It will have a knock on effect on a number of organisations and churches with the area. The site has always been a commercial one and houses two churches, a nursery and and a restaurant to now have residential properties will mean that the current organisations will be affected and it will cause congestion to the existing road system in the area.
    2 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Maureen Lewis
  • Demolition of Derelict South Kirkby Recreation Ground Toilet Block
    The derelict building has been condemned as unsafe. please demolish it and either replace with new toilets and a proper bus stop, or just leave it as an open space to gain access to the park. It is currently a hangout for antisocial behaviour and gathers youths and drunkards alike with litter around the building markedly increased.
    3 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Cllr Jon Sheriff
  • New Skatepark in Milton Keynes
    Skateparks provide a safe designate environment for people both young and old to ride. Further more they keep the youth away from open landscape architecture which then becomes damaged due to the lack of skateparks and skate spaces for them to use as it becomes the secondary place of use. To follow this it keeps the users of skateparks (bikers, roller bladers, kids on scooters) away from others places such as Costco and the Blum building where they use ledges and other areas such as underpasses as a unsafe way of practising based on the lack of space and early skatepark closing times. Asides from the fact it benefits the users, it also benfits Milton Keynes as a whole, other than our large shopping centre which attracts thousands of people each day, lots of people visit MK for the skateparks and will travel to try them out for a day, e.g the BUSZY is actually a famous park across the country as a street spot, having these parks draw in a niche group of people who come to Mk for the day, spend there money in shops whilst they ride and then return in the future, we believe having these skateparks is one of the many desirable things that keep Milton Keynes a desired place to live for the youth as there's many places that don't have the luxury of the parks that we have, and then some others that are benefited with much more. We as the community doing this petition would also ask that if this goes to plan and we are able to renovate one of these parks or build another, that we could get involved in the design, there are many of us that are good with this and some studying architectural courses and would love to get involved, as we believe we could create a more safe and fun environment for us to use. This would also then remove the problem that we currently have where particular members of the community try to create there own DIY parks within our skateparks. We hope this is something you see valuable to the community as without these parks we are left with the streets which we believe is both a safety hazard for those riding, as well as a problem as it ruins so much of the beautiful architecture we have here in MK, so keeping, improving or even making new parks can resolve these issues.
    139 of 200 Signatures
    Created by Harry Braddish
  • Stopping the introduction of the f1 halo In 2018
    As this make it very difficult for the drivers to see and 9 out of 10 teams said they didn't want it, this would make the sport more dangerous
    28 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Aron Wood
  • Save The Moorclose Pub
    It's a national treasure and an iconic landmark
    4 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Nick Sloan
  • Support for Scarborough Rail Bridge Improvements
    City of York Council with Network Rail have put forward proposals to enhance access across Scarborough Rail Bridge by modifying the pedestrian/cycle bridge to allow step-free access at each side and making the bridge wider (from 1.3m to 3.6 metres). The bridge is already a popular crossing for pedestrians/cyclists but is inaccessible to those with mobility issues, pushchairs that are too heavy to lift up the steep steeps and those who are physically unable to carry their bicycles up/down the steps. The proposals will allow easier crossing of the bridge on this popular route without having to resort to crossing at Lendal Bridge which is heavily congested with motor traffic and has narrow footpaths. More details and a plan can be found on the Council's website: https://www.york.gov.uk/downloads/file/13458/proposed_new_bridge_plan & https://www.york.gov.uk/scarboroughbridge Plans will also be on show in York Station foyer between 1pm and 6pm on Wednesday the 12th July, and between 8am and 1pm on Thursday the 13th July. This phase of the consultation process on Friday the 28th of July.
