• Stop the use of word " Islamic terrorist "
    Those who are killing have nothing to do with Islam. Islam condemns the terrorism. Would you call bombing Mosques and killing Muslims "Christian Terrorist".
    6 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Tahir Qureshi
  • Theresa May to nominate Angela Merkel for the Nobel Peace Prize
    Angela Merkel has demonstrated global leadership in her response to the refugee crisis. With the rise of the far right and destabilising influences in America the world needs to hold up leaders like Angela Merkel to show other leaders that compassion and action is the way to a better world.
    3 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Isobel Abbott
  • Stop Ordnance Survey & Migration Lawyers ads on #Muslimban Cheerleaders Breitbart
    Breitbart News Network has been a cheerleader for Trumps presidential campaign and continues to promote his far right agenda - applauding the #Muslimban, slurring opponents of the ban and supporting French National Front leader Le Pen's plan to bring the ban to Europe. After we started this petition Newman University pulled their ads from #MuslimBan cheerleader Breitbart Media. Stating 'our values of social justice and the common good are extremely important to us'. Ordnance Survey and UK Migration Lawyers should not be paying for adverts in racist far right publications. We call on them to pull their ads from Breitbart immediately.
    94 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Undoing Borders Picture
  • Stop Newman University Funding #Muslimban Cheerleaders Breitbart
    Breitbart News Network has been a cheerleader for Trumps presidential campaign and continues to promote his far right agenda - applauding the #Muslimban, slurring opponents of the ban and supporting French National Front leader Le Pen's plan to bring the ban to Europe. Universities should be at the forefront of progress not paying for adverts in racist far right publications. We call on Newman University to pull their ads from Breitbart immediately.
    507 of 600 Signatures
    Created by Undoing Borders Picture
  • Stop Virgin Media targeting vulnerable people
    My daughter who has learning difficulties and lives in a Mencap supported house, with my support, cancelled a package she had, despite the fact it was made clear at the time she could not act individually in this sort of situation she was phoned direct and phone/bullied into a new package she did not want causing her extreme distress.
    26 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Dave Nichols
  • No further downgrades of Buckinghamshire's Hospitals - including Community Hospitals
    Due to underfunding, Buckinghamshire is ahead when it comes to downgrades to our hospitals. Under STPs (Sustainability and Transformation plans), our cash-strapped local hospitals are set to lose more services and sites could potentially be sold off. Following the recent closure of Ward 5B at Wycombe hospital for 'frail older' people, more of our community hospitals such as Marlow are at risk of losing beds. At a time when the NHS is desperately short of beds and social care is struggling, this would be unacceptable.
    3,583 of 4,000 Signatures
    Created by Ozma Hafiz
  • Save isolated Alston's hospital Beds
    Alston is the highest market town in England, and lies 21 miles from any other towns-only 2 of which have a hospital. Alston is over an hour's drive from Carlisle Hospital. ALL 5 roads out of Alston cross high moorland in the North Pennines, and these are frequently closed or rendered treacherous by winter weather between November and March. Ambulances would face a very long, slow and difficult journey to reach a patient and to get them to hospital. Lives will be put at risk. Lives may well be lost if the threat of closure of our Cottage Hospital beds is carried out. Moreover, our absolutely brilliant Doctors Surgery, which depends on the hospital beds to sustain it, could then also eventually close. Where will the 2000-3000 residents of Alston and Alston Moor then go for initial emergency care, to see a doctor, or for other general GP services? There is no bus service to speak of (also cut back). In addition some of the stunning roads in the region produce more than average numbers of road accidents, particularly involving motorbikes and are often very serious. One of our local GPs can be on the scene within minutes--at the moment. If the GP Surgery also has to close, the nearest 'first response' possible will have to travel 21 miles (on notoriously slow windy roads) just to reach the casualty. Do all these lives count for nothing, that we we should lose our hospital beds, our local GPs and an effective emergency response, simply because we live in a beautiful but isolated locality? Why not, indeed, use the beds at Alston (and a small number of other places in Cumbria similarly threatened) as 'OVERSPILL' beds. These beds could be used temporarily by those patients, often elderly, who no longer need to receive medical treatment on the Ward but who need some nursing and monitoring.....whilst they wait for appropriate care to be provided in/by their own community. This would also relieve and 'unblock' several beds in General hospitals for those on the waiting list, and for emergency treatments. Surely this a much more cost-effective way of using our Cottage Hospital beds, rather than simply closing them and leaving a great facility redundant?
