• Make pavement parking illegal
    You've got to be kidding!
    15 of 100 Signatures
    Created by David Chessman
  • Supporting Scapa Flow Fishfarms
    These farms will provide continued economic growth for the County in one of our very important economic sectors. Each farm creates jobs, inward investment, supply chain opportunities with many fringe benefits to smaller communities through their very presence. The importance of fish farming cannot be underestimated in the complex matrix which makes up Orkneys economic model.
    120 of 200 Signatures
    Created by Stan Groundwater
  • Save St Mary Bredin School House from developer destruction.
    We must try and preserve Canterbury's historic buildings and not destroy them! This modern structure will look put of place and blight the local landscape. Too much new student accomodation in the City!
    581 of 600 Signatures
    Created by Michael Lawrence
  • Make lea bridge road/woodford road safe
    To make this safe for all, particularly children. To encourage more use of the forest. To encourage cycling. To stop people using this section of road as a racetrack. To reduce emissions to make the air cleaner and safer for all.
    3 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Matt Ashford
  • Let residents pick funny street names
    It is extremely dull walking to work sometimes and it would cheer me up.
    4 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Rob Sutcliffe
  • Hull FC to get our own ground
    To establish our own true identity with a home to call our own. Let's also have a gym and sports village on the site that Mr allam would be jealous of!
    2 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Mike Drewery
  • Lidl Store Mercia Road Gloucester
    There is already a Lidl store within a 5 minute drive of the proposed new development. The new development will potentially create more traffic in an already congested area.
    3 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Jason Draper
  • Save Coldwaltham’s flower-rich hay meadow.
    The South Downs National Park has a duty 'to conserve and enhance natural beauty, wildlife and cultural heritage' and a 'duty to foster social well-being of local communities within the National Park'. We demand that the South Downs National Park adheres to their duties and allows us a say in what happens in our village. This beautiful flower-rich hay meadow is at the edge of our village and if it is destroyed the meadow will be lost and we will merge with the next village of Watersfield. The two distinct villages will become a small town. Our village is small, we have a small school, a pub and a church. Our post office is only open 3 mornings a week. There are no jobs and you need a car to get anywhere! Flower-rich hay meadows were once a common sight in the countryside but sadly since the 1930's they have declined by a shocking 97%. (source: PlantLife). Part of the UK’s natural and cultural heritage, nearly 7.5 million acres of wildflower meadows have now been lost. Meadows like this are now sadly very rare. They are a crucial habitat for farmland wildlife. "We regularly see Barn Owls sweeping across the meadow late at night. Buzzards and Red Kites following the farmer when he cuts the meadow for hay. A fox and her cubs have been seen playing only this week in the meadow" said Stephanie Croft, a local resident. "I have lived in Coldwaltham for over 50 years, having been born and bred nearby. The destruction of this meadow hurts and worries me, thinking of my children's children never being able to run in or see the flower meadow." said Jasmine Robinson another local resident.
    99 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Coldwaltham Meadow Conservation Group Picture
  • Tell A E Yates to stop supplying fracking firm Cuadrilla
    The vast majority (84%) of people do not want fracking to happen. In June 2016 Lancashire County Council voted not to give planning permission to Cuadrilla after listening to local people's concerns about the effects of fracking on the water, air and soil. However, Cuadrilla appealed to the Secretary of State, who then overruled Lancashire. Work commenced at the fracking site on Preston New Road in January 2017. A E Yates have played a major role in supplying Caudrilla with workers, materials, plant and haulage. Without Yate's services, Cuadrilla will not be able to proceed so rapidly with fracking Lancashire
    150 of 200 Signatures
    Created by Celia Briar
  • Safer city cycling. And towns too!
    This makes use of the paths that are already in place alongside most roads in towns and cities. Generally each road has two paths. For example the north to south path could be for pedestrians, the south to north for bicycles. More zebra crossings would be required to allow people to get to their side of the road. Side roads exiting onto main roads would need ’stop' signs rather than ’give way’ signs to ensure the safety of cyclists and pedestrians. The onus should be on the cars to stop as they are the ’stronger’ vehicles, can start and stop more readily and are the more dangerous in every sense. It would subtly shift the emphasis away from the cars dominion. Perceived danger deters people from cycling. From personal health to environmental issues, the fewer cars compared to pedestrians and cyclists there are the better. Why continue the way we are? There are so many issues to face, this is a small step in the right direction, it would not be costly to implement and could revolutionise the roads for us all. https://www.theguardian.com/environment/2017/aug/04/fewer-cars-not-electric-cars-beat-air-pollution-says-top-uk-adviser-prof-frank-kelly The attached article, courtesy of Guardian News & Media Ltd, argues that we need less cars of all types (including electric) on the roads: “Prof Frank Kelly said that while electric vehicles emit no exhaust fumes, they still produce large amounts of tiny pollution particles from brake and tyre dust, for which the government already accepts there is no safe limit. …Toxic air causes 40,000 early deaths a year in the UK" Time for a change.
    3 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Kate Chamberlain
  • Close These Steps Before Someone is Killed
    In 2016 I slipped on a broken nosing on these steps and suffered multiple injuries and two bleeds on the brain. Many other people have slipped and fell on these steps. They should be closed repaired or replaced before someone dies.
    29 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Leslie Stephen Harrison
    It will have a knock on effect on a number of organisations and churches with the area. The site has always been a commercial one and houses two churches, a nursery and and a restaurant to now have residential properties will mean that the current organisations will be affected and it will cause congestion to the existing road system in the area.
    2 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Maureen Lewis