• No More Homeless Deaths!
    It is abhorrent that in a country as wealthy as ours, a man has been allowed to die on the streets of Glasgow because he had nowhere to go. Glasgow City Council website states that: “As a minimum, the council will arrange for you to receive: Advice and Information Temporary Accommodation” We demand that Glasgow City Council acts immediately to fulfil it's duty to the people of Glasgow. Everyone who presents themselves at a Council facility as homeless, should immediately be provided with somewhere safe and warm to stay, until such times as they are able to find permanent accommodation. Furthermore, we demand an end to the policy of abandoning our friends who are deemed to have made themselves intentionally homeless. This unfairly punishes people unfamiliar with the law or who are victims of bullying by rogue landlords.
    394 of 400 Signatures
    Created by Direct Action For The Immediate End to Sleeping-rough (DAFTIES)
  • More permanent homeless shelters
    We need to get the homeless off the streets and into permanant shelters.this would give them an address. Which would enable them to turn their lives around.without an address they have no access to a lot of facilities.
    18 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Theresa Fritter
  • Blue Badge Fair
    Quite simply not fair, the rules should be the same across the UK.
    53 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Chris Olive
  • Full rights for EU nationals in Britain now
    Theresa May has begun the process of Britain leaving the European Union. This raises the question of the rights of EU nationals presently living in Britain, who make a huge contribution to our society. The government has refused to guarantee these rights, saying it will wait until there is a deal involving British nationals who live in the rest of Europe. But people are not bargaining chips. The government’s attitude means terrible insecurity for EU nationals and their families. EU nationals who have come to live or work or study in Britain should have their rights guaranteed now —full rights, indefinitely. Anything else means that at least some people will be forcibly removed from Britain, families torn apart, valuable workers lost and there will be even more restrictions on those who are allowed to stay. Already any EU national applying for proof of residency must now show they have been living and working in Britain for the past five years. They are required to provide documents for every occasion they have left Britain in that period. Those who have not been working must reportedly show they took out comprehensive health insurance—a requirement that was little known until recently. The government’s refusal to grant workers’ rights is already hitting key services. Only 96 nurses joined the NHS from other European nations in December 2016 – a drop from 1,304 in July that year. This comes at a time when there are 24,000 nurse vacancies unfilled and the government’s withdrawal of bursaries for trainee nurses is making matters worse. The government must guarantee EU nationals full rights now. Initial signatories: Lord Peter Hain, David Lammy MP, Claude Moraes MEP, Julie Ward MEP, Ulrike Schmidt, Waltham Forest Amnesty Group, Dr Tommy Tomescu Alliance Against Romanian and Bulgarian discrimination, Weyman Bennett Stand Up To Racism Sabby Dhalu Stand Up To Racism, Salma Yacoob, anti-war activist Kevin Courtney NUT Gen Sec, Dave Ward CWU Gen Sec, Len McCluskey Unite, Roger Mckenzie Unison ass Gen Sec, Mick Cash RMT Gen Sec, Ronnie Draper BFAWU Gen Sec, Ian Hodson BFAWU Nat President, Rabbi Lee Wax, Dr Shazad Amin CEO MEND, Dr Lucia Pradella Freedom of Movement Campaign This statement is featured in today's Independent online and 30 March daily edition http://www.independent.co.uk/voices/letters/article-50-brexit-eu-nationals-rights-protected-guaranteed-letters-a7655796.html Like the Stand Up to Racism facebook page here https://www.facebook.com/events/400307423679253/ EU nationals are being used by the government as bargaining chips in "Brexit" negotiations, leaving them with an uncertain future. The government must confirm their right to stay in the UK with guaranteed rights now.
    757 of 800 Signatures
    Created by Stand Up To Racism
  • 14 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Kevin Winch
  • videos of children being bullied illegal
    The suicide rate of young children is astonishing. Young vulnerable children are being exploited by bullies posting videos of their attacks on social media for all to share and see. Not only have they endured the horrific attacks physically but now they have to live with it spread all across the internet. This is humiliating and traumatic for any human being. As the world of social media has grown, the act of bullying has branched, we need to do something about this.
