Prosecute the Daily Mail for contemptFor our society to function we need to have respect for our legal framework. The Daily Mail headline of 04 November 2016 referred to three senior judges as "Enemies of the People". It is hard to imagine a headline more contemptuous of senior judges. We believe that such contempt begins a process that could threaten the foundations of our law-abiding society. We note that the offence of sedition was abolished in 2009, and that an action for Contempt of Court is unlikely. We suggest this headline warrants an action under Section 4A or Section 5 of the Public Order Act 1986. We consider such an action would be overwhelmingly in the public interest. ---------------- Is this campaign seeking to 'stir the pot'? No. This campaign is NOT about Brexit. Those who sign up may variously support Brexit, or Remain, or hard or soft Brexit. And this campaign is NOT designed to stifle press debate of judicial decisions. But it is about preserving something essential to Britain's future - the rule of law. What unites us is that we strongly oppose the use of inflammatory or intimidating language directed at the judiciary by the press. We believe there is an existing law that makes this illegal. And we would like that law enforced.32,746 of 35,000 SignaturesCreated by Mark Ingram
Stop Police Cruelty to HorsesFor the safety of horses48 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Shamus Herron
Mobile phones in cars and trucksThis important because lives of other road users are in danger, and people get killed, and the driver has shown complete disregard for his responsibility and care of his vehicle. If you are not concentrating on your task of driving, accidents are caused, they don't just happen. Texting and scrolling and watching videos is very very dangerous7 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Janie Estcourt
automatic loss of driving license for those caught using mobile phoneto prevent more loss of life on our roads8 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Susan Martin
Forfeiture of Academic Honorary FellowshipsThese people have been found to have taken part in the cover-up of Hillsborough by the courts. Therefore they are no longer worthy to hold a fellowship. They have been found to be dishonest and untrustworthy. Characteristics that should not be seen to be rewarded with such honors. This is one more step for justice for the 96 and their families.105 of 200 SignaturesCreated by UNISON Liverpool John Moores University
Stop Rushcliffe Borough Council fining the homelessRushcliffe Borough Council have proposed plans to fine homeless people £100 under the 2014 "Public Space Protection Order". Rushcliffe Borough Council believe that the rough sleepers cause a "nuisance" to those who live locally. Fines can be increased to £1000 following non-payment of the original fine. The idea of fining those who already have so little that they are forced to sleep out in the cold is a cruel and heartless act. This is attacking vulnerable persons and does not aid in resolving the homeless issues. Other campaigns have successfully halted other councils from imposing similar fines. More info here: http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/amp/37693295?client=ms-android-htc-rev5,346 of 6,000 SignaturesCreated by Paula Sanders
Sexual history mustn't be used in rape trialsCan you imagine being raped? I was assaulted once when I was a teenager. Not raped, but they groped me and threatened me with violence should I continue to fight them. The rage I felt then of being powerless and being subjected to that violation has stayed with me for over 20 years. Imagine if they had raped me and then when it went to court, the lawyers decided that it was relevant to talk about my sexual history however colourful or not it was. Does that sound right to you? What happened to me was without my consent, I said I didn’t want to be touched. But they did it anyway. Whether or not I’d had sex an hour before, whether or not I’d go on to have a threesome days later, does not change the fact that what happened was wrong. If you’re raped, your sexual history is irrelevant and should never be used as evidence to prove a rape. There’s a good article in The Guardian which has driven me to start this campaign, (written by a lawyer): https://www.theguardian.com/commentisfree/2016/oct/17/courts-judge-rape-sexual-history-ched-evans-case. If you agree with this, sign this petition: consent is key in rape trials, sexual history is not.42 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Joanna Sagnella
