• Housing is a Human Right.
    Manchester Activist Network agree and campaign in line with the same principles as Housing First, who stand by the following philosophy: - Housing as a basic human right - Respect, warmth and compassion for all clients - No requirement regarding housing readiness - Consumer choice and self-determination - A recovery orientation - Harm reduction rather than abstinence with regards to substance misuse. Receiving an intensive case management team This approach is guided by the belief that people need basic necessities like food and a place to live before attending to do anything less critical, such as getting a job, budgeting properly or attending to substance use issues. The Housing First approach views housing as the foundation for life improvement and enables to permanent housing without prerequisites or conditions beyond those of a typical renter. The traditional supported accommodation, addressing addiction issues and subsequent move-on to long-term accommodation had failed repeatedly. (Laura's Story) http://icmblog.shelter.org.uk/a-housing-first-future/ Housing First, widely replicated in the US, Canada, Europe, has been actively growing interest in developing better housing responses for people with multiple and complex needs. - provides strong and consistent outcomes for tenancy sustainment of between 70% to 90% - Potential annual savings ranged between £4,794 and £3,048 per person in support costs - One study found an average cost savings on emergency services of $31,545 per person housed in a Housing First program over the course of two years. However, the future of the initiative is struggling due to: - Very little funding comes from other sectors including social services (4%) criminal justice (2%) and substance misuse (2%) - By far the biggest barrier to setting up a Housing First project was reported as access to suitable and affordable accommodation in both the social and private rented sectors. Inspiring Change Manchester ‘now know more than ever of the importance of a tailored support offer; which is the crucial element in supporting men and women who have led complex lives into stable accommodation. Not just ceasing at the point where a tenancy is signed, but continued and wrap-around support has brought the immeasurable benefit of people developing real relationships with peers who in turn link them into what is happening in their locality’ . Wayne's Story: http://icmblog.shelter.org.uk/wayne-talks-housing-first/ “I believe that when you build a life it’s like building a building. You start with the foundations; you don’t start with the roof. I was being offered jobs and training courses, but no housing.” - Wayne, Housing First resident. As one of the largest landowners in the country, Network Rail, has a portfolio that is shifting the landscape towards gentrification of our inner Cities. M.A.N. believe Network Rail have a corporate responsibility to minimise the negative social ramifications of this change, such as the rise in homelessness in Manchester. Manchester Activist Network
    181 of 200 Signatures
    Created by Nik Napier
  • Get the snap map banned
    It is unsafe and makes people vulnerable. It's an invasion of privacy, not only can your friends see where you are but also the creators of the app and G*d knows who else!
    42 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Tara Linkowska
  • Replace the terms 'Girls and Boys/ Ladies and Gentleman' to improve wellbeing
    There are significant numbers of people, who feel strongly about these issues - are you one of them? Replacing these terms would signify a move forward in a progressive society that seeks to value people. 'Labelling' is a social construct and as such can be de/reconstructed. Those responsible for providing a service, compulsory or non-compulsory, to the general public can lead the way in replacing these terms from audio and written materials to move closer to a society that embraces equality and diversity in a meaningful way. The positive message that this action could effect links to equality, diversity, mental health, resilience and wellbeing. All of these factors can contribute to flourishing linked not only to the emotional and psychological benefit of the country and as importantly the economic health of a nation. A flourishing nation is a rich nation. The Wellbeing of Future Generations Act (Wales) 2015 sets out this stall. The overt and subconscious messages that permeate society around gender, limit the aspirations of those who absorb and internalise them. Language plays a powerful role in the development of identity and self belief. This call to action requests a simple and clear mandate, to catalyse cultural change and be part of the solution rather than the problem. Wales leads the way on many progressive issues; let this be one of them. Be part of that change.
    81 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Kelly McCarthy
  • Boris Johnson MP is not a fit or proper British Foreign Secretary. He lacks the required skills.
    To allow the government to effectively undertake Brexit negotiations and other important internationally focussed negotiations with friends and allies about Britain's place in a changing world.
    856 of 1,000 Signatures
    Created by Dave Traxson
  • Set a maximum working temperature during summer
    During the heatwave, everyone is becoming very uncomfortable with the heat. Often finding that they become ill. Currently there is no set maximum working temperature, however i think this should change. Not only do i think this is unsafe for children in schools and nurseries, but adults working in poorly airconditioned workplaces too. It is important because workers and young children are at risk of becoming dehydrated and unfocused. Equally staff are feeling uncomfortable.
    4 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Emily Price
  • Emergency accommodation for Grenfell Tower victims
    It is obscene that foreign investors can buy up and leave unoccupied these properties whilst in this country there is a dire affordable housing shortage. It is a sad indictment of our society, and in particular of the Royal Borough of Kensington and Chelsea, that this state of affairs is allowed to exist.