    1,017 of 2,000 Signatures
    Created by karen storey Picture
  • For the UK Parliament to seek the withdrawal of the offer for a State Visit by Trump
    Since his Inauguration, President Trump has created significant division and prejudice regarding human rights, asylum and refugee seeking people. His ban on muslims has created significant unrest and his hate speech is not befitting of a World Leader. Therefore, we call upon the Prime Minister and UK Parliament to request a cancellation of the offer for a State Visit that may threaten the UK and create divisive actions.
    1,088 of 2,000 Signatures
    Created by Stephen Betteridge-Sorby
  • Help Us Save Our Special Trees
    I believe that the public display of planning permission notices should be a compulsory part of the planning process for applications to carry out work on trees with Tree Protection Orders and in Local Conservation Areas. At the moment there is no 'requirement' to display such public notices. This means that the first local people know of work to these special trees is when the work actually starts. This is likely to be long after the window of opportunity for comment as part of the planning process has passed. I became aware of this issue recently when I was looking on our local planning authority website after hearing a rumour of tree work in our local park. It was only then that I found out that one of the trees to be felled was a much loved local Oak. The park is in a Conservation Area. I felt devastated that it was already too late to have any input into the application. I hadn't known to look on the planning website beforehand to check on tree work as I had assumed any notices would be posted nearby as with other types of planning application. I tried everything I could think of to save the tree but all to no avail. I doesn't seem right to me that trees with supposedly protected status have so little protection in practice and I feel that others will also be shocked to learn that permission can be given to fell these special trees without consulting or even informing local people at all. Please sign my petition to help protect our special trees for future generations and wildlife to enjoy.
    1,630 of 2,000 Signatures
    Created by Lesley Flood Picture
  • Defend women’s healthcare across the world
    On 23 January 2017 President Trump signed an executive order reinstating the Global Gag Rule, or the Mexico City Policy. This order denies U.S. funding to global health and family planning organisations if they use money from other donors to provide abortion services, counselling or referrals—even if abortion is legal in a country. It blocks critical funding for life-saving health services like contraception, maternal health, Zika and HIV/AIDS prevention and treatment for any organisation that refuses to sign it. It will have a devastating effect. The World Health Organisation estimates that every day, 830 women die from preventable causes related to pregnancy and childbirth and 99% of all maternal deaths occur in developing countries. The Policy will hit hardest women living at the margins of society – the poorest, the most remote and those under 25. Zika and HIV are more likely to spread. Millions will suffer. The Global Gag Rule jeopardises the investment the UK Government has made in women’s health globally. Due to close inter-linkages between women’s health and poverty, environmental degradation, forced migration and conflict, these trends will worsen. The Global Gag Rule is an attempt to silence the voice, choice, and control of the world’s poorest women. The Policy is an assault on every woman, everywhere. In the spirit of the Women’s Marches last weekend, we call on the UK government to join other governments in championing comprehensive sexual and reproductive health and rights both politically and financially. So please sign and share our petition asking the UK Government to champion life-saving services for women across the world. Many thanks, The IPPF team For more on the Global Gag Rule: http://www.ippf.org/news/why-we-will-not-sign-global-gag-rule
    15,283 of 20,000 Signatures
    Created by Amina Khan
  • NHDC Council- No to greedy payrise
    Public services are being cut back to the bone due to the political choice of austerity, playgrounds and sports facilities are being closed, the NHS is under attack, community groups, the disabled and vulnerable face all sorts of challenges from closures and budget cuts – this decision is an utter disgrace.
