• Honour hero pensioner
    Bernard was stabbed as he tried to protect Labour MP Jo Cox. He showed true British spirit in tackling the man with a gun and a knife. So many people today would stand by and let things happen, but this 77 year old pensioner was incredibly brave and had the guts to do something. The George Cross is the highest bravery honour that can be given to non-military personnel. Good people need to be recognised.
    20,619 of 25,000 Signatures
  • Ban England fans who humiliated begging children
    Like me you were probably angered and saddened by the disgraceful scenes of English football fans in Lille mocking and humiliating begging children. One seven year old was even reported to have been forced to down a pint of beer in exchange for a handful of coins, others to fight for the 'prize' of small change. It is possible that a number of these children were refugees fleeing the conflict in Syria. Imagine fleeing your homeland, maybe losing contact with your mum and dad and walking across Europe only to be confronted by this cruelty and indignity. Wherever the children are from, the sight of wealthy men getting their entertainment from humiliating children reduced to begging on the streets was repulsive. Like you these scenes made me feel ashamed to be English, ashamed to be a football supporter and powerless to do anything. The French police are unable to stop this behaviour until a crime is committed. However, the Football Association does have it in their power to identify and ban supporters from buying tickets for its games and frequently works with the police to prevent them from travelling abroad. It also has the power to speak out, through its officials, manager and players, against this behaviour which shames us all. But I am writing this two days after the first reports and it has done nothing. There is a precedent to this: earlier in 2016 PSV Eindhoven supporters were caught on camera similarly humiliating people begging in Madrid. The PSV Eindhoven club immediately issued a video and written statement promising to identify and issue banning orders to those involved. You can read their statement here: http://www.psv.nl/english-psv/news/article/gerbrands-these-are-not-our-moral-values-and-ethical-norms.htm There is no reason at all why the English FA can't do the same. By not speaking out and not pursuing those responsible the FA are effectively saying that the experience these children have gone through doesn't matter. Please sign below and let's encourage the FA to send an important signal that we have not lost our compassion and humanity and that bullying children cannot go unpunished. Thank you.
    4,232 of 5,000 Signatures
    Created by Stephen Campbell
  • Make the Pavilion Building in Cherry Tree Wood Safe
    Barnet Council leased out the pavilion building in Cherry Tree Wood several years ago. Since then there has been very little progress on the renovation work undertaken by the leaseholder. Furthermore, the building was left in an extremely unsafe condition, with totally inadequate fencing around the site. It has become an urgent health and safety issue. In addition the dilapidated building has been attracting anti-social behaviour, followed by a serious crime in the wood in 2016. Previously the area was extremely safe. Cherry Tree Wood has a high number of visitors on a daily basis, (including use of the recreational facilities, school trips and school sports day events). Barnet Council urgently need to liaise with the leaseholder to make the site safe. It has totally changed the feel of the wood and the feel of surrounding area.
    646 of 800 Signatures
    Created by The Friends of Cherry Tree Wood Charity (East Finchley) Picture
  • Removal of Sir Philip Green's Knighthood
    Due to his arrogance towards BHS staff and Parliament he has lost the right to keep his title
    663 of 800 Signatures
    Created by Steve Thompson
  • Demand a public enquiry into the death of Private Cheryl James and others at Deepcut Barracks
    Many issues remain unanswered following Cherly James second inquest. If new inquests are called for the remaining three that died they will inevitably face the restrictions as in Cheryl's inquest. Deepcut Barracks requires root and branch investigation that only a public inquiry can address.
    9 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Mike Marshall
  • Prosecute Sports Direct Owner Mike Ashley
    Mike Ashley has made himself a billionaire through illegal and unethical practices. The crimes perpetrated at Sports Direct have been in effect admitted, as widely reported in the national press this week, before a parliamentary select committee. This petition calls upon our director of public prosecutions to hold Mike Ashley to account for these crimes.
    215 of 300 Signatures
    Created by Andrew Ferguson
  • To examine David Mundell's Election Expenses from Nov 2014 to May 7th 2015
    It is important because: 1: It is very hard to believe that he spent nothing on transport. 2:He is very close to his spending limit and may exceed that if transport costs were even reasonably substantial for such a large constituency as he campaigned within/for. 3:In the interests of democracy, it is important to know whether David Mundell has exceeded this limit. 4:If there is any misrepresentation of the facts, then I consider that a very serious matter for a person of such high office.
    2,015 of 3,000 Signatures
    Created by Chris Darroch
    Hereford Probation service has been a great help to myself in learning what and who I want to be after a long series of poor choices. If they relocated the service lots of patrons would not be able to attend due to the rural area we live in. Other factors would be many of these people are on benefits or have low incomes and it would eat a large portion of their living allowance causing many people to suffer unnecessary hardship. The staff would no longer be able to provide home visits and many people who suffer with disabilities mental and physical would be put through unnecessary stress. The drop in service and counseling that many people rely on would no longer be available possibly causing an increase in crime as many people find comfort in being able to discuss their issues with a familiar team as in some cases these are the only people they've got to reach out to.
    14 of 100 Signatures
    Created by George Bailey
  • No MP's should be members of secret societies.
