George crossHe upheld the highest traditions of the UK police, in that he put the safety of the public and his sworn duty before his own safety, in attempting to stop an armed man whilst unarmed himself. He carried out that duty and payed the ultimate price in doing so.2 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Nick Ferguson
Rename Parliament entrance 'Palmer Gate'Recognise this brave man's sacrifice on behalf of freedom and democracy. PC Keith Palmer tragically died, tackling the terrorist who attacked Parliament. He may fade from the headlines in the weeks and months to come, but renaming the gate after him will be a lasting tribute to someone who acted to protect all of us. This wasn't just a man doing his job, when Keith was called upon he took the decision to stand up for all of us, he went forward rather than running backwards. Renaming the gate at Parliament would cost nothing, but the gesture and memory of British bobby Keith Palmer's bravery will last for hundreds of years.721 of 800 SignaturesCreated by Tom Allsworth & Bob Rusk
Give pc Keith Palmer a state funeralHe deserves it14 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Kevin Winch
Prosecute those sharing graphic images following terror attacksWhenever there is a terror attack or violent incident, ghouls and trolls qui kly post and share graphic images of people, regardless of the fact they could be injured, dying or dead. These are often posted within minutes, and the families of those people can see these images accross social media, finding out about the loss of a loved one in the most callous and uncaring way.4 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Philip ADAMSON
videos of children being bullied illegalThe suicide rate of young children is astonishing. Young vulnerable children are being exploited by bullies posting videos of their attacks on social media for all to share and see. Not only have they endured the horrific attacks physically but now they have to live with it spread all across the internet. This is humiliating and traumatic for any human being. As the world of social media has grown, the act of bullying has branched, we need to do something about this.82 of 100 SignaturesCreated by jessica mcdonald
Increase County Council Youth Budget to tackle Antisocial Behaviour in BridgwaterWe have seen an increase in Antisocial behaviour in Bridgwater being reported. Young people are being moved from one area to another but the antisocial behaviour moves with them. Youth Clubs in Bridgwater are being bombarded with more young people but they haven't got the resources to cope. Youth Services have been slashed and underfunded and we need to see an increase to deal with the problems we face. We need County Council to increase funding to enable dedicated youth workers to work with these young people to reduce antisocial behaviour and help make Bridgwater and its people feel safe.86 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Diogo Rodrigues
Make our Bredbury streets saferShop owners and their shops sorely affected, The community living in fear, peoples cars and properties being destroyed.1,382 of 2,000 SignaturesCreated by Veronica Campbell
Increase Police Presence in Bridgwater Town CentreBridgwater is a small market town and the town centre is the heart of the community. Many local independent stores have complained about the behaviour of this group of teenagers effectively impacting on their businesses. Locals who live in the town centre have said they do not feel safe. Bridgwater residents in general have had enough of a small group of teenagers ruining what is usually a peaceful town centre. Many have said they avoid going to the centre now, especially if alone. A prolonged police presence would deter this group from congregating and inflicting their anti-social behaviour on innocent passers by.543 of 600 SignaturesCreated by Bridgwater Resident
Suspend the two police officers who tasered Ras JudahLast month our respected community elder, Ras Judah Adunbi, was tasered by two police constables while peacefully taking his dog on a Saturday morning walk through our neighbourhood (Easton, Bristol). The police stopped Judah near his home, demanded to know his name and address and when Judah politely refused, which is within his legal rights, they tasered him in the face and wrongfully arrested him. Judah did NOT break any laws or rules but was treated violently and with no respect. Judah felt like he was going to die and has since suffered from a number of health complications. The incident was covered my media outlets across the Globe, including Washington Post, New York Times, CNN and BBC World News. Avon and Somerset Police dropped the charges a couple of days later and are now being investigated by IPCC. ** Ras Judah wants everyone in the community to LEARN their legal rights! If a police officer stops you and starts to ask you questions you DO NOT have to stop or answer any questions. That’s the law. The Police should stick to it. ** Key facts: - There have been at least 17 taser-related deaths in Britain since 2003, including the death of Dalian Atkinson, the former Aston Villa footballer, who died after being Tasered by police officers in August 2016. - People of African descent are three times more likely to be tasered and six times more likely to be stopped and searched than white people. - According to government figures, use of Tasers has grown over recent years, with 1,921 Taser discharges recorded by police in England and Wales in 2015. - Judah was taken to the Bristol Royal infirmary in a Police car with the Taser still dangling from his face. After being discharged later that morning he spent 10 hours at Patchway police station (Bristol). He was allowed to leave just before midnight and had to make his own way home. - On Monday 23rd Jan, Bristol's police federation chairman said the police officers involved were 'doing what the public expect of them'.1,318 of 2,000 SignaturesCreated by Justice For Judah
Conjugal visits in the ukThere are many woman and children who have spent many years with out being close to there loved ones this has an effect on familys don't let the family's suffer21 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Emma Harris
A register for domestic violence perpetratorsThis is important because so many lives are ruined by domestic violence, this violence impacts on the lives of women, men and children, some children grow up to believe violence is a normal act and go on to become perpetrators themselves. Lives are lost to domestic violence everyday, stop the violence. On average the perpetrator will assault their target 36 times before police are called. The reluctance to call the police is born out of extreme fear and shame.153 of 200 SignaturesCreated by Michelle Palmer
Union Carbide and Dow must meet their contactual and moral obligations in BhopalChildren are still dying from playing in the polluted area. Shortly after the leakage Union Carbide sold the plant to Dow, to avoid meeting their obligations to the people of Bhopal. Upjohn Polymer have recently sold their Isocyanate plant to Dow. Dow chemical is aiming to expand its business in PU in India. Polyurethane (PU) foams use 50% isocyanates in their manufacture.110 of 200 SignaturesCreated by Roy Westall
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