• Improve the services provided by Northern Rail
    To improve the quality of the North's rail lines, by encouraging the main rail service to improve its quality of service, so people in the north of England don't feel neglected. This will also encourage more people to use the train. More people want a reliable rail service, so commuting between cities should be more comfortable and reliable
    79 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Joshua Bastow
  • We Want Our Railways Back
    Why it matters I am addressing this petition to the above three party leaders because I have no real idea who will form the next government after May 2015. Our national railways were privatised in the 1990 with the usual promises of better services, cheaper fares, less or no pull on the taxpayer and ownership by us, the British public. Despite the fact of course that we already owned the railway. As with every privatisation before and after it the results have been very different to those promised. However it is true that many train companies that run franchises in the UK are publicly owned, but by other European countries. Arriva is a wholly owned subsidiary of the German national rail company Deutsche Bahn, and runs the Arriva Trains Wales and Cross Country franchises. The French national rail operator SNCF has a majority stake in Keolis, which operates the Trans Pennine franchise in partnership with FirstGroup. Keolis is also a minority partner in the Govia rail operating company, which runs the Southern, Southeastern and London Midland services. The Dutch state railway company Nederlandse Spoorwegen owns Abellio, which has a 50% stake in Serco-Abellio, which runs the Merseyrail and Northern Rail franchises. Abellio also runs Scotrail. European governments make millions of pounds a year in dividends from their British operations. From the subsidies paid by British tax payers. Please do not read this piece as an 'anti-foreigner' rant. I simply do not understand how paying other governments vast profits to run our railways is good for the British people. Since privatisation billions of pounds of tax payer subsidised profits have gone into the coffers of other governments. There is one railway still at the moment in the hands of the UK tax payer. The state-owned East Coast railway paid £225m to the government in the year to March 2014. In our hands now but for how long. We are about to sell our stake in Eurostar. Who to? It seems the French State Railways SNCF. As a side word I can tell you that last year I travelled First Class on SNCF from Tarbes in the South West of France to Paris, a journey of about 600 Km, for a cost of 45 Euros. Subsidised? Probably. Should I thank the British taxpayer for their contribution? So the publicly owned East Coast Railway paid £225m in 'profits' to the UK taxpayers. What should we do with it now? Privatise it seems. And one of the front runners to take over this publicly owned success story? It seems its a joint venture between Keolis and Eurostar, subsidiaries of France's state-owned railway company, SNCF. So should I book my return journey to Tarbes now or wait a little while. After all it could be even cheaper in a few months.
    59 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Ken Long
  • Traffic calming in Woodmansterne
    Letter sent to MP: I write to you requesting your urgent attention on the untenable traffic situation in Carshalton Road which is becoming virtually impossible to access my stables without fear of accident. We raised this issue in 2010, yet it was deemed not dangerous enough to warrant action given that nobody had been killed. This I found to be completely unacceptable and I have had no other option than taking this matter further again giving how significantly worse the situation has become. To ignore it, and literally wait for an accident to happen would be neglectful and irresponisble. I do not wish to have it on my conscience that I had not done all that I could to protect the safety of myself, my animals and others should a serious accident occur. I would therefore strongly urge you to challenge the previous response I received and argue that nobody should have to die unnecessarily on this road before action is taken. Cars and Lorries consistently exceed speed limits and do not adhere to legal Highway Code requirements by giving no consideration to riders, pedestrians, animals or other traffic. In the past month one of my horses, whilst being ridden by myself, was hit by a car yet the driver did not stop and just continued to drive. Fortunately my horse was fine but I fell and had significant bruising to my thigh and my GP told me that I was lucky not to have been seriously injured. Within the same week, I also witnessed on one occassion school children almost being knocked over, despite them wearing high visibility jackets and being carefully escorted by their school teacher. These are not an isolated incidents and in fact dangerous driving has now become the norm. Other tenants at my stables have been forced to relocate their animals as they can no longer tolerate the situation. They and myself, sadly now feel unable to take our horses out for a ride and enjoy the beautiful green belt that we are fortunate to have on our doorstep, for fear of being killed. My view is shared by many other residents, land owners and tenants on Carshalton Road and we all feel that we are being left vulnerable and in grave danger. I would be extremely grateful for a response and advice as to how we can resolve this dangerous situation. You and your colleagues would be more than welcome to visit my stables and witness the situation for yourselves should you require it. Looking forward to receiving your response. King regards, Miss Jacqueline Cooksey
    94 of 100 Signatures
    Created by clare stringer
  • Residents parking scheme in Carnforth
    Over a number of years the air quality, road safety and quality of life have been negatively effected by the ever increasing traffic flow and visitor numbers to this lovely part of England. Unfortunately, due to Carnforth being on the border of Cumbria and having a relatively small populous, the needs of the residents have been overlooked for a number of years. The need for a residents parking scheme has been proven, but Lancashire County Council constantly push those residents that have been asking for a scheme on a merry-go-round of being fobbed off and quoted that other areas are more important.