    15 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Ken Earney
  • Please let the People Parking Bay in Hackney remain
    We would like to see a people parking bay or parklet in every street in Hackney. The provision of official parklets by Hackney Council in three locations in Hackney in three years is welcome and we recognise Hackney is ahead of the curve in London. However, it will take a millennium to have a significant impact on the parking environment in Hackney. Therefore, we would like to work with the Council to develop a community and business led 'parklet' programme that will allow people and businesses to invest in the public realm. This experimental community parklet allows the gauging of public support for such an idea. Please do let the experiment run its course. The bay is very popular with residents and passers by. The visitor book has hundreds of positive comments: https://goo.gl/photos/gUA8bbtaMamuCcUC8 Walking is the most common way for people to get around in Hackney but while car parking dominates kerbside space there is little provision for pedestrians to rest. Many people, including older and disabled people, and people with kids need regular rest stops while walking, and pavements are too narrow for walking let alone placing benches on them. The popularity of this people parking bay is demonstrating that resting spots for pedestrians are likely to very popular. The people parking bay was a lead article in Local Transport Today. https://www.transportxtra.com/publications/parking-review/news/53699/hackney-resident-wants-to-convert-parking-bays-into-people-places www.peopleparkingbay.com
    947 of 1,000 Signatures
    Created by Brenda Puech
    Grenfell Tower was built in 1974 by Kensington and Chelsea which remains one of the richest boroughs in London. The tower block was refurbished last year; part of the refurbishment involved exterior cladding and additional flats. The tenants made it known that the refurbished building was a fire hazard; their complaints ignored. On Wednesday 14 June 2017 the tenants of Grenfell Tower paid with their lives when a flat caught a light as a result of a faulty fridge. People lost their lives for no good reason. Mothers threw their children out of the window in order to save them whilst they perished. We cannot as a civilised society put profit before human lives. We cannot treat people who are poor as less than equal because they are poor. We want to ensure that fire safety checks, risk assessments and fire safety training is immediately returned to the Fire Brigade. Firemen have integrity. They are responsible and better equipped to deal with the prevention and detection of fires. It is logical that those responsible for saving lives should do the relevant checks to make sure buildings are safe; not independent third parties for a profit. We have seen first-hand the results of a complete failure to have the fire brigade carry out risk assessments, so please return this important function back to the fire brigade and restore their numbers to the correct levels so that they can do their job; which is to keep us the public safe.
    118 of 200 Signatures
    Created by Jo Cargill
  • Longer hoses & Taller cranes for Tower Blocks
    My nan has lived on the 12th floor of a Shepherd's Bush Tower block for 40 years. She is 77, if a fire broke out in the flats on her floor or higher she couldn't be reached. She walks with a walker and wouldn't make it down the stairs. Who would save her ??? In light of the Grenfell Fire it's now More important than ever. The firefighters did an Amazing Job but they didn't have the resources to reach the top. This isn't their fault it's due to cuts, those victims had to wait for a crane from Surrey!
    375 of 400 Signatures
    Created by Danielle Hartnett
  • An Inquest NOT a Public Inquiry for the Grenfell Tower Fires.
    There is much evidence that "the political decision to appoint inquiries into public crises is strongly influenced by short-term blame avoidance considerations, media salience and government popularity." (Reflection in the Shadow of Blame: When Do Politicians Appoint Commissions of Inquiry? - The British Journal of Political Science, Volume 40, Issue 3 July 2010, pp. 613-634). An event such as the Grenfell Tower fire, with its clear implications of Government Minister involvement and possible culpability, requires an inquest which is truly independent from government; not set up and controlled by government. The right to life under Article 2 of the Human Rights Act requires that an effective and proper investigation be carried out into all deaths caused by the state. In particular the right requires that such an investigation must be: * Independent; * Effective; * Prompt; * Open to public scrutiny; and* * Support the participation of the next-of-kin. It is clear from historical evidence that public inquiries do not achieve these requirements. Since the appointment of a public inquiry is typically made by government ministers, events that involve allegations of blame on the part of the relevant minister are less likely to be investigated by a public inquiry
    48,605 of 50,000 Signatures
    Created by Brendan Russell-Cooper
  • Rehome All Tenants of Grenfell Tower
    It's a damning indictment of our society that people are afraid to accept help because of draconian, ideological restrictions on social housing. People MUST be treated with dignity.
    2,440 of 3,000 Signatures
    Created by Doug Segal
  • Reinstate the 8 Human Rights workers sacked by e-mail
    In February 2017 after months of negotiations trying to avoid compulsory redundancies triggered by deep budget cuts, EHRC management sent e-mails to 8 workers work addresses informing them they were being made redundant whilst they were taking part in a lawful one day protest strike. The EHRC still has over 47 equivalent vacancies these displaced workers could easily fill, but has so far refused to do so. What is so shocking is this employer also happens to be the UK's UN recognised guardian of our Human Rights! With Brexit uncertainty and challenges to Human Rights law being suggested, we need a strengthened fully resourced EHRC to defend the most vulnerable from discrimination and attack.
    234 of 300 Signatures
    Created by Richard Edwards