• Reintroduce the local link 406 bus service!
    The decision to cut the service, ignored public opinion and contradicted the local authority's own comments just a few years ago, when in a press release it was announced that ‘due to a high number of passengers using the Local Link 406 service, these buses will run half-hourly rather than hourly on a three-month trial basis’ – So why remove a much needed and required service for local people! A local link bus service, like the 406, not only helps address the ever increasing number of cars on the road, thus reducing the cost of road repairs each year and burden on the local tax payers, enables people to be able to travel around the city and visit commercial premises, thus supporting the local economy, but more importantly helps reduce harmful pollution and impact on our city's environment.
    13 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Darren Fower Picture
  • Save the Free Bus!
    The service is a lifeline to many ordinary people, particularly those with mobility problems. Sheffield's FreeBee service is very popular and has been a great link to the new Moor Market. It is described on the Travel South Yorkshire website as “a huge success” and in 2009 after only two years of operating “carried its millionth passenger…, smashing predicted figures and receiving glowing feedback." We urge you as Councillors who represent people in South Yorkshire not to enforce these savage cuts and other associated 'savings' on the local population and instead look at the long-term value to society and the local economy this service provides.
    71 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Matthew Reeve Picture
  • Railway Matters (And Railways Matter)
    A national need, highlighted by the resent desperate situation in Cornwall: http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-26042990 Also large areas of central of Wales and the English Midlands (not least Lutterworth and many towns and villages in Leicestershire along with those in many other counties in the Midlands and the North) were deprived of services when the Great Central and local lines were closed. Beeching's "one route only from major city A to major city B" left thousands of towns and villages without rail access, also leaving many major towns in close geographic proximity without direct links. Roundabout routes may be OK for freight and mail, but they simply are not efficient for commuters, especially at a time when pollution, energy needs and road maintenance costs all point towards the better, greener alternative; rail. This is made all the more relevant by the need to reduce road traffic, and plan for a more environment-friendly future.
    69 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Tony Seaton
  • Stop the use of Old Tyres on Buses and Coaches
    In September 2012, my nephew Michael Molloy was one of three people killed on a coach travelling back from Bestival Music Festival on the Isle of Wight. Kerry Ogden and the coach driver Colin Daulby were also killed. They were coming home to Liverpool. The coach crashed into a tree because the front tyre blew. The tyre was 20 years old. Unbelievably this tyre was not illegal because there is no law to say how old a tyre should be. It cost Michael, Kerry and Colin their lives. In addition, the coach was a 52 seater but, illegally, there were 53 people travelling on it - all in their teens and twenties. Many suffered devastating injuries and Colin trusted his employers to provide him with a safe vehicle. Kerry was only 23 years old, my nephew, Michael, was just 18 years old. He was a young, talented musician and songwriter with his whole life ahead of him. He would still be here today if the use of old tyres had been illegal. The Transport Minister, Patrick McLoughlin, has refused to act on research undertaken in the USA which clearly highlights the dangers around using old tyres, He states that there is not enough evidence to legislate. It is hard not to conclude from his response that Mr. McLoughlin has bowed to pressure from businesses such as coach companies and second hand tyre retailers not to change the law as it could cost them money. Instead he feels it is enough to issue guidelines about the age of tyres. It is, of course, companies such as Merseypride Travel - the coach company who put profit before lives -who would simply ignore these guidelines. This is why the Traffic Commissioner, Beverley Bell has had to act and remove their licence indefinitely as they are not fit to run a coach company. How can we be sure that other unscrupulous coach and bus companies won't operate in such an irresponsible and despicable way? The answer is that - without legislation - we can't. It is predominantly children, young people, elderly people and people who can't afford a car who are the most frequent users of public transport. The use of old tyres has to stop for everyone's sake because every time somebody steps on a coach or bus or allows their children to travel on this type of transport, they could be putting their lives at risk.. Please give your support to this important campaign. Thank you.
    91 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Carol Byrne
  • Provide free bus passes for students who are required to continue further education
    The legal age for students to leave education is being raised to 17 and soon it will be 18. Starting from this September students are required to continue to some form of education for another year, however in Gloucestershire parents are still required to pay the £300+ (in some cases) for their children to continue on at school, even though they have no way of leaving education. Usually the lower stage of secondary school is free transport provided by the council, however now that students are required to stay on longer, this should also be provided free of charge.
    58 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Tom Voaden
  • Stop This Road To Nowhere
    We are local people, determined to prevent the environmentally disastrous white-elephant that is the “Bexhill-Hastings Link Road” from devastating one of Hastings’ and Bexhill’s most amazing natural treasures.We demand an affordable, sustainable transport system for our area, that improves the quality of all our lives without costing the earth.
    55 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Jon Basher
  • Cycle Routes
    We have just heard that Bradley Wiggins, victor of the Tour de France has been knocked of his bike on one of our roads. If he is not safe then who is? This would be a good time to bring this initiative forward. In this area of Wales there are wide margins on a number of roads where cycle/footpaths could be laid and the situation is similar in many other locations - this would be a start. It would reduce road casualties and allow children to go by foot and by cycle to school and so reduce the traffic of the school run. It would also create thousands of jobs.
    86 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Anthony Cain
  • Make motorists signal
    This will reduce accidents,road rage and help traffic flow.
    37 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Eric Dyson
  • Make Cycling Safer for everyone
    We have been in the Common Market for over thirty years and we have been made to accept many unwanted changes to our lifestyle and laws. The time has come for us to have some of the good things that the rest of our European Partners enjoy. In Belgium cyclists have right of way over motorists. In France cyclists know that they will be treated with respect by other road users. This is very noticeable, in most of the EU it is safe to cycle on major roads. Please act now, to encourage more people to feel it is safe to cycle on our roads.
    142 of 200 Signatures
    Created by Mike Christy