• Access to Justice for All
    People should not be denied Access to Justice because they are poor
    11 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Karan Capon-Richards
    No one should be put through an ordeal like this - especially someone with children waiting for her back home. I honestly could not believe this headline when scrolling through my facebook news feed. I once read a short story called The Lottery by Shirley Jackson in which a woman is stoned to death because she is unlucky enough to draw the unlucky ticket in the local 'lotery'. That was fantasy. This is reality; and the two should never be mixed. Please help prevent this barbaric act before it's too late. Surely we've had enough of death and murder?
    126 of 200 Signatures
    Created by A.N.M C Picture
  • The Sun should be accountable for promoting race hatred.
    Because the Sun routinely headlines lies & mis-information that promotes race hatred & misunderstanding in the UK. The front page headline used on 23/11/2015 for instance may be mathematically correct but and its a big but, this depends what question was asked of the people they polled. The question is at best skewed. It's a general question and not specific. The question asked was "How do you feel about young Muslims who leave the UK to join fighters in Syria?" It didn't ask for instance which side these young people would be fighting on or if they would be jihadists. The Sun helpfully misguide their readers by adding a photograph of so called "Jihadi John". You can make your own complaint here too: https://www.ipso.co.uk/oxbxApps/app/complaint1.html
    1,096 of 2,000 Signatures
    Created by John Morgan
  • Random drugs test for all MP's
    This issue has become important because of some of the stupid and I moral desisons taken by our representatives and the fact that now random and frequent drugs test are performed in many work places why should the house of commons and lords be exempt particularly as they should have nothing to hide from
    203 of 300 Signatures
    Created by Mick Hall
  • Bring Scarlet Home
    Scarlet is a loving pet fox belonging to David Robinson. Scarlet isn't like any wild fox as she was bred in captivity and is just as much of a pet as anyone's cat or dog. Scarlet was living a happy healthy life until the RSPCA decided they don't agree morally with a pet fox, this itself wasn't an issue as not everyone can always see eye to eye. The problem occurred when they ILLEGALLY seized Scarlet for no reason other than she was a fox. Their reasoning; apparently a vet thought it would be in her best interest to live as a wild fox despite not being even slight wild, a vet who hadn't even seen Scarlet previous to making this ridiculous decision. Not only this but the RSPCA used bully boy tactics to get David to hand over Scarlet with threats of coming back with a warrant and leaving him with huge legal bills if he refused. It was only afterwards David learnt his rights and pointed out he had not signed her over to the RSPCA! They are now refusing the reunite the pair based on nothing more than personal opinion.
    2,722 of 3,000 Signatures
    Created by Ben Warden
  • Keep 999 services safe in Leicestershire
    We need to keep 999 safe from G4S; a private company with a public reputation for incompetent working practices. Especially since 999 is an emergency number which calls for someone who has sound judgement, integrity, professionalism and most importantly cares about their work. If the Leicestershire Police Force Control Centre (FCC) which handles 999 and 101 calls as well as police radio transmissions is relocated from Leicestershire into another County, with it will disappear all of the local knowledge, experience and expertise that currently benefits both Police Officers and members of the public here in Leicestershire. This essential part of front line policing should not be moved to a location or put into the hands of the notorious G4S or any other private company who will run it as a business rather than for the benefit of the people of Leicestershire. The staff of the FCC are rightly proud of the professional service they continue to provide, and it is to their great credit that they put their concerns for the safety and wellbeing of the vulnerable and distressed members of the public who will be affected by these changes before their own worries about job security and terms and conditions of service.
    3,460 of 4,000 Signatures
    Created by Karen Fowkes
  • Stop G4S taking over 999 response centres
    G4S have a known record of failure including the Olympic games, is it now right to trust these people with response centres.
    271 of 300 Signatures
    Created by simon hanson
  • Revise Dangerous Wild Animals Act 1976
    The list of genera/species covered by the act is woefully dated. For example, Sicarius sp. The Six Eyed Sand Spider, is not even covered by the license despite being absolutely lethal. This species is being readily kept without any restrictions whatsoever. At a minimum this petition is to get this particular genus added to the Act, an acknowledgement that this species requires licensing. Going further than this i would see a tiered system introduced with two levels of animal. Lethal and Dangerous. At present the same regulations and criteria to keep a Black Widow (which is comparatively harmless despite it's reputation) would also allow an individual to keep an Alligator. Clearly this is a situation that cannot be allowed to continue. There needs to be a distinction between animals that can be kept with minimal precautions by responsible and experienced individuals and those species that require much greater controls be in place.
    61 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Allen Ward
  • reverse the privatisation of prisons
    Deaths have risen dramatically on the last few years, and g4s human rights track record speaks for itself. They care nothing for the lives in there hands! My partner died in a g4s prison and he was treated like an animal not a human being, some of of most vulnerable people in society end up in prison no everyone who goes to prison is bad, they just need help. G4s isn't capable to take care of these people. My partner hasn't been the only death! and many more will follow if nothing is done! Thank you
    279 of 300 Signatures
    Created by gemma duggan
  • Hands Off Northamptonshire Police 999 Service!
    If the Northamptonshire Police Force Control Centre (FCC) which handles 999 and 101 calls as well as police radio transmissions is relocated from the Wootton Hall Police HQ in Northampton into another County, with it will disappear all of the local knowledge, experience and expertise that currently benefits both Police Officers and members of the public here in Northamptonshire. The local police union, Unison, believe that this essential part of front line policing should NOT be moved to a location remote from its parent Force, or put into the hands of the notorious G4S or any other private company who will run it as a business rather than for the benefit of the people of Northamptonshire. The staff of the FCC are rightly proud of the professional service they continue to provide, and it is to their great credit that they put their concerns for the safety and wellbeing of the vulnerable and distressed members of the public who will be affected by these changes before their own worries about job security and terms and conditions of service.
    3,340 of 4,000 Signatures
    Created by Peter Middleton
  • Please stop the eviction of East Lothian families.
    Andrew and Claire Stoddart have been farming in East Lothian for 22 years. During this time they have invested heavily in infrastructure and buildings on their farm at Colstoun Mains, creating a profitable and well-managed business. The Stoddart family are an integral part of the community. Andrew and Claire are well liked, and their 3 children go to the local school, as do the 4 children of their employees. The Stoddarts have been asked to leave the farm by the end of November. Once evicted, the Stoddart family will be forced to move from the local area, laying off their two employees, and taking their children away from school and friends. They are to be given very little recompense for the investments they have made over their lifetime, leaving them both homeless and unable to buy a farm elsewhere. I urge you all to show your support by signing this petition to ask the Scottish Government to intervene and stop the forced eviction of the Stoddart family. I address this petition to Nicola Sturgeon, First Minister of Scotland, and Iain Gray, MSP for East Lothian. Some of the issues around this eviction are highlighted in the channel 4 news item below. You can see what Andrew Stoddart has to say at 6:33 minutes. https://youtu.be/E-6DzKzmFtA Thank you for your support.
    20,445 of 25,000 Signatures
    Created by Michelle Anne Wood
  • Harvesting Justice for farmer victims of Acorn Finance
    Over 50 farmers have now lost their farms to Acorn Finance. It is described as Fraud in Parliament - see: http://www.publications.parliament.uk/pa/cm201415/cmhansrd/cm141111/halltext/141111h0001.htm Please see what happened to Mr Atkinson of Birks Farm, Cumbria: http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-england-cumbria-32326704
    337 of 400 Signatures
    Created by Philip Mead