• Thomas Cook, decent compensation to the Shepherds.
    Thomas Cook are morally responsible for the deaths of two children, Bobby and Christi, who died of carbon monoxide poisoning in a hotel room for which Thomas Cook were responsible. The inquest found this week that their deaths were unlawful although criminal prosecutions in this country are unlikely. The senior managers from Thomas Cook refused to answer questions in court, their legal right but to their absolute moral shame. Thomas Cook received £3.5m compensation following the deaths yet the parents of the two children have received only a fraction of this amount. This case is morally offensive, disdains the principles of natural justice and shows the contempt with which large corporations hold ordinary people.
    119 of 200 Signatures
    Created by Andrew Moody
  • Save The Human Rights Act
    The Human Rights Act 1998 offers citizens of the UK many basic protections of their human rights. Under the Conservative's plans they will repeal this act. Don't just sit there whilst this Government begin to slowly strip us of protection whilst they implement their policies. Have your say! Please sign the petition, share with your friends in order to protect our basic human rights!
    201 of 300 Signatures
    Created by Jack Pethick
  • 20mph speed limits and traffic control on Weston Estate
    We need to bring the 20mph zones to a part of Otley that has so many young families, along with traffic calming measures and assurances from local police that they will also work alongside the council. The rest of Otley has the 20mph zones so its time to bring the whole of Ashfield in line.... lets not let it take a serious accident.
    140 of 200 Signatures
    Created by Gareth Dibble Picture
  • Lord Janner must not escape justice
    Lord Greville Janner is a suspected serial paedophile who has abused children with impunity for many decades. Protected by the political elite, numerous inquiries have been buried, case files lost or stolen and now he's using his health to escape justice yet again. Repeatedly they have decided not to proceed with charges against him. Why? Why is he being protected and the rights of victims ignored? We need to send a clear message out that justice will be done regardless of your position in the political elite of this country. DEMAND HE BE PUNISHED FOR HIS CRIMES.
    1,184 of 2,000 Signatures
    Created by Simon Pickles
  • The Aberdeen Half Marathon. Votes for yes.
    There is a massive running community in Aberdeen, and also within the surrounding areas with many running clubs based at all around the area. Aberdeen could only benefit from a high profile mass participation running event. This opportunity to have a half marathon in Aberdeen should be seized with both hands and promoted as a positive, healthy choice, life enhancing thing for anyone who wishes to participate, not to mention the massive benefits to 3rd sector charity organisations such an event brings. There are also massive benefits to local tourism, new high profile races can attract runners from far afield, so hotels and local businesses will see a knock on benefit. If other cities can host such an event, why can't Aberdeen?
    956 of 1,000 Signatures
    Created by Greg Urwin
  • We Demand a Full Exoneration for Robert Green & Justice for Hollie Greig
    We have very shameful and outrageous goings on regarding the sentencing of Robert Green. Not only was he sentenced for 250 hours of community service, but he has been gagged for the rest of his life not to speak about anything to do with the Hollie Greig case. If he does, he is immediately imprisoned for a maximum of 5 years !!! This is unacceptable and it is time to speak out for this man to be Exonerated and the injustice of this whole case. We ask People to Please Sign and Share to Show You Care... Robert was Imprisoned twice... Kept under House Arrest for a year and Now Gagged for Life by Scottish Law, to stop him Speaking Out helping Abuse Victims... We need more Signatures Thank you for helping to get Robert His Freedom of Speech Back... If we Stand Back & Let this Happen to Robert... Who Will Be Next... "Step Forward Without Fear"
    160 of 200 Signatures
    Created by Carmelle Ryan-Sammon Picture
  • Give Rotherham Hospice some more Land
    Rotherham Hospice serves many local people, there are paid staff, volunteers as well as visitors. For how many people work there and then visitors there just isn't enough parking space. With little parking this may put people off from visiting There is a steep drive way which is not very helpful for visitors
    80 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Lisa Raby
  • Forced Adoption, Due to gagging orders
    Forced adoption is the removal of a child from its parents without their consent and usually against their will.Systematic forced adoption pursued as a government priority is unique to the UK. EU countries manage without it therefore it is not as claimed a “last resort” The result is that the parents lose all contact with the child usually for the rest of its life and never know if it is alive or dead. This can happen to parents who have never been convicted of any crime because they are thought to pose a risk to a child in the future Mothers frequently have their babies removed at birth for “risk of emotional abuse” . A prediction difficult for anyone to disprove.
