• Outlaw discrimination against single people
    Without this, singles will be wide open to discrimination in employment, housing, credit facilities, leisure facilities etc.
    418 of 500 Signatures
    Created by Robin Oliver
  • SODEXO Free Carla Buckle, Carla is being denied vital meds and on HUNGER STRIKE
    Her brother is terminally ill, her family need her home as he possibly has only days to live (see update below). Carla is a grandmother with a strong moral compass who has been unlawfully incarcerated, she is a compassionate caring upstanding lady, and the justice system has betrayed her terribly. No fair trial, this is a human rights violation. No due process under the rule of law has been adhered to on this case, and an appeal was lodged prior to her arrest. Carla has been kidnapped by the police taken to an admin hearing and imprisoned for 8 weeks in the run up to Christmas, Carla is a Christian. We have had reports that she is cold and was placed in a dirty cell with unclean bedding. This is an absolute outrage to those who know her well and this is cruel inhuman and degrading treatment and unconstitutional. Carla is being subjected to inhuman and degrading treatment in Sodexo prison according to witnesses. UPDATE 1/12/14 sadly Carla's Brother has now passed away without her by his side, due to her incarceration. Carla needs to be allowed to attend her brother's funeral.
    1,730 of 2,000 Signatures
    Created by yvonne taylor
  • Ask 'Save the Children' to revoke their annual Global Legacy Award given to Tony Blair
    Tony Blair was awarded the "global legacy award" by Save the Children US. Apparently this is for his "commitment to Africa". But the former prime minister is central to Sir John Chilcot's inquiry into Britain’s controversial and protracted war in Iraq. Earlier this month, it emerged that Blair had signed a multimillion pound contract with a Saudi Arabian oil company in 2010 to broker secret deals on the firm’s behalf with Chinese state officials. The revelation raises serious questions over the former PM’s diplomatic role as Middle East envoy, and his personal vested interests in the region. Then earlier this year, Blair managed to successfully quash a Serious Fraud Office investigation into alleged corruption regarding an arms deal with Saudi Arabia. It is for these reasons that Tony Blair should not be awarded Save the Children’s Global Legacy award. His “legacy” in Iraq overshadows his achievements in Africa.
    125,413 of 200,000 Signatures
    Created by Miranda Pinch
  • Free Julian Assange
    Julian Assange and Wikileaks provided a very important service to the whole world by exposing the extent to which the US National Security Agency (NSA) is invading everyone's privacy, among other things. He should not be forced to spend the rest of his life in the Ecuadorian embassy in London when there is a simple solution. Why have the Swedish prosecutors refused to see him over here, given that there are so many of his supporters who would be willing to pay their costs. He has not ben charged with any offence in Sweden - they merely want to question him over rape allegations.
    122 of 200 Signatures
    Created by Richard Turner
  • Protect the public from fake health & care workers
    This is important as highlighted by a number of recent cases, the most high profile of which was a young man in Sussex who was jailed for a number of years for fraudulently impersonating a paramedic and ambulance professional, gaining access to the elderly and vulnerable and causing harm. In this case, the police knew that the individual was a serious risk, knew the individual was an imposter, but had to wait until a crime was committed before eventually charging him with an array of offences. Read about the case here: http://www.sussex.police.uk/whats-happening/latest/news-stories/2014/10/14/fraudster-sent-back-to-prison-for-impersonating-a-paramedic Other cases have been individuals driving around in vehicle with blue lights and sirens, pretending to be ambulance professions and paramedics, a crime that the police can't arrest them for. Worryingly, the same applies to all health and care professionals, so if you want to impersonate a doctor, nurse, social worker, physiotherapist, AHP or any other kind of regulated health or care professional, this isn't an arrestable offence. IT IS SIMPLY UNACCEPTABLE THAT INDIVIDUALS CAN FRAUDULENTLY DRESS-UP AND PRETEND TO BE AMONGST THE MOST TRUSTED MEMBERS OF OUR SOCIETY AND CANNOT BE ARRESTED UNTIL THEY HARM SOMEONE. PLEASE SUPPORT THIS CAMPAIGN TO REQUEST URGENT ACTION BY OUR GOVERNMENT.
    1,246 of 2,000 Signatures
    Created by David Davis
  • Justice for Cats
    This is important because my cat Baillie got knocked down on 15/11/2014 and sadly died, the driver never stopped. With the severity of his injuries the driver would have known they hit something. Cats are part of the family and they deserve justice.
