about, family, religion, history and the cat – lots about the cat. I am constantly trying to feed him toast and biscuits, Sam has a very sweet tooth! On Tuesday 4th July Sam went to his monthly signing at the immigration office in London Bridge as usual. That afternoon I had a text from him telling me not to worry but he's been taken into custody. He could be sent back to Afghanistan at any time. It is so deeply upsetting. He sounded scared and confused. Perhaps I have been naïve, but I never imagined this would ever happen to the gentle, funny young man I know. So what happened? Samim had problems with his first solicitor, Samim now has a new solicitor who is trying to submit a fresh asylum claim to the Home Office but needs some time to do so, his previous claim was not handled correctly. I visited Sam at the immigration detention centre; he is trying to remain positive and is always so grateful for any small gesture of kindness. Sam is not just a number, not just a statistic – he's a shy, lovely, funny, polite and harmless young man who needs our help. Sam likes cricket, Ted the cat, history and learning English. I hear from him via text most days. He's still managing to be positive. Here is one of his messages: Hi Dear kavel. Im so happy to hear from you. I am okay. Ill be strong. Thanks for everythink i really Appreciate that Dear kavel. Your so kind. Here is all facillieties . Well it happens no need for sory. I hope u and tedd be well. I miss you and my lovely fatty teddy. Please Take care of yourself and our teddy. and ill let u know about appointment. It is terrifying to think of Samim being sent back to Afghanistan – a country he fled because his life was in danger. I am also concerned for his father here in the UK, who depends on him so much. Samim can not gather fresh evidence for his Asylum case whilst in the detention centre. I received some bad news about Samim today, he is booked on a flight back to Afghanistan, Saturday the 26th of August. His Solicitor has asked for a judicial review, if this is declined, he will be returned to Afghanistan. Please sign the petition asking the Minister of State for Immigration, the Rt Hon Brandon Lewis MP to give Samim and his solicitor time to appeal on his asylum status. We are asking for a grace period of 90 days where he is released from detention to give him time to gather fresh evidence.
    4,115 of 5,000 Signatures
    Created by Kavel Rafferty
  • Stop Trump's state visit to the UK
    The UK must show itself to be above Trump's racism. To retain the invitation legitimises him and diminishes our country in the eyes of the world. We should be taking a principled stand against him, not welcoming him with a fanfare. Furthermore it is an embarrassment to HM The Queen, who lived through the second world war, to ask her to stand side by side with a President who's soft on Nazis and White Supremacists. Donald Trump regularly undermines values that our country holds dear - gender and racial equality, human rights, religious freedom, freedom of the press and preservation of the environment amongst others. He should not be given the prestige of a full state visit.
    43,539 of 45,000 Signatures
    Created by Sarah Stanbridge
  • Justice for Meera! Put a stop to suicide deaths from domestic abuse
    one death is too many, we can't sit back and let any more lives be lost when they could have been protected. We need justice for victims and their families. Support networks and strategies put in place to allow a victim to leave an abusive relationship without danger.
    2,165 of 3,000 Signatures
    Created by On behalf of Out Of The Corner
  • Karen | A Mother's Plight
    Karen Perry | Wife | Mother | Full-time carer. Karen has been married to Marcus for 33 years, their marriage has seen two wonderful sons introduced to our world. Karen is a valued member of a Care Group which cares for Adults with severe learning difficulties such as Autism and Downs Syndrome, near Middlesbrough, where she works tirelessly to help others, always prioritising other peoples needs over her own. Karen is from Cape Town, South Africa. Her Grandfather moved there from Norfolk after his father had served in the Anglo Boer war as a blacksmith. It is where she met Marcus and love blossomed, and soon marriage bells rang. Karen and Marcus decided to move to the United Kingdom in 2006, so that Marcus could be nearer his Welsh family and their sons would have better education and career opportunities. Marcus is a qualified electrical engineer who was sadly diagnosed with a brain tumour, due to the effects of his illness Marcus has been unable to work for the past 7 years but retrained as a lecturer and started to work again briefly. He relapsed about a year ago and has had to rely on Karen for support and care since. It would have been easy for Karen to focus her full attention on her husband, his illness warranted it. However, Karen knew that her service users at the Care Center needed her too. It was never in doubt, Karen decided to split her time between caring for her husband and continuing her support for her service users. Sadly Karen now needs the support of others, the Home Office has decided that she is not entitled to or merits British Citizenship. The Home Office stated in their refusal letter that Karen had not proved proficiency in English even though she had passed the "Life in the UK Test" and was told that she wouldn't have to prove proficiency again. This was confirmed on the uk.gov website. After Karen sought assistance from her local MP, Alex Cunningham, the website was changed to reflect new conditions. Without citizenship, Karen is left in a state of limbo. This cannot be right, so I ask you to please show your love and support for Karen by signing our petition. Kind regards to all and thank you
    172 of 200 Signatures
    Created by Andrew Carmody Picture
  • Police Protection for Gina Miller
    This very brave women ( whether you agree with her stance or not) should not be placed in fear of her wellbeing or find her life constantly threatened. Her freedom has been significantly curtailed. For the sake of freedom and justice she & her family must be protected.
