• All supermarkets stop selling the Daily Mail and Sun for one month!
    After all the lies about Labour (and the related racist articles) printed before the last election by the Daily Mail and the Sun, we are asking your supermarkets to stop selling these papers for at least one month. The Independent Press Standards Organisation is absolutely useless as a regulatory body, because at best after an enquiry, all newspapers have to do is print a tiny apology months later after the incident.
    630 of 800 Signatures
    Created by David Roper
  • No more Police and Station cuts
    It's stated that if the cuts go ahead people will be able to go into places like cafes and McDonald's to have a chat with the police. This will not work, can you imagine a distressed person sitting in full view in possibly a cafe having to report things that's happened while people are sitting close by eating. This is not what Sadiq Khan was voted in for. It is not the will of the people to continue to cut these most valuable service. There must be no more cuts to the emergency services only more resources put in place and the reopening of all the stations as well as more Police recruited rather than their ridiculous cuts.
    109 of 200 Signatures
    Created by Diane Faichney
  • Change The Law Regarding Dog Attacks
    This act will prevent the dog from further attacks and causing significant harm to another person during the investigation.
    135 of 200 Signatures
    Created by John Boldan
  • Andy Burnham: Create a Levy for Free Access to Justice
    Justice is being denied to the people of Greater Manchester. Legal aid no longer covers most cases involving housing, welfare, debt, immigration or medical negligence. Between 2005 and 2015, the number of not-for-profit legal advice centres in the country fell from 2,226 to 1,462[1]. Greater Manchester went from having nine law centres across our ten boroughs to only having two. But, our ever-defiant community refused to accept this, and together we fought to restore and improve access to justice for people in poverty and vulnerability. It is thanks to this collective effort that the Greater Manchester Law Centre opened its doors in Moss Side last year, and we are making great strides to meet the advice and representation needs of those who need it most. We are fighting, together, for free access to justice. But we need more than words and encouragement, and we welcome your support for making similar legal services available across Greater Manchester. This is Manchester, and we do things differently here. Let’s lead the way and try something new, and implement the idea we dreamed up together. To survive, we need to be creative. Let’s fund our free, face-to-face, high quality legal advice and professional legal representation by imposing a levy on commercial law firms. Yours sincerely, Roz Burgin, Development Worker John Nicholson, Chair Norma Turner, Management Committee And community supporters of GMLC ** See media coverage of this open letter** Solicitors Journal: http://bit.ly/2sXV16h Law Society Gazette: http://bit.ly/2sSVMNg Our press release: http://bit.ly/2ugOGXm [1] http://www.fabians.org.uk/wp-content/uploads/2016/11/Access-to-Justice_final_web.pdf
    327 of 400 Signatures
    Created by Roz Burgin Picture
  • Bring back irlam and cadishead police updates
    It keeps the community informed of what crime is going on in the area and will help people be more vigilant as well as help the police too by people posting on the page information.
    161 of 200 Signatures
    Created by Andrew Carey
  • Keep our beach clean
    Other than making our beautiful beach look ugly the majority of the rubbish will end up in the ocean which is terrible for the environment and wildlife. It is also dangerous for beach users, left over bottles can be broken and glass can then be easily stepped on bearing in mind most people aren't wearing shoes.
    365 of 400 Signatures
    Created by Jimmy Pearce
  • Install fire sprinklers in all high rise buildings in London
    We recognise that an effective response to the horrific events at Grenfell Tower is not forthcoming from the Central Government or the Local Council, and that therefore the responsibility for safety of Londoners, the old, the poor, the young and everyone else falls to the relevant authorities with the largest democratic mandate from us. We therefore call on the Greater London Authority, and it's head the Mayor of London as well as London Councils to fit out all high rise blocks in Greater London that do not have fire sprinkler systems installed with fire sprinklers as soon as practically possible by the end of this year and if necessary using public funds. We also ask that the London Assembly to hold the relevant authorities to account on this matter, to make sure that all Londoners feel safe enough to sleep in their homes by the end of the year.
    346 of 400 Signatures
    Created by Concerned London Residents
  • To prevent the Grenfell Tower land being redeveloped for housing
    To remember the people who have died in this tragedy and to prevent profits being made from it.
    170 of 200 Signatures
    Created by Ken Preece
  • An Inquest NOT a Public Inquiry for the Grenfell Tower Fires.
    There is much evidence that "the political decision to appoint inquiries into public crises is strongly influenced by short-term blame avoidance considerations, media salience and government popularity." (Reflection in the Shadow of Blame: When Do Politicians Appoint Commissions of Inquiry? - The British Journal of Political Science, Volume 40, Issue 3 July 2010, pp. 613-634). An event such as the Grenfell Tower fire, with its clear implications of Government Minister involvement and possible culpability, requires an inquest which is truly independent from government; not set up and controlled by government. The right to life under Article 2 of the Human Rights Act requires that an effective and proper investigation be carried out into all deaths caused by the state. In particular the right requires that such an investigation must be: * Independent; * Effective; * Prompt; * Open to public scrutiny; and* * Support the participation of the next-of-kin. It is clear from historical evidence that public inquiries do not achieve these requirements. Since the appointment of a public inquiry is typically made by government ministers, events that involve allegations of blame on the part of the relevant minister are less likely to be investigated by a public inquiry
    48,605 of 50,000 Signatures
    Created by Brendan Russell-Cooper
  • Her Majesty the Queen, please award Roy Larner, Millwall supporter with the George Cross
    He showed extreme bravery and courage in tackling the terrorists and saving lives of women and children during the London Bridge attack on 3rd June 2017.
    427 of 500 Signatures
    Created by Dave Harper Picture
  • Reopen Home Office investigation into foreign funding of violent extremism in the UK
    We need to hold to account those responsible for funding terror and those who maintain normal relations, this can only be achieved by tackling those who fund them head on and are called out publicly.
    239 of 300 Signatures
    Created by Amir Chowdry
  • Recognition for Dave Kelly
    Dave Kelly was integral in bringing the killers of Rhys Jones to justice. He was professional and dignified and his patience, although frowned upon at the time, paid off and put away some of the most dangerous criminals in country.
    691 of 800 Signatures
    Created by Natalie Mckinnell