• Enforce Planning Conditions in Lancashire
    This was a deliberate and premeditated breach designed to dupe Lancashire County Council and disregards their authority.
    4,818 of 5,000 Signatures
    Created by Mark Mills
  • Funding for New Ferry gas explosion
    Jake Berry MP (Tory minister for the so-called Northern "Powerhouse") has advised cash strapped Wirral Council to use its own resources and reserves to help victims of the huge explosion that tore through the centre of New Ferry, Wirral earlier this year. 33 people were injured 2 seriously, many businesses were destroyed, a further dozen shops and services put out of action and 30 families displaced from their homes. With so much of the town centre destroyed, shoppers have stopped going to New Ferry and the surviving businesses are suffering from loss of trade and facing financial ruin. Insurance companies have been very slow to act and indeed reluctant to pay out (with nobody having yet been found guilty of causing the explosion), leaving residents and businesses without sufficient financial support with which to rebuild their lives. Many people are not only suffering financially, but also emotionally with depression and the equivalent of post-traumatic stress disorder. The government has shockingly refused to call the explosion a NATIONAL INCIDENT, what on earth does constitute a "national incident" then ? Despite pleas for funding assistance from local MPs, businesses and residents, the government has turned its back on this devastated community, citing rules and regulations for not offering any disaster relief funding to help those affected. New Ferry, Wirral - a deprived community in a Labour controlled authority - is being treated entirely differently to other communities in the UK that have faced similar, and seemingly less significant, disasters. Jake Berry's refusal of assistance is an absolute disgrace and makes a mockery of the title Northern Powerhouse. New Ferry should be treated the same as other communities that have recently suffered (as should every community in the country should a similar disaster befall them), and the rebuilding of its centre should be funded by the British government A.S.A.P If you agree that New Ferry (and every other community in the country affected by such an economically damaging disaster) should be treated fairly and given government support, please, please sign this petition, thank you
    2,123 of 3,000 Signatures
    Created by Kevin Pulford
  • Horrors in Yemen
    To help the civilians caught up in this horror with the addition of famine and disease . This is utterly shameful to leave other human beings to suffer so much.
    18 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Lorraine Foulds
  • Stop Criminalising the Homeless and Allow Due Democratic Process to Take Place
    On the 6th April 2017 a petition with over 5000 signatures was presented to Brighton and Hove Council. Over 3000 signatures were signed on the streets of Brighton and 2200 online. The petition was against the implementation of PSPO’s. PSPO’s give Council workers and the Police the power to give Homeless people and Travellers an on the spot £100 fine for occupying a tent, vehicle or caravan in 12 locations across the city. Failure to pay the fine can lead to prosecution and a further £1000 fine. People breaching the order must provide a name address and date of birth. Failure to positively identify someone can lead to arrest. So effectively you can be fined, arrested and prosecuted for being homeless and having no money to pay for the ‘crime’ of being homeless. Brighton and Hove council voted for the petition to be noted but not to be forwarded to the Policy and Resources committee for further debate. Usually any petition with over 1250 signatures is debated at committee. Despite opposition to this legislation from Liberty, Equality and Human Rights Commission, local charities, specialist lawyers and the local community, Councillors blocked due democratic process by voting against the legislation being debated by the Committee that decided to implement it. It appears that Brighton and Hove Council want to sweep away homeless people and Travellers from our city through criminalisation and attempting to block any debate or opposition to the legislation. This will not work, it cannot work and we are standing against it. PSPO’s should only be used to target specific behaviours and not specific groups. This statement has been echoed by Sussex Police as well as human rights lawyers. This legislation is a direct assault on the homeless community and Gypsies and Travellers. PSPO’s have been misused in this context as living in a tent, caravan or vehicle are not anti-social activities in themselves. Article 8, of the Human rights act the right to a private and family life, is being infringed by this use of PSPO’s. Under the European convention on Human Rights, all public bodies owe a duty to facilitate the Gypsy way of life. This legislation is an attack on the Gypsy way of life and therefore in breach of Equality Duty and The European Framework Convention for the protection of Minorities. This policy is unlawful and need to be brought back to committee to be looked at again as it stands Brighton and Hove Council have blocked any further debate.
    282 of 300 Signatures
    Created by NFA Residents Association
  • Continue the landfill search
    Corries family and friends deserve to know if he is actually in there, after waiting weeks before starting the search, it is disgraceful that they would end the search without finding him but claiming he is in there. Why start a job if you are not going to complete it. There have been so many failings by the police regarding this missing young man. He deserves to be located and his family/friends deserve closure. If he is not in there then at least it's been checked properly, after too many mistakes. #FindCorrie
    25,904 of 30,000 Signatures
    Created by Kelly Morris
  • Compensation for abused children to be paid regardless of assumed consent
    Children who suffer abuse often think it is their fault By refusing to compensate them the government and the Ministry of Justice is reinforcing that belief The abused will suffer the effects for the rest of their lives, please do not add to their trauma by accusing them of inviting the abuse by a tacit consent The Criminal Injuries Compensation Authority (CICA) has refused payments to almost 700 child victims even if their attackers have been jailed, freedom of information requests have revealed.
    276 of 300 Signatures
    Created by David Nicol
  • Rossington fly problem.
