• Free the "Hound of Hounslow"
    Financial institutions around the world employ the same techniques in market trading as Navinder Sarao. They should be prosecuted as well, and first before prosecuting an individual like Navinder Sarao. In addition, due to the length of time the extradition proceedings are likely to take and the difficulty of the US being able to convince a judge that they do have a case, keeping him in prison is cruel and inhuman. He must be freed on minimum bail and surrender his passport instead.
    11 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Gavin Skilton
  • Legal high regulations
    Every year hundreds of people die as a result of the readily available legal highs, many believe that as the substance is legal, it is safe. It's quite the opposite in fact. The exact ingredients will never be known, and we are unaware of the effects of theses substances. However, despite this, the council still proceed to licence shops selling legal highs. No age restrictions are in place. A child as young as 5 could purchase these lethal drugs, all at the owners discretion. I for one am not going to sit back and watch more and more children become another death statistic. By making it illegal to purchase these substances under the age of 18, we can start minimising casualties. Tight sentences and fines should be implemented to anyone found selling legal highs without a license or to anyone with out verification of age. The fight back starts now.
    31 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Lara Fergie
  • Saving Iraqi Heritage
    We would like your support to stop the destruction and trade of Iraqi antiquities. Iraqi artefacts are of critical importance, not only for the region but the heritage of the whole world because they are more than 5,000 years old. This illicit trade in stolen artefacts could be worth 7-10 billion dollars worldwide and is possibly second to the arms and drugs trade. In Iraq, the artefacts are going through neighbouring countries such as Turkey and Jordan and then passing through transit countries that act as markets, final destinations might include US, UK and Switzerland. We are asking the UK government to:- 1 - implement the UN Council Resolution 2199 of 2015. and have recently asked the Iraqi government to:- 1 - set up a database of artefacts (demolished and remaining) and all sites. 2 – register all sites and have a trained police force to protect them. However, the Iraqi Authorities are lacking the expertise and resources to do this as ISIS occupies some of the sites so are not under the control of the Iraqi government. If there is no demand for these ancient antiquities then there will be no supply. Now we would like your support to condemn this destruction of our heritage and add your names and signature to our list of supporters.
    48 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Emily Porter
  • Justice for murdered child
    The victim deserves justice to be brought against her murderer (no matter who that is). Allowing the Metropolitan Police to hide crucial information prevents this and sets a precedence that protecting a murderer is acceptable. This petition aims to do the right thing by Joyce and her remaining family and looks to prevent such cover ups from being made in the future.
    133 of 200 Signatures
    Created by Kylie Byrne
  • Criminalise the sale of laughing gas to anyone under the age of 18
    Children are putting themselves at risk be inhaling nitrous oxide, already 17 people of died as a result of its consumption. This is due to this product being so readily available, affordable and unregulated. My concern is that very young innocent children will loose their lives from its use. Criminal gangs are now making fake cylinders as they see a market opportunity, this is only going to end in more deaths will youths having no idea of what they are inhaling.
    19 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Alan Smith
  • Legalise Cannabis
    Because people are prosecuted every year for using a plant that has a zero death rate.
    54 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Jason Clarke
  • Criminalise manifesto lies made by politicians
    The people of this country would have more faith in our political system if politicians were held to account in this way. The distinction between parties would become clearer. We would achieve genuine, much needed, political reform. It would minimise those individuals using our political system for their own financial gain thus reducing corruption.
    133 of 200 Signatures
    Created by Luke Dickson
    Many investors from 2007 were conned into buying properties that were fraudulently over-valued by third party professionals, including property developers, panel surveyors, mortgage brokers and conveyancing solicitors, all part of a scam to fleece money from high street lending institutions. The high street lenders have repossessed many of the properties which have so far seen millions of pounds lost in shortfalls on the original mortgages. These shortfalls have been 'lost' in the accounts of the Lloyds Group and UK tax-payers should be told in detail how much all this amounts to and what steps the group has taken to recover these shortfalls. Lloyds has protected itself by repossessing the houses of the investors who fell foul of what a member of Lloyds' Chief Executive Team termed as a 'scam', in a letter to one investor, it then repossessed. The investor had written to challenge the bank's conduct in the whole saga that saw three of her properties re-possessed to the tune of £530,000. In its reply, the bank's official wrote: 'I disagree that BoS should be accountable for the shortfall as we were also victims of the scam.' There are at least 22 properties in the north and north-west of England, which were all over-valued by between £100,000 and £150,000, involving investors that have been forced into repossession. Third-party professionals used by Lloyds on a daily basis have fleeced the group for millions. Lloyds meanwhile, has been able to 'write off' these 'bad debts' with no comeback or explanation on its behaviour. British taxpayers shored up the ailing Lloyds Group, following the disastrous and scandalous way it operated its business in the lead up to the 'credit crunch' in 2008. The public need to know exactly how the losses - in the region of £3.2 million - from this 'scam' were reported and whether Lloyds reported the 'scam' to the Police or any of the financial watchdogs and authorities. Bank of Scotland were made aware of the 'scam' in May 2008. It is now December 2017 and the Lloyds Group has not addressed any of the questions raised by investors about its handling of the situation and hides behind jargon, data protection and its solicitors, Eversheds. In the meantime, Lloyds continues to hand out 'performance' bonuses in the tens of millions to a raft of senior management, whilst it has taken no action in delving into the 'scam' that it said it was a 'victim' of. How shameful that it has not had the decency to work with the investors/borrowers involved in the 'scam' it too was involved in, other than to repossess their homes and push them into untold stress and misery! Come clean Bank of Scotland - face up to the situation like the rest of us do when times get tough!
