• Save Alistair’s sleepover staff
    Because Alistair has profound learning disabilities, epilepsy, schizophrenia and severe autism. He has no awareness of danger and an unstable gait, meaning he is very likely to fall and cause serious injury when not supported. Alistair will also self harm and become aggressive when he feels nervous and doesn’t have someone there to help him and make him feel safe.
    1,861 of 2,000 Signatures
    Created by Lyndsey Forrest McColl
  • Make indiscriminate Killing of Wildlife by Companies Illegal
    This is the United kingdoms legacy to its children We have a moral responsibility to retain Britain's wildlife, not wipe it out of existence. We have a responsibility to show our children compassion toward living beings We have a responsibility to show our children that the almighty £pound is not the be all and end all of our existence. - Morals before destruction - compassion before profit - responsibility, accountability and transparency
    605 of 800 Signatures
    Created by Ria Knott
  • Cancel or Not Renew Kingdom Security Contracts
    Local authorities in North Wales have contracted third party private company Kingdom Security to issue fixed penalty notices (FPNs) for environmental crimes such as littering, dog mess and a range of other matters. As Kingdom Security (KS) is funded entirely from the FPNs it issues, it has a financial incentive to break all rules in order to maximise profit. The company has been exposed in the media for incentivising its employees to issue as many FPNs as possible. This has seen minors, the elderly, the disabled and the most vulnerable people in society deliberately targeted with FPNs valued at £75 for trivial littering by cigarette butts (the bulk of FPNs issued). The KS employees frequently employ intimidatory tactics on those least likely to challenge their accusations. They concentrate on high footfall locations to maximise profit while ignoring the type of anti-social crimes most people are opposed to. They persist in ignoring the law and guidelines, issuing FPNs for accidental littering for example rather than drawing the attention to it and rectifyng the issue. They routinely lie and withhold pertinent information to convince often innocent people that they've committed an offence. Virtually all court cases have seen charges dismissed. Kingdom Security is a menace. The aggressive behaviour of the company's employees is so bad in North Wales now, everyone knows someone negatively affected by them. They do not reduce littering or dog mess and even if a FPN is issued, the litter or mess remains as neither the litterer not the KS employee is compelled to clean it up. I myself have never received a FPN, but when I dared mention the actions of KS in my town and file a Freedom of Information request to Denbighshire County Council, I had the council employed over-seer of KS make repeated visits to try and track me down. In the end, he approached me in a public street in an attempt to get me to retract everything. This was an unsolicited approach by a man who had previously been told to stay away from me and who was prepared to break the law to try and silence me. This is just one story of hundreds that can be told in North Wales about KS and the local authorities contracting it. This petition is aimed at telling the five councils involved that enough is enough. KS is destroying the very fabric of North Wales society. The company must go.
    2,308 of 3,000 Signatures
    Created by Scott Felton
  • Fully Fund Policing in England and Wales
    For years the government has cut funding for our police, putting our police services under incredible pressure. Shrinking budgets mean that we have lost over 20,000 police officers since 2010. Police officers work hard every day, doing their best to keep us safe, but they simply need more money and more resources to do the job. In the last year violent crime has risen by 20%, and a leaked Home Office report says cuts to police budgets “may have encouraged” violent offenders and have “likely contributed” to a rise in serious violent crime. The government need to give the police the money and resources they need to protect us and make sure violent crimes become rarer - not more common.
