Petition for the Return to Use of Hartlepool HospitalHartlepool is a city of 100,000 people. Our General Hospital, later called the University Hospital of Hartlepool, covered not just that population, but another 100,000 people in towns and villages to the North of Hartlepool. Since the closure of our Accident Emergency and the moving of many of our services from our state of the art modern hospital to another hospital to the South, some fifteen miles away of Hartlepool, there have been higher than expected annual death rates; to the extent that it has become a matter of concern. it takes a full extra 30 minutes to arrive at A&E from Hartlepool, and it takes more than an hour to arrive at that same overcrowded A&E from other local areas. http://i.dailymail.co.uk/i/pix/2012/07/14/article-0-141053F5000005DC-371_634x729.jpg The ill and infirm, and anyone who wishes to visit them, have a very long journeys when sick, or to visit. This is intolerable hardship when a hospital still stands which could serve all the needs of the local population. This not only increases the financial hardship in terms of travelling costs, but it increases travelling times and the need to travel for all of the staff too. To add to this all of the data regarding privatisation has shown that patients are not the first priority. Fortunately we have been promised that a fully funded national service is now within our remit and a solid possibility, and this will better serve the population and less profit will go to large business based in other countries. We ask for direct funding to again have the NHS and the Hospital which our society deserves.2,459 of 3,000 SignaturesCreated by Robert Price
Abolish "pay per minute" for carersSo that carers get a fair wage .1,053 of 2,000 SignaturesCreated by Ellen Waites
Re open Poole Public toiletsPoole Council's closure of town centre and shopping area toilets is hurting those who need more accessible loos - whether that be for those with disabilities, parents with small children and our OAPs. The alternative offered of using the toilets provided in shops does not take into account our community's needs as the shops taking part in the scheme may not be open when you need it or not be what people need. For example, I have spoken to disabled people that would not want to go into a cafe to use their wc to change themselves with their helper. One other lady said: "My husband had prostate cancer. We wouldn't have been able to go out if there were no public toilets for him to use. There are many in the same situation who rely on them." In Bournemouth, they have new disabled toilets with hoist and a changing table. Let's get Poole Council to reinstate the public toilets - particularly for OAPs, parents with small children and disabled people.1,456 of 2,000 SignaturesCreated by M Scott-Martin
Stop the closure of four hospitals in South DevonA lot of people work in all those hospitals and many would lose their jobs and the patients could be transferred to those community hospitals that aren't near their homes and families.21 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Yvette Yates
Divert £1bn to the NHS from the banksWe have voted to leave the European Union. Right or wrong, there it is. With the news this morning that Mark Carney, Governor of the Bank of England, will make £250 BILLION POUNDS available for the banks to keep the financial markets of the UK stable, we are all complaining that the promise to divert much needed funds into the NHS was just rhetoric. Our Nation Health Service is falling apart. If this money is available to aid stability we should use a small amount of it wisely. The NHS is desperate for a cash injection, the banks are not. This petition is to the British Government, to supply the NHS with much needed cash to stabilise a true British achievement. The banks do not need ALL of the money and with the lies told for the leave campaign, its about time the people who devote their lives to helping others keep their health got a bit of a breather.4,416 of 5,000 SignaturesCreated by Mark Reardon
Save the 20 Bus RouteEssex County Council have decided to withdraw the subsidy for the 20 and 167 bus routes which they currently pay to Transport for London. This is to take effect from April 2016. It is boggling as to how they can propose cuts to the service, let alone the possibility that it could disappear altogether. More info here: http://www.buckhursthillresidents.co.uk/index.php/14-news/104-threat-to-20-167-bus-routes Please also check out https://you.38degrees.org.uk/petitions/save-the-167-bus-route for a campaign (by H Chow) hoping to save the 167 route from Debden to Ilford.813 of 1,000 SignaturesCreated by Sam MP
Save HIV services in LewishamThe Terrence Higgins Trust claimed counselling services were threatened by reduced funding in Lambeth, Lewisham and Southwark. HIV rates in the three London boroughs are far higher than other parts of the UK. The services provided by the Terrence Higgins Trust, which currently provides specialist advice and counselling services for people living with HIV across the three boroughs are currently funded by Lambeth Council, Lewisham CCG and Southwark CCG but are being reviewed this month. Please continue to fund these vital services to vulnerable people in the borough who suffer with HIV.209 of 300 SignaturesCreated by Stephen Norton
