• MP Maria Miller should face charges in a criminal court
    If I had scammed £90,718 off the DWP, I would be in jail. Why is this not the case for Maria Miller who stole our taxes in yet another expenses scandal? Mr Cameron, the message you are putting out is 'one rule for one and a different rule for the other'. It's like you're telling your MP's 'it's okay as long as you don't get caught'. I thought no one was meant to be above the law? Also, she only has to pay £5000 back? We, the people, want justice.
    421 of 500 Signatures
    Created by Tasha Brand
  • Maria Miller to face criminal proceedings
    To simply say sorry is not good enough.
    23,026 of 25,000 Signatures
    Created by Danny Brady
  • Maria Miller should be prosecuted for fraud.
    It's important, because of the public's perception of MPs, since the expenses scandal. That Miller has been effectively pardoned by an in-house self-regulating body of her peers, is an absolute scandal. She has knowingly engaged in systematic fraud over a considerable time, The reputation(such as it currently is) of all parliamentarians is at stake here. A powerful message must be sent to the voting public that The House sees what she has done as completely unacceptable, and that she has no further place there, having abused her position as a representative of the people.
    213 of 300 Signatures
    Created by Derek Wood
  • luvmydog.co.uk stop selling prong collars
    These collars have nasty spikes in them which dig into the poor helpless dogs neck. Pinch collars have a series of inward facing, metal prongs which are designed to tighten around the dog’s neck and cause pain and discomfort when tension is applied through the lead. It is animal cruelty and must be stopped. Luvmydog.co.uk could help us stand up against these cruel devices by stopping all sales and removing them from their site. RSPCA, the Dogs Trust and other organisations have already come out against them, see below. Now we call upon luvmydog to join them. https://secure.38degrees.org.uk/page/-/CBY/Joint%20statement%20ETDs%20and%20prong%20collars%20April%202014.pdf
    214 of 300 Signatures
    Created by Katriona Oliver
  • Save Probation from privatisation!
    Public safety is at risk due to the Governments plans to place the supervision of offenders into the hands of private companies. The Probation Service is being dismantled as I write. Myself and colleagues, up and down the country, are absolutely terrified about the serious consequences this will have on protecting the public from crime. I understand that many people reading this, may not know much about the Probation Service, and therefore will not realise just how important this issue is for all of us. The role of the police is understood, as is the purpose of prison, but Probation work appears less visible within our communities. I also understand, that many people may not feel inclined to read something about "offenders". Why care about them when they have shown disregard for society in committing crime? Well, please pay attention because these proposals will hurt all of us. Firstly, no one wants to be a victim of crime, but to be a victim of a crime that could have been prevented? Under the new proposals, not only will offenders be passed back and forth between agencies but this will happen at the worst possible time i.e. at times of crisis and rising risk. Risk can change within hours, not days; and quick, effective responses are essential. The army were drafted in for the Olympics security fiasco, but who will rescue the failing private companies when they are responsible for managing offenders? Secondly, if you aren't already worried, then consider the cost of these plans to the taxpayer. The proposals have not been costed; indeed the government's own risk assessment acknowledges that financial risk cannot even be risk assessed because of the absence of baseline information. Payment by Results has been the prime rationale for refusing to allow probation Trusts to even be allowed to bid for their work even though they are performing to a proven high standard. Nine million pounds has already be spent on "Transforming Rehabilitation" consultants. The government’s Transforming Rehabilitation proposals are completely untested. The changes proposed by the government’s plans in relation to extending supervision to those serving less than 12 month prison sentences, have nothing to do with the current work of the Probation Service, as there is currently NO statutory supervision for adults in this group. Conflating the need to reduce the re-offending of this group with the plans to dismantle the Probation Service is therefore, at best, disingenuous. I am starting this campaign due to my desire to prevent a miscarriage of justice against the population of the UK. Probation staff are part of a dedicated workforce, often going above and beyond the call of duty, in order to ensure that the work is completed properly. Probation staff will be on strike on March 31st and 1st April 2014, as splitting up the Probation Service is considered dangerous and legally dubious. It is being done in the absence of any scrutiny and it has no credible advocates. I have not been able to cover all the issues, so please make it your business to find out and hold this government to account. Please, please, support this campaign as we need your help.