    82 of 100 Signatures
    Created by jessica mcdonald
  • Keep IVF treatment on the NHS in Cambridgeshire and Peterborough
    IVF is an amazing treatment that allows couples who have exhausted all other avenues a chance at conceiving their own child. Currently, despite the National Institute for Clinical Excellence recommending 3 cycles of treatment funded by the NHS, only one shot is allowed to couples here. Now the local clinical commissioning group are proposing to end this entirely. I know several women who have successfully conceived thanks to IVF funded by the NHS. One of them told me; 'I know firsthand how utterly devastating it can be to find you are unable to conceive naturally. The years my partner and I spent fruitlessly trying for a baby were beyond comparison the most difficult experience I have been through. I can’t express the relief when we were finally referred for fertility treatment on the NHS, or the joy when it worked. Fertility is a health issue and the NHS exists to look after everyone’s health. Treatment for infertility shouldn’t be something that’s only available to those who can afford to pay for it.” Imagine this opportunity being denied to people who cannot afford expensive private treatment? The proposals will save the regional NHS £700,000. A very small amount of money when you compare the figure to the £17.6m the NHS has been forced to spend on private management consultants to draw up new 'transformation' plans demanded by the government. We must not allow this option for couples to be ended. Please sign, share and ask your friends to sign, so that we can show that the people of Cambridgeshire and Peterborough will not accept this miserable proposal going any further.
    4,096 of 5,000 Signatures
    Created by Stuart Tuckwood
  • Help us stop the government from splitting our family up
    We have to go before a judge on the 14th July to fight to keep our family together due to cruel immigration rules that threaten to split our family up. We have to submit lots of paperwork to support our case and justify why we should be allowed to remain together as a family here in the UK. As part of that submission we would dearly love to show them how many people do NOT support this treatment of genuine, loving families and indeed, who cannot understand the logic of splitting up a family. A 16mth old baby's future and birthright at stake.. On the 28th June, a few days after Brexit, the sanctity of my family was seriously put under threat when we received notice from the Home Office that Carlos, my husband who is an Ecuadorian born citizen, was refused the right to remain in the UK with me, his British wife and our British son, Thomas, who was only 6 months old. The ripple effect of this inhumane decision has been profound – the mental, emotional, physical and financial impact on us has been something that no family should be put through. When we should have been enjoying these first precious moments as a new family, we have been living a life of uncertainty and despair - and going deeper and deeper into debt. What is tragic about this is that we are not the only ones – there are thousands like us living the same nightmare every day. Forced to go to court to fight to keep our family together A year on and we have only just received a court date to go before a judge to fight the right to keep my family together here in the UK and we would love your support in asking the Rt Hon Rudd to see reason in this madness and overturn this decision and save taxpayers money on a costly court hearing. With Carlos unable to work - because immigration rules forbid Carlos to work, study or even volunteer - he is now Thomas’s main carer and their bond is very strong – and it would be extraordinarily cruel to tear them apart. Our 16-month old Thomas needs his daddy more than ever. I have gone back to work but on a basic salary, that barely covers basic/ essential living costs, we have spent all the savings and credit available that we had just to get through the last 16 months. Thomas and I are British and we want to be allowed to live here with all the freedom of choice a normal family has. As parents, Carlos and I would like to provide for our son as any normal family would be able to. A genuine family who wanted to raise Thomas in a country where he had access to basic human rights such as healthcare and a decent education, we had the rug pulled out from under us that day. They had decided that Carlos could go back to Ecuador, I could go back to full time work and my parents could look after Thomas – with no regard for our child’s welfare and what that really meant for Thomas and us in reality. In the real world, it meant a 6-month old baby would lose his daddy,a father would lose his son and a family would be forced to spend a MINIMUM of a year apart - as we tried to fulfil the minimum requirements with no guarantee at the end that it would be successful. Ecuador is a developing country where healthcare and education costs are at a premium and if we were forced to move there Thomas would lose his right to a good education and a better future. If we don't protect the sanctity of our family what else do we have? “It is estimated that at least 15,000 children have been affected by changes to the financial requirements of the Immigration Rules implemented in 2012. Children, most of whom are British citizens, are suffering distress and anxiety as a result of separation from a parent. This is compounded by the overall stress, anxiety and practical difficulties faced by the family unit. The Children's Commissioner Report, Family Friendly 2015 This February, a Supreme Court hearing has ruled that the government's lack of due consideration for the welfare