    164 of 200 Signatures
    Created by Christine Robinson
  • Fatal Accident Inquiry for Willie McRae
    Willie McRae was a Scottish naval officer, lawyer, politician and activist involved in numerous campaigns. At the time of his death, he was under constant surveillance by MI5/Special Branch. Retired policeman Donald Morrison (on duty at the time) saw them following Willie on a Friday afternoon - he was found the following morning with a fatal gunshot to the head. In the weeks leading up to Willie's death Donald saw files being removed from Willie's office and taken to a police station to be copied. This was done without Willie's knowledge. Had Willie died at his place of work, while under arrest, or in prison, a Fatal Accident Inquiry would have been mandatory. Willie McRae’s mistake was to die while under highly aggressive surveillance by MI5/Special Branch. In addition to Donald's testimony the Scotland on Sunday recently discovered the following a- The car was removed from the scene and then taken back b- Witness statements were fabricated c- The official suicide verdict was released prior to completion of the ballistics report. An inquiry has been avoided by multiple Lords Advocate since 1985. Not holding an inquiry under these circumstances makes a mockery of the Scottish judiciary. It also leads many people to believe that our Crown Office lacks the teeth and/or the inclination to hold UK Security Services to account for their activity on Scottish soil. Put simply, many don’t believe that Willie committed suicide, and others are undecided. One thing we are all in agreement with, however, is that there are sufficient unanswered questions to warrant a long overdue FAI.
    13,508 of 15,000 Signatures
    Created by Mark MacNicol
  • HMRC investigate the accounts of LionheartGB, Britain First, The Patriot Store.
    The Patriot Store is all pervasive on many pages on Facebook. Originally the domain was registered by Mr James Dowson (ex-BNP, ex-Britain First), but then transferred to Lionheart Products. EVERY Britain First, LionheartGB (and others) pages contain links to the Patriot Store. The newest page is Knights Templar International,which is being heavily promoted by Britain First. The website allows donations to be made (exactly the same as Britain First's), and it solicits donations from abroad. According to Electoral Commission rules, any donation of £500 or more must be returned to the donor if they are not on the UK Electoral Roll. It is urgent that the HMRC investigates the accounts of these 'businesses'. HMRC needs to find the links between the companies, just how many donations/profits are going to 'Britain First', whether or not the donations have come from abroad, and who is behind the entire 'group'.
    791 of 800 Signatures
    Created by Al Doughty
  • councils sending fines recorded delivery
    i recently received a PCN (parking charge notification) it was informing me i had not paid a bus lane offence therefore i lost my right to appeal, the fine was £60, i lost my right to a discount of £30, they added another £30 for non payment, £90 in total, i never received the original fine, the council say once they have sent it its deemed that you have received it, this is totally unfair, there is no way to prove you never received the fine, i want this changing so they have to send recorded delivery
    95 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Jenny Morris
  • Save Sherdil, Shafiq, Izatullah And Others From Horrific Deportation to Afghanistan
    UPDATE 10th March 2015 the Home Office sadly went ahead with the deportation of 32 people to Afghanistan. HOWEVER 20 people were taken off the flight though, including Sherdil, Shafiq and Izatullah. We would like to continue collecting signatures to show opposition to further deportations whilst Afghanistan remains unsafe. We have more time now to really build our opposition- if we collect 100,000 signatures, the issue will have to be discussed in Parliament. NEW PETITION: 38degrees.org.uk/justiceforafghans An Afghan government minister, Mr. Hussain Alami Balkhi, has stated that returned refugees will not be accepted and will be turned away at the airport. Despite this warning, the UK government is still willing to waste thousands of taxpayers money, with an average charter flight costing £218,617, and the government having spent nearly £4m on deportations to Afghanistan in 2011/2. Sources:https://kabulblogs.wordpress.com/2015/02/21/afghan-minister-for-refugees-and-repatriation-stop-deportation-to-afghanistan/ http://www.corporatewatch.org/news/2013/jan/24/cost-charter-flight-deportations-increased-eight-fold-over-last-decade
    1,502 of 2,000 Signatures
    Created by Lara Farrell