    134 of 200 Signatures
    Created by Probation_SOS on Twitter
    For close to a decade, Isabella cleaned ex-immigration MP Mark Harper's home for £22 per week - as well as a number of other politicians. When her undocumented status was revealed, she became a pawn in a political point scoring battle and the focus of a national media campaign which resulted in Mark Harper resigning. As none of the MPs that Isabella worked for were criminalised, the same spirit of kindness ought to be immediately extended to the hard working Acevedo family. We’re asking Theresa May, the Home Secretary, to do the honourable thing and grant citizenship to this lady and her family, whose lives have been turned upside down by this whole affair. Isabella Acevedo has since been forced into hiding, her family is being torn apart and they are facing destitution having lost their income. The hard working Acevedo family have spent close to 15 years in London - building a modest life. During this time, Isabella never had any sick pay, never had any holiday pay and earned less the minimum wage. Despite the difficulty, she was able to provide for her small family and create a home and life in London. All of this is now at risk of being destroyed as result of the damaging politics of Theresa May and Mr Harper. Please sign this petition and support the Acevedo family in their struggle to stay together, to keep a roof over their heads and food on their plates. More information: http://legaldefencefund.wordpress.com/about/ ** A campaign to stand with Isabella Acevedo and others in similar circumstances was collectively launched in February. Supporters include: No One Is Illegal; Campaign Against The Criminalisation Of Communities; National Coalition Of Anti-Deportation Campaigns; Tawantinsuyu Nation; Myrdle Court Press; Defend The Right To Protest; Precarious Workers Brigade; Unity In The Community; Movimiento Ecuador en el Reino Undio Meru; This Is Not A Gateway; 3 Cosas Campaign; Movimiento Jaguar Despierto; Justice For Domestic Workers; Latin American Women's Aid; El Telefono De La Esperanza UK
    1,182 of 2,000 Signatures
    Created by Deepa Naik
  • Keep the lights on In Essex
    The public's safety is key, especially those with young families and the elderly. By Kirsty Anne Taylor with the help of my friends and a big thank you to Harry Acid for your support. https://www.facebook.com/Kirstyanne1989
    4,917 of 5,000 Signatures
  • Should ATOS be charged with "Manslaughter" for all the victims that have died
    This is important as so many vulnerable people have died after being wrongly assessed and being made fit for work when clearly they have not been fit enough. There has been a count of 10,600 deaths between Jan-Nov 2011 some of which were suicides. How many deaths does it take for the government and ATOS to recognise the connection? Since this last count the DWP refused to release the figures that were collected calling the FOI requests "vexatious". Therefore how many more have died since? There are thousands who believe, assessments that have been undertaken were incorrect and there are thousands of witnesses to this fact, which has caused more stress and poverty as more and more people are waiting for money that has been stopped whilst waiting for their appeals to be processed correctly. Due to the negligence of this company ATOS have to be found accountable. Not only for the loved ones of the people who have died, but also for those who may have died without a family and is important that even though they have gone from this planet, they have somebody fighting for them to correct a system that clearly does not work so they did not die in vain.
    5,071 of 6,000 Signatures
    Created by Sarah Hemingway Picture
  • Save Prison Arts
    In November 2013, a Prison Service instruction removed metal stringed electric and acoustic guitars from the list of permitted prisoner possessions. https://www.justice.gov.uk/downloads/offenders/psipso/psi-2013/psi-30-2013.doc At the same time, access to arts materials for purchase by prisoners has become more restricted by the limited items available through approved suppliers. And when an order is placed, the delay in receiving materials is often protracted. One of the effects of linking prison education funding to vocational targets is the loss of much of the non-accredited arts programme; dramatic arts have particularly suffered. Prison staff are often not sensitive to the value of creative art work to prisoners and have removed art and writing from the possession of prisoners without explanation. These are not isolated events but are indicative of the need for the Ministry of Justice to reconsider the value of the arts in prison. Prisoners are full of creativity. You only need to look at the success of the Koestler awards to see that. But many prisoners actually rely on their creative outlets just to cope with life. There are many recent studies which have shown how participation in the arts can be a life-changing experience for prisoners. Not only do the arts support prisoner welfare but they can also provide a pathway to change, enabling growth of self-esteem and helping to combat depression. In this respect, the arts should be seen as a cornerstone of the rehabilitation process. The people who are most affected by these changes have no voice. Prisoners are unable to sign this petition or campaign for change. But you can. Please do. You can make a real difference to their lives. "I've had a guitar in my cell ever since my first days in custody and it really helps me cope with my sentence. It's a really creative and educational outlet. I'm still improving and I've even written my own compositions. I don't know what I'll do when they take it off me. It's going to leave me feeling very down. There are a lot of poor copers in prison. What are we supposed to do?” Nathan, HMP Wakefield Further discussion of these issues by a serving prisoner: http://adammac.co.uk/2014/02/20/arts-under-attack/
