• Another white collar crime gets off with a slap on the wrist
    It is time that one law for the rich and one law for the poor was ended. Those who claim to lead the country, should be beyond reproach. They receive high wages, and should be dismissed immediately if they are so morally inept, that they think it is OK to steal from the country. Greed and dishonesty are not characteristics suitable for anyone in public leadership. White collar crime continues to increase, with little to no consequences.
    25 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Jay Lesley
  • David Cameron - Introduce Firework Laws
    Because currently there is no legislation around fireworks, displays, and setting up businesses, 7 people lost their lives in this dreadful tragedy on 4th November 2011, two of them were my parents. We believe that these 7 people should not have died in vain. We believe that the introduction of Laws to ensure that firework operators are suitably trained and licenced in both their field of work and their businesses would go some way to ensuring that this sort of tragedy never happens again. This is so important to us that we already have a petition on another site, but we need more people to back us, so we are now trying our luck on other sites as well.
    26 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Elaine Adams and Tonia White
  • Decriminilize and regulate the supply, cultivation and consumption of cannabis
    Thousands of doctors and patients across the world have confirmed that cannabis is an effective medicine that can treat and cure a number of problems from aches and pains and sleeping problems to cancer. cannabis has a ridiculously small negaitive impact on communities compared to alcohol and tobacco. millions of pounds are spent every year by the police and courts processing 'criminals' found in possession of small amounts of cannabis. thousands of people are taking up space in prison for cannabis related 'crimes'. cannabis can cause significant amount more damage to peoples health when criminals are able to weigh it down with glass, plastic, sand and chemicals. hundreds of millions in tax could be collected yearly. tax made could be used to counter serious drug addiction. massive boost in tourism.
    55 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Patrick C
  • De-restrict childrens law legal aid
    What is more important than your children? What in the world is more important than children and their welfare. How can it be that in this day and age in this country a childs future can be decided on whether you can afford a lawyer or not? Faced with the daunting trauma of court proceedings regarding the future of your child, you know your ex-partner is not capable of giving a loving, caring upbringing to your child but they can afford representation and you cannot. You may come away with the right result, you may not. What is certain is that you are entering a fight with the odds stacked against you. This is not right! Children deserve to have their future decided fairly.
    45 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Leigh Davies
  • Are they going to kill the BBC?
    Because the BBC is one of this country's gems which is admired worldwide for it's reliability. http://www.theguardian.com/media/2014/mar/08/tv-licence-fee-decriminalise-miller-bbc
    24 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Lorna Jones
  • Reimburse Tribunal Costs Pertaining to ATOS Misdiagnosis
    This is important because the government withdrew legal aid at a time when it contracted out its duties to ATOS to assess whether or not claimants, of sickness benefits, were fit for work. Job Centres and the Department of Works & Pensions have strict guidelines to follow when assessing claimants, however, by contracting out to ATOS they avoided these strict guidelines to reach the government's targets to reduce the number of people on sickness benefits. Thousands of people, who were misdiagnosed by ATOS, won their appeals. No fines have been levied on ATOS, or compensation paid by them, for financial loss or the pain and suffering caused to the individuals, despite the proven negligence at the tribunals.
    34 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Ray Middleton
  • Hold Banks and bankers accountable
    It is important for the people of this country to know that no one is above the law. The current situation where the tax payer is bailing out the financial institutions is intolerable. How did banks end up selling and purchasing unsustainable mortgages if no fraud was committed.
    137 of 200 Signatures
    Created by David Nicholson
  • Bring Bradford into line with other Councils
    I think it speaks for itself as to why it is important. Bradford Council claim to be in line with all other Councils. How is £85 in line with £10 for exactly the same thing? The Council made 3.33 million pounds doing this in the council tax year 2012/2013. Un-waged people are struggling just to pay council tax they also have to pay bedroom tax if they are renting privately, benefits do not take these taxes into consideration and neither do Bradford Council. Bradford Council have already announced Council Tax rises for the 2 years to come. During the Council Tax year 2012/2013 Bradford Council summonsed 1 in 4 households for Council Tax. With the current economic climate more and more people will be summoned as less people are able to afford to pay Council Tax, why should people already struggling be charged £85 per summons whilst others are charged only £10 for exactly the same thing?
    18 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Kenny Priestley
  • Criminalise the destruction of food by supermarkets
    Millions of tonnes of food, particularly fresh food, that is perfectly good for human consumption are destroyed every year by supermarkets because it is in some way "blemished". Meanwhile those living in poverty, housed or on the streets, are going hungry or even malnourished here in the UK. This is utterly immoral and must cease NOW.
    88 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Rudi Affolter Picture
  • Stop Legal Aid cuts for custody battles
    The cuts mean that in the cases of divorce and separation the spouse denied legal aid will be the one who cannot afford to go out to work because they are looking after young children. The spouse who can afford legal representation is the more likely to win the custody battle. In very many cases he or she is really not the best parent to look after the child/ren and the heartache for both the children and the better placed parent will be grossly unfair. This matter should most definitely NOT be a case whereby the parent who has the money to spend on the case is the victor. Lives will be severely blighted. Many in particular only see their children as a key to the door of the family home and do not have the children's interests at heart. The withdrawing of legal aid in these cases is grossly inhumane and really must not go ahead.
    68 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Lesley Hicks
  • Help male rape survivors
    This is important to me, because there's a lack of awareness that men can get raped or sexually assaulted despite the recent male rape attack in Bristol. According to UK charity Mankind 1 in 29 have reported being sexually assaulted and 1 in 20 have been affected by sexual violence. There's a huge denial that male rape exists, rooted in mistaken ideas that 'real' men can fight off an attacker, women cannot rape men, and male rape only happens in prison. These mistaken beliefs make it hard for male survivors to come forward, because they are left with feelings of shame, confusion and self blame for what happened. That's why we need the council and police to publicly recognise male rape to make it easier for male rape survivors to get the help they need and to report the crime.
    285 of 300 Signatures
    Created by Daniel Farr
  • Robbie's Law - A Legal 'Duty of Candour' for all Healthcare Professionals
    Currently, any Healthcare Professional causing the negligent death of a patient is not legally obliged to be Open, Honest & Transparent with bereaved relatives or to refrain falsifying the deceased patient’s medical records. Please sign http://epetitions.direct.gov.uk/petitions/34926 Robbie's Law gets it's namesake from Robbie Powell, who died an unnecessary death at the age of ten, 22 years ago. Due to this loophole in the law, at every turn his death has been swept under the rug. His family and thousands of others have endured years of grief, injustice and frustration. Robbie’s family continues to campaign 22 years on, not only for justice for Robbie, but to ensure other families don't have their grief exacerbated by the dishonesty of the medical profession. Please sign http://epetitions.direct.gov.uk/petitions/34926
    94 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Joanna Slater