• Better funding for rural police!
    Rural crime is on the increase. Police lack the resources to investigate or prevent these crimes. We need more, better funding to give back rural community safety. Rural areas are becoming easy picking so all criminal factions, both petty and organised. Please help to get back a police force that can help us all.
    78 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Hilary Baker
  • Cardinal Vincent Nichols Must Resign
    The sex abuse scandals within the Catholic Church has caused severe damage to its reputation. What is worse is the way they have been handled by the authorities in the Church. Sex abuse is something which causes severe trauma for survivors for the rest of their lives, but the cover ups only add to the trauma. As the leader of the Catholic Church of England and Wales, the IICSA report has shown that Cardinal Nichols has failed in his leadership to deal with clerical abuse. Survivors are now calling for him to resign. It is important, as Christians, to first and foremost, seek justice and healing for survivors, and put that above the reputation of the Church.
    86 of 100 Signatures
    Created by J. R.
  • Free this amazing lady
    This is not right her treatment for her bravery is appalling.. Her children are suffering her family are suffering she is suffering .. she needs to be free and made a hero for all she has done
    13 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Hayley Pirie
  • Domestic violence offenders register
    This is important because whilst there is Claire’s law for people to check this requires information which sometimes isn’t accessible such as previous address from people who have committed crimes. I personally have been in a domestically violent relationship and had there been a more easier way to check then things may not have escalated as far as they did. The information wasn’t easily available to me and I fear other people like myself have struggled to get valuable information that could’ve saved them from harm or potentially reduced it. It’s sad we live in a place where an offender can lie about what happened in a previous relationship and make out that their victim was actually the one at fault, why should their crime disappear from their life as soon as it’s been through court, their police record is private to them unless they wish to share it. This was anyone can view what they have done and have better awareness for themselves, their children, their family and protect themselves with the information that should be accessible!
    44 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Laura Jane Hughes
  • Catalyst converters
    Too many catalyst converters are being cut off cars.
    16 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Frank Bristow
  • Police/Covid-19 warden at St Nicholas CEVA Primary School
    Certain individuals are breaking the law by not following government guidelines regarding the Covid-19 pandemic rules.
    22 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Kat Perkins
  • Allow prisoners to have mobile phones.
    Mobile phones are generally 'smuggled' into jails and then sold on to other inmates at prices that are sometimes not affordable leaving them in debt and families on the outside struggling. By allowing each prisoner to have a mobile phone (non internet enabled) they will be able to have more contact with family members. Reports have been done by the IMB in certain jails where they have stated that prisoners should be allowed these and it would help to combat contriband.
    5 of 100 Signatures
    Created by John James
  • Public inquiry into Medomsley detention centre
    I was a victim of this abuse and i feel the house is not acknowledging the severity of the abuse by offering the such a insulting sum of compensation to the victims
    81 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Colin Seymour
  • Yemen;Stop arm sales to Saudi.
    This government has shamed our country , we should have no part in Genoside or making a profit from a state that has no respect for life, we should be protecting the people of Yemen not taking money from the Saudi who has no respect for human rights
    9 of 100 Signatures
    Created by David Daniels
  • Get Rid of the IPP sentence that was abolished
    I was given an IPP sentence on the day they made changes that to the sentence so you could not receive small tariffs. I have been out of prison since Oct 2013, but not everyone has Bren lucky to get parole and since all of this the sentence has been abolished. It is important to me as an IPP released prisoner, the sentence messes with people mentally and people are suffering and being forget about in prison.
    17 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Bruno Patricio Camacho
  • Do not suspend trial by jury to catch up with court case backlog
    The right to trial by jury is an ancient and essential part of the English Legal System and to remove it or erode it in any form would be a disaster for the common people. Once rights are eroded it is almost impossible to win them back. We don't won't to start sliding down that slope.
    23 of 100 Signatures
    Created by cheri mclaughlin
  • No more dispersal orders on Mill Road!
    On the 18th June 2020, Cambridge Police published news that a dispersal order has been issued for the Mill Road area, “in a bid to reduce anti-social behaviour’. This is apparently in response to ’persistent and aggressive begging’, people ‘sleeping in the middle of pavements’, and ‘disrupting local businesses while under the influence of alcohol’, as well as fights in the area and an increase in littering. PC Adam Price said, “the behaviour is having a detrimental effect on the quality of life of residents, visitors and business owners in the area. The dispersal order gives us the power to make those causing the anti-social behaviour leave the area with immediate effect and not to return within a specified period.” We appreciate that Cambridge Police are attempting to keep the residents of the Mill Road Area safe. However, many of those accused of “anti-social behaviour” are residents, including those without a fixed address. While they are residing in the area, they are residents too and deserve to be protected. If this dispersal order has been made in the name of “residents’ quality of life”, surely the local residents in most urgent need of support to maintain a decent quality of life are those experiencing homelessness? We fail to see how compelling them to leave the area under threat of arrest offers any solution to the problems which have led to their having to sleep on the pavements of Mill Road. The dispersal order also cited public alcohol abuse and drunkenness. Again, we fail to see how criminalising those experiencing addiction offers any kind of solution to the structural social problems which may have resulted in individuals behaving in this way. We are aware that the dispersal order was made under Section 35 of the Anti-social Behaviour, Crime and Policing Act 2014, which has come under widespread criticism for stigmatising vulnerable members of society. Research by the Joseph Rowntree Foundation found that dispersal orders brought in under ABCPA’s predecessor act, the Anti-Social Behaviour Act 2003, was as much about providing an “important symbolic response that something concrete is being done to address local concerns about anti-social behaviour and perceptions of incivility [...] as such, the power is potentially less concerned with the agency of individuals than the assumptions that are made about what they might do.” Section 35 powers allow police officers to order people to leave an area under threat of arrest in order to prevent members of the public feeling “harassed, alarmed or distressed”. As residents of the Mill Road area, we would like to state publicly that we are not alarmed or distressed by individuals experiencing homelessness; we are, on the contrary, alarmed and distressed by this dispersal order’s criminalisation of homelessness, which stigmatises and displaces our area’s most vulnerable residents, further perpetuating the problems they face. The current pandemic has exacerbated the issues faced by people experiencing homelessness - both by impacting services available to them, and by increasing feelings of anxiety and isolation. At the same time, it has shown all of us the importance of community, and supporting the most vulnerable in our society. This dispersal order therefore feels like particularly bad timing, and in contradiction to what is most needed at this time. A commitment to address the underlying needs instead of relying on dispersal orders will benefit the Mill Road community, not only now but in the future. We are aware that the order expires on the morning of Saturday 20th June. We demand that no such order is ever issued again in our area by Cambridge police. Instead, we call on Cambridge City Council to hold an urgent consultation with people rough sleeping on Mill Road, as well as any relevant support workers, to identify what support is needed to address these issues in a compassionate, sustainable and long-term way. We call for a budget to provide any support needs which are identified in the course of the consultation. The consultation must be run in a way that is accessible for all stakeholders. It must not rely on people having access to the internet, coming into inaccessible premises, or making themselves vulnerable to arrest by coming into contact with police. The needs and “quality of life” of everyone in the Mill Road community must be supported in a way which prioritises the most vulnerable and does not make being homeless a crime.
    1 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Mill Road Residents and Supporters