    2,630 of 3,000 Signatures
    Created by Chris Cook
  • Police chiefs must genuinely consult campaigners protesting against the onshore oil and gas industry
    The police continually insist they value dialogue with campaigners who oppose plans to drill for oil and gas in local communities. It doesn’t feel that way, however, to people who are taking part in protests against these activities. Instead, they have condemned the way their human rights have been repeatedly trampled on by the police, how concerns raised with senior officers about aggressive policing are ignored and how formal complaints are hurriedly dismissed. Campaigners say officers have pushed them into hedges, violently dragged older people across roads, shoved others into speeding traffic and persistently made arbitrary and incomprehensible arrests.  For eighteen months, the National Police Chiefs Council (NPCC) has kept promising to review the direction it gives local forces on the policing of these protests and at last, this now seems imminent. Despite pressure from Netpol, however, the senior officer leading the review has been extremely reluctant to consult directly with campaigners, despite their invaluable first-hand experiences of the way policing operations are conducted. We say: meaningful dialogue and genuine accountability means listening to critical voices. We want Lancashire Assistant Chief Constable Terry Woods - the NPCC Lead on Shale Gas and Oil Exploration - to take consultation seriously and formally invite members of the public to submit their testimony on the policing of local anti-fracking protests. The NPCC then needs to brief all the participants in the consultation on how its national guidance has subsequently been updated and improved.
    1,318 of 2,000 Signatures
    Created by Netpol Campaigns Picture
  • End the hunger strike of 45 immigrants detained indefinitely at Yarl's Wood
    It is inhumane to imprison people indefinitely, without being convicted of a crime, often with no legal representation. As one of the detainees has said "We want the Home Office to listen to us and stop the injustice of indefinite detention..It is the uncertainty that is most difficult, I can deal with imprisonment if I know my sentence. But here, there’s no criminal record, and no clarity about what's going to happen to me. It's a pain that we all bear on a daily basis." (Al Jazeera 28.2.18 - https://www.aljazeera.com/news/2018/02/women-detained-yarl-wood-hunger-strike-180228195926024.html)
    162 of 200 Signatures
    Created by Ellie Wolf
  • Stop Speeding on New Barge Pier Road
    Throughout the year residents on the Garrison Estate in Shoeburyness are blighted by noise pollution and anti-social behaviour due to New Barge Pier Road being turned into a race track late into the evening. Often the noise generated from scooters, bikes and cars carries on into the early hours of the morning. New Barge pier road is a flat road with a sweeping curve and a hard stop at one end; providing the perfect race track. However, the noise from these drag races disturbs residents on a nightly basis especially during the summer months. As the road can be fairly quiet during daylight hours; this can encourage cars to speed; and given the very close proximity to a public park, nature reserve, primary school and play ground, not to mention 400 + households in the local vicinity; notwithstanding the late night noise pollution, speeding cars are wholly at odds with the number of families, children and animals that come into contact with the road based on the public use encouraged by facilities in the local area. Furthermore, despite the best efforts from the police; given the lack of police resources; residents are simply 'fed up' and at odds with the slow response to late night drag racing. As such we the petitioners believe that traffic calming measures applied to New Barge Pier road will dramatically reduce speeding which in turn will aid the reduction of anti-social behaviour that blights this specific area. This should also reduce the need to call upon already massively strained police resources to attend such matters.
    201 of 300 Signatures
    Created by Phil Coombe
  • Ban pages on Instagram inviting fight videos being uploaded
    This is absolutely sick and a disgusting trend that has to be stopped as kids are desperate to upload their video to get the most views and likes. The effects on the victims must be horrendous with 100's of comments, views and likes.
    1,002 of 2,000 Signatures
    Created by Jolene Rogers
  • Immigration Removal Centres - Habeas Corpus and Inspection of Healthcare Services
    At Yarl's Wood IRC in Bedfordshire 120 inmates are currently on hunger strike on these issues and others. The poor care at Brook House IRC has been exposed on Panorama. Detainees in IRCs are among the most vulnerable people in Britain. They require our support.
