• Reduce speed limit on Kingsley Road to 20mph
    Kingsley Road runs alongside two primary schools and is used by pedestrians, cyclists, cars and buses. After much campaigning by Kingsley Community Primary School, a zebra crossing has been added to the road, however many cars still speed through it and ignore pedestrians crossing the road. In order to make the road safer for all road users, we the undersigned propose reducing the speed limit to 20mph and enforcing it with a speed camera. Residents who live on Kingsley Road have reported that it is difficult to reverse out of their driveways currently, as other cars drive past so fast. A child from Kingsley School has been involved in an incident on the road. Many parents with children at the schools are in favour of reducing the speed limit, as are local residents. There is no need for this road to have a 30mph speed limit. A driver driving at 20mph is far less likely to be involved in a road collision than one driving at 30mph.
    73 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Stephanie Pitchers
  • FBI vs Apple for Human Beings
    I'm not a terrorist, my wife is not a terrorist, my kids are not terrorists nor are my neighbours terrorists. However, I do not want government to be able to access my personal information on my device, in the cloud or where ever and whenever they like. If you think that they will require a judges decree to access your data, think again. 1984 comes to mind, they work for us, they must listen to us. Go away, leave us alone and stop perpetuating war and devastation around the world!
    5 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Stephen Hughes Picture
  • Action against raising the Small Claims limit to £5000
    The proposal has been presented as necessary to target fraudulent whiplash injuries suffered in Road Traffic accidents. This is not correct. The proposal affects victims of all injuries, however suffered, including injuries at work. The Government has already relaxed the Health and Safety obligations of employers and the data on whether this has resulted in an increase in works accidents is not yet available. The consequence of raising the small claims limit is that anyone who suffers an injury such as a fractured ankle, caused by the negligence od another, is unlikely to be able to employ a solicitor to fight for recompense. Solicitors fighting for justice for injured people already work on a no win no fee basis so if there is no negligence then there is no legal fee for the injured person and if there is no negligence then there will be no entitlement to be compensated. The injured vulnerable person who is a victim of negligence is therefore immediately placed at a disadvantage against an insurance industry with vast amounts of money and legal resources available to them. The law of negligence is complicated, the court systems are complex and expensive and the insurance industry are increasingly employing tactics to intimidate legitimate victims of injuries to avoid payments out from the vast amounts of money from premiums paid to them to increase their profits . The combination of all this will leave the vast majority of victims of accidents who suffer physical and financial loss without access to justice.
    78 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Kerry Kirkbride
  • Keep Fatima Naoot Out Of Prison
    Fatima Naoot's case should never have made it to court. It suggests the state is turning a blind eye to the advocates of religious extremism. As for the nature of the religious festival Fatima criticized - I won't upset you with the details. But if you want further information, Google the following: Eid al-Adha animal sacrifice More info here: http://www.reuters.com/article/us-egypt-courts-poet-idUSKBN0L121M20150128
    84 of 100 Signatures
    Created by John Ravenscroft
  • Tax Avoidance, No Vote
    The principle of reciprocity currently seems violated by those refusing to pay what they are due whilst taking full advantage of their right to have their voice heard in how the nation is governed; seemingly undermining the principles of a democratic nation. Depriving tax dodgers of their right to vote may help tackle this trend, whilst adding to the national treasury, which seemingly fits in with the intent of current austerity programmes.
    9 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Billy Holmes
    I have seen more and more so called reporters think they can throw out any type of fabricated story... even if its racist and has no real truth to the people of great britain without first thinking about the british public and the impact of how the global community will see how the british media are behaving in the war to warp the minds and hearts of the day to day british citizen, through racist propaganda. i am now sick and tired of seeing good decent british men / women and families having to be branded a nation of racist bigots by what i call ''fascist dictator reporters'' . To demonize a people ( west papuans ) who as you all read this are being quietly murdered in a planed genocide , no thanks to the lack of intervention from the e.u. and u.s. would like you all to sign this petition to collectively as a strong british nation, eject nick parker out of his job and to give a real true investigative reporter the chance to make the global community see how great britain still is great... and not just a nation of racist ignorant fools that eat any type of racist propaganda and redress the balance of proper reporting. As a shining example of a true great nation that is fair and balanced in our reports on other nations. Please sign this petition and help me put the great back in british journalism / reporting
    48 of 100 Signatures
    Created by RICKY JAY
  • Boycot Bauer Media Sponsors
    An innocent man should have the right to return to work. Any company acting the way Bauer has done deserves all there sponsors to find there products being boycott by he general public.