    110 of 200 Signatures
    Created by Chris Fletcher Picture
  • Theresa May change the policy on refusing North Korean refugees asylum.
    There are estimated to be 1000 North Korean refugees living in the UK – that is an incredibly small number. But now the Government has confirmed that Britain will now automatically ship away the small number of North Koreans whom manage to escape from one of the world’s most oppressive regimes and make it to the UK. For North Koreans who do not have any information about the outside world when they escape the country, an option to choose another country to settle in should be guaranteed. A recent court ruling that means Britain regards all North Koreans as South Korean citizens and is likely to refuse them asylum. These people face amazing obstacles in order to escape the brutal regime, including famine (the arduous march), disease, forced labour camps, torture, reprisals on their families including the death penalty (North Korea has a guilt by association policy) and slavery both in North Korea and in China. For those that do cross the Tumen River into China thinking this to be their salvation they then find themselves sold into a life of slavery on the black market or hunted down by North Korean agents and the Chinese authorities to be forcibly repatriated to North Korea where death or starvation awaits. These people risk so much to escape such a ruthless regime in North Korea and Britain now decides not to help and to turn its back on the very, very small number that make it here? North Korea is in a category of its own when it comes to human rights violations. It is a totalitarian state where many people are enslaved and tortured. All forms of freedom of expression are repressed and people are purged using the death penalty, there is mass malnourishment and outside Kim’s Pyongyang it is commonplace for people to starve to death. Amnesty International reports that many North Koreans, including children, are detained in political prison camps and other detention facilities in North Korea. Conditions are dire. Torture is rampant and public execution is common. Many of the prisoners die of malnutrition and overwork. No refugee should be refused or prejudiced on language or cultural difference. Why should Britain cherry pick whom it helps in this way?
    64 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Sarah Collinge
  • Disbarred by Association
    Because this type of discrimination is absolutely abhorrent. Three hundred teachers have been prevented from teaching because somebody else in their household has a criminal record of a proscribed nature. The household could include lodgers, children, people who are being cared for by the relatives within the household. A wayward family member, or worse any person living in the house such as a lodger could precipitate suspension and even removal from a job. The restrictions are independent of timescale, and so a single criminal act from many years ago could precipitate problems for all others within the household.
    91 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Philip Walton
  • Stop Raif Badawi's next 950 lashes
    Raif Badawi has been sentenced to 1000 lashes and 10 years in prison for encouraging free speech and debate about politics and religion in his home country, Saudi Arabia. He has endured 50 lashes already in a public space in front of a crowd of on-lookers. Saudi Arabia is not a democracy and has its own system of government. Regardless of our respect for different cultures and traditions, it is not acceptable that any country should treat its citizens as criminals for expressing opinions about their society or that their citizens should be physically abused for their beliefs.
    72 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Martin McCrea
  • Save Raif Badawi
    Freedom of speech and freedom of expression are integral to global peace and security. We don't have to agree with what is being said, but we have to respect the persons rights to say it without fear. States which have laws like this which restrict free speech are wont to abuse them - to shut down dissent, to punish difference of opinion, and to insulate the government from all criticism. That is why the right to free speech, including the right to offend, is protected in international law. Even Raif's lawyer has been jailed. His crimes? 'Harming the reputation of the state by communicating with international organizations' and 'preparing, storing and sending information that harms public order'. Without respect for the right to freedom of expression, we are vulnerable to the worst oppression states can muster.
    23 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Carter Langley