• Elderly Couple Forced to Demolish their own Home by Cheshire East Council
    To ensure this senseless action can never happen again to vulnerable people, adding to the current national problem of homelessness in the UK. Were Cheshire East Council really acting in the public interest, spending so much taxpayers’ money relentlessly pursuing an elderly couple to whom they granted a Certificate of Lawfulness to build and then issued it with Completion Certificate as a warehouse? We estimate this must be well into six figures, as Ken and Barbara have, although our disclosure request under the Freedom of Information Act 2000 was blocked!? But here’s the biggest question of all… Was it really worth it when the Certificate of Lawfulness runs with the land, so once demolished, construction can start immediately to lawfully rebuild the warehouse to exactly the same size/footprint/dimensions, as confirmed by Cheshire East’s Principal Planning Officer.
    1,166 of 2,000 Signatures
    Created by Sarah Taylor Picture
  • To restore our Public Enquiry Desk at Newton-le-Willows Police Station
    Merseyside Police have been ravaged by Government austerity. However, Newton-le-Willows deserves it’s fair share of the remaining resource. However, the Borough of St. Helens now has the fewest opening hours for enquiry desks across Merseyside. Southport Police Station: 93 hours Bootle Police Station: 84 hours a week. (Despite being so close to Liverpool City Centre) Sefton therefore has a total of 177 open hours. Bootle still has a magistrates court. Wallasey Police Station: 20 hours Birkenhead Police Station: 93 hours The Wirral total: 113 hours per week open. The Wirral still has a magistrates court. St Anne St: 93 hours Admiral Street: 84 hours Walton Lane: 84 hours Liverpool Total: 261 hours per week open. Liverpool still has a magistrates and crown court. Huyton Police Station: 93 hours Kirkby Police Station: 16 hours Speke Police Station: 16 hours Knowsley therefore has a total 125 hours a week in total. St Helens Police Station: 93 hours per week Newton-le-Willows Police Station: 7 hours per week Our borough therefore has 100 hours per week in total. Therefore, our borough has the fewest open hours out of all of Merseyside. We have 77 fewer open hours than Sefton. And 13 less than Knowsley, which has a smaller population than our borough over 3 Police Stations. St Helens North has been unfairly treated.
    696 of 800 Signatures
    Created by Newton & Earlestown Community Group Newton & Earlestown Community Group
  • Ballot the Members
    Mineworkers Pension Scheme Trustees:- should ballot the Members of the Scheme to terminate the arrangement with the Guarantor ( Government ) where the benefit to the Members cannot be shown in continuing with the arrangement, and with £12 Billion to be distributed to it's aging Member prior to the closure of the Scheme. The scheme should solely operate for the benefit of its members who contributed to the fund and worked in some of the most dangerous conditions to the detriment of their health and note that successive governments have taken significant dividends in excess of £5 billion from the fund which would have otherwise improved the pensions and quality of life for former mineworkers. It is important that the Members and relatives of the Scheme should benefit from the money the Mineworkers' put into the Scheme to improve their quality of life as they grow older. The Scheme has assets of £12 Billion 1 with a return from investments on average approx. 11% 1 per year giving £1.32 Billion income and the cost to meet the Pension Benefits of approx. on average £0.751 Billion. Showing that the Scheme with always produce a Surplus from which the Government will take 50% for being the Schemes Guarantor without the need for a Guarantee. 1. MPS Report & Accounts Links to help show the injustice :- https://www.bbc.com/news/uk-england-tyne-44746537 https://www.ftadviser.com/pensions/2018/07/12/mp-blasts-government-for-stealing-miner-s-pensions/ Link to MPS Pension Campaign:- https://you.38degrees.org.uk/petitions/mineworker-pension-fight?fbclid=IwAR2XWRpKWkPW_De9Zo1rkIE3Op9iNVXoLYdxZf5fS18bKsJIbJ5QlgSrWe8
    2,777 of 3,000 Signatures
    Created by Peter Hurley Picture
  • Stop cars entering the green cycle boxes at junctions.
    The green cycle boxes, and Advance Stopping Lines at junctions are supposed to create a safe haven for cyclists, but they are routinely ignored by many drivers. At best this makes the cycle boxes useless, at worst it makes them incredibly dangerous for cyclists to use. The Police say "If the traffic lights are on red, drivers (including motorcyclists and scooter riders) must not cross the first stop line - if they do they could liable to a £100 fixed penalty and three penalty points on their driving license." Every day on my commute into work I see drivers completely flaunting the law, driving into these boxes to try to get ahead of cyclists and putting people at risk. It's time the police actually started enforcing the highway code and stopped these dangerous drivers.
    72 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Robin Priestley Picture
  • Private Litter Police DO NOT HELP US
    The current litter policy used by LCC is not fit for purpose the only thing it is doing is assisting a private company in making lots of cash and fast. The very small amount of funds that are kept by Leeds Council is only 24% at its highest and this money does not go back to helping the community and even if it did it amounts to nothing. We want Leeds to be a clean City but we DO NOT want Leeds to be a City people DO NOT want to visit because of the way Authority's treat people.