    265 of 300 Signatures
    Created by Mairtin Burke
  • Stand Up to Trump, Stand Up to Racism
    Stand Up to Trump statement The election of Donald Trump is deeply disturbing and a stark warning to us all. Every right-wing figure and organisation is rejoicing at the prospect of President Trump. The shameful list stretches from Marine le Pen and the Front National in France, Gert Wilders in Holland, Norbert Hofer in Austria, right wing leaders in Poland and Hungary to most of the Republican Party and the Ku Klux Klan. In Britain Nigel Farage and UKIP are at the head of the Trump bandwagon supported by sections of the Tory Party. Racism – whether Islamophobia, or antis emitism, relentless scapegoating of migrants and refugees, the disregard for black lives or shockingly, blatant belief in white supremacy – is growing significantly. Racial attacks and other hate crimes are worryingly on the rise. In addition, Trump’s election is encouraging and legitimising a backlash against women’s and LGBT+ rights - hard won over the past half century – not to mention the possibly devastating impact on climate change. Against the background of a discredited neoliberal ideology which has devastated lives and communities and whole countries globally, these developments have already encouraged some to vote for Brexit and translated into electoral success for the right in the US. This could very possibly now be repeated in France with the election of Le Pen in France next spring and the further growth of UKIP in the UK. The parallels with the 1930s, while not exact, are too disturbing for comfort. But the outcome is far from settled. It entirely depends on how millions of us – at home and abroad - react. We and our values of respect and cooperation, represent the views of millions. We now need to turn that huge reservoir of support into a resounding internationalist answer to the divisive politics of despair of Trump, Farage and their Tory outriders. Time is short. We cannot allow racism to seep deeper into society and whatever our other differences, we must unite together to meet this serious threat. We the undersigned therefore urgently call for anti-racists, trade unionists, community and campaign activists, and above all everybody of goodwill, to join the growing opposition to Trump and what he stands for. In particular, please help us build for two vitally important demonstrations initiated by Stand up to Racism: The ‘Stand up to Trump’ mobilisation on Presidential Inauguration day, US Embassy Grosvenor Square Friday 20 January 2017 Stand up to Trump, Stand up to Racism, No to Islamophobia and Antisemitism, Refugees are welcome, Black Lives Matter National Demonstrations 18 March in London and Glasgow, supported by the TUC Signed by: Diane Abbott MP, Shadow Home Secretary Emily Thornberry MP, Shadow Foreign Secretary Clive Lewis MP, Shadow Business Secretary Talha Ahmad, Muslim Council of Britain Rabbi Lee Wax Dr Shazad Amin Muslim Engagement and Development CEO Dr Siema Iqbal, Muslim Engagement and Development (MEND) Bruce Kent Len McCluskey, General Secretary Unite Dave Ward, General Secretary CWU Tony Kearns, Deputy General Secretary, CWU Kevin Courtney, General Secretary, NUT Mark Serwotka, General Secretary, PCS Mick Whelan, General Secretary ASLEF Manuel Cortes, General Secretary TSSA Sally Hunt, General Secretary UCU Ian Lawrence, General Secretary NAPO Ronnie Draper, General Secretary BFAWU Ian Hodson, President BFAWU Baroness Shami Chakrabarti, Shadow Attorney General Lord (John) Monks, former General Secretary TUC Lord (Bill) Morris, former General Secretary TGWU Baroness (Angela) Smith, Shadow Leader of the House of Lords Weyman Bennett, Stand Up to Racism Sabby Dhalu, Stand Up To Racism Grainne McGuire, Comedian Shakira Martin, NUS Vice President FE Mohammed Kozbar, Muslim Association of Britain Steve Hart, Unite Against Fascism Hugh Lanning, Unite Against Fascism Lindsey German, Convenor Stop the War Kate Hudson, General Secretary CND Dave Anderson MP Tracy Brabin MP Ben Bradshaw MP Ruth Cadbury MP Nic Dakin MP Wayne David MP Bill Esterson MP Paul Flynn MP Kate Green MP Carolyn Harris MP George Howarth MP Stephen Kinnock MP David Lammy MP Holly Lynch MP Rachael Maskell MP Madeleine Moon MP Ian Murray MP Lisa Nandy MP Kate Osamor MP Jess Phillips MP Steve Reed MP Virendra Sharma MP Wes Streeting MP Chuka Umunna MP Valerie Vaz MP Catherine West MP Daniel Zeichner MP Baroness (Tessa) Blackstone Baroness (May) Blood Baroness (Jean) Corston Lord (Quentin) Davies Lord (Derek) Foster Lord (George) Foulkes Baroness (Joyce) Gould Lord (Peter) Hain Lord (Alan) Haworth Baroness (Bev) Hughes Lord (Bob) Hughes Lord (Frank) Judd Baroness (Alicia) Kennedy Baroness (Glenys) Kinnock Lord (Neil) Kinnock Baroness (Doreen) Lawrence Lord (Chris) Lennie Baroness (Helen) Liddell Lord (David) Lipsey Baroness (Ruth) Lister Lord (Ken) Morgan Lord (Tom) Pendry Baroness (Dawn) Primarolo Lord (Tom) Sawyer Lord (David) Triesman Baroness (Janet) Whitaker Lord (Larry) Whitty Micheline Ngongo, Councillor Islington Claudia Webbe, Councillor Islington Suzanne Jeffery, Chair Campaign Against Climate Change
    1,180 of 2,000 Signatures
    Created by Stand Up To Racism