    1,823 of 2,000 Signatures
    Created by Elizabeth Grant
  • The Buxton Water Scandal
    I have visited the Town Hall in Buxton, on various occasions, requesting a contact number for whoever is responsible for turning off the Lion's Mouth Spring at the bottom of the slopes. This has been happening regularly and for long periods of time. The Town Hall have been extremely evasive and dismissive and I have visited Buxton Advertiser on three occasions, asking them to look into it, should they be so kind, which they have been and have followed it up. My last visit to the Advertiser was today and I was told that they had received an email explaining what was going on. In short, the email stated that they were trying to work out the best way of reconnecting the supply from the pump house to the lion's mouth. Hmm, that seems to be in contrast with what I was told by multiple members of the office staff involved with renovating the Crescent. They informed me, and were quite adamant about it, that the supply pipe at Nestle was connected directly to the lion's mouth outlet, and they knew this, becasuse the first time that the spring stopped, they thought somebody on site was responsible, but discovered that this was not possible, due to the above and they also informed me that they have no input, nor are they doing any work on the pump house at all, because they contracted a separate company in to do that. I will detail the reasons in more depth, should the need to arise, but for now, it ought to suffice to say that the spring has now been turned off for eight days. I have left a flyer taped to the statue, stating that there will be a meeting there at ten o'clock in the morning, this Sunday, 13th August, to sign a petition and to discuss the issue. On Monday morning of the 14th August, we will be meeting again, to present the petition to the Town Hall. I intend to send other petitions, with more signatures, through online methods and I aim to start a 'Ban Nestle Products' movement in Buxrton and a march to Nestle, to explain our demands, which are "Leave our fresh water spring alone".... erm, that's it, really. All this takes time and energy and I don't want much of yours, but if you support the historical use of Buxton water, from a public spring, for free, just 'like' this post. I will use the likes as support for the petition. It is important, because people depend upon this water as it is healthy water and not detrimental to the health in any way, as tap water is. It is important, because Nestle and Buxton Town Hall seem to be hiding something and being elusive about the matter, so one can't help feeling that some form of underhand practices have been exercised. Thank you, for your time, and if you would like to sign the petition and hopefully meet some rather nice individuals, that would be fantastic.
    12,245 of 15,000 Signatures
    Created by Gaz Butcher
  • #justiceforharrison
    So today, I took my son too gullivers land. Upon arrival I went to purchase mine and Harrison's tickets, Harrison evidently being under 90cm tall, I asked for one adult and one child under 90cm (which is free) the young girl behind the desk asked me too measure Harrison but I explained that he's disabled and can't stand so won't be accurate anyway. She said she'd need to get her manager, after having a quick word and some giggles behind the window she came back and asked for proof that he's disabled. By this point I was getting fed up and there was a queue of people behind me so I just said fine I'll measure him, I did and as explained before, he doesn't stand and it weren't accurate but he did come up under the 90cm mark. The girl was still not satisfied and asked me to stand too the side and wait for the manager too come out(aiden who is in the picture) he came out and I explained I'm not happy with how I've been treated and more so how my son has been treated. He said and I quote 'I can tell just from looking at him he's over 90cm' how he can make that assumption is beyond me because he was in his wheelchair with a blanket over half his body, he then said she's over 90cm too, pointing at my neice who had been measured at the desk and was about 10cm under. So after his disgusting attitude tensions were rising, I firmly said are you expecting me to pay for him? And he then said actually none of you are allowed in. Bare in mind there was 3 children with us. I was so fed up, I said fine whatever, just give my sister and friend a refund which he refused. Then laughed and walked off!! We went up too the ticket sales window and there blindes were pulled down on us and left down until we moved away, despite there being a big queue behind us. 2 ladies witnessed the entire things and was disgusted so much that they actually phoned head office too complain and they advised they'd send the area manager down too speak with us. About 10 minutes after the call, he came too us, followed by the boy we earlier had dealt with that laughed in my face and refused us entry. The boy they went on to deny what he had earlier said and the area manager actually asked him too leave as he could see how upset he was making us. The area manager apologised which was appreciated and gave me and Harrison free entry but it wasn't really much compensation as too what happened. We was stood outside for an hour before being let into the park. I think it's absolutely disgusting and their staff need educating on how to deal with children with disabilities, asking me to measure my son who has low muscle tone and can not stand is absolutely disgusting. For then the manager to laugh at us as if we were the unreasonable ones was an absolute joke. Safe to pay we will not be returning there and I will be making it as public as I can too make sure everyone knows what its like! At least my boy had no clue what was going on.