    It is important that the people in legal, civil service positions and those managing the country on behalf of the electorate have the people and country's best interests at heart and have no hidden agenda or secret loyalties that may influence their decisions in ways that may not be the best decision for the people and the for the country. This petition relates to MP's, Judges, Lawyers, Police and Civil Servants in all positions who are members of secret societies, including the Masonic Order, and have sworn an oath or "obligation" to the society putting it before everything and everyone else and swearing an oath to help members of the society in all situations, or face death if they do not. These societies meet behind closed doors and have secret agendas which mean the member cannot fulfil any roles honestly because they have an overriding loyalty to the secret society before anything else.
    333 of 400 Signatures
    Created by David Banner
  • Sell the yachts pay the pensions
    11,000 staff and 20,000 pensioners of BHS will find that their pensions are affected by BHS going into administration. During the 15 years that the Green family owned BHS they are reputed to have taken nearly £600m out of the company. They live in Monaco, have 3 yachts, a helicopter, and a private jet. They hold extravagant parties in exotic locations. All this whilst people who worked in a low wage industry are going to suffer (and you can only be on one yacht at once!).
    265 of 300 Signatures
    Created by Lin Macmillan
  • Nominate the Hillsborough campaigners for a national honour.
    An injustice against all the 96 people who died was inflicted upon the bereaved families. Their efforts to bring out the truth behind the deaths has been heroic, persistent and unbelievably difficult. They deserve public recognition of their service to British justice.
    9,416 of 10,000 Signatures
    Created by Phil Saint
    FRAUD ON THE COURT IN BRIEF: Those instigating Fraud on the Court do not pay the court’s fees to obtain fake warrants or court’s orders used to deprive law abiding citizens stealing properties, land, money and assets. Invalid court’s papers are then used to secure unlawful entry and adverse occupation of residential premises by means of violence combined with the creation of a sense of authenticity through the invention of false court’s documents which appear to be factual. Fraud on the Court involves (with intent) a serious abuse of the court’s process and “contempt of court” (Common Law). The victims are routinely ignored by the already overstretched police and other law enforcement bodies who are unable to investigate thoroughly and independently. No matter what undeniable evidence is provided, there is no redress for the victims who are told that this scam is ‘it’s a civil matter’. It is a matter of fact that when victims DO REPORT this crime NO ONE INVESTIGATES. The only option left is to go back in the hands of the same staff in courts who are perpetrating the scam. FRAUD BY CONCEALMENT: The victims are denied inspection and copies of data from the court’s file which remain concealed. Victims are also crucially denied access to and release of the computerised court records where all the documents and interactions with the court of any party into the proceedings are recorded. The nature, extent and sophistication of this fraud, is far beyond the comprehension and reach of the average litigant in person and law enforcement officers by the police force. We are asking for the full support of: All Her Majesty the Queen’s servants who are designated to ensure a fair and just society against this serious organised crime. We are demanding urgently a Public Inquiry to investigate fully and independently the seriousness of the crimes involved by using Fraud on the Court. The non-payment of the court’s fee is not only a major deception and fraud on the on the public purse but also on the individual. This theft on the public happens in a time when the UK court’s system is crying for more funds. The recent sharp increase in the court’s fees have already reduced considerably the access to justice for the most vulnerable that cannot afford to pay. Fraud upon the court is devastating for the victims waiting and hoping to receive relief from the courts. The victims lose their homes, their assets, their jobs, their companies and ultimately their liberty and health in breach of their fundamental statutory rights. This adds burden on the already struggling NHS and Social Security systems whilst the income from many tax payers is lost. This scam is often used by banks, legal professionals, private companies, and dishonest landlords and council officers aided by court’s officers. Meanwhile criminal convictions and assets stripping founded on complex illegalities and irregularities send every day honest hardworking families and people left penniless and homeless in the streets begging for help. Innocent families and people are held hostage with children and frail old people ending up homeless and traumatised as victims of Fraud on the Court. Those few victims of Fraud on the Court who persist in chasing justice are being passed between agencies without any result or redress. Stealing from people is a crime. Taking away their assets and homes making people homeless with Fraud on the Court is a very serious and sophisticated crime for which there is no defence for the victims. Fraud of any kind is a crime and Fraud on the Court is one of the worst. An unpunished crime encourages new ones. Those committing Fraud on the Court are still there and get away with impunity. It is only a matter of time before someone you know will become the next victim. In the public interest, in order to strengthen the fairness, accountability and transparency and in name of justice join by signing this petition for a Public Inquiry and ask for the Parliament’s full support to investigate and stop the Fraud on the Court in the UK. Any person who believes to be a victim of Fraud on the Court can send their opinions contacting UK PEOPLE at a new email address to come as ODDLY our 1st email address has been hacked and the account disappeared mysteriously from Google.....Strange he.... ?!? Useful links: The Fraud Act 2006 - http://www.legislation.gov.uk/ukpga/2006/35/contents The Protection from Eviction and Harassment Act 1977 - http://www.legislation.gov.uk/ukpga/1977/43/contents The Tort (and interference with Goods) Act 1977 - http://www.legislation.gov.uk/ukpga/1977/32/contents Fraud on the Court - What is it? - http://www.legalmatch.com/law-library/article/fraud-on-the-court.html Fraud on the Court - Some stories of honest families plainly wronged - here: The next phase of the Crawford Castle - (Type and search for 'The next phase of the Crawford Castle' to watch one of our selected videos on Youtube) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rLtdNlwPckQ Fraud on the Court - Evictees and families Unite: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dfkSW4LvvXM Civil Matter or Criminal Matter? - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2jG045tnTaI The drama of the Jackson's Family exposed on BBC - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WxHHaOOBzyU
    869 of 1,000 Signatures
    Created by UK PEOPLE