• Preventing Identity Theft
    Failure to undertake appropriate identity checks makes it very easy for criminals to use a stolen identity to obtain goods on credit. Victims of identity fraud now have to report the crime to a central fraud investigation unit who may or may not decide to investigate. This delay can lead to more uses of the stolen identity which can adversely affect the victim's credit rating and lead to tremendous levels of stress as letters arrive demanding money for goods obtained on credit. Common routes used for this type of fraud are mobile phone companies, store cards and catalogues. In theory, the current security checks should minimise criminal opportunities, however many shop and call centre staff do not always check fully at the point of sale. If it were mandatory for a verifiable photo ID such as passport, citizen card or driving license to be part of the application process this would help reduce identity fraud. Shops whose staff do not run the appropriate checks, thus resulting in a fraudulent application succeeding should also have to compensate the victim for the stress caused.
    14 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Elaine Melsome
  • Reform for the "Misuse of Drugs Act of 1971".
    This will not only end the treatment of addicts and recreational drug users as criminals, but it can also see an increase in revenues through taxation, a reduction of the government deficit by roughly £1.25 billion and a decrease in crime as seen in the US state of Colorado. The "Misuse of Drugs Act 1971" is a 43 year old law with a desperate need of an overhaul and needs to be repealed, if possible, in order to allow for a safer, better law regarding decriminalisation of illicit substances to be put in place. For information regarding the legalisation of Cannabis and decriminalisation of other illicit substances visit: http://www.clear-uk.org/ http://norml-uk.org/ And watch the documentaries: "The Culture High" and "The Union: The Business Behind Getting High".
    108 of 200 Signatures
    Created by Charlie Attwater
  • Poundstretcher wages
    People can't live on the low wages.
    35 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Lewis Davidson
  • Independent Enquiry for Scotland v England Goal Count
    This is important as there is masses of evidence (sorry, we don't have any of it to show you) that proves that the Scotland v England football game, played on the 18th November 2014, was rigged in favour of England by the Westminster Establishment. The fact that 3 Scotland goals were found in a bin behind the BBC HQ is just one bit of proof we have of this claim (again, sorry we have no proof of the claim. I'm sure we can make a video or something). We all know that Scotland actually won, so please sign this petition!
    115 of 200 Signatures
    Created by Aaron McClean
  • stop forced adoption now
    too many children are being removed from loving families, more often than not by force; the end result is predictable, their voices are not heard; if you were to really ask children without using local authority employees; or representatives of, ie; cafcass, nyas, childrens services, you would get the same answer, why am i not allowed to go back home to my normal mum and dad; why are they with strangers, foster carers etc? little do they understand the fragility of their future; no-one has really told them, let alone talk to them, and ask them what they want. forced adoption, and the practise of it is draconian; the same with foster care; that too is enforced on the children that no-one wants to adopt. send them back home, stop wasting tax payers money on the excuse of possible future harm, it would cost far less financially and is in the interest of the child, if families need help; give them it, do not split them up ; and tear them apart because it is easier to do so!! spend the taxpayers money being used to keep them in care, away from their families differently, use it to enable parents to be better parents; so that their children can stay at home; with them
    295 of 300 Signatures
    Created by peter newton
  • Justice for Shahzad and Shama
    Justice for Shahzad and Shama On 4th November 2014, a Christian couple Shahzad Masih (26 yrs) and Shama Bibi (24 yrs) were beaten, tortured and burned alive in the fiery furnace of a brick kiln -while those baying for their blood screamed praises to Allah. The incident occurred after Muslim accusers led by Muslim landowner Yousaf Gujjar alleged Shama had burnt the Koran. He then sent men to three mosques in neighbouring towns, while he tried to coerce money out of the couple who he had locked in a room on his land. Eventually in response to local Mosques preaching hatred over their loud speakers, a mob of over 300 Muslims gathered outside the locked room. They climbed the roof of the building and entered through the straw roof. They then beat the couple with sharp and hard implements, stripped them naked while they goaded them and finally burnt then alive in the kiln - when they could no longer stand due to their fractured bones. Until Pakistan reforms their ways more Christians and other minorities will meet a similar fate. This is not acceptable in the 21st Century or any other century. Petition by Wilson Chowdhry of the British Pakistani Christian Association Read more here: http://www.britishpakistanichristians.co.uk/blog/christian-couple-burnt-alive-in-brick-kiln-after-alleged-blasphemy The BPCA have initiated a benevolent fund for the family of Shahzad and Shama, if you would like to contribute, please follow this link: http://www.britishpakistanichristians.co.uk/blog/protest-in-kasur-on-9th-november If you are in the UK please join our protest outside 10 Downing Street, from 11am on Saturday 22nd November 2014. http://www.britishpakistanichristians.co.uk/blog/evangelical-christians-call-on-westminster-to-take-action-against-pakistan-for-summary-execution-of-
    29 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Wilson Chowdhry
  • Jail the rate fixers
    The industry has got away with too much for too long since 2007. We need to demonstrate that the general public have had enough. Unless action is taken and those within the industry are sanctioned for their behaviour this cycle of unethical and illegal behaviour will continue. They have broken the law. They need to be punished to the full extent of the law to send a message to the industry as a whole. We have had enough.
    34 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Jamie Noble
  • Solve the problems of prostitution - Sweden's way
    This petition arises from reading about of laws passed in Sweden that (a) made the purchase of sex a crime (b) decriminalised the sale of sex (c) trained the police in judiciary to view prostitution as a crime of violence against (largely) women and children (d) provided good funding for social services for prostitutes wanting to leave prostitution (e) provided funding to educate the public. As a result, human trafficking into Sweden is near zero, the number of women in street prostitution has reduced by up to two thirds and the number of johns has decreased by as much as 80%. The original article, with credits, can be found at http://esnoticia.co/noticia-8790-swedens-prostitution-solution-why-hasnt-anyone-tried-this-before
    38 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Victoria Edwards
  • Burn/deface a poppy in any way..Receive a custodial sentence
    This is happening far too much lately it's a disgrace and something's needs to be in place to stop these disrespectful animals from even thinking about it!
    71 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Karen Smith
  • Police the big bang
    For the fourth day running, I have been kept awake, in fact I am composing this petition at 5.57am still hearing the cracks as fireworks are being let off about half a mile from my house. Since this started, over a week ago, I haven't been able to let my cats out without keeping them on a leash, and speaking to several people up and down the country, they are facing a similar situation. At 4.49am I phoned the police, only to be told "You will have to phone the council, they deal with noise abatement now, it is not a police matter." I was then given the number to call the council, which I duly did, only to get through to a standard recorded message telling me the offices were closed until monday. Surely with the firework regulations (2004) clearly stating the allowed times that fireworks can be and cannot be used, the people using them at this time, as I pointed out, were clearly breaking the law. So according to the regulations would upon conviction, face fines of up to £5,000 or 6 months in prison. Yet the police say it is nothing to do with them? Are they not there to uphold the law? Parliament passed this law, and laid down the penalties, the police are the ones with the power of arrest, where local authorities, will not even get to know about any offence until well after the occurrence. Surely it makes sense for the police to be placed in the position where they should and MUST deal with this serious anti-social behaviour.
    153 of 200 Signatures
    Created by Derek Taylor
  • Michael Mansfield to chair the CSA Inquiry
    For the truth to out and justice seen to be done, he has the legal mind to take the establishment to task and let justice seen to be done. Do not allow the establishment to select another so called expert.
    25 of 100 Signatures
    Created by David Levy
  • 59 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Michael Hunter