Save the 167 Bus RouteThe Transport for London (TfL) proposal to cut the 167 bus route so that it only runs between Ilford to Loughton station will significantly impact people who live in Debden or who need to get to Debden. In particular, people who don’t have cars and who depend on public transport such as school children, elderly people, people with mobility problems and parents with young children. The carer for my disabled son relies on the 167 bus route to travel to my house in Debden twice a week to provide me with much-needed respite care. This proposal will make it much harder and longer for her to get to and from my house. The proposed new route 677 will have just one bus in the morning and one in the afternoon and will follow the existing route of the 167 until Loughton and will then become a shuttle service from Loughton to Debden to cover the secondary schools. This plan is flawed and inadequate. My son goes to one of the local Debden schools and with only one bus he will struggle to get on the bus along with all the other students from Davenant Foundation School, Roding Valley High School and Debden Park High School. If he can’t squeeze onto the one bus or has after-school activities or if he misses the bus then he will be left with little choice for transportation. This proposal is not only unfair as it impacts hardest on those who are most in need of good public transport. But it is also short-sighted as: - The Central Line is already under heavy pressure and cutting the 167 will push even more people to use an already overcrowded tube line. - There are a number of proposed residential and commercial developments in the Debden area, this will increase demand for transport not reduce it. One of TfL’s mottos is ‘Every Journey Matters’ and we want to say that the 167 bus route matters! It is extremely valued and well used, serving all members of the community and we appeal to you to scrap your proposals and let us keep the existing 167 route.2,188 of 3,000 SignaturesCreated by H Chow
Don't isolate the people living on The Bristol Estate, East BrightonThe Bristol Estate is located in East Brighton. An area predominately made up of high and low rise social housing. The residents are currently feeling isolated from the rest of the city due to the infrequency of their bus service. A few years ago buses used to take folk in and out of the estate every 7 mins. Now, however it is every 30 mins in the day time and a shocking every 75 mins in the evenings. With buses running on Sundays only once an hour. For the many elderly people living here the infrequency of the buses is adversely affecting their well being. The elderly talk about not wanting to go into town to the theatre or to see a concert anymore as they cannot risk being stuck at a bus stop for well over an hour. People talk about not being able to take on evening jobs as they would not be able to return home safely. Residents talk about the difficulties in getting to the Doctors and the Dentists. There is only one small shop servicing the whole estate, so locals rely on the bus for eating, for leisure activities, for health care, for work, for education. The residents feel like they have been forgotten, that they don't matter, that no one cares that they cannot get out and about for their good health and well-being like other residents in the city. We call upon Brighton and Hove City Council to ensure that the residents of The Bristol Estate have a fair and equal access to the city centre by making the provisions needed to allow a more regular and frequent bus service to and from the estate. Please do not allow the poverty gap to increase further in our city by not doing all you can to make sure that residents can move easily and frequently in and out of the estate on public transport.664 of 800 SignaturesCreated by Mitchie Alexander
Stop the closure of Woodside baby roomThere is woefully poor provision for childcare of under 2's in Walthamforest. Waiting lists are often 12 months or more. Woodside is a amazing nursery that gives families somewhere safe and happy to put their babies. It is an important resource that needs protecting for families now and in the future. There needs to be more support to enable mothers to return to work once their maternity leave finishes - this is when a child turns 1, not 2. Please sign this petition to protect an important resource in the community.224 of 300 SignaturesCreated by Sharon Woollard
Reopen Pendine Cliff Toilet FacilitiesMany tourists are finding it a big turn away to have to go from one end of the beach to the other just to use the toilet, it's a long walk for young children and disabled people and is affecting businesses and tourism.112 of 200 SignaturesCreated by Diane Bufton
Stop privatisation of Defence Business ServicesVeterans’ welfare, armed forces pensions and the handling of casualty notifications are all at risk as the Ministry of Defence (MoD) plans to privatise its shared services organisation – Defence Business Services (DBS). DBS employs over 2,200 people and is responsible for MoD armed forces and civilian pay, pensions and HR, delivering welfare to 900,000 veterans and their dependents, handling casualty notifications and administration 24 hours a day, UK wide security vetting and making payments to all defence suppliers. MoD’s track record with private companies in DBS generates some big concerns. In 2012, Serco and Accenture were brought in as management partners where they were paid for running the organisation but additionally received 40p for every pound saved via ‘efficiency gains’. This led to reckless cuts, asset stripping and manipulating of performance measures in a profit grabbing frenzy. In many areas of DBS, jobs were cut to generate a saving (and profit for Serco and Accenture) but were then reinstated at a later date. When the Serco-Accenture contract was brought to an end this year, it was hoped that common sense had prevailed. Yet now the MoD want to go one step further by fully privatising the running of DBS. The MoD argue that this will bring them savings but history tells another story. Instead, it will result in cuts to services, putting those who rely on DBS, like veterans, MoD staff and army personnel at risk. It could also open the door to offshoring of work and defence sensitive data as companies seek to maximise profits. The alarm bells don’t stop there. A recent National Audit Office report has revealed that privatisations of other shared services across Whitehall has failed to deliver value for money to taxpayers, with long delays and rising costs. DBS is one of the largest and most complex shared services organisations in Europe, carrying out sensitive and critical services to the MoD, its staff, the armed forces and veterans. The MoD should safeguard this by keeping DBS public.1,349 of 2,000 SignaturesCreated by Rachel Hickman
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