Investigate the soldiers seen shooting at Jeremy Corbyn’s photoThe people of the United Kingdom need to feel safe from Her Majesty’s Armed Forces and not under threat from them. Soldiers have no business to be intimidating our elected representatives in this vile, despicable manner.19 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Lesley Rickard
Stop Knife/Gun Crime on our UK Streets! No more deaths!2019 has seen a shocking and heartbreaking amount of deaths of youngsters and adults on UK streets. But literally how many more people of any age/colour must die on the streets before the government takes a serious stance and acts on this urgent matter? When someone's killed on the street, they are killing not only the family and friends of the deceased but also communities, people's freedom and innocence. Children/teenagers especially should be able to walk the streets and not be in fear of being attacked and yet for many they have to carry a weapon not to kill but to defend. This is not right but it is a reality. We simply must not simply stand by and do nothing. It could happen to anyone or to anyone's child. Please sign the petition and share. The more pressure placed on the government the more hopefully they will listen and act.126 of 200 SignaturesCreated by Daniele Le Ster
REINSTATE THE 20,000 POLICE THAT WERE CUT!WE the public pay in our taxes for policing, but they are struggling with the sheer numbers of crimes and lack of resources. The number of young people murdered this year is abhorrent , and we are only in March! Mrs May , you cannot allow this to go on any longer. How many more needless deaths before the Government take action?17 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Carole Lane
Homeless woman & 15 year old son living on £20 per week.It's the most humain thing to do. Her sons life & future is in their hands.11 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Tim Townend
True recording of homeless deaths2,627 people have died homeless in the last five years - but the true figure is much higher.119 of 200 SignaturesCreated by Liam Byrne
A fine on unwanted sexual attention on the streetsIt is important because this kind of behaviour needs to be stopped asit is disgusting, unnecessary and intimidates and frightens those who are victims of it. It dters me from walking places on my own because of how disturbing this kind of behaviour is to me. In particular, me and many other girls I know have been victim of wolf whistling and unwanted vehicle horn beeping whilst walking home from school - very obviously underage in our school uniforms.11 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Gemma Robinson
Have Mary Queen of Scots returned home to ScotlandMary Queen of Scots was one of Scotlands last monarch’s and was presented with many challenges during her life time. She was imprisoned for many years in England before her excecution for treason, even though she never attempted to claim the English throne. It has never sat well with me that she is burried in Westminster Abbey and not in either her native country of Scotland, or France where she spent most of her life and also reigned for some time. I feel she is still imprisoned and it is the duty of her scottish people to ensure her final resting place is a peaceful one. The Scots were able to get the stone of destiny back, so perhaps this is achievable! I’m hoping that the publicity of the up and coming Mary queen of Scots film will help boost this issue to public debate (although it suffers many inaccuracies, it looks like a great film). Finally it is sad that the Scottish people cannot visit her with her own country. Thank you for your time.28 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Jack Diver
Offer Asia Bibi asylum in the ukEveryone should have the right to freedom of speech and for the ruling of a fair trial to be upheld against objections based on extremism/hate and free from oppression/fear of reprisals from hardline/extremist groups. The court and judiciary should be kept independent and free of pressure from outside influences, be they political, religious or other.8 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Barnaby Kilburn
Bristol to de-twin from GuangzhouOur sister city, Guangzhou is implicated in the Chinese Communist Party’s multi million pound forced organ transplant industry. Evidence has been found that many forced organ transplants have taken place in Hospitals in Guangzhou. BBC Points West report organ harvesting in Bristol's twin city Guangzhou 17 10 18 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uXYjTW6UB5w&t=1s Bristol and Guangzhou have been sister cities since 2001, an agreement signed between Bristol City Council and Guangzhou Municipal Government. However, the sister city relationship is managed by Bristol City Council, Bristol and West of England China Bureau and supported by a number of other organisations in the city. This sister city