• Stop the UK government killing off the UK solar industry
    The Dept for Energy and Climate Change has just unveiled sweeping plans to slash subsidies to solar power. They are proposing measures that include cutting aid to small-scale solar power installations, and ending subsidies for roof-top panels earlier than expected. Solar and wind energy installations of less than 5MW are supported by feed-in tariffs - schemes that pay producers a subsidy for the electricity they generate, plus a bonus for any electricity exported back to the national grid. Under the new proposals, the amount to be paid from next year will fall to 1.63p per kilowatt hour from a current level of 12.92p for a new residential solar system. This is a hugely short sighted move by the government and is devastating for Britain's solar sector which employs over 35,000 people. The Secretary of State herself has stated that the total cost this year of the solar RO was just £3 per household on energy bills. Ending support for solar power makes no sense at all. The energy market currently has a wide range of subsidies and tax allowances in place, across all the technologies – renewables, nuclear and gas - and not all of these are transparent when it comes to the consumer. They have made these announcements after the House of Commons has risen for the summer recess so proper scrutiny in Parliament will now not be possible until after the consultation deadline. The Welsh government is already concerned, a spokesperson said the plans have the "potential to put jobs and investment under threat by reducing subsidies to projects already in the pipeline". The government is deliberately over-exaggerating the impact of renewable energy on bills and the timing of this move on solar power could not be worse as it is nearly subsidy free. Greenpeace pointed out that the government's maximum additional spend on green technologies by 2018 would be approximately half of what it spends subsidising the coal industry. Other groups called the changes "absurd". "Of course the feed-in tariff should fall as solar becomes cheaper, but the government clearly plans to remove support entirely," said Alasdair Cameron from Friends of the Earth. "This is politically motivated, and will take away power from people and hand it back to big energy firms." “Cutting the subsidies now will see businesses go bust and investment dry up. Jobs will go and emissions will stay higher at a time when policies and funding should be in place to ensure quite the opposite,” said Daisy Sands, head of the energy campaign at Greenpeace. Ray Noble, owner, Solar BIPV Ltd and Solar Power Portal outstanding achievement award winner has commented: "The decision to stop supporting the fastest deploying energy generation technology seems like madness to me. Especially when you consider that we are short of electricity, that solar has the biggest support of the the population; yet at the same time still giving 2 ROCs to other technologies that are creating the largest drain on the budget. Seems like winners are not liked and losers are preferred! “Combined with the cuts to wind subsidies, it looks like the government is gearing up for a full frontal attack on the renewable energy sector in the autumn while still handing out billion-pound tax breaks for oil and gas industry … It’s no good David Cameron saying how important the climate talks in Paris are, if the chancellor simultaneously weakens any shred of credibility of a claim to the UK’s low carbon leadership.” Please sign the petition now to help save jobs in the UK and support our commitment tackling climate change.
    32,201 of 35,000 Signatures
    Created by R V
  • 0.1% Robin-hood Tax on Forex Market to raise $150bn for UK annually
    -Government will efficiently be able to raise taxes from banking/ financial sector -The tax could reduce some speculation in the currency market -The tax would raise up to £100 billion for UK Treasury -The countries who are keen to introduce this tax, will follow our lead -We can end Austerity & the misery caused for 10 million families in UK -We can invest this extra source of revenue to make our economy work for all -We can bear pressure on our governments (under the influence of strong vested interests) to act for the common good. By putting your name to this petition, not only can we make a huge difference soon, we can also give hope for our future generations.
    127 of 200 Signatures
    Created by Gaurang Morjaria
  • We demand that Tobias Ellwood MP resign his parliamentary seat
    Mr Ellwood's recent claim that his MP's salary is insufficient shows a disregard for and disconnect from his many constituents who have accepted limited or no pay increases over recent years in order to boost the nation's economic recovery. Furthermore we feel that his enthusiasm for a pay increase of 10% at a time when public service employees are being restricted to rises of 1%, shows contempt for his electorate and a self-serving attitude which is not in the interest of his constituents.
    1,224 of 2,000 Signatures
    Created by Philip Dunn
  • Stop George Osbourne scrapping housing benefit for under 21's
    In the UK we already have an epidemic of homelessness, if this policy is allowed to go through parliament the numbers of homeless people will increase drastically and child poverty will spiral out of control.
    112 of 200 Signatures
    Created by Paul Duncan
  • Save Home-Start Support in Lincolnshire
    Home-Start provides a vital lifeline to vulnerable families in Lincolnshire through its unique team of home-visiting volunteers. Volunteers spend time with families each week to increase their confidence, reduce their isolation, empowering them to address the challenges they face. Lincolnshire County Council's complete withdrawal of funding and support for Home-Start services, at a preventative level before families fall into crisis, will lead to parents with no appropriate support and thousands of children left at risk of harm.