    270 of 300 Signatures
    Created by Alick Munro
  • We want Max returned to his rightful owner
    We as a community have come together and want each and every one of our voices heard and this matter investigated!!!! We feel that the police have not fulfilled their lawful duty to a member of the public who is a law abiding citizen. This lady reported her dog missing in 2016 from Barry in the vale of glamorgan. She had obeyed the law and had her bichon called max microchipped and registered in her name. She followed all the right procedures when he went missing, He was reported to all the relevant authorities and his microchip was flagged as missing. He is on the doglost website aswell as an abundance of missing dog groups on the internet. This lady aswell as numerous dog groups and their thousands of members have endlessly searched and followed up every possible lead and sighting etc into his whereabouts. She has tirelessly searched for her dog since the day he went missing. A few days ago even though he's been flagged as missing she discovered he has been re registered to someone else. The chip company refuse to pass on the new keepers details and the police say it's a civil matter so won't help her. We stand together with her and feel this is a huge injustice not just to her but to every single pet owner out there!!! We want the police to investigate this matter and are hugely appalled by their lack of interest in this case. This is not a civil matter But is either firstly theft in its own right or it's theft by finding. Either way it's a criminal offence. Also we feel by the chip company and the police by protecting the (CRIMINAL),S identity when they are not the real owners of this animal but who are in fact handling stolen goods makes both the police and the chip company guilty of aiding and abetting a criminal act. You as the police have a duty of care to us members of the public and we are calling on you to do just that. We want our rights as pet owners protected. We will not stop until max is returned to his rightful owner and will share his story all over the media aswell as follow complaint procedures. Please Take note of the number of people that have signed this and do your job please do whats right in the eyes of the law by stopping this injustice and protect the victim in all this not the criminal. Get max home where he belongs Make a stand so other dog thieves think twice in future. It's important because our pets are not inanimate worthless objects. They are our family members. Pet theft is a huge problem and the police need to treat it the same as any other crime.
    359 of 400 Signatures
    Created by Becky Wright
  • Stop on-the-spot fingerprint scanning
    The Home Office quietly announced, without debate in Parliament, that West Yorkshire Police will be rolling out on-the-spot fingerprint scanning on 10th Feb 2018. The checks will include UK Border Agency and Criminal Records databases. Over 30yrs ago I was fined for a minor offence and my fingerprints were recorded at the time. If I were to encounter a stop-and-scan check whilst with my boss or an important customer, they would be able to tell instantly that I had a criminal record, and even if I wasn't fired I'd be looked at unfairly for promotion. Worse still, with UK Border Agency database checks, we know that the Police will disproportionately target ethnic minorities. We have seen how incompetent the UKBA are at dealing with EU applications for permanent residency, and you can be sure that many legal EU citizens will be falsely arrested during these stops. PACE (the Police and Criminal Evidence Act) s61 currently states that the Police can only take your fingerprints without consent after you've been arrested or you're caught red-handed. However, by virtue of having these scanners the Police will intimidate people into giving consent. Please sign the petition to stop this unfair system, which hasn't even been agreed to by Parliament. https://www.gov.uk/government/news/police-trial-new-home-office-mobile-fingerprint-technology https://www.legislation.gov.uk/ukpga/1984/60/section/61
    51 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Ken Booth
  • Change the Law for Dog Theft in the UK
    Following the theft of Ivy, the five other cockers from the same area on the same night, the four stolen from a house in Weymouth, six dogs stolen in Harvington (2 yellow labs, a Patterdale, Jack Russell, a cocker spaniel and a collie), six cocker spaniels in New Mill Yorkshire and six cocker spaniels from Lepton, the more recent theft of Olive, who has fortunately been reunited with her family( video of their reunion can be seen by clicking in this link https://www.facebook.com/natalie.king.14224/videos/952727631559981/ and the many many other incidents of stolen dogs reported on a daily basis up and down the country, we are raising a petition to be presented to the UK Government, for the attention of Michael Gove MP. The link below was an article about Dog Theft Statistics, published in June 2017, highlighting the statistics for 2014/16 https://www.express.co.uk/news/nature/816125/Dog- theft-UK-stolen-statistics-Britain-police-figures Justice for Ivy UK (Facebook Group) was born after the cruel and heartbreaking abduction, and subsequent abhorrent death, of beautiful Ivy, cocker spaniel, taken from her home in Devon in December 2017. Incidents of all animal theft have increased at an alarming rate over the past few years, and we feel it is time that both the government and the police authorities take these incidents seriously, and treat our beloved pets as members of our families, and deal with them accordingly. All animals deserve a safe and happy life. Justice for Ivy UK
    13,409 of 15,000 Signatures
    Created by Carolyn Johnson