• Keep Libraries Open in Kent
    Kent County Council are planning to cut the opening hours at 99 libraries. Libraries are a vital source of learning and education. They are a vital public good we cannot do without. People of all ages can enjoy borrowing and reading books, DVDs and CDs, using the internet, reading newspapers and speaking and spending time with others. The plans could mean large numbers of libraries opening for less time. Library chiefs have already drawn up suggested opening hours and some could see big reductions. For more information on the libraries facing cut in opening hours across Kent, see this article: All the Kent libraries facing a cut in their opening hours in cost-cutting move: https://www.kentlive.news/news/kent-news/kent-libraries-facing-cut-opening-2260765#r3z-addoor
    6,203 of 7,000 Signatures
    Created by Deborah Gasking
    This is a thriving and successful community pub that has served the area since the 1850s. We urge the London Borough of Lewisham planning department to refuse the application to demolish this handsome, landmark, historic pub which is well-used and much-loved by the community.
    425 of 500 Signatures
    Created by South East London CAMRA
  • Control signboards on footpaths
    It seems that while businesses need to licence to place chairs and tables on public footpaths, advertising boards are not regulated at all. They pose a serious problem for blind and partially sighted people in particular but also inconvenience other pedestrians. I have become aware of this more as I am starting to lose my eyesight through macular degeneration. It's important that town centres remain safe for all people.
    171 of 200 Signatures
    Created by Patrick Durham
  • Save our Libraries Essex (SOLE)
    Essex County Council have announced plans to close 25 libraries and to turn a further 19 over to be run by local communities to save money. My local library, in West Mersea, employs 2 people for 21 hours a week. Not only will they lose their jobs if these closures go ahead, but so will all the staff at the threatened 44 libraries. My library is thriving. It is always busy with people of all ages reading newspapers and periodicals, borrowing books, DVDs and CDs, accessing the internet, researching their family ancestry and speaking to others. Libraries are fantastic assets to the community and need to be saved. No libraries in Essex should be closed or downgraded to being run by volunteers The elderly population of Essex need these libraries. Many do not have computers and some of them may not speak to anyone else in their day. We need local libraries in local communities which can be accessed on foot or bike, by all sections of society. Please think again before implementing these closures.
    11,812 of 15,000 Signatures
    Created by Bry Mogridge
  • Save Cole Thomson
    Cole Thomson is only 6 years old and has uncontrolled focal epilepsy of which he has now become drug resistant. He has tried 16 different types of medication and had his first brain surgery when he was only 2 years old. To date nothing has been able to stop his seizures. Unfortunately there has been a steady decline in his health since May this year. Coles speech, vision, movement and memory are all continuing to deplete and he has also developed Todd Paralysis, which is extremely distressing for his 9 year old brother Dylan when he takes an attack as well as his parents, grandparents, other family members and especially 6 year old Cole himself. Currently the next step in Scotland is invasive testing, which for Cole would potentially be in the first quarter of 2019. He has a 1 in 100 chance of not surviving the operation, to see if he is a suitable candidate for further exploratory brain surgery. We are looking for your help to enable a step in between which could negate the need for surgery by allowing him legal access to cannabis based medicine. After speaking to Coles mum we became increasingly concerned at the amount of unlicensed, untested products being offered to her on the black market to apparently “help Cole”. Coles parents are unwilling to take the risk with any of these products. This does not take away from the fact that they’ve been offered unlicensed products by numerous different sellers and shows that currently there is a market feeding off of the fears of vulnerable families, who are desperately looking for answers to improve their children’s quality of life or indeed save it. We are looking to support the family by putting a campaign forward to you The Scottish Government to enable Cole to gain legal access to prescription cannabis based medicine. This would be the step before invasive surgery which would give him the opportunity to try a more natural drug which has a very high success rate for children like Cole all over the world. Please support our campaign to Save Cole Thomson by allowing him to get prescription cannabis based medicine.
    14,647 of 15,000 Signatures
    Created by monique mcadams
  • Save Welshpool Library
    The County Council wish to relocate the library to the museum, which is half the size and result in the downgrading of both services. Welshpool Library is purpose built in a central location which is convenient for all. It has parking spaces and is instantly recognisable. In the proposed location, it would house less than half the current bookstock, and there is very little space for children's storytimes and activities. The Museum would be squeezed into an upstairs space and jobs would be lost.
    65 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Roger Foulkes
  • Acklam Village License Amendment Petition
    Simply, these constraints are putting yet another Portobello institution at risk as sales have dropped because, most people want to buy their lunch from a stall, get a drink from the bar and sit down and relax in the open air child friendly zone. Unfortunately, at present they would be unable to purchase an alcoholic drink outside and drink it open-air so, they go elsewhere. This restriction has not been applied to any of the pubs in the area-few of which field live music all day for free and many of which are far more expensive than Acklam and not child friendly. So, what we are asking for is a license amendment that allows us the right to serve drinks in the bars at Bay 57.58 and the Market Area till 7pm. It’s not a lot to ask.