    9 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Eric Wiltsher
  • What the Frack! Regular referendums. Let the UK public vote for their future.
    Members of the public find it difficult to support a political party 100%. Our system is out of date, our MPs out of touch, the public go unheard. We agree with points made by the Lib Dems, the Conservatives, Labour, the Green Party, the SNP etc and sometimes we disagree with them all. Either way we can't communicate with the government effectively. The system needs to work for us all but instead it's dusty, nobody really understands it or cares to sort it out with any long term vision. We need to start again. Simplify. Direct questions, direct answers. If regular referendums were to take place, the public are truly part of the process, allowing us to demonstrate what we care about, that we're united and want to invest in the future of this land and it's people. Less moaning and more doing, having a proactive and fair say, feeling satisfied that the decisions are being made and supported by the majority of the UK. Let the UK public vote for their future. This Kingdom can then begin to feel proud and respected, and most importantly, united.
    27 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Tezia Perret
  • Inquiry Needed! Was Tony Blair complicit in the torture of Shaker Aamer in 2002?
    Several UK national and international newspapers have reported allegations by the Guantanamo Bay prison survivor that the UK Prime Minister at the time - Tony Blair - personally accompanied UK secret service officials on a visit to Bagram airbase, Afghanistan, during which Aamer claims that these officials were present at his interrogation and torture. Shaker Aamer was afterwards held at Guantanamo Bay detention center until 2015, despite the USA authorities deciding in 2007 not to press charges against him. If Tony Blair was aware that anyone was being, or was likely to be, tortured at Bagram during his visit, and failed to act against this, he committed Grave Breaches of the Third and Fourth Geneva Conventions. Such breaches constitute a War Crime in international law, and would legally render Blair a War Criminal, subject to obligatory arrest and trial wherever he goes. In times of peace as well as war it is crucially important that issues related to torture should not be ignored or left ambiguous, however powerful or influential the alleged perpetrators may be. Peoples' perception of the behaviour of war-endorsing governments during this period is already tarnished around the world. The failure to properly address such issues promotes further conflict, and to ignore them, while the alleged perpetrators freely travel the globe, mocks the very values to which all nations and states claim to aspire.
    9 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Dinah Dayus
  • We Demand CCTV (monitored) in all UK & EU Abattoirs.
    The inhumane suffering and wilful torture of living creatures due to unmonitored mass-slaughter is a major negligence by EU and UK Govt. The involvement of the RSPCA and similar ethical EU agencies is paramount. The current behaviour (often secretly filmed) shows vicious attitudes in many of the ill-educated slaughterhouse staff toward sentient animals. This is totally UNACCEPTABLE!
    53 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Elis Webster
  • Shrewsbury 24 - Time for the truth
    24 builders who fought for better, safer working conditions by coordinating successful strike action were later convicted on trumped up charges of violent picketing and intimidating workers. There is strong evidence of interference from the government of the time. The truth needs to be told on behalf of the men wrongly convicted who are still living including Ricky Tomlinson. The government needs to stop hiding behind national security as a reason for withholding these papers. What possible issues of national security could there be from an event that occurred over 40 years ago. We all need to help them fight for justice.
    6 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Ian Steele
  • Close tax loopholes being exploited by large corporations
    Small and medium-sized businesses in the UK are paying a disproportionate amount of tax, which is manifestly unfair. In addition, the Austerity measures and severe cuts to public services would be unnecessary, if this revenue were collected.
    28 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Angela Steatham