Appoint a new person to head the enquiry into institutional abuse allegations nowThis is an issue that must not be allowed to 'fall out of the news' again. The new head of the enquiry must be someone who has no perceived conflicts of interest and must be able to win the trust of alleged victims who are speaking out. You have promised MPs. that there is "a relentless commitment" to track down paedophiles and online child abusers. The public are not convinced that this is true.67 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Deborah Gibbens
Make it a criminal offence for Independent Schools to cover up child sexual abuseMany children commit suicide as a result of sexual abuse. They are not here to write their petitions are to ask for your help. I ask for your help for them, and for those victims of child sexual abuse who are still suffering and whose brave and truthful stories have been covered up by the schools where they were hurt. Child X was sexually abused at New Beacon School in Kent by Paul Woodward, a music teacher at the school who had previously been suspended as a result of allegations of sex offences and who was subsequently reinstated at the school before abusing child X. Woodward was found guilty of sexual offences against other children in the community and sent to prison. The headmaster, Mr Constantine quickly found another job at Ipswich. Child X was too ill to give evidence in Court against Woodward in 2008, but in 2013 was made an award by the Criminal Injuries Compensation Authority. New Beacon School sought to protect its own reputation by the new head, Mr Piercy making misleading press statements which covered up the abuse at the school, regardless of the effect on child X. He and the school continues to refuse to admit the abuse, to apologise or to correct the misleading press statements. The most vulnerable victims of child sexual abuse are too ill to give evidence at the time, and these are at the greatest risk of health problems and adult suicide. There are many cases of Independent Schools who cover up abuse in this way regardless of the very serious consequences of their behaviour on the victims. The Government is considering introducing mandatory reporting for independent schools. I strongly ask that all cover ups by Independent Schools of sexual abuse of children be included in this legislation, so that misleading press statements of known or proven abuse (including awards made by the Criminal Injuries Compensation Authority) are criminal acts.137 of 200 SignaturesCreated by John O'Brien
Change the Health and Safety Legislation regarding Public and Private Firework Displays.People should not have died in an incident that could have been prevented. There needs to be tighter legislation to prevent this ever happening again. Besides the 7 people who died there were others with life changing injuries and even those who appear to have no physical injuries still suffer mentally, this even had a huge affect on the emergency services who attended the incident.66 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Tonia White
NO charges for contacting the PoliceThe charging of citizens for contacting the Police for non emergency calls is counterproductive as it deters people from reporting suspicious activity. It is also grossly unfair and unjust to ask people to pay twice for a service that should be available for everyone to use. Charges for non emergency calls are listed here: https://www.gov.uk/call-charges18 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Robert Riley
STOP THE POLICE INVESTIGATING THEMSELVES!As we have seen in recent exposures regarding racism, just 1% of these complaints were upheld, can we really believe that 99% of those complaints were untrue? This is also reflected in many other complaints. Very few appeals, when made, are also upheld. it is common sense not to allow public bodies to investigate themselves. Let us have truly independent complaint investigations for everyone who feels they have a complaint regarding the police, that is only fair for those people who have suffered unfair treatment at the hands of the Police. Even the IPCC itself has been critical of local police forces investigating themselves stating:'Police forces are still failing to respond to far too many of the public’s complaints despite improvements made to the complaints system in 2004 and additional guidance issued by us to forces back in May last year'. They also criticised the time it takes for complaint to be dealt with, which is on average 6 months! Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2075045/Police-failing-investigate-thousands-complaints-officers-6-10-appeals-upheld.html64 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Kathy Owen
EU: Leave Google censorship notifications alone!The Internet is the world's greatest platform for free speech. I accept the need to censor a few things, but not the need to do so in secret. Far from it. Why should the applicant have an automatic right to censor another's work without being held accountable for doing so?35 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Chris Wilson
Scottish Gov to stop routinely arming police officersDespite gun crime being at a 34 yr low, officers are now being armed as a matter of routine, I for one don't see the logic in that. It would seem that the Police Scotland Chief Constable and the Secretary for Justice have over-stepped their remit by not putting this to a parliamentary debate. And we the public have not been consulted. Democracy ?118 of 200 SignaturesCreated by Jacqui McIntyre
amendment to law, addition to CPRThis may save many hundreds millions pounds in cost to the justice budget. This measure may prevent at least 50% of all bankruptcies being made. The tyranny and torture imposed upon families who have faulty and incorrect warrants and legal documents issued upon them can be reduced by 50%, by having a proper check list in place, with proper sealing procedures. Millions of fellow citizens are suffering unjustly, by a faulty system that can be used in a corrupt way by immoral and greedy traders and corporations. mis -cases trouble36 of 100 SignaturesCreated by lee cant
Boycott Israeli illegal settlement produce and businessIsraeli settlements in the occupied Palestinian territories cause harm and poverty to Palestinians, and are an obstacle to peace in the region. Israeli settlements are illegal under international humanitarian law. This is important because the Palestinians are currently under violent attack and need resources to rebuild their lives, home and future. They cannot do this if their produce are stolen from them and sold to the Americas and Europe. According to a study conducted by Dr. Majid Sbeih from Al-Quds University for the Democracy and Workers’ Rights Center in Palestine, 82% of Palestinian workers have the desire and willingness to leave their jobs in the settlements, provided that a suitable alternative is available. However, suitable alternatives will not be found as long as the Palestinian economy is under occupation. We are calling on companies to withdraw investment in and end trade operations with Israeli settlement businesses.44 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Shah Muhmud
Stop the snoopsMore time is needed to ensure proper laws are discussed and agreed. We do not live in a policed state... Maybe there is law firm out there that would take on a mass case of legal challenges by the public to force telecoms companies to destroy the data now and thereby force the government into proper dialogue with people they are representing!71 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Pete Hanley
Stop joint enterpriseBy having laws such as this we are on a slippery slope towards a controlling state who is fearful of a particular group of people. If there are problems with gangs then we need to find out what those problems are and deal with them in a fair and humane way, not just lock them up and throw away the key!22 of 100 SignaturesCreated by ilona harding
We demand a National inquiry into peadophilia at the Home OfficeChildren should be protected from everyone especially from those who believe they will never be caught or convicted.74 of 100 SignaturesCreated by John Garrett
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