• Challenging the DBS system
    The DBS system is designed to show if people have convictions. Being homeless is not a crime. Within the care sector we cannot employ people without a DBS. Being homeless prevents people from being able to obtain a police record check which will prove that they are not a criminal. being homeless could happen to ANY if us and is NOT a crime. There is currently around 11,000 care vacancies in this country right now. Legislation needs to be changed to be more inclusive.
    25 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Chrissie Medway Steel
  • Make 101 a free call
    Nobody wants to be the victim of a crime or need to call the police. If you've just lost everything the last thing you need is to find 15p to call someone. It just does not make sense to be charged to report something that wasn't your fault in the first place. Plus with mobile calls you might get disconnected and 5 calls later you've spent 75p.......
    62 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Richard Foster
  • Safeguard the rights of those lacking mental capacity
    Since 2005, the Mental Capacity Act has safeguarded the rights of people in care homes, hospitals and other places where they are deprived of their liberty. A High Court ruling -namely the 'Cheshire West' ruling - resulted in vaste numbers of people becoming eligible for protections which ended up having a lot of duplication. There is a real need to streamline services. The Law Commission drafted a bill to streamline the Act to give real efficiencies but preserved the balance of rights safeguarded in the original Act. The bill introduced - and currently being rushed through Parliament - has controversially removed a lot of the protections of vulnerable peoples' rights and there is a real risk that the essence of the original Act will be watered down and lost. The Lords - in their second reading of the Act - raised real concerns and there is very little time left to get this right. The next reading is scheduled for early September. We can get this right and urge the right people to also do so. This petition seeks to gather public support to ensure that people currently in positions that none of us would choose to be have their basic human rights upheld and protected by systems with appropriate checks and balances without cutting corners.
    51 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Richard Mager
  • Stop seizing migrant children from parents.
    The psychological damage caused by this inhumane and cruel policy as revealed in the Observer newspaper on Sunday 5th August 2018 is irreparable and shames the United Kingdom. The hypocrisy of criticising the Trump administration for its immigration policy is breathtaking. It is shameful to be treating some of the most vulnerable and needy people in the world in this way. https://www.theguardian.com/uk-news/2018/aug/05/child-separation-migrant-parents-uk-hostile-environment-trump
    21 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Huw Rowlands
  • Stop cars speeding down Dallowie Road in Patna, East Ayrshire
    Having lost two cats in the last 16 weeks due to being hit by cars in this street, my worry is that maybe next time a child could be killed. Dallowie Road is a road which is regularly used especially by children and adults going to School and the local Doctor’s surgery plus also has access to the local shops. Dallowie road has a straight expanse and yet does not have any speed bumps installed which would help to slow drivers down. East Ayrshire Council, please take action and install speed bumps before someone is killed.
    165 of 200 Signatures
    Created by Fiona Blain
  • Prevent the UK Extradition of Julian Assange to America
    After protecting WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange for almost six years, Ecuador is now planning to withdraw its political asylum, and eject him from its London embassy which would turn him over to the British authorities. Lenín Moreno, the newly-elected President of Ecuador, visited London last week to give a speech at Global Disability Summit on 24 July 2018. However, media reports suggest the actual purpose of the President's visit was to finalize a deal with UK government to withdraw its asylum protection of Assange. According to the Intercept's Glenn Greenwald, multiple sources close to the Ecuadorian Foreign Ministry and the President's office have confirmed that Julian Assange will be handed over to Britain in the coming weeks or even days. The Backgroud: Julian Assange, has been living in The Embassy of Ecuador in London since June 2012, when he was granted asylum by the Ecuador Government after a British court ordered his extradition to Sweden to face questioning over an alleged sexual assault and rape charge. In 2017 Swedish Attorney teams visited Assange in London which resulted in all charges being dropped. However, Assange could still not leave the Ecuador Embassy as UK Police forces maintained a 24/ 7 presence around the building with orders to effect an arrest warrant for a minor charge of "failure to surrender," which carries a prison term of three months and a fine. However, the real reason for an arrest warrant would be to also effect an Extradition to America where he is facing federal charges for publishing classified information leaked by Chelsea Manning in 2010, illustrating atrocious war crimes. The leaked files included video footage of Reuters news reporters, and innocent bystanders being murdered by a US helicopter gunship. The footage was entitled Collateral Murder, and was immediately also widely published in media outlets all around the world. The Guardian, New York Times, The Washington post amongst many others have all made a fortune from the information that was published by WikiLeaks, but are not being targeted in any way by US government. Instead the US government have sighted Wikileaks and Julian Assange as enemies of the state, and have even called for his assignation by drone strike! In 2016, The United Nations ruled that Julian Assange was and had been Arbitrarily Detained at the Embassy and should be immediately set free with compensation, however this ruling has been totally ignored. Current Situation: Julian Assange, has not been online since March 2018, after Ecuador cut his communications with the outside world from its London embassy... no visitors, no phone, no internet connection. The Ecuadorian government took this decision after Assange tweeted in support of the Catalan independence movement exposing Spanish governments alleged human rights violations. According to Ecuador, Assange had breached an agreement to refrain from interfering in other states' affairs. In reality however, it is thought that America is currently applying 'significant pressure' on Ecuador, including threatening to block a loan from the International Monetary Fund (IMF) if Assange continues to be allowed stay at its London Embassy. He is therefore now unable to defend himself against any of the allegations that are being currently issued. It is completely unacceptable for the UK Government to knowingly allow and Extradition Process to happen, with the knowledge that US officials are seeking a death penalty. Julian Assange has provided us all with the privilege of gaining access to the Truth behind many of the world's most complex geo-political issues. Action: This issue is Urgent. Julian Assange could now be evicted at any time and extradited to America. Please Take Action and sign this campaign, and broaden the public understanding of this issue.