    201 of 300 Signatures
    Created by Julie Estelle
  • Stop prosecuting people for "stealing" food from bins
    The UK throws away over 5.3 million tonnes (£12 billion worth) of edible food each year. In a time of economic hardship its grotesque that such a huge quantity of food is wasted whilst more and more people are becoming reliant on food banks. Supermarkets are one of the worst contributors to food waste but rather than donate their excess food to charity, many supermarkets send it to landfill or to be incinerated. This is partly due to fear of prosecution should someone become ill and partly out of a desire to maintain their profit margins - if people are getting food for free then they don't need to buy it from you. At the most basic level people take food from bins out of desperation, because they need to eat to survive. However, many others rescue food because they wish to reduce their environmental impact or because of an anti-consumerist ideology. Many of these freegans donate rescued food to charity or share it with their friends, family and neighbours. Technically something which has been thrown away still belongs to the person who threw it out and taking it can be seen as theft. People who rescue food from bins are charged with "theft by finding" or similar offences. But how can someone "steal" food which has been thrown away and is destined to rot on a landfill site? Below are some links containing more information and details of some of the arrests and prosecutions: http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/magazine-13037808 http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/magazine/6933744.stm http://www.independent.co.uk/news/uk/home-news/the-bin-raiders-revelations-on-waste-food-put-21st-century-scavengers-in-the-spotlight-8904765.html http://www.theguardian.com/uk-news/2014/jan/28/three-charged-vagrancy-act-food-skip-iceland
    268 of 300 Signatures
    Created by James Probert
  • Prevent the use of water cannon by police in mainland UK
    The use of water cannon would be a violent and excessive use of force to combat protests on the streets of the UK. The right to protest is one of the most important aspects of our free and open democracy and I believe that the threat of this weapon will be an inhibitor to people of all ages from exercising that right. My concerns are twofold. 1 - ACPO's own report into water cannon states that: "the full-pressure jet from a water cannon is capable of causing serious injury or even death and says there are also possible injuries from the impact on the body of street furniture or other debris." http://www.theguardian.com/uk-news/2014/jan/22/police-home-secretary-approve-use-water-cannon-austerity-protest We have seen all too frequently instances of police abusing their power, and using unnecessary force to break up protests. Be it the death of Ian Tomlinson, or the assault on anti-fracking campaigner Sean O'Donnell, elements of the police force would prefer to use violence and aggression to silence peaceful protest. I don't believe allowing them access to this weapon will lead to less unprovoked aggression, but more. 2. This leads to my second point. The police are not the government's armed guards, hired to subjugate the will of the people. Increasingly I fear they are becoming so. ACPO argue that they would like water cannon in their arsenal "because austerity measures are likely to lead to continued protest" http://www.theguardian.com/uk-news/2014/jan/22/police-home-secretary-approve-use-water-cannon-austerity-protest For starters that is presumptive, and is not representative of their own report: "The report says there is no intelligence to suggest there is an increased likelihood of serious riots within England and Wales." If, however, they are right that increased austerity measures will need to further protests, then so be it. The people have a right to protest against the actions of the government that they do not agree with. It is not the job of the police to suppress this feeling with threat of serious injury, or even death, through the use of water cannon should people wish to protest. The police are for the protection of us all, not to maintain the establishment status quo. Water cannon are dangerous to the public and reinforce the notion that the police may use excessive force to quell the will of the people.
    23,834 of 25,000 Signatures
    Created by Neal Parsons
  • Public inquiry into the implications of GCHQ's 'Tempora' programme
    Given the recent revelations about GCHQ's 'Tempora' programme UK citizens are facing the greatest threat to their civil liberties in this country's history. Indiscriminate surveillance is being collected on the populace on a massive scale with no public mandate or accountabilty. This is being allowed through a legal loophole which would have been legitimised with the Snooper's Charter. If this kind of system is allowed to exist at all at the very least it should have a mandate from both the public and parliament - with external accountability and auditing. No publicly accountable body currently exists to audit this programme.
    4,478 of 5,000 Signatures
    Created by Dave Miles Picture