relationship emphasises economic, educational, technical and cultural collaboration. The CCP uses its influence to entice foreign cities with prospects of economic gain. These sister city deals are managed by business associations that come under control of the Chinese government, leading to a soft stance on human rights violations, accepting dis-information, self-censorship, and in the worst cases, acting on their behalf. A sister city deal consequently supports the CCP’s violations of universal rights, and allows unethical practices to be normalised. This cannot go continue, especially so in Bristol which has improved leaps and bounds in the area of human rights over the years. Many years ago Bristol made the mistake of putting commerce before ethics, even today, citizens are still learning from the past, and finding ways to rectify the social construct where possible. In 1984 the CCP put in a place the ‘1984 provision’ which allows executed prisoners to be organ ‘donors’, this bill violates international guidelines already in place. 2001 reports on organ transplant showed a sudden increase compared to previous years. In 2006 an Independent investigation by Canadians David Kilgour and David Matas (Bloody Harvest) concluded that forced organ harvesting of Falun Gong practitioners has taken place on a large scale across China. Falun Gong is a spiritual practice of the Buddha school, based on the universal principles of truthfulness, compassion, and tolerance. In 1999, a widespread crackdown on Falun Gong started, practitioners were arrested and asked to denounce the practice. Those who did so were released. Those who did not were tortured. Those who still refused to recant after torture disappeared into the Chinese gulag- China's network of labour camps, detention centres, psychiatric hospitals, prisons, and black jails, sometimes referred to as the "Laogai System." Within this Laogai system, prisoners of conscience- Falun Gong; Uyghurs; Tibetans; and House Christians are used in a state run illegal mass organ transplant system unlike the world has ever seen. Part of this extensive Illegal organ transplant system is taking place in our sister city Guangzhou. Our relationship with Guangzhou goes against the collective vision we have for our beloved city. Efforts are being taken nationally and internationally to confront these crimes against humanity, yet we have an opportunity to take the lead and take an ethical stance. To cut ties is one step closer to turning the tide, it can help saves lives. Cutting the tie with Guangzhou will be heard in Beijing, it can help our city officials from being unwittingly complicit in this genocide through business ties to the CCP. We believe we have an opportunity in Bristol for it to live up to our name- Bristol is meant to be a city of sanctuary meaning people are welcome, free from violence or persecution. Bristol told to de-twin from China’s Guangzhou over ‘forced organ harvesting’ https://www.bristolpost.co.uk/news/bristol-news/bristol-told-de-twin-chinas-211784597 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Bristol Against Forced Organ Harvesting
Alan Turing - war hero - to be the face of the new £50 noteAlan is a war hero if it wasn't for his genius we wouldn't be here today to live the lives of such liberty27 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Jonathan Hitchcock
Ban Fox Hunting in ScotlandIn the modern age we regard the Roman gladiator games as cruel and barbaric. However, across Scotland each year thousands of people on horseback, accompanied by their hounds, chase a fox for sport, finally shooting it when it finally collapses from exhaustion to be torn apart by dogs. Whether or not we regard foxes to be pests that need controlling, it is time to end this bestial 'sport', a living embodiment of outdated thinking and brutality. Fox hunting is not part of the Scotland we love, because we strive for a peaceful, progressive future.112 of 200 SignaturesCreated by sarah newman
Say NO to a Mega-Prison in Glen Parva.The numbers of people sent to prison in England and Wales are out of control. Prison does not work to address harm, it increases harm. Currently England and Wales have the highest rate of imprisonment in Western Europe, and building more prisons will make this worse. More people will be sent to prison for minor crimes. In Glen Parva, pollution from construction activity will enter the Grand Union Canal and local bat, hedgehog and toad life will be affected. The increase of prisoners will put a strain on local services and infrastructure as it did in Wrexham with HMP Berwyn. Local residents will also be affected by increased noise, light pollution and congestion. The £170 million planned to build the mega-prison should instead be invested in public services, which will benefit the community.15 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Midlands AEN
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