We all agree we’d like to see Cornish rugby and football played in a new purpose built stadium but to ask Council tax payers, already reeling from a 5% increase for next year, to stump up £6M is a step too far. In effect, this would mean us subsidizing two private companies, who right now have respective gates of around 200 and 1000, to build a 4000 seat stadium on the premise that any shortfall will be made up by business conferencing and miscellaneous courses from Truro College - and it’s far too small to host an Adele concert. So, people in Bude and Saltash will be paying for facilities at the other end of Cornwall but, worse still, any reasonable person knows that the £6M will not be the end of it. Will the two clubs be able to generate enough income to pay for long term maintenance? The Pirates are already subsidised by generous benefactors. What if these individuals drop out? Other stadiums (Coventry, Chester and Hartlepool for example) are in financial trouble. If Cornwall Council really has £6M to spare there are plenty of other ways they could spend the money. • Reverse the decision to stop funding all Cornwall's Day Centres for elderly, special needs, or children. • Ensure that local needs for the many are met rather than building a stadium for the few who want it. • Or even fix our potholes. There’s a Council Meeting on April 17th to discuss this so - if you don’t agree with them spending your money in this way - sign and share this petition and contact your local councillor.
    66 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Ian Hibberd
  • Update Dorchester Parks to accommodate Disabled children & young adults with additional needs
    I am a mother to a 10 year old son who's severely disabled after contracting meningitis at 11 months old, My child has always been small enough for me to allow him to join in with his siblings & other children using the parks equipment like slides, swings, roundabouts. Seesaws, ect whilst being on my lap. Unfortunately he's now a 10 year old lad who needs hoisting with no upper body control this is making it difficult for me to be able to hold him on the equipment whilst he plays. There's equipment to suit children like my child so they don't have to miss out and can enjoy playing in the park along with other children his age, I'm asking for the local councils to support this cause so children don't have to feel isolated in their own communities
    144 of 200 Signatures
    Created by Naomi Patterson
  • Make more homes affordable
    It would make land more affordable before the speculator moves in .
    6 of 100 Signatures
    Created by John Mcgurk
  • 20's Plenty for South Woodford & Wanstead
    Why? Research shows that reducing traffic speeds to 20 mph is one of the most effective ways of making our roads safer for children, older people, disabled people, pedestrians and cyclists. In the past five years there have been .... insert figures from analysis. Reduction in incidents data Does driving at 20 mph increase pollution? 20mph zones are supported by a many environmental groups such as Friends of the Earth as driving at 20 mph can reduce emissions. Driving at 20mph reduces braking and accelerating which increase a vehicles fuel consumption and emissions. The AA’s report, Fuel For Thought (Jan 2008) “accepts that targeted 20 mph speed limits in residential areas are popular and improve safety. Along shorter roads with junctions and roundabouts, limiting acceleration to up to 20 mph reduces fuel consumption" . Reference to imperial study? Does it increase my journey time? No. On our roads today it is very rare that you can travel at a constant speed of 30 mph. Bends, blind spots, parked cars, junctions, pedestrian crossings, cars turning right, traffic lights etc mean that you have to slow down or stop very often. Research shows that...... How can you help? 1. sign this petition and encourage your friends and neighbours to as well. 2. help us collect petition signatures [ insert Elisa'a contact?] 2. Show your support by displaying a 20's Plenty poster which you can download at http://bit.ly/2nxo0Nr
    4 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Ellen Pugh
  • Bean leach road pedestration crossing
    The majority of residents on the two roads are elderly There is also families with young children on these closes and a nursery on this side of the road. Car's are doing more than the 30mph and with two blind bends crossing over bean leach road from any of the culdasac's and nursery to reach the shops/bus stops etc on bosden farm is very dangures. With sevral near misses of children allready its an accident waiting to happen. Hopfully a crossing will also reduce residents needs to drive onto the estate
    38 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Sam Bowden
  • Put in a pelican crossing on the A4380 for Meole/Priory students to cross safely.
    There are no safe crossing places with traffic lights for children to cross this road safely when walking home, and the two schools combined have over 2000 students whose safety is being put at risk.
    65 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Nell Hughes
  • Shrewsbury Council please put a road crossing for Meole and Priory students on the A4380 (old A5)
    Over 2000 students attend the two schools on the road off this main road and many need to cross this road to walk home. It is not currently safe to do so.
    1 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Nell Hughes
  • A safe passing to Carlton and Faceby school.
    We believe there is a genuine risk to children. Having to walk 30 metres down a busy road to the recommend parking place. This seems completely unnecessary when a footpath clearly is the answer.
    119 of 200 Signatures
    Created by Robert Jinks
  • Chelmsford Developments & Local Plan (Incl. Beaulieu Park)
    We do not accept the level of power that is given to the developers of our city. We demand that all new housing developments should have both insulated buildings AND renewable energy. This requirement should not be dropped because of 'urban design'. We do not accept unsustainable development that contributes to climate change; our communities need clean energy, transport links, and schools, doctors surgeries and amenities.
    24 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Sarah Clark
  • Solar Panels must be included on all new build houses.
    To reduce our reliance on fossil and nuclear fuel. It will also improve the technology and make it cheaper to retro fit to existing homes.
    32 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Chris Pickering
  • Save wildlife habitat and trees in Thorley
    In the last 2 years over 200 hundred mature and semi mature trees have been cut down and mashed by East Herts District Council, additionally hedges and undergrowth have been removed even during bird breading season and prior to hibernation times. Today I have discovered that yet more extensive sections of habitat and trees are being removed and the reason given by the contractor is to prevent drug dealing/taking activities under the cover which this habitat provides. The habitat is home to all forms of local wildlife including flocking birds, bats, insects and small mammals. In addition to habitat for wildlife the trees and shrub lines provide privacy for homes and shelter pedestrians from rain and wind in the colder months while providing shade in the summer and generally make this area a more pleasant place to live. To lose habitat because we are ineffective in the fight against drugs is unacceptable. There must be another solution to this issue that does not mean destroying the environment or the aesthetic value it provides. Please sign this petition to help us make EHDC understand that we value our trees and hedges and want to keep this habitat safe from needless destruction.
    93 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Alison Lee
  • Stopping Building on Greenfield Sites
    There are plenty of Brown field sites available all over the UK especially England & yet in my area they are building on fields that are perfect for farming Etc
    61 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Alan Hardwick