• Resembles a race track
    Number one it's important for the safety of loacals using the footpath or cycle track, secondly every eveneing it's like living next door to a race track.
    12 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Kimberley Wyatt
  • Car Tax
    This will allow people on low in come to change there tax on a car without having to purchase more tax than they need to, as it is if you change your car 2 weeks into the month I.E due to right offs you have to pay for 2 weeks of the month on tax for the new car that you have all ready paid for. By allowing people to change there tax to a different car then they will not be charged for tax that was never needed as they did not have that car at that time.
    6 of 100 Signatures
    Created by James Matthews
  • Ban E-bikes from offroad footpaths and cycle routes.
    E-bikes are a hazard and a nuisance, particularly to those who're oblivious to what's going on around them. It's only a matter of time before someone is killed or seriously maimed by these "silent killers". The E-bike riders are generally rude and obnoxious. Walking and cycling in the great outdoors used to be a good way to escape these sorts of people (they're lazy), unfortunately that's no longer the case.
    15 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Stoo Fus
  • Lower bus fares in Chester
    Why are the bus fares in Chester so varied? Blacon to the bus station is around £2 all day travel to travel 2 miles in distance, but from Kingsway to the centre costs £3.40 all day travel and its only an extra 0.6 of a mile in travel how can it cost this much? I could get to Ellesmere port from Chester at £4 all day travel and you are travelling 6 miles! That's only and extra 60p and I am travelling an extra 4 miles in distance!!! Who has worked these fares out?? And how can 0.6 of a mile cost more then 4 miles?! I do not understand how they work the bus fares out and why certain places are charged way more. Fares need re looking at and a fairer price needs to be set. Not adding an extra £1.40 to travel just over half a mile but to travel an extra 4 miles it only costs 60p! Its ridiculous and something needs to be done.
    4 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Sarah McDermott
  • Stop Jupiter Artland building a dangerous exit road at West Clifton
    West Clifton is a small rural community at the western edge of Edinburgh. Despite meeting with Jupiter Artland where we pleaded with them, begged them to protect our children and families, they are going ahead anyway. We believe an accident is inevitable and we fear our children and families are the ones who will suffer. In the process they have also ruined our environment. Some residents are now looking out on a grey, sterile, hardcore road where they once saw trees, grass, hedgerows and wildlife. It was a beautiful wild bridle way, now totally destroyed. Wildlife has been driven out, trees cut down, hedgerows and wildflowers ripped up. The families of West Clifton think Jupiter Artland have been really bad neighbours. Please stop them.
    93 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Mark Phillips
  • Cut traffic pollution with a Park and Ride
    Too many cars are coming into Cleethorpes and Grimsby leading to a rise in air pollution. Air pollution is hurting the lungs of our children, older people and those with respiratory conditions like asthma. A Park and Ride facility would be the best way forward to cut the air pollution we experience.
    8 of 100 Signatures
    Created by George Georgiou
  • One way traffic in Church Street Athlone
    It was tried before and was a glorious failure .
    2 of 100 Signatures
    Created by John Ross
  • Reduce Speed on Lucklawhill
    Lucklawhill is a country lane, which is consistently plagued by dangerous speeding traffic. Despite its narrow boundary parametres, and limited traffic capacity, it has been historically a 60 mph zone. Recently, following ongoing concerns, residents sought a reduction in the speed limit, resulting in a reduction to 30 mph. However, this outcome is not sufficient for a number of reasons. Firstly, a 30 mph is an unsafe speed for a narrow country lane with over a dozen blind entrance/exit ways. There are no pavements or pathways to avoid vehicles travelling on the lane. Dog/ leisure walkers, pony hackers, and local wildlife continue to be at risk of speeding cars. Many of the residents have pet animals, and live stock which are placed at increased risk of accident, injury, and fatality. Indeed several residents have had animals killed, and have been faced with significant physical damage to property from vehicles driving at uncontrolled excess speed. It is clear therefore, that local residents and other lane users/ visitors are at best disadvataged, and at worse vulnerable to harm. Secondly, the local authority have not pledged to provide and erect any clear road signage on Lucklawhill which is essential in order to inform road users to reduce their speed. In addition, practical measures such as speed bumps would ensure forced speed reduction, thus increasing safety on the lane. However both speed signage, and practical speed bumps are not considered to be financially viable by the Fife Council. By signing this petition we can demonstrate to Fife Council that we are serious about our concerns, and we wish them to consider our requests.
