• Speed bumps
    I feel it is important because cars are not sticking to the correct speed limit . They are not slowing down.. Not safe for humans or animals that are crossing as some drivers are going far to fast .. There are schools , nurseries near by.
    7 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Gail Trueman
  • Environmentally friendly industrial units
    Large industrial units are spoiling the natural landscape of many towns and villages. Too often beautiful vistas are ruined by these ugly structures. If constructors were enforced to ensure the units made the minimum impact, then at least we are doing something to help this cause. In addition, if we can go as far as having living walls and roofs, then that would have an added benefit to the ecosystem. These simple changes shouldn't really have a huge impact on the construction cost.
    4 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Greg Whiteley
  • Safe route to school
    Our children should have a safe route to access their secondary school. Blaby district council see the current Road as safe for our children to walk or cycle down during busy periods. What will it take for this to change? death of a child? This not only saves parents pockets, this also heightens our childrens health as they have a more active lifestyle of getting to and from school. Walking down a grass verge is not safe. A footpath needs to be implemented.
    8 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Amanda Harvey
  • stock village parish countryside and other villages outstanding natural beauty
    The vital benefit within my local area to attract people to discover and appreciate the natural environment is great for locals and protecting the beautiful picturesque which we should not take for granted.
    2 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Paul hayden
  • Road Crossings Upper Plumstead
    The pedestrian crossings need urgent review in Plumstead. There are limited, inadequate and in some places non-existent safety measures in place for pedestrians to cross very dangerous roads. As an example Swingate Lane, Garland Road (by the slade), Kings Highway to name just a few. This is an urgent request to review road safety as a priority. Many very dangerous roads are located near primary schools which the council provides lolipop people however this is not adequate for the residents and elderly who need to cross these roads every day. Some of our aging and frail residents prefer not leave home due to fear of the roads.
    10 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Eleni Jones
  • Protect Kent Communities from border checks + traffic chaos in 2019 /2020
    Evidence (from Institute for Government, British Ports Association, Ports of Dover and Calais, Eurotunnel, Freight Trade Association, Imperial College) shows that M20 and M2 and surrounding roads are likely to become slow traffic jams, if, a) the UK government takes us out of the Customs Union and the Single market, b) we don’t get a ‘no-tariff deal’, and consequently, DOVER and KENT are badly affected by the new border checks that follow. New 2018 evidence is even clearer of how unprepared we are. However we each voted in 2016, we cannot allow our journeys to work, school or health care appointments to be subject to gridlock, that will also affect emergency vehicles and tourists across the channel wanting to visit White Cliffs Country. Delays in the delivery of perishable food could cause ‘stockouts’ in supermarkets, a lack of pickers means crops are being wasted. As a result, food prices will rise, making life yet harsher for the most deprived. Computerised checks don't exist and to introduce them could take 5 years or more. The road infrastructure in East Kent needs to be extensively up-dated, in a SUSTAINABLE manner, if it is to cope. Contraflow is not a solution. We call on the UK government, to agree a ‘no-tariff deal’, to provide decisions and funding for Border Force to prepare adequately for change. We call on Kent County Council, to hold public consultations before February 2019, about the infrastructure needed. We call on all Kent MPs to vote this summer for a ‘no-tariff deal’ that will start to reduce the Kent traffic chaos we are told to expect.
    135 of 200 Signatures
    Created by S.J. Waite
  • Save the Glasgow Queen St Station Arch
    Glasgow residents and visitors have been delighted to see the beautiful 1842 arch revealed in all its glory after the recent demolition of the 1970s Station facade. We'd like to see the arch preserved in the proposed design.
    12 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Kel @GdTenementGuide Picture
  • Glasgow Parking (West) Crisis
    GCC are doing a fantastic job by stealth of fining residents who already hold parking permits. It's night after night, scores of tickets for £60 have been issued. This will drive away our friends, relatives and above all shoppers to Byres Rd. Prepare for a retail meltdown like in 2008 when there were 12 empty shops for 5 years on one of Scotland's alleged Premier shopping street, really! And the parking wardens are not observing for 10 minutes before issuing tickets. The last Labour led council started this scheme to fill their dwindling coffers. I want the SNP led council to fix it ASAP. I didn't vote for this parking regime, neither did the people who have signed this petition. What exactly is the extra revenue being spent on, certainly not the roads! The parking wardens have arrived en mass in white mini vans at gone 6pm and stay in the area until almost 10pm every night. Clearly they are not issuing enough tickets during the daytime to meet their quotas! One person told me allegedly they posse of parking wardens are a private firm bussed in from England, I will investigate further.
    32 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Gail Gyi
  • Barlborough Traffic Calming and Pedestrian Crossings
    Having had an increase in traffic due to house building elsewhere in the Bolsover District and the increase in Pedestrian accicdents it’s imperative that Pedestrian access throughout the village is increased so that our children can walk to both Junior and secondary schools
    408 of 500 Signatures
    Created by Cllr. Brian Watson
  • RailPlan20/20 changes - London Bridge to Littlehampton
    On May 20th 2018 Thameslink and Southern train timetable changes. Passenger journeys in London and the south east have more than doubled in the last two decades. With such a growth Thameslink decided to reduce the number of trains on this route from 3 to 2. Both passing from Bedford with not enough capacity for the amount of passengers commuting on this route. In addition, the last train is at 5.55 not suitable for most City workers hence creating work issues work such huge working population. We need more trains!
    59 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Your Voice Picture
  • Re-Development for Stallards Skate Park in Trowbridge
    The young people of Trowbridge have moved forward over the last 10 years, as has scootering and skating in general, the park is not accessible to new riders as it is an extreme park and their is no information on the outside of the park to explain the safety aspect to the users of parents. The park has a lot of additional areas that could be easily developed to incorporate a better space for young people and help them from using streets to preform their tricks to increase their ability. The skate Park in Trowbridge is well used and with better facilities to a growing number of young people could be increased further.
    91 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Sarah Holland
  • Food for free for all - it should be our right!
    The UK imports over half the food we consume. There is food poverty in many areas: Yet Councils across the nation plant pretty trees and shrubs in public amenity areas. How much better would it be if we could step outside and find food trees and shrubs growing where we could just help ourselves for free. I lived abroad for a few years and there were orange trees growing wild everywhere, you could just help yourself whenever you wanted, it was great! We can't grow oranges, but there are many crops we could grow. Why can't we pick free food for all? Surely it should be our right!
    62 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Martin Neicho