of any children in family migration cases has been unlawful and have now been told to review this aspect of the application process. Although it maintained the minimum financial requirement of £18,600 was lawful, how this figure was achieved for the application (that the whole amount had to be earned by the UK partner) was unlawful and also needed reviewing. In our case, a person in an office was deciding the future of my son who they had never met. It seemed to us that instead of safeguarding the family unit, our Government seems to be using families like ours to bring down net migration figures and this is morally reprehensible. Ministers talk of protecting taxpayers and the benefits system in a bid to justify their actions yet all my husband has wanted to do is work – doing anything – to pay into the economy and provide for his family which is a basic human right and a basic human need. United Colours of Great Britain Great Britain has a long history of travelling overseas – and colonising many countries all over the world - enjoying the benefits of that presence in foreign lands and it seems somewhat ironic that our government is imposing highly restrictive immigration rules on families born out of this freedom of movement. In a nation that celebrates multiculturalism and talks about the important role of the family unit on the well-being of our children – the future generation - we are now faced with our son having his father callously torn away from him in the name of keeping net migration figures down. Please sign our petition and help us secure our family's future We are also crowdfunding to raise the funds to pay for our legal fees as due to our situation we can no longer afford them. If you wish to donate please go to: https://www.generosity.com/fundraising/help-keep-our-family-together--5/x/8785818
    1,406 of 2,000 Signatures
    Created by Caroline Coombs
  • South hams District council want to make dogs be on leads in public places
    Dogs are a man's best friend. They are a part of society and bring joy and happiness to the families which choose to invite them into their home. The south hams district council are proposing to introduce new laws which will restrict this loving and caring animal to enjoy its life by restricting its freedom and movement. South hams District council want to propose that all dogs are only allowed in public spaces whilst restricted by their leads. Dogs find so much happiness in the simple yet beautiful side of life. They enjoy all of the creatures which make our world beautiful. From chasing flies to observing butterflies. They sense when you are sad and make you smile through their appreciation of the joys of life. Please sign this petition and help dogs and their owners enjoy the freedom of the earth in order to maintain the special bond between human and dog. https://twitter.com/hashtag/Consultation?src=hash
    36 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Robert Lyall
  • Workers Rights to Bank Holidays
    Companies like Amazon and the Agencies that supplies workers for these companies do not recognise the British Bank Holidays and their workers get exploited and are forced to work them on single pay unless its their natural rest days without getting any Bank Holiday benefits. Most British workers are being exploited and don't get any of the Bank Holiday benefits.
    5 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Paul Smith
  • Freedom to smoke for psyiactric patients
    Mental health is often sidelined in NHS discussions
    12 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Fran Pugh
  • Suspend the two police officers who tasered Ras Judah
    Last month our respected community elder, Ras Judah Adunbi, was tasered by two police constables while peacefully taking his dog on a Saturday morning walk through our neighbourhood (Easton, Bristol). The police stopped Judah near his home, demanded to know his name and address and when Judah politely refused, which is within his legal rights, they tasered him in the face and wrongfully arrested him. Judah did NOT break any laws or rules but was treated violently and with no respect. Judah felt like he was going to die and has since suffered from a number of health complications. The incident was covered my media outlets across the Globe, including Washington Post, New York Times, CNN and BBC World News. Avon and Somerset Police dropped the charges a couple of days later and are now being investigated by IPCC. ** Ras Judah wants everyone in the community to LEARN their legal rights! If a police officer stops you and starts to ask you questions you DO NOT have to stop or answer any questions. That’s the law. The Police should stick to it. ** Key facts: - There have been at least 17 taser-related deaths in Britain since 2003, including the death of Dalian Atkinson, the former Aston Villa footballer, who died after being Tasered by police officers in August 2016. - People of African descent are three times more likely to be tasered and six times more likely to be stopped and searched than white people. - According to government figures, use of Tasers has grown over recent years, with 1,921 Taser discharges recorded by police in England and Wales in 2015. - Judah was taken to the Bristol Royal infirmary in a Police car with the Taser still dangling from his face. After being discharged later that morning he spent 10 hours at Patchway police station (Bristol). He was allowed to leave just before midnight and had to make his own way home. - On Monday 23rd Jan, Bristol's police federation chairman said the police officers involved were 'doing what the public expect of them'.
    1,318 of 2,000 Signatures
    Created by Justice For Judah Picture