    12 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Simon Withey
  • stop selling off our countries assets,i.e,the channel tunnel&east railway
    stop all these greedy so&so`s ripping off our country I want you 38 degrees to send this out, I know very little about this gadget i enjoy some of your info.
    87 of 100 Signatures
    Created by james emmerson dinsdale
  • Keep motorway rest areas FREE!
    I recently received a fine for parking in the MOTO services, Knutsford South because I was to exhausted to continue. My fine for sleeping is £100.00 and that sleep probably saved me from having an accident. There were no signs that I noticed and there were no lit signs because it was 12.53 am and pitch black.
    39 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Robert Broad
  • Swap speed bumps for average speed camera in 30's
    Almost all drivers in the UK are fed up with the costs to repair damage caused by speed bumps and also being punished for someone else miss use of the roads.
    12 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Brian Kelly
  • No to another Crossing In Dartford Kent
    The Original Consultation Paper was not promoted out to the people in the locality broadly enough, as with recent Consultations for example Paramount Plans - a letter went to every household. Talking to local people who will be most affected by this decision, majority were unaware that a Consultation even took place. Removing the Toll booths may speed up the traffic and obviously continue to generate the relevant financial return but more traffic will be driven into this already over-congested area. If this decision relies solely on cost we know that Dartford will be the area as the infrastructure is there and this will save the Government millions. This is unfair and in a way inhumane to continue to over-pollute an area already polluted. I do not believe any research was conducted with regard to air quality.
    40 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Joan Woodhead
  • Save our school bus
    Because parents can not afford the £20.00 a week for the bus fares especially if they have other children coming through the system. The council state that we should send our children to the nearest school, which is not my sons preferred choice and also it is mainly sports and my son has is own sport outside of school, he much prefers going to a school that specialist in performing arts, drama etc. If all the local children went to the local school it would be massively over subscribed with pupils that do not want to be there, we would then have another problem later on in life with under learning.
    149 of 200 Signatures
    Created by Julia Cunningham
  • Mitigation Measures to Property on Peterborough to Spalding Railway Line
    IN Werrington there are over 500 Properties built since 1987 and over 270 Properties in Peakirk that will be within the Noise , Vibration , & Air Polution Para- -meter's of the New GN & GE Freight Railway Line with no Migation Measures such as Acoustic Fences , Earth Moulding , Landscaping Trees Evergreens , Bushes , Shrubs , Soundproofing to Houses Similar Measures have been installed to other Property Areas in Peterborough
    12 of 100 Signatures
    Created by ivan hammond
  • Mandatory education until 18 should mean discounted fairs until 18 using public transport
    Are you aware the government introduced new legislation last year making it mandatory that young people must stay in some form of fulltime education until the age of 17 years of age, next year it is scheduled to go to 18 years of age before being legally allowed to earn an income. Currently public transport within the UK doesn't reflect this, they are still going by the old law in regards to 16 years of age, The reason the age was set at under16 was because if mandatory to be in fulltime education for a further two years, it takes away their rights from earning an income of their own and the parents and guardians to carry the ever raising costs. This affects everyone either directly or by association, we are officially out of recession so no reason to make this happen as government seem to have not considered this fact. Even now when I contact my local authority which was recently criticized for the leader of the council in Bucks for awarding himself around £250,000,That is more than the prime minister earns by a lot, to run a county. Also Over £100,000 a year is going into the pay packets of 21 council workers across Buckinghamshire, each county isn't that different, as far as I am aware. Here is the link which also includes other county's pay awards to senior staff. http://www.mix96.co.uk/news/local/1359881/100k-pay-packets-for-21-bucks-council-employees/ I was informed they couldn't help given the triple dip recession taking away important public services, Proof that our triple dip recession is over is available at the following link, not sure why the government departments are still using the old excuses of why there is no money, Nor are they celebrating this with their customers that we should not need to pay more for less any longer. http://www.grimsbytelegraph.co.uk/Good-news-economy-better-recession/story-21941908-detail/story.html I thank you for your support in signing this petition & for passing it on in advance as I feel folk have had enough of all the shenanigans going on behind closed doors which always lead to us the people paying out more and getting nothing or very little in return. Thank to 38 degree’s for giving me the opportunity of setting up this petition in such a simple way & for all the amazing things you have achieved and will achieved as your organization clearly understands if we stand together we can make the change.
    123 of 200 Signatures
    Created by Alan Greer
  • Stop the privatisation of East Coast Trains
    East Coast Trains is contributing money back to the UK economy and is the best example of why a state owned public service is best kept public. With a possible change of Government so soon after the selling of this franchise, it's sale should be delayed to allow a (possible) Labour Government keep the company state owned
    148 of 200 Signatures
    Created by Graham Sampson