    15 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Claire Evans-Williams
    There are already a number of issues with the entrance to erin court that have been reported to genesis ha. General public are using this area to urinate as well as using it as a convenient rubbish tip. Erin court residents feel that by relocating the bus stop directly in front of our entrance, it will be used for more of these undesirable activities. Furthermore, we are extemely concerned about our safety and security if plans to move this bus stop go ahead. It will be impossible to determine (especially late at night) who will be legitimately waiting for a bus and who might use this as an opportunity to loiter and unlawfully gain access into erin court, thus creating a risk of burglary or assault to the residents of erin court
    60 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Stelios Kyriacou
  • Keep Safe Rail Crossings Open.
    Network Rail has a programme of closing non-vehicular Rail Level Crossings, ostensibly to improve safety, although many have no safety issues and the resultant closure or diversion of Public Rights of Way (Footpaths and Bridleways) will severely damage the public's ability to enjoy our wonderful countryside. The process is currently being pushed through in the Anglia region, with 63 crossing closures proposed for Essex alone, but eventually every part of the country will be affected. This scale of closures would have a devastating and unprecedented effect on our Public Rights of Way, destroying or degrading many established routes. Often these are historic paths and most are older than the Railways themselves. Mott Macdonald, the consultants being used by NR, are employing a legal device called a Transport and Works order and involves:- Closure of a large swathe of crossings at a time. No opportunity for the case for each crossing to be tested at a public enquiry. Only a limited programme of consultation in which many local people and the public at large have no knowledge of the plans and their implications. Only limited options being presented and no opportunity for consultees to argue for alternative approaches. Some of NR's solutions destroy the pleasure in using the path, such as diverting it long distances beside the railway, but some are dangerous in themselves where pedestrians are to be directed along roads without verges. Where statistics show a genuine safety issue then action may be necessary but in many cases this is not the case. And if NR were genuinely concerned with safety and not just the convenience of banishing the public from its estate it would be proposing bridges, tunnels, and other safety devices at points of concern, rather than their draconian and undemocratic approach.
    27 of 100 Signatures
    Created by E.J. Dixon.
  • Parking Meters Must Continue To Accept Cash
    To have to pay by phone only is discriminatory to anyone who a. Does not own a smartphone b. Does not do transactions through their smartphone for security reasons c: Does not want to be forced to pay a 'booking fee' for technology to buy a ticket which they didn't want in the first place! d. Is not a criminal and has no reason to have their parking actions tracked. These meters are also a disaster for our struggling town and city centres if they prevent customers' parking or impede parking for personal caring duties.
    6 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Laura King
  • Stop Greenbelt Loophole Allowing Development in Bardsey Leeds
    Bramham estate in Leeds wants to sell off Red Flagged Green Belt by exploiting a section of the national planning guidelines referred to as 'very special circumstances'. This allows development on Greenbelt if the profits can be used to fund repairs to listed buildings, improve land elsewhere etc. Which would be fine if this were to benefit the surrounding populace. In this case it does not, as visiting Bramham is severely restricted. Bramham has proposed an open day a year to allow visitors should the plans be approved. So Nick Lane Fox would be using the money for home improvements only he would benefit from. We do not believe Nick Lane Fox and the Bramham estate should be allowed to get away with exploiting this loophole. Which will only cause misery to residents in surrounding villages of Scarcroft, East Keswick, Bardsey and Collingham. Collingham who have recently lost land to another development of many houses. We believe this is a test case of sorts and that should it be approved will open the floodgates to similar developments all over the country. Further to Note: The proposed site for build is located on flood plains that have been seen to flood very regularly and already affect existing properties in recent years many times. Amenities within the area are already stretched to breaking point with schools been full and waiting times at the surgery getting longer. The A58 is stretched to capacity at busy times of the day and the further pressure of 140 house with at least two cars each will only add to the mayhem in mornings and evenings.
    72 of 100 Signatures
    Created by jason cook