    418 of 500 Signatures
    Created by Graeme Tait
  • Justice for Ernest John Coles
    This is important as I have researched this multimillion pound company who are registered as a charity and I believe they have something to hide. I and others have contacted them many times but they refuse to acknowledge their responsibility for the care of Marguerite Coles. She is far from alone in receiving bad treatment from Sanctuary, one of the largest and wealthiest housing associations, care providers and supporters of vulnerable people in Britain. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WicGHHgBKwY
    530 of 600 Signatures
    Created by Samantha Wakefield
  • victims law petition
    A law for victims of crime Victims are victims, not just witnesses! This country is in desperate need of better law to protect victims of crime; currently, perpetrators of crimes have more rights and greater protection than do their victims. Why is this important? When I tell people my story I invariably encounter disbelief. Their eyes widen and mouths open – they then scan my face for a hint of a smile, as if I’m joking - because this is not how a victim of crime should be treated, especially when she’s a 13-year-old girl. Sadly, however, my story is true – and I am not alone; 7.5 million crimes against UK households were recorded last year. The first major flaw is that victims are reliant on police officers being well-trained and unbiased. Their initial perception of incidents influence whether or not they’re logged as crimes. Officers’ failure to have a clear understanding of the law or pressure from their workloads may lead to crimes not being recorded, let alone investigated. Our legal system treats victims of crime as witnesses; that’s their only rôle. It might be possible to provide impact statements but these are read after any verdicts. Victims have no legal representation; CPS prosecutes; it works for the Crown, not victims of crime. There is a victims’ code of practice but it really only gives victims the right to seek support and be informed of proceedings. See https://www.justiceinspectorates.gov.uk/hmic/publication/crime-data-integrity-force-reports/, CRIME DATA INTEGRITY INSPECTION OF SUFFOLK CONSTABULARY, AUG 2014, p. 7 As some of these records relate to sexual offences and assaults on vulnerable adults and children, this is a significant concern; it means that 26 vulnerable victims received no justice, no support and might have gone on to be further victimised. These records are from just one county – only a sample of reports were taken - so the success rate for reporting of crimes against the most vulnerable is approximately 20%, meaning only a 1 in 5 chance of victims receiving any support whatsoever. Victims are left in the hands of the police. It’s incredibly hard to get them to listen, especially to criticism; victims must hope that police do their jobs properly. It’s also extremely difficult to bring negligence claim against the police. Following the case of Hill v Chief Constable of West Yorkshire (1988), it was decided that, in most circumstances it would not be fair, just and reasonable to make the police liable for negligently causing loss or damage to members of the public. I propose that this changes; it would make the police more accountable and encourage them to improve performance. Proposed victim law 1. There should be reasonable access to Courts, including Legal Aid where appropriate. 2. Hearings must be held within a reasonable time before an independent and impartial Court or tribunal established by law (including unbiased jurors); what is “reasonable” depends on the complexity and importance of the case, the behaviour of the applicant and competent authorities and the length of time between the incident and commencement of the trial. Victims must have real opportunities to present their cases of the alleged crimes against them, including the right to impartial legal representation that may liaise with CPS, access to opponents’ submissions, procedural equality and evidence relied on by the other party and oral hearings. 3. There should a right to silence and a privilege against self-incrimination (although it may be possible to draw adverse inferences from victims remaining silent). 4. Victims must have the right to effective participation in criminal trials via legal representatives. 5. Victims must have the right to continue their lives after trials without discrimination, harassment or fear imposed on them by trial participants including all witnesses as well as the accused, irrespective of the verdict or judgement. 6. Victims of crime have the right to report those crimes to police and have them fairly investigated. 7. Police officers should be accountable for the well-being of victims of crime. Please see my website for more details http://victimslaw.wordpress.com/about/ It’s too late for us now, but we can protect victims in the future. Help us do that.
    136 of 200 Signatures
    Created by the ginger activist
  • Send in the Police to find the missing dossiers on child abuse at the palace of westminister
    There are many people speaking openly online about the fact that this is far from historic and is still going on now and as well as parties from both houses the suspects go into the church and royal family at the highest levels. if a small amount of the allegations are real then we have the right to know and the appropriate parties should be removed from office and society. If any of us were suspected you would be in custody NOW, there wouldn't be an "inquiry" into it simple POLICE ACTION and that's what we need
    3,521 of 4,000 Signatures
    Created by Happy Brewer Picture
  • Put corrupt bankers in prison
    Once again our papers are full of yet another banking scale - this time fined £2.6 billion for manipulating a market worth £5 trillion, markets that affect companies, families and communities the world over. Yet since the 2008 financial crisis the number of bankers jailed for corrupt practices can be counted on two hands. In no other part of society would corrupt practice be so tolerated. Enough is enough, jail those involved in this most recent scandal and pass legislation that makes those at the top of our major financial institutions personally responsible for the conduct of their traders.
    96 of 100 Signatures
    Created by George Gabriel
  • Jail the Fraudulent Bankers
    Because these people affect our every day life and by their cheating and gambling
    256 of 300 Signatures
    Created by John Hockaday
  • Expose the Thatchers (Mother and Son) Role in the Saudi Tornado Deal
    It should reduce corruption in the arms trade and make governments more accountable to the people they serve. Savile gets Investigated and Exposed after Death, Same for the Thatchers. (1 living and 1 dead)
    1,102 of 2,000 Signatures
    Created by keith Wicks