United States Foreign Account Tax Compliance Act (FATCA)In 2010, the US government passed the Foreign Account Tax Compliance Act (FATCA) obliging US citizens, regardless of dual citizenships and even though they may not have lived in the US since childhood, to self-report their non-US assets and to pay US tax on foreign income if the foreign tax should be less than US tax. For example, if such persons sell their home, then they are liable for American capital gains tax on the sale as the UK levies no such tax. FATCA obliges all non-US financial institutions to search through their customer databases to identify those customers suspected of being US citizens and to disclose the account holders' names, addresses, and the transactions of most types of account. It requires foreign financial institutions to require all foreign account holders (not just US citizens) to certify their foreign status. In 2014, The Economist called FATCA's "extraterritoriality stunning even by Washington's standards." FATCA potentially affects 173,470 people born in the US by chance but many of whom left the country as small children and have since been resident in the UK and are UK citizens. Following FATCA's passage, many such "accidental Americans" suffered closure of their bank accounts: a 2014 survey of US citizens in other countries by Democrats Abroad found that 12.7% of respondents had been denied financial services by their banks, making it harder for accidental Americans to live and work in their countries of residence. Accidental Americans often no owe US income tax, but must spend thousands of dollars in accounting fees to prove that fact, and face potential fines of tens of thousands of dollars for paperwork errors. Those who have spent their lives planning for their retirement without considering the US tax consequences of the non-US financial instruments they hold may find that US taxation wipes out most of their returns on investments. UK residents suspected to be US citizens are separated out at their financial institutions for differential treatment, based upon their place of birth and nationality. Discrimination according to national origin is prohibited in most countries and by the European Convention on Human Rights. American Citizens Abroad, a not-for-profit organization representing the interests of the millions of Americans residing outside the United States, points out that FATCA's problem is citizenship-based taxation. The United States and Eritrea are the only countries in the world which impose taxation and reporting requirements on citizens living abroad permanently. The Guardian reports that Americans living abroad feel financially terrorized by FATCA requirements. According to research by Democrats Abroad: "These survey results show the intense impact FATCA is having on overseas Americans. Their financial accounts are being closed, their relationships with their non-American spouses are under strain, some Americans are being denied promotion or partnership in business because of FATCA reporting requirements and some are planning or contemplating renouncing their US citizenship”. The US will not allow accidental Americans to renounce citizenship until they have filed five years’ of tax returns. Due to the rise in applications, the fee for renouncing citizenship was raised by roughly 400 percent in 2015 to $2,350. According to a recent piece in The Economist, a UK resident who was born in America but moved to Britain as a child, “recently received a huge bill from the IRS [the US Internal Revenue Service], out of the blue, for many years of unfiled taxes. He had not realised that he owed anything; he had always paid taxes promptly in Britain. The IRS was so aggressive that he feared he might lose his technology business; he even discussed divorce with his wife as a way to shield their assets. In the end, he settled for a six-figure sum.” In 2014, the UK Government entered into an Intergovernmental Agreement whereby financial institutions in the UK report information about US accounts to HMRC. HMRC then provides the information to the US. The UK government has estimated that the cost to British businesses will be £1.1 billion to £2 billion for the first five years, in order to locate the US citizens. HMRC estimates its own one-off IT and staff project costs at approximately £5m, with ongoing annual costs of £1.4m from this year. FATCA’s effects on UK citizens who by accident of birth are deemed American means that the UK Government’s cooperation with FATCA must end. The relationship between the British state and its citizens is founded on an implicit contract whereby, in exchange for obedience to the law and performance of their civic duties, citizens have a right to the state’s protection.155 of 200 SignaturesCreated by Jim Newell
End The Exotic Pet Trade in Wales.Animals such as monkeys, meerkats, reptiles and turtles are wild animals who belong in their natural habitat, not in cages and glass tanks in somebody’s home. Over 1000 species of mammals, birds, invertebrates, reptiles, amphibians and fish are bred and captured for the exotic pet trade, and it is our argument that the complex social, physical and behavioural needs of these animals cannot be met other than in their natural habitats. Furthermore, there is strong evidence linking the trade in exotic animals with habitat destruction and the extinction of species in the wild. In tandem with the suffering of such animals in transit - including many documented deaths - young animals can grow into dangerous adults which can become unmanageable in domestic environments not conducive to satisfying their welfare needs for increased space and food. As mentioned in the petition above, a similar campaign was launched in Scotland by the charity One Kind to great effect. With the backing of RSPCA, PDSA, Animal Welfare Party, Captured Animals Protection Society, Four