    15,183 of 20,000 Signatures
    Created by Amy Cunningham
  • Liverpool CCG To Restore All Funding To Trans* Project
    As figures publicised by Mermaids show (http://bit.ly/2ve9eQR), trans* youth are at greater risks of bullying, self-harming, and suicide. YPAS's THE Action Youth project has played a vital role in protecting trans* youth from these behaviours. Since the project's formation, other local support services have seen a significant reduction in trans* youths self-harming, and no suicides at all. However, as a result of Liverpool CCG cutting funding, YPAS can no longer afford a full-time member of staff to run THE Action Youth project, nor maintain it's full programme of services to trans* youth. Consequently, we the undersigned believe that Liverpool CCG cutting funding in half for this vital project puts the lives of trans* youth in greater danger. We further believe that failure to produce a robust equality impact assessment, nor consult with key stakeholders, community networks, and, of course, the young people and their families directly affected breaches equalities and human rights legislation. We thus call on Liverpool CCG to meet with representatives of the undersigned in order to meet their equalities and human rights obligations and, most importantly, reverse their decision to halve funding for YPAS's THE Action Youth project without delay.
    405 of 500 Signatures
    Created by Claire Rice
  • Provided With Suitable Accommodation For The Wrexham Homelessness
    There Is Alot Of vulnerable people People Homeless On The Streets Of Wrexham & Enough isn't Being Done To Help Them, They Need A Safe Warm Place To Call Home No One In This Day & Age Should Have To Be Sleeping Rough,This Problem Has To Be Addressed Now
    315 of 400 Signatures
    Created by Dee davis Picture
  • Enforce Planning Conditions in Lancashire
    This was a deliberate and premeditated breach designed to dupe Lancashire County Council and disregards their authority.
    4,818 of 5,000 Signatures
    Created by Mark Mills
  • Funding for New Ferry gas explosion
    Jake Berry MP (Tory minister for the so-called Northern "Powerhouse") has advised cash strapped Wirral Council to use its own resources and reserves to help victims of the huge explosion that tore through the centre of New Ferry, Wirral earlier this year. 33 people were injured 2 seriously, many businesses were destroyed, a further dozen shops and services put out of action and 30 families displaced from their homes. With so much of the town centre destroyed, shoppers have stopped going to New Ferry and the surviving businesses are suffering from loss of trade and facing financial ruin. Insurance companies have been very slow to act and indeed reluctant to pay out (with nobody having yet been found guilty of causing the explosion), leaving residents and businesses without sufficient financial support with which to rebuild their lives. Many people are not only suffering financially, but also emotionally with depression and the equivalent of post-traumatic stress disorder. The government has shockingly refused to call the explosion a NATIONAL INCIDENT, what on earth does constitute a "national incident" then ? Despite pleas for funding assistance from local MPs, businesses and residents, the government has turned its back on this devastated community, citing rules and regulations for not offering any disaster relief funding to help those affected. New Ferry, Wirral - a deprived community in a Labour controlled authority - is being treated entirely differently to other communities in the UK that have faced similar, and seemingly less significant, disasters. Jake Berry's refusal of assistance is an absolute disgrace and makes a mockery of the title Northern Powerhouse. New Ferry should be treated the same as other communities that have recently suffered (as should every community in the country should a similar disaster befall them), and the rebuilding of its centre should be funded by the British government A.S.A.P If you agree that New Ferry (and every other community in the country affected by such an economically damaging disaster) should be treated fairly and given government support, please, please sign this petition, thank you
    2,123 of 3,000 Signatures
    Created by Kevin Pulford
  • Horrors in Yemen
    To help the civilians caught up in this horror with the addition of famine and disease . This is utterly shameful to leave other human beings to suffer so much.
    18 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Lorraine Foulds