• Electric Car Public Street Charging Points
    To reduce pollution levels in Inner London.
    11 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Brian Hutchinson
  • Introduce a 'Walk to Work' Scheme for Footwear and Wet Weather Kit
    The 1999 Finance Act introduced the Cycle to Work scheme, a Government backed tax exemption scheme that allows employers to loan cycles and cyclists' safety equipment to employees as a tax-free benefit, which the employees can purchase at ‘acceptable market value’ at the end of the loan or hire period. The exemption was one of a series of measures introduced under the Government's Green Transport Plan to promote healthier journeys to work and to reduce environmental pollution. The scheme has proved very successful, with over 1 million employees participating. However, walking to work is also very healthy option for one’s commute. With even less manufacturing involved than cycling, with less embedded carbon associated with it, walking to walk can claim to be even better for the environment than cycling. Walking is obviously not an option for longer journeys, but for journeys of a few miles, a walk of up to an hour a day is a choice that can greatly improve health, take even more cars of the road and safe money on fuel or public transport fares. May 2016 is National Walking Month. In promoting this initiative the British Heart Foundation cites a ‘physical activity specialist’ as saying: "Walking is a fantastic way to keep active and maintain a healthy heart as it is fun, flexible and free.” Although correct on the health and other intangible benefits, regular commuting by foot in Britain cannot be described as ‘free’; it requires good quality, waterproof footwear and necessitates an investment in durable wet weather clothing. I therefore suggest a campaign to lobby government to amend the 1999 Finance Act to include a ‘Walk to Work’ scheme, whereby employees can gain benefits similar to those provided to cyclists by the Cycle to Work scheme, to acquire good quality, waterproof footwear and outer wear to make their regular walk to work more pleasant and beneficial.
    38 of 100 Signatures
    Created by C Hegarty
  • Turn grass verges in wildflower meadows
    This will save money as they don’t need to be cut and will provide more habitat for bees and other pollinating insects
    48 of 100 Signatures
    Created by John Morrison
  • Sort our roads
    The state of these roads costs the drivers a fortune in car repair and is a danger to the public and vehicles.
    14 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Ian Mcdermott
  • Add Speed Awareness / Traffic Calming Measures to Llanfairpwll
    As local residents we have observed traffic frequently speeding dangerously through the village. The whole community young and old are vulnerable to cars speeding past, especially when trying to cross over the road. Nowhere is this more apparent than where traffic initially enters the village at the Menai Bridge end. At this point a busy staggered junction causes an initial crash hazard, then the petrol garage and the school. At school drop off and pick up times traffic is hazardous due to the chaos but speed is restricted by the number of parked cars. However at other times such as early morning and late afternoon the speeds are excessive, and especially in the evening. An introduction of a Vehicle Activated Sign (flashes 30 to remind traffic to slow down) would prompt drivers to reduce their speed upon entrance into the village before approaching the school or other pedestrian likely areas.
    53 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Emma Griffiths Hughes
  • Free Local Train Travel for England's Pensioners
    Many pensioners are isolated, lonely and trapped in pensioner poverty. Buses do not provide toilets or comfort for many with mobility or health issues. South Yorkshire Freedom Riders have long campaigned for their concession to be returned and for it to be extended to all on the above grounds as well as social needs. For example many now find hospital treatment is no longer local but regional and often impossible to travel to by bus. If it's good enough for pensioners in London then it's only right that all pensioners in England have the same concession.
    7 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Mike Smith
  • Free Local Train Travel for England's Pensioners
    Many pensioners are isolated, lonely and trapped in pensioner poverty. Buses do not provide toilets or comfort for many with mobility or health issues. South Yorkshire Freedom Riders have long campaigned for their concession to be returned and for it to be extended to all on the above grounds as well as social needs. For example many now find hospital treatment is no longer local but regional and often impossible to travel to by bus. If it's good enough for pensioners in London then it's only right that all pensioners in England have the same concession.
    8 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Mike Smith
  • Road Safety for Greenbank School Children on Smithdown Road
    Liverpool City Council have already decided to cut some school crossing patrols (Lollipop ladies/men) because they are not a statutory service and therefore they do not have a legal obligation to keep our children safe. Although Greenbank Primary’s School crossing patrol was cut, Greenbank School along with more than another 50 schools have stepped in to fund this vital service. As you are all more than aware, a huge redevelopment is taking place on Smithdown Road, many of us have raised concerns about making this road much safer for pedestrians. This is the perfect opportunity to request Liverpool City Council to make this junction between Smithdown Road and Greenbank Road much safer to cross. After several emails to the City Council and local Councillors I recently raised this issue with the school. I was asked to collate the support of lots of parents so I have develop this petition: This is of the upmost importance as the road is very busy with traffic and all of us who travel to and from the primary school, nursery and park need the highest of road safety. The council have worked in partnership with the University of Liverpool to add a crossing for students to access Greenbank Park because the road crossing there is dangerous. Do we not all believe that our children deserve the same level of safety?
    22 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Elaine McNeill
  • Don't cut vital support for disabled people in East Worthing and Shoreham-by-sea
    George Osborne has announced plans to take £70 a week away from thousands of people with disabilities, by cutting Personal Independence Payments (PIP). For many of us, this will mean losing the crucial support which enables us to get out of the house. Many people in our area would be hit hard by this cut. This petition calls on our local MP to do all they can to stop this cruel and unfair plan. Please, show your support for local people with disabilities and help stop the cuts to PIP.
    7 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Derek Nelson-Wills
  • Stop Council Camera Van Parking Fines
    It has affected over 150 businesses in the Brynymor, Uplands, St Helens, Wind Street and City Center Area, I have personally spoken and taking statements from all of these businesses and they have all stated they have suffered economic loss due to loss of trade because of these Parking Fines. It has also become apparent that there has been a large amount of parking restrictions placed recently where these businesses are located, purposely for the intent of issuing Parking Fines. This affects everyone!
    8 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Charlene Aa Picture
  • Reduce speeds and dangerous driving in Chobham
    Chobham is a small but busy village. It is populated by young families and elderly residents. It is also positioned between several major motorways. Residents have noticed a dramatic increase in the number of deaths, accidents, dangerous and aggressive driving. Accidents have involved barriers to houses, walls, parked cars Due to the primary school, children's centre, pre school and elderly population. We are seriously concerned that the next accident is going to involve a child or an elderly person. We would like to see a variety of traffic calming measures introduced to the local roads. These roads include: Chertsey road, Windsor road, Bagshot road and Pennypot lane. We are parents of young children and we know any parent would be devastated if a horrific accident involving a young child were to happen due to factors which are preventable. We urge you to take action.
    6 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Amy Turton
  • Make Bristol safer for cycling
    Bristol is now the second most congested city in the UK and pollution kills nearly 200 people a year. Yet in the last 3 years just 1 km of truly protected cycleway has been built. Bike Life survey shows that in Bristol – 80% of people support increasing the safety of cycling 70% of people want to see more spent on safer cycling infrastructure The next Council needs to make a comprehensive network of safe, connected cycle routes.a priority.
    26 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Space4Cycling Bristol BristolCycleCampaign