    243 of 300 Signatures
    Created by Marti Blagborough
  • No more leaks! - Recognise ACORN tenants' union at Emperor Court
    Open letter to the people of Birmingham Mohammed JJ Khan is well-known to all in the Stirchley community as the proud owner of the distinctive £7,500 statue of a begging gorilla that sits above JJ’s Flooring Services. We, the families of Emperor Court, also live above JJ’s Flooring Services. We want the people of Birmingham to know that as the owner of the building that we live in, JJ is the one with his hand out, happy to collect rent money, and turning his back on us by refusing to discuss urgent health and safety issues. The building has let in the rain for years, and as a result our flats are damp and mouldy. Like Scrooge, unwilling to spend, JJ has resisted all efforts so far to get him to properly fix this problem. Some of our neighbours have had to move out as their children have been made ill. Unable to bear these shameful conditions any longer, we have joined the renters’ union ACORN, who now represent all families in Emperor Court. JJ has brought in a block management company to look after the building, Bright Willis. Both he and the block management company refuse to speak with ACORN, saying they will only talk to our individual landlords. Our asks are absolutely reasonable. As the people having to live in these wet conditions, speaking with one voice, we demand that JJ and Bright Willis recognise our union ACORN and meet with us regularly to ensure that our homes are maintained according to his legal obligation as freeholder. If you agree with us, then please sign our online letter of support, or why not tell JJ directly what you think? Thank you!
    218 of 300 Signatures
    Created by Becca Kirkpatrick
  • 'These Walls Must Fall' Motion Bristol
    "Over 30,000 people are locked up in prison-like conditions every year, with no time limit on how long they can be held. This is not for having committed a crime. It is purely because they do not (yet) have the correct immigration papers. The majority of people detained are eventually released, but many never really recover from the trauma. It’s a terrible waste of money (£125 million a year), and a waste of lives. Immigration detention is a wholly unnecessary, unjustifiable practice, one of the most harmful aspects of the UK’s “hostile environment” for migrants and a shameful civil rights abuse that cannot be ignored." Quoted from the 'These Walls Must Fall' Campaign Website (http://detention.org.uk/)
    252 of 300 Signatures
    Created by David Ion
  • Ban "Hunt Tourism" in Scotland!
    Scotland is blessed with a diverse range of beautiful and unique wildlife. Often, a lack of natural predators means that grazing animals such as deer and wild goats are subject to culls, which are unfortunate but necessary, and conducted by professionals to limit the suffering of animals. What is unnecessary is the "hunt tourism" industry that encourages "tourists" from around the world, particularly Americans, to visit Scotland for the sole purpose of stalking, torturing and killing our beautiful and unique Scottish wildlife for pleasure. This is not the kind of tourism that we want in our country.
    262 of 300 Signatures
    Created by Cammie Campbell
  • Make Selly Oak Safer
    The University, as one of Birmingham’s largest employers, must use its political influence to prioritise the safety of its students and keep this at the top of the agendas of local councillors and MPs. Whilst the police have continually offered wonderful support in times of crisis, due to local and national funding cuts to the police it is clear they are overworked and not able to offer the support that is so badly needed in the area. Every year there is a call to action but nothing is ever resolved. It’s time for the University and local government to follow through on its promises and ensure that student safety is continually at the forefront of their priorities – and not just something discussed ‘after the event’. These stakeholders need to take individual and collective responsibility for ensuring the safety of students in Selly Oak.
    7,049 of 8,000 Signatures
    Created by Adam Tomes
  • Free the "Fracking Three"
    Lancashire voted against allowing fracking in their county, and the government undemocratically over-ruled this. Fracking is well known to have a seriously destructive impact upon the environment. The freedom to make a peaceful protest is something to be proud of in this country, and with these sentences, the judiciary have violated that right. Only by over-ruling the sentence can this basic human right be restored.
    189 of 200 Signatures
    Created by Edmund Pendrous
  • CCTV and other safety measures in the Royal park, Rhymney
    We need to make this a safe place for us, our children and everyone else who wishes to use the park to an advantage and not have to avoid the area because of the above reasons.
    652 of 800 Signatures
    Created by Rhian Pritchard
  • Ban Trail Hunting on National Trust Land
    Trail hunting involves laying a trail of concentrated fox urine for a pack of hounds to follow. They are trained to ONLY follow fox scent when they could so easily be trained to follow the smell of fruit, drugs, biscuits or anything else. So, it should not come as a shock when the pack follows the scent of a real fox and kills it. This is still legal in the UK and goes on throughout the country. As a result, hundreds of foxes are still chased and killed for pleasure each year in the UK. There is no place in modern society to kill just for pleasure and members of the National Trust are unwittingly supporting this activity. There are incidents where pets are also killed 'by accident' and hunts refuse to trail hunt with dogs muzzled to avoid 'collateral damage'. The National Trust should be the most respected Guardians of the countryside and represent the views of its members. It should not be an organisation that promotes cruelty and killing for the pleasure of a tiny minority. We would ask the Board of the National Trust to ban all trail hunting on their land. NOTE: it is easy to stop inhumane suffering and 'accidental' death: LET'S CLOSE THIS LOOPHOLE.
    345 of 400 Signatures
    Created by Peter Parsons