    477 of 500 Signatures
    Created by Dermot Cadogan
  • Open a new homeless shelter on Morley Street, Brighton
    The building will make a big advance towards ending rough sleeping in Brighton & Hove by 2020 and be self-financing with housing benefits and volunteers. The building at 1-2 Morley Street, known as 'PsychoSocial', is currently unoccupied, meaning it would be easy for the council to purchase. It is also in a great location, as it is close to an excellent health centre, thereby lightening the load on A&E at the hospital. We've had two major successes so far in improving and increasing the amount of night shelters for Brighton's homeless. First of all in 2017, we won a campaign for Brighton and Hove Council to commit to opening night shelters for rough sleepers. Then we won a campaign for Brighton and Hove Council to have shelters open 365 days a year. These achievements only cam after thousands of us signed a petition. Brighton Centre should be open this November (2018) but by the middle of winter users will have to relocate to other venues. Now, we need a permanent shelter for Brighton's homeless, and Morley Street is the perfect location.
    4,532 of 5,000 Signatures
    Created by John Hadman
    Huncoat Colliery is one of the best places in Hyndburn to see butterflies, wildflowers and other wildlife. Since the Colliery stopped operating in the 1960s, the land has been reclaimed by nature and is now a haven for wildlife. Although classed as brownfield land, Huncoat Colliery is more like a nature reserve. 21 butterfly species are present at Huncoat Colliery, 13 of which are in decline, including 2 species classed as a priority in the UK Biodiversity Action Plan (Small Heath and White-letter Hairstreak). Butterflies are attracted to Huncoat Colliery by large areas of wildflowers, including stunning patches of wild orchids. Huncoat Colliery is an accessible site which gives local people easy access to nature, as well as providing educational interest. Sadly, Huncoat Colliery has been earmarked for housing development. This could be terrible news for local biodiversity, as we stand to lose an area rich in wildlife at a time when it’s more important than ever to protect the precious habitat we have left. This site has the potential to be a destination and a contribution to tourism in the Borough.
    805 of 1,000 Signatures
    Created by KERRY GORMLEY Picture
  • Re-think the Stoke Park path
    Many users of Stoke Park value it as our little slice of 'countryside' in what is an ever-increasingly developed area of Bristol. We don't want that green space criss-crossed with wide modern tracks. We are concerned that this path will be the first of many, and will lead to the urbanisation of Stoke Park as the council seeks to turn it into a “destination park” (words they have used to describe their longer term aims). There is a valid argument for providing some form of improved access to the park for those people with mobility issues, or for parents with buggies and/or toddlers. However, if this is to happen then it should cause the absolute minimum of visual impact via a different route (i.e. not their proposed routes) and provide the added benefit of linking up to the existing woodland paths, to maximise the benefit to those users. We feel that the council have presented their idea and consultation in a very steered way in order to single-mindedly pursue what they want, and are concerned that transport mitigation money is being used in this way. Although the council have consulted on their specific route proposal, they could of/should have engaged with the community much earlier in the process, to seek ideas about where any path should go and what it should achieve. We are therefore expressing that we object to the council's proposed path and the consultation process which they are using to support it. See an alternative proposal that some local community members of Friends of Stoke Park came up with - https://www.facebook.com/stokeparkpath/ Council proposal for 'active travel connection' - https://travelwest.info/projects/stoke-park-accessible-path-proposal
    1,247 of 2,000 Signatures
    Created by Stephen Bartle
  • Stop Chepstow Town Council removing Able Seaman Williams Gun
    At the Chepstow Town Council meeting on 12 September 2018, a discussion was had about the possible removal of the gun tribute to Able Seaman Williams. Two town councillors openly questioned the connection of the memorial gun to Chepstow Town and a third called for a vote, on removing the gun there and then. Fortunately, a vote was not taken on the night. The discussion point was not on the formal Agenda nor captured in the Minutes with the Town Council dismissing the discussion as conversation. The memorial gun was gifted to the town by King George V to mark the outstanding bravery and in memory of William Charles Williams who was also awarded the Victoria Cross posthumously. Relatives of Able Seaman Williams still reside in the Chepstow area today. Chepstow Town Council lists that one of its roles on behalf of the community is to undertake 'the regular cleaning of the Town's War Memorial' presumably the Cenotaph and memorial gun. Given the current state of disrepair to both, it is clear the Town Council have failed in this regard. In minutes dated September 2016, Action 88 - a resolution was made to accept two quotations which had been sought for the specialist repairs and cleaning, Action 89 provided a full report to be tabled at the meeting on the memorial - requests for this report (89) have been made but not yet provided. Further action has happened since, and after enquiries were made this week, it was confirmed that specialist cleaning will not take place until March 2019. There has been no confirmation however on when the repair work will be undertaken on the gun which gives residents cause for concern. We the undersigned, are outraged that the Town Council is even considering, without any public consultation, removing such an important, historical structure and vehemently oppose any attempt to remove or move the gun. And we are outraged that the Town Council has not undertaken its duties in respect to the war memorial particularly given that this year sees the 100 year anniversary of the end of WW1. The plight of the gun and it's dire state was highlighted in the Chepstow Beacon on 2 November.
    1,722 of 2,000 Signatures
    Created by shari finch
  • Remove Pinkham Way nature conservation site from the North London Waste Plan
    There is no justification or evidence for including this nature conservation site in the new North London Waste Plan. Haringey's own Regulatory Committee has recommended that it be removed. PLEASE NOTE: This issue will now be considered at the Haringey Cabinet Meeting on 22 January 2019, and not the one in November mentioned above. The point of the petition remains exactly the same, and it will now remain open for signing until just before the new date in January.
    2,354 of 3,000 Signatures
    Created by Pinkham Way Alliance