Paws, Wild Futures, Born Free Foundation, plus a host of other significant organizations, the Scottish campaign instigated a review of Scottish Government policy, with the debate centering on the introduction of a Positive List System, which would permit for the keeping of an exotic pet only if its suitability to life in private ownership were incontrovertibly assessed by such a system using clear, transparent and evidence based criteria collated on species conservation, the dangers of invasive disease, ease of good husbandry - including proof of appropriate knowledge of needs and care - and the clear availability of care guidelines, and enforcement measures. In order to ascertain the exact number of licenses issued by local authorities in Wales I contacted all 22 councils. At the time of this petition's submission I have received replies from exactly half of these, making the number of licenses issued by local authorities to exotic pet shops so far 68. This number, of course, does not include internet sites, whether separate to or part of the pet shops mentioned. Thus, it is clear that thousands of exotic animals are being traded in Wales. The welfare of such animals is a matter for public concern, and I believe a debate should take place about the propriety of such a trade in Wales. Fundamental to any overview must be the suitability of wild reptiles and large birds to lives as exotic pets, and the regulating of standards for their care, with the ultimate objective of ending the trade in such species altogether. Please help us to end this vile trade in Wales by signing this petition. It doesn't matter where you are, your signature will help show the Government of Wales the strength of feeling against the capture, importation, breeding, and sale of wild animals in Wales.179 of 200 SignaturesCreated by David Sedley
Ensuring Personal Privacy and Sexual FreedomPERSONAL PRIVACY: The Digital Economy Bill currently before Parliament will introduce compulsory age verification without guaranteeing privacy protections for subscribers. This omission risks users’ personal details and private sexual preferences being exploited for commercial gain and/or leaked into the public domain. SEXUAL FREEDOM: Consensual adult sex should not be outlawed, yet this Bill will prohibit the publication of depictions of sexual activities that are legal to perform. This Bill imposes a financial burden on free, amateur and niche commercial websites, affecting sexual minorities by denying them from freely expressing their sexuality.1,689 of 2,000 SignaturesCreated by Myles Jackman
Liz Truss - allow people in prison to vote!I believe that every person, even those who are serving prison sentences, have the right to play their part in deciding the future of the country by voting in national and local elections. Denying people in prisons the right to vote serves no purpose of deterrence or reform. Britain's blanket ban on prisoners voting dates back to the Forfeiture Act of 1870, and is out of date and out of step with the majority of European countries. Allowing people in prison to vote would do nothing to undermine public safety, and would do no harm to anyone or anything. I see it as an important part in the process of preparation for eventual release and reintegration into society. It is about dignity, and the principle that in a democracy everybody counts. Just now our own country is experiencing a rise in homophobic and hate crimes, our prisons are dangerously overcrowded and understaffed, and levels of re offending are alarmingly high. Britain's closest ally is moving into unknown territory as Donald Trump prepares to take the Presidency and bring in his agenda of descrimination and isolationism. The world waits with bated breath. There has never been a time when it has been more important to promote good will, peace and tolerance. Every small act that benefits another person helps to bring our world into balance again, and to restore the security we so need. Some folk say that when someone has turned his back on society by committing a crime worthy of imprisonment, then he should forfeit the right to engage in the voting system of that society. But I argue that the punishment given out by the court is the sentence he/she serves, and society should not extend it by excluding that person further. We have no right to further punish our prison inmates. Rather we should be encouraging engagement with society. And every move to make life better for someone is another small contribution to a better world. We need less vindictiveness and more tolerance in the way we treat our prison population, and I so strongly believe that allowing people in prison to vote is one small step in that direction.153 of 200 SignaturesCreated by Ann Barnes
Aleppo - Stop The SlaughterBecause there can be no right in a world where hospitals are filled with civilian casualties from towns turned into warzones, where parents dig their murdered children from the rubble of their homes, where neighbourhoods resemble scenes from history books and those who should be protecting them are actively contributing to the wholesale destruction of life.189 of 200 SignaturesCreated by Ken Milligan
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