    Rossington, Doncaster, has seen a massive increase in the number of flies, hundreds are entering homes on a daily basis. It is unhygienic and upsetting to residents who have put up with worsening conditions over the last 2 years. Businesses have been warned to improve their waste disposal and cleanliness but no lasting action has taken place and the issue has in fact worsened, leaving residents ill.
    1,699 of 2,000 Signatures
    Created by Cheryl Moy
    There has been a great increase in the UK of acid attacks on innocent individuals. Those people have suffered severe burns all over their bodies with substantial facial disfigurement. The injuries the victims have are life changing and have a severe negative impact on both physical and mental health. The purpose of these attackers is to spread terror and fear amongst the general public causing people not to leave their homrs and changing their daily lifestyles. It's vital that the government introduces a strong ban on such substances.
    353 of 400 Signatures
    Created by TABREZ HUSSAIN
  • Make buses in Leeds accessible for all.
    This is important because everyone should have the same basic right to benefit from using public transport. Disabled people should not have to find going on buses difficult or even impossible. Trains already provide pre-booked assistance and announce the names of stations and what platform they will arrive at. I am simply requesting that First Group follows the basic steps I have laid out above so that they can help improve the quality of transport for all people, so that society as a whole can reap the rewards that come from the inclusion of minority groups such as the disabled. I am not asking for preferential treatment for disabled bus passengers, merely that we are enabled to use buses like everyone else. As it stands I, and many other disabled people find it difficult to use buses and either have to rely on the good will of drivers and/or the public or support from friends and family in order to travel. I do not want to make this a one issue cause by only talking about myself, but I will simply give it as an example, due to my visual impairment I cannot rely on sight to see what stop I am at while on the bus so if I am not told in advance I will miss the stop. Finally by not ensuring that their buses are accessible, First Group are violating Article 9 of the United Nations Convention on the Rights of People With Disabilities (UNCRPD), clauses 1a, 2a, 2b, 2e, 2f along with Article 19, clause c and Article 20 clause a and clause d. http://www.ohchr.org/EN/HRBodies/CRPD/Pages/ConventionRightsPersonsWithDisabilities.aspx#19
    288 of 300 Signatures
    Created by Peadar O'Dea
  • End Anti Abortion Vigils outside GP surgeries
    The sustained intimidation and presence outside the clinic causes great distress to patients.
    49 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Sally Brown
    The Ottomans owned the island of Cyprus peacefully for centuries. The British took the island off the Ottomans by default during the war. Britain offered to cede Cyprus to Greece if they would fulfill treaty obligations to attack Bulgaria, but Greece declined. The Greeks have never owned Cyprus. The supposed "illegal war" in 1974 was started by a GREEK JUNTA who was not only killing the Turkish Cypriots, but also the Greek Cypriots and possibly the British there too. It's worth pointing out that the 2 wars in Cyprus, in the 60's and 70's were not started by the Turkish Cypriots. Turkey stepped in to save their ancestral people who are a minority on the island and who were being overpowered by the forces used against them. However this was seen as an illegal action, although morally it was the right thing to do. I would like to think that we would do the same as Turkey, if our citizens abroad were at risk of being wiped out in a country we used to own. No embargo was put on Greece for the Greek Junta starting the war, nor Turkey for their supposed "illegal" actions of protecting the citizens of Cyprus against the Greek Junta and his army. Instead the embargo was put on Northern Cyprus and the Turkish Cypriots who were the victims in this war. It's morally wrong to penalise the victims of a war, whereas the supposed perpetrators get no embargo put against them. The people of Northern Cyprus have had to struggle along for decades and it's only in more recent years that Turkey has started helping them more. I strongly feel that the embargo on Northern Cyprus and it's residents should be lifted and that part of the island should be recognised as an independent country as the South of the island is. Turkish Cypriots have suffered under this embargo for over 40yrs and enough is enough. They should never have been punished for this in the first place. This petition has been set up in the memory of my Mother in Law who recently passed away and had to live through 3 wars in Cyprus. RIP Sefika Kemal Yenilmez 1925 - 2017
    1,622 of 2,000 Signatures
    Created by Helen Yenilmez
  • Don’t push babies and toddlers into poverty and homelessness
    On the 22nd of June 2017 the High Court found the governments benefit cap to be illegal. That's because we took them to court to say that as four women in single parent families the cap will have severe and disproportionate impact on us. The Judge agreed, ruling the cap illegal and saying “Most lone parents with children under two are not the sort of households the cap was intended to cover... Real misery is being caused to no good purpose." We were being pushed further and further into poverty due to the benefit cap, which was making our lives unmanageable and unaffordable. Two of us fled from domestic abuse, to find that we were financially penalised by the Government’s benefit cap for doing so. We’ve started this petition because, we know that we are not alone in this struggle. We have been shocked to learn through our involvement in this Court case that tens of thousands of children under two years old have been affected by the cap. Single parents have real difficulties finding work they can combine with caring for children single-handedly. As a result, they can’t easily escape the cap. We hope the public will support this petition and join us in calling on the Government to provide the financial security that one parent families affected by this cap need. This campaign is supported by: https://files.38degrees.org.uk/items/files/000/000/741/original/logos.gif
    3,450 of 4,000 Signatures