    59 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Simon Kirton
  • Proscribe the EDL
    The rise of the far right leads our nation into darkness. The right to free speech cannot include the use of violence at rallies and demonstrations
    6 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Jeff Thomas
  • Sir Gareth Southgate
    Because he made england feel proud again
    15 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Terry Lewis
  • Improvements for Kingfisher and Fairfield
    We believe these long term spends would improve access for safe play for residents and people from all over the borough who visit the site. The site is directly next to the local public swimming pool and as such attracts a lot of visitors. Long term solutions are proven to be the right option. We all feel that sending someone to litter pick on the rare occasion a resident makes a complaint simply cannot be accepted as a solution. It is a weak, short term solution for a big problem, and the council need to stop avoiding the issue and do the right thing by its residents.
    13 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Lucille Bethell
  • Stop Extradition of an Innocent
    UK Government are giving special treatment to USA when it comes to extraditing UK Citizens. Apparently USA aren't even bound to provide proof to extradite a person. They can provide a summary of the offence and will not be asked to prove it by the Magistrate Court Judge. Bail reforms Act is not even part of Extradition Law, which take away UK Citizen right to get a bail. it makes it next to impossible for a person to come out on bail and gather evidence to fight the case for himself. Please help us stop the extraditions to USA where we know a non USA citizen will NOT be given a fair trial, and they will stay in prison even when they have not done the crime.
    7 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Madi Arsh
  • Stop The Real Bodies exhibition NEC Birmingham
    We have serious concern about the unethical nature of The Real Bodies: The exhibition, currently on display in Hall 4, NEC Birmingham. The exhibition displays 20 human corpses and over 200 body specimens, including a pregnant woman complete with her unborn baby in the womb, and foetuses from 10 weeks to 32 weeks gestation. The organiser, Imagine Exhibitions Inc., has not been transparent about the origins of the specimens and is reported to not have valid consent documentation from the deceased and/or their families. Until such documentation is provided, we can’t in good conscience expose our children and the community to such an immoral and base commercial exploitation of the deceased. We urge an immediate shut down of the exhibition and a thorough investigation into any breaches of the UK legislative and/or legal guidelines associated with this macabre display. Please sign our petition to help to stop the unethical exhibition. ################################################### Background: 1. It is our understanding that the presenters have not been able to provide valid documentation to prove the bodies' origins, according to the Newscorp report dated April 10. The same inability to provide appropriate documentation was reported during the 2017 exhibition in Prague and Slovakia. 2. Investigative reports have pointed to the questionable origin of the bodies — a large amount of which were created by a university in Dalian, China — suggesting that the cadavers came from executed political prisoners and dissenters. It is important to note that the German weekly Der Spiegel cited the inventor of plastination, Gunther Von Hagens, that the bodies from Dalian were “very fresh”, a criteria that is preferred in the plastination process. In accordance with China’s law a body can be classified as “unclaimed” if it remains in the morgues for 30 days – a duration too long for the plastination process to be successful. 3. In 2010, France’s highest court, the French Supreme Court declared the commercial exhibition of human remains illegal, effectively closing down all such exhibits. Two years later, the Israeli Supreme Court issued a similar ruling. Hawaii banned the shows, as did city councils in Seattle and elsewhere. 4. China’s track record of abuse in the area of organ transplantation has been well documented by governments, media and independent investigators. The grossly unethical Bodies exhibits are believed to be closely linked to these prolific abuses, where similarly vulnerable populations and prisoners of conscience have been reported to be unwilling "donors". The latest evidence compiled in the 2016 report by David Kilgour, Ethan Guttman, and David Matas indicates that China performs up to 100,000 transplants a year, while having a very underdeveloped public donation scheme.
    59 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Ben HE
  • Information Commissioner open consultation
    The ICO refuse to enforce the law on behalf of the individual and refuse to investigate no matter how blatantly obvious the offence has been undertaken. The benefit of the doubt is always given to the data controller. Section 173 of the new act claims to institute a criminal offence "to alter, deface, block, erase, destroy or conceal information with the intention of preventing disclosure of all or part of the information that the person making the request would have been entitled to receive." This is lifted from section 77 of the existing FOIA 2000 which in the 18 years it has been law has NEVER been implemented by the ICO. Complaints sent to the ICO languish in a 3-4 month queue for attention and if at any point in that timeline the data controller does release any information the ICO deems it to be a matter of slow compliance rather than a criminal offence. The ICO does however have fixed penalties against data controllers for non payment of ICO fees and the data controller cannot be allowed to pay later than specified. It is our data and yet the organisation responsible for protecting our rights simply will not do so unless the breach makes the news in some spectacular fashion. My father died I believe as a result of Corporate Manslaughter and the Police who failed to take action to prevent his death have so far refused to comply with my subject access request and FOIA requests and the ICO simply refuse to investigate or take action. Please if you can find the time tell the ICO that their attitude is unacceptable and require a change.
    5 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Wayne Hunter