Ban Cooked bones for dogsCooked bones sold as treats for dogs are very dangerous and cause intestinal damage which can lead to the death of your animal. To many dogs suffer and many people are not aware if the dangers until it's to late .10 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Diana Weatherill
Ban Fox Hunting in ScotlandIn the modern age we regard the Roman gladiator games as cruel and barbaric. However, across Scotland each year thousands of people on horseback, accompanied by their hounds, chase a fox for sport, finally shooting it when it finally collapses from exhaustion to be torn apart by dogs. Whether or not we regard foxes to be pests that need controlling, it is time to end this bestial 'sport', a living embodiment of outdated thinking and brutality. Fox hunting is not part of the Scotland we love, because we strive for a peaceful, progressive future.112 of 200 SignaturesCreated by sarah newman
Palm oil ingredients to be written in boldThe production of unsustainable palm oil is causing severe environmental damage around the world.85 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Gary Palmer
Buy Long Lasting Poppies And Make A Donation Each Year Instead!The disposable ones are virtually indestructible and are finding their way into the sea around the coast of the UK.14 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Chiara Lloyd-Yeates
Stop Network Rail destroying trees and wildlife1.To protect wildlife (bats, squirrels, badgers, foxes, birds) 2.Removing oxygen producing plants which contribute to sustaining the local ecosystem will have a negative impact environmentally 3. Removing natural defences (from the sound of the railway to natural flood defences) will have an impact on the homes in and around the planned tree felling area135 of 200 SignaturesCreated by Zoe Wilson
Make it a legal requirement for vets to check microchips on each visitSo many dogs are stolen or go missing daily, vets need to check microchip details every time an animal is brought in, this could help reunite lost animals with their rightful owners100 of 200 SignaturesCreated by Danni Murphy
Ban greyhound racingOver many years the league has called for action to tackle the shocking cruelty and abuse in the greyhound racing industry.Time and time again,however,our calls have fallen on death ears.The industry has failed reform itself.Due to the fact far too many greyhounds continue to suffer unnecessaril.We are now calling for a phasing out of a cruel sport,leading to an outright ban. -Most spend 95% of their time in small kennels with no contact -Many are neglected,suffering from parasites and poor dental health -Those housed in pairs are often kept constantly muzzled -Only the fastest dogs are wanted by the industry and sadly, many dogs never make it past this stage and their fate is unknown. -more than 1000 were killed in 2017 because they were too I'll or unsuitable for rehoming -six to twelve thousand puppies need for greyhound racing go missing each year. Resources took from League of cruel sports.You can help us end this cruelty be signing today.107 of 200 SignaturesCreated by Rachel Bailey
No more plastic waste in the oceans and help clean it all upThe plastic in the ocean is set to double in the next 5 years! It's now already too much. It's now or never. The tipping point for plastic has been long over run now. Please watch this bbc documentary that was aired this week. Its a ticking time bomb that is fast running out. The dolphins and the fish and whales can't do it, so we have to! https://www.bbc.co.uk/iplayer/episode/b0bmbn47/drowning-in-plastic Plastic is in the arctic, plankton at the bottom of the ocean, and has been found to transmit diseases to coral (only discovered a year ago) and potentially humans and all mammalian life.23 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Nick de Meyer
Ban the importation of animal fur into UK100 million+ animals are killed for their fur every year and 30 million of those are killed in fur farms where the lives of these animals commonly end by having their necks broken, being gassed or being electrocuted. The gassing is not always effective, and animals are sometimes still alive while being skinned. The Agreement on International Trapping Standards is aimed at the protection of the practice of trapping of wild animals for their fur with ‘humane’ standards. However, the trapping of wild animals for their fur can never be benign, the standards set in this agreement fall well below humane standards defined by veterinarian experts in the UK.26 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Zahrah Azeem
Wetherspoons Dog BanWetherspoons clearly are living in the past by banning dogs, the best pubs allow dogs in the bar without any issues. For example nearly all pubs and eating establishments in the lake district allow dogs. The lakes are one of the biggest tourist areas in the UK with many families enjoying the countyside and pubs where dogs are made very welcome. In my experience most children love dogs and most dog owners are responsible loving people. Do Wetherspoons realise that by banning dogs they are in fact banning the dog owners. More than 1 in 4 households in the UK have a dog so I urge them to rethink this decision!46 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Stephen Boardman
Biodegradable cigarettesSmoking is bad for your health but it only affects you- right? There are at least 124 million cigarettes butts put into the environment every single day in the UK alone. Globally this figure nears 6 trillion cigarettes per year. Nearly all (95%) of cigarette filters are made from cellulose acetate- a plastic which persists in the environment for over a decade. A recent report from NBC news showed that cigarette butts were the biggest man-made contaminant in the world's oceans, not plastic bags nor plastic straws. This is one of the largest sources of plastic pollution in the world so it needs to be tackled as fast as possible. Biodegradable cigarettes do exist. Greenbutts is an organisation that has created the world’s first biodegradable cigarette filter, made from natural products such as hemp and cotton. The solution is out there but it needs to be put into practice. Natural parks and beaches are some of the UK's greatest assets. But walk through any single one and you will see cigarette butts. Not only do they spoil natural beauty, ingestion of plastics by animals can be incredibly harmful by disrupting immune systems and causing disease. On top of all this, they cost tax payer money. For example, the City of London spend £3.8 million cleaning the streets of cigarette butts every year. This could be used for other public services which have their own funding issues. This problem is well recognised in the scientific literature and many newspaper articles have been written. And yet, no government action has been done. Sign this petition to make Michael Gove realise how much the British public cares about the environment and how urgently change is needed.60 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Leo Danczak
Ocean cleanupMillions of marine creatures are being killed every year due to plastic waste entering the ocean38 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Sarah Abdulkarim
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