    1,049 of 2,000 Signatures
    Created by Tracey Ruddock
  • Working parents being punished by Tax Credits slash
    Many of us, having put our details into budget calculators, have been horrified to find we will be much worse off once this budget swings into action. Some of us, already struggling and on the poverty line (which has conveniently been moved by this Government) will really struggle after the cuts to tax credits for working people. The choice between heating & eating will become reality for some. For a lot of people, we work to provide a better existence for our children, and also to give them a positive role model. We are not work-shy benefit claimants, we had children and then continued to work. Giving free childcare to 2-3 year olds really doesn't help those of us with slightly older children, paying for childcare during school holidays so that we can continue working. Many services are ran by working parents. The majority of those who work in this country are parents, and the tax credits helps our family finances to be survivable. It seems so unfair that we are doing what the government wants - "Get Britain Working" - we are!! And we are also parents, who are eking out an existence with Tax Credits help, without that help there is literally no reason for us to work. Its unfair, its unjust, why punish us?? If ALL working parents chose a day next year, and ALL chose NOT to work that day, to stay home and be parents, for one day, imagine the effect that would have!! A big message, from ALL of us working parents, don't cut our tax credits. Please.
    138 of 200 Signatures
    Created by Eleanor Tristram
  • Sack George Osborne
    George Osbourne is clearly out for his own ends and is not acting in the best interests of the people. Its time for him to go, before he does any further damage.
    1,290 of 2,000 Signatures
    Created by Chris Cracknell
  • David Cameron, call a referendum on further austerity
    Many of the working poor, sick and disabled are on a knife-edge as to whether they lose their homes, can continue working, end up in hospital, breakdown, die or commit suicide. The DWP have been fighting the figures for deaths of those found 'fit to work'. The media typically don't report the plight of the working poor or those needing benefits (in or out of work). Councils are given more and more responsibility so that their spending power looks good when they cry out about cuts. The government cuts-back the funding before handing over responsibility. Councils then have to hurt their residents. The people must be given a choice. If Greeks can do it, so can the Brits.
    4,799 of 5,000 Signatures
    Created by David Walker
  • A Minute's Silence for Disabled Deaths
    Deaths of our citizens in a foreign land were enough to secure a minute's silence recently. It's time the government formally acknowledge their complicity in the deaths of the sick and disabled on our own shores by the malicious manipulation and abrogation of the benefits system, when evidence made clear the policy was causing harm.
    343 of 400 Signatures
    Created by Colin Wilson
  • Save Broomhill Rehabilitation Unit
    Broomhill has been a hub in the centre of the community in Gedling, Nottingham for over twenty years. The centre works with people who have enduring and complex mental health problems, helping them to move back to independent living. It is a Nurse-led, 12 bedded inpatient unit. In addition, it supports at least 15 patients in the community who are ex-residents, some of whom have no families or support network. In 2014 the Care Quality Commissioners inspected Broomhill and reported that it is an effective well run service that provides an excellent quality of care. The NHS Trust that Broomhill is part of is planning to close the unit down by October 1st 2015. The in-patients at Broomhill have very difficult needs. They require very skilled help and good therapeutic relationships before they are able to live independently. If Broomhill is closed it is likely one of 3 things will happen to our patients with complex needs: they will be discharged from acute mental health wards into the community and receive an hour or two a week visits from a Community Mental health Team. It’s very likely that this will not be enough to prevent them from relapsing. They will have to stay on the acute hospital wards for a long time. This takes up expensive beds and prevents others from getting a bed and not getting the rehabilitation and recovery work they need The Trust will have to pay for very expensive services from another organisation, often in the private sector, and a long way from the patients’ home. We are all very used to hearing that ‘Cuts are necessary’, but Broomhill is an amazing example of a service that shows excellent quality. Relapse is not just devastating for the patient but in the long term costs dearly and adds pressure to the NHS and other stretched public services. Why break something up that works well and has helped so many patients and their carers? You can read more information about Broomhill on this blog post: https://home.38degrees.org.uk/2015/07/16/save-broomhill-rehabilitation-centre/
    2,552 of 3,000 Signatures
    Created by ben greenaway
  • Filing a class-action lawsuit against the government
    Will you help to spread the word? We're filing a massive class-action lawsuit against the British Conservative government over its hugely unpopular, unfair and destructive Austerity plan. We see it as embezzlement of public funds. We need the best lawyer's support, and we believe we CAN WIN THIS. Please, SHARE THIS MESSAGE WITH ALL YOUR FRIENDS via any and every means at your disposal, including but not limited to facebook, twitter, email and word-of-mouth. My email address is: [email protected] People can contact Michael Mansfield QCs Chambers directly, to tell him how much they value his support and how popular this cause is already and how it's quickly going to go viral. We want half a million petitioners, all the people who attended the June 20th march and rally to Parliament. http://www.mansfieldchambers.co.uk/contact-us/
    17,688 of 20,000 Signatures
    Created by Tony Laing
  • Save Arts Therapies in Sheffield!
    Arts Therapists provide a unique approach within mental health care. It will not only limit the therapeutic services we are able to offer to clients but also be a loss to the teams in which therapists offer perspectives in discussions, decision making and reviews. It will inevitably put more pressures on an already stretched service.
    1,140 of 2,000 Signatures
    Created by gemma dunnery