    17 of 100 Signatures
    Created by York Greenways
  • WAVERLY HOTEL PerthScotland
    This is a significant historic venue used and experiences by Perth citizens for over a century. It association with the Perth community in a celebratory venue for weddings and events over many years merits recognition together with forming reuse plans
    7 of 100 Signatures
    Created by James Drummond
  • Make housing developers be transparent in Brighton and Hove
    Current planning law states that if a developer will make less than 20% profit on a new development, they can ignore a council's regulations about building affordable and social housing. Leaked documents from several developers have shown that the maths they use to work out their profit margins are purposefully misleading, allowing them to claim they will make less than 20% profit on a development by undervaluing the prices of the houses they will sell and over-costing the labour. To combat this Islington, Greenwich, Lambeth and Bristol councils have introduced a policy that forces developers "viability assessments" to be made public. By bringing these dodgy maths into the public domain, Councils, campaigning groups and individuals will be able to hold developers to account and force them to use more honest maths.
    12 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Kristina Timoszyk
  • Pedestrian lights for Green Lanes / Bourne Hill road junction
    On the edge of the high street, surrounded by nurseries and schools, this is a lethal crossing for pedestrians. No signal, nor enough time is given as to when to cross and one Is forced to wait on a central reservation ( too narrow for a pram) as cars hurtle by. If we are to encourage healthy lifestyles, vibrant high streets and community links, we must be able to reach each other and our facilities safely. Please demand safe crossing for our kids, our families
    3 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Peter Johnston
  • Protection of the Environment against Irresponsible Dog Owners
    A Dog is not a God! Dogs allowed off the lead do enjoy their freedom but in public areas a dog's freedom prevents that of others - dogs chase the wild life in the area causing distress to new born, they run round blindly after other dogs creating a hazard to the general public - in particular the disabled, and are a genuine hazard for people engaged in professional work with expensive equipment. Loose dogs are a hazard where vehicles are parking and reversing. Untrained dogs jump up at people, frightening the elderly and young children - dogs by nature, have an unpredictable reaction to human behaviour as has been shown in many tragic reports. Dog owners have a responsibility not only to the general public - but to the animal that they have chosen to own. By allowing their pets to be off a lead, leaves the animal open to attack by more aggressive animals at too great a distance for the owner to intervene. Dogs that run away from the owners, places them at risk of accidents and kidnap, when they cannot be seen. Several off the lead dogs have gone missing in the area and have never been found. Dog owners escape accountability. They are seldom brought to account for a dog defecating in public areas. Never in the cases for carelessly discarded pick up bags, for a dog that harms or kills wildlife, for damage to property, clothing or expensive equipment. The dog owner should be brought to account and take full responsibility for their animal. The general public and owner's dogs demand it! Licencing dog owners will do several things: Protect the welfare of all wildlife as well as the welfare of dogs Hold pet owners accountable and responsible for their pets Increase revenue to improve parks and green spaces for the local area Possibly include low cost veterinarian insurance for animals Fines and penalties for those owners who allow their dog to foul public spaces or who fail to supervise their animals when in public , who allow the dog to become a nuisance or threat to the health, safety and well being of the public in general.
    15 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Marvin Arbiton
  • Don't delay the new Ysgol Pendref School
    Ysgol Heulfre merged with neighbouring Ysgol Gwaenynog to form Ysgol Pendref in 2012 and we were promised a new building by 2019, with feasibility works beginning in 2014. Denbighshire County Council have now back tracked on their promises, saying the costs are too high and that the school must wait for the next round of schools funding. This is despite the dates being a condition to the merger. It now looks likely that the new school will not be ready until 2024 if the Council gets it's way. This will have a major impact on our childrens education and ultimatley their futures. With more homes due to be built in the area, class sizes growing and cuts to schools budgets this delay cannot be allowed to happen and the Council must be held to account for their promises. The old site is not fit for purpose in any way. As a parent, I cannot stand by and do nothing. We all need to stand together and fight for our children and their futures before it's too late. Please visit the link below for more information but please don't forget to sign before you leave. http://m.denbighshirefreepress.co.uk/mobile/mnews/172401/new-ysgol-pendref-building-in-denbigh-could-be-put-back-to-2024.aspx
    27 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Megan Belgrau
  • New laws which give Tenants Associations protections in Law and certain rights under the Law
    If the Tenants Association in Grenfell Tower had these rights and not have been ignored and called trouble makers and threatened with legal Action if they continued to complain and if they had protection in Law to be listened too and Delaying Powers to stop Highly Dangerous works being carried out